“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell
Get Rid of Propaganda?  Believe Nothing and No One. Question Everything. Be Prepared To Fight To The Last Liar
Antisemitism proves persistent propaganda does not
work when any truth is obscured by a level of cause

“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned” - R. Feynman

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting
those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
- Thomas Sowell

Your Data: It's Used To Alter Your Environment, Change Your Behavior & Destroy Your Future
The Weaponization of Money, Wages, and Consumption is The Worst Form of Enslavement. You Are Better off Dead Than
Living in Perpetual Economic Enslavement to Money Lenders, Changers, and Controllers. Look No Further than the Impact of Slavery
in the Southern Colonies to Understand the Damage Being A Slave to Anyone and Anything Does to Human Beings

Howard Zinn - WE OBEY TOO MUCH - civil obedience
Lots of Independent News Sites***New/Old News Sites

NOTICE TO ILLEGALS: You abandon your homes to go where you think life is better. America was better once, because people like you rebelled and killed and drove out the greedy, arrogant British  who were exploiting them and the land they lived in to enrich themselves. If you want a better life then get weapons, go home and drive out by all means possible the functionaries and greedy, arrogant money grubbers exploiting you and your homeland.  Negotiation is not an option. Learn from the colonists.  Their way was and is the only way. .
A mass of mongrels without identity is easier to rule than a self-conscious people" - Aristotle on Immigration, Diversity, and Democracy

Carl Sagan interview explaining truth is more important than comforting fantasy and people had to be sceptical of everything they are told“Nevertheless, (Jefferson) believed that the habit of skepticism is an essential prerequisite for responsible citizenship. He argued that the cost of education is trivial compared to the cost of ignorance, of leaving government to the wolves. He taught that the country is safe only when the people rule.” - Carl Sagan
<< Click to Hear Sagan's Last Interview - Video 3 minutes

Is the Myth of Plastic Recycling Finally Being Exposed?

An Anarchist Critique Of Democracy - Some interesting points

The worlds biggest street gang run by deviant criminal punks
The perverts creating laws and environmental modifications to groom your children aisle independent

When the North fought the South to abolish slavery, the 1860 US Census reported 22 million souls lived in the North and 12 million in the South.  Although it is clearly wrong, 12 million people were willing to die to have the right to keep slaves.  Think about that when you think convincing the complacent and ignorant is easy just because you are right.
The political polls from the time: 22 million think keeping black slaves is a good idea, or "Dog food makers" worry what will happen to the South economically if North wins
50% of colonists were loyal to Britain.  This Open Yale course discusses factors effecting change when a significant number of people accept the status quo.

Pfizer Report Shows Up to 40% More Heart Conditions in the Vaccinated

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - CIA Director William Casey.
Screw Up Another Nation for a Naval Base in Bay of Bengal
Leaked files expose covert US government plot to ‘destabilize Bangladesh’s politics’
How Dare They?  India's Independence in Foreign Policy

Israel's False Flag Operation Against Its Own People Nah. God's Children Behave This Way?
Israel As Hitler -  Buying US Gov InvolvementChosen People Chosen for What?  Chomsky

The electric vehicle doom loop gets absurd
What Happens to All the Unnecessary DEI Workers? - They become your worst pension sucking, nation draining bureaucrats with questionable intelligence

Free Speech and the US Constitution makes us hard to govern (sic. "Control") - John Kerry and here

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Gaza, Ukraine and Russia, China

A clear explanation of the economic screwing we are living through - Explained by a Billionaire &Here

Kill Ukrainians For Cash Ponzi Scheme Your Hired Help Run To Make Someone Else A Buck Start Here
World’s biggest banks just nuked Harris/Biden’s ‘Green New Deal’
Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. So much for global warming. But, if the US (the hired help) can propagandize BS the great majority of people (8 to 1) can be prevented from competing using low cost developmental fuels from oil.

Sunlight and Clouds, Not CO2, Drive Earth’s Climate, New Study Finds confirming skepticism is science, politics is fertilizer
How Climate Change Narrative Is Preventing Africa From Modernizing and Gaining Prosperity - Can't let them darkies catch America now, can we? When they die we will have lots of dog food.

Is World War III looming? Experts debate the impact on gold and Bitcoin markets   Fiat Money Explained

Recyclable - Not Hardly - But the BS is
Chinese Companies Essentially "Frack" Cheap Minerals Needed for EV batteries

World's Biggest Political Enema
Go to Will It Blend and See if He Can Figure Out How to Blend Wind Turbines, Using Slimy Politicians As Lubricant
Then Take the Whole Mixture and Deliver It to Governments Around the World 
Then Watch This Video

The Scumbag Democrats and Their Corrupt Behavior - But Not That Much Changes on Either Side of the Aisle

Your phones' mics record your conversations all the time

The Absolutely Useless Hired Political Help's Reckoning With Reality

Woke DEI Policies Supporting LGBTQ ABCDEFG.. blah blah... must include:
Pee in Beer - Yea Bud Light
Excrement in kids chocolate bars - Why not call them Scat Bars?
Quick Prick Aids Virus Delivery Systems
Diapers for Loose butts if the children get their AIDS from Anal sex rather than the Quick Prick Aids Delivery System.  Huggies this.
Think Not?  Read the Gay Desert Guide Hanky Code for Gay Festivities to see what the lifestyle encourages.

The Annotated PDF for print
The Activities Detail Page From the Guide

China-made Monkey King video game causes a frenzy on global debut

US, Not Russia Dictates Narratives to Journalists - Its called Fleecing the Public With Propaganda and Lies

We Reap The Harvest of Lies

England Police say they will extradite and imprison Americans over social media posts - A good bet is the Dems will help

Perrottet’s Covid Apology Is Not Good Enough

Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

Joe Biden's dictatorial policies are despotic, dictatorial and designed to destroy the stability of American society  "Sieg Heil: We Will Screw Your Country Up" - Jodolf Bitler, now with Hamela Embarris           Thanks to Elon Musk's explainer:
  Here is How They Are Doing It

   This video explains how your DNA and life are altered
    by deliberate environmental destruction events
   This video explains the attacks on your children
   The U.S. Government is the largest terrórist organization in the world. What 10 Years of US Despots' Meddling In Ukraine Has Produced

RUSSIA NAMES TERMS - Will anyone listen?

A film quoting world's leading experts pointing out the climate  story is all lies
The Climate Emergency BS you are being fed and how every nation outside the west needs to lynch climate alarmists and burn them at the stake using oil, gas fires, with diesel thrown in for good measure for lots of smoke (hint: carbon emissions).  Don't use wood, grass or peat just to really piss them off.

And if the hired help from NATO or the US show up, start shooting immediately.

Climate BS to foil emerging economies, where an estimated 80% of the world's people are. Make sure they don't use cheap resources to grow.
A program to help developing nations fight climate change funnels billions of dollars to rich countries - no kidding
Renewable proponents say batteries can stabilize the grid, but experts say costs are ‘astronomical'

Pfizer Agrees to Settle More than 10,000 Zantac Cancer Suits

The World Economic forum is staffed by propgandists and liars
These WEF Globalist, world government swine need to understand Smith & Wesson, Winchester and lead

The Philosopher whose ideas are banned because they highlight the massive effort to destroy families, parents, states, religions, and nationalism - Tucker Carlson Interview

Japanese Scientists Offer Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Are Man-Made. Research Paper here

The citizens that support sexualizing your children by aids spreading pedophiles are the same as your moronic citizens in the South that supported slavery, and they need to be dealt with the same way.

Report finds nearly 6 out of 10 U.S. doctors received over $12 billion from Big Pharma firms between 2013 and 2022
Goldman Sachs: BRICS The emergent global economies
Exactly How Does Hail Produce Electricity?  It doesn't?
Clear Thinking on Oil and Gas vs an IEC Fairytale Steeped in BS and Lies
“Energy Myths and Realities”- A 10 year retrospective of Vaclav Smil’s work

Chill Out the Population - Let Them Smoke Dope, Become Oblivious to Government Corruption - "Hey man, should we shoot the dude?  No man, chill, have another toke. But he's taking your car. Stealing your stereo, raping your sister, your young brother. Cool"
Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed
Caitlyn Jenner Backs Ban on Trans Athletes Competing in Women’s Sports
A Hungarian Enema For BS From America's Elected/Hired Help. Antisemitism proves you can't slide farther on BS when its over gravel
'No such thing as ‘long COVID’ - Austrailian health agency
Electric cars pollute 1,850 times more than fuel-based vehicles, study finds - Check Thomas Sowell quote above
Suicide Rates Double After Gender Affirming Surgery
Harvard Tramples the Truth About Covid, Vaccines
Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec, Canada clinic
Carving Your Innocent Children For a Buck.  Slaughter Animals Have More Protection.  Remember What it Took to Get Rid of Slavery.
In the next War remember the Real Enemy is the Hired and Elected Help of Your Own Country.  Learn to shoot backwards, not forward.

Birth Defect Liz Cheney Loses It After Bombshell Report She "Suppressed Exonerating Evidence" With J6 Committee  & Here
The Hired Help Are Burying You in BS and Lies Two Feet Deep.  Assad Did Not Gas His Own People. 

Find These Guys and Their Families - Exclusive: The Revolution Industry (And Its Deployment in Democrat Run America)
It’s Been 30 Years Since Food Ate Up This Much of Your Income

Netzero By 2050 The Developed Nations MAY Have Created a Warming Effect While Lowering the Price of Fossil Fuel Based Production to Build Their Economies.  The 80% of the world not to Blame Should Stick With Fossil Fuels, Ditch the Con Men, Liars, and Manipulators From the West, and their Banking Systems as well as the So-Called Do Gooders From Places Like the WEF, Who are Anything But, and Use Fossil Fuels, the Lowest Cost Means of Production on Earth, to Grow Their Nations.  Many of the Developed Nations Live in the North, So they can freeze their Asses off, Stop Eating Because they can't Afford it after their Moronic Governments Get Finished With Them, and that will Lower Carbon Emissions For Everyone Else.

Protection Racket - AKA The Censorship Industry
Foundation for Freedom Online
The Banking Crooks and the WEF Celebrate - reduce living things into Wall Street financial products
The greedy one-percent pushing cultural civil war in America   And Here
REAL American Citizens Don't Create This Mess.  Know the Difference - Who Is An American? (Revised)
Citizens Are the Real Resource of the Nation
Money is a Weapon Being Used Against You.  You Must learn How to Get it and Use it to Have a Future - Study the best and educate yourself
Impressionable Children Who Once Thought They Might Be Trans
60 Studies Show No Benefits from Transgender Treatments - But Lots of Cash for Somebody

The Electric Vehicle Cheating Scandal Brought to You By the Most Corrupt Government in the World
Why the elites fear democracy

The Jewish intelligence community of completely behind Jeffery Epstein using 12 year old girls to lure stupid gentile people in power into child sexual abuse for political leverage

How the Israeli spy agency Mossad compromised former President Bill Clinton using underage girls

How to Understand The Idea of Money Lenders In The Temple - Not The Vision of Walt Disney Who Died In 1966
South Carolina Dumps Disney From State Investment Portfolio Because Of Its ‘Far-Left’ Activism
What Do You Get When You Ally Corrupt Leaders (Public Servants Born in USA), a Senile Monkey, and a Crooked Jew? The Ukraine War
How to tell a Scientist from a Moron: Tell Them They are Wrong And Watch Their Response
Moronic Bureaucratic Minds Collide With Raw Ingenuity
Drug Company Numbers Fudged to Sell Statins
ACLU:  Giving People Aids Without Their Knowledge or Consent No Big Deal - Total F***ing Clowns
Sahara Expert Says Desert Shrinking, Calls Alarmist Tipping Points “Complete Nonsense”
Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over - Without a BS Story How Are Western Con Men Going to Stop The Majority of the World From Benefiting From Cheap Oil They Can't Control.
The Challenge Research Study Here
Americans Slowly Start To Figure Out The Myth Of “Authority”
Deep State Mind F**kers Bitch Slapped By Fifth Circuit
The Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not Carbon Dioxide   Video Explanation From Scientist
Solar researcher warns of solar activity decrease, imminent MINI ICE AGE and GLOBAL FAMINE by 2030

Will the Earth Ever Run Out of Water? Ed: Never, unless it flies off into outerspace as iceballs lol, as explained to a Grade 7 student. The real problem is people expect the Earth to conform to delivery schedules like Amazon. Maybe they should revive some American Indians.  They followed the food and the weather to survive.

Scientists Exaggerate Climate Change Threat to Get Published - And here
Failed Climate Predictions - Offset By American Ponzi Shift To Screw Developing Nations With American Intellectual Property, Military Threats
There is no climate emergency  “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned” - Nobel Prize Winner Richard Feynman. 
Here's the Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled by Society's Top Institutions
US Arms Makers Massive Profit From Ukraine War
How Biggest US Arms Manufacturers Influence US Policy
When 80 percent of US generals go to work for arms makers
Distinguished Prof of Virology and Infectious Disease Exposes Covid and mRNA Lies

Scientific Research Fraud Makes It Impossible to “Trust the Science”
America's Controlled Demolition - Process Also Explained By Top Soviet Defector
Joe Biden's mind is now no more capable than that of monkees
            Biden: A case of mental decline dropping one down the evolutionary scale, exposing the handlers stealing the monkey's meal
Horse Faced Psychopath Recruited to Kill Free Speech
Despots Posing as Leaders Behaviorally Attacking Citizens - Not Russia or China (Who Are Upfront About it)
  Boot camping entire societies to maintain control - In detail (Harvard)
  Dialectical political warfare against citizens in democracies - Governments marrying a truth to a lie

Fifth Circuit Rebukes FDA for Banning Ivermectin for Covid-19
US MIL's Deagel Forecast 2051 Depopulation Event Supported By Leaked Pfizer Data and Death Rates Docs

Jo Biden is the head of the a Ponzi scheme to destroy the worlds powers
Dem Strategy: Put a Crooked Chimp/Chump at the Front of the World's Latest and Greatest PONZI Scheme. The Europeans in NATO Have Fallen For It.  Can They Con in The Japanese, Chinese, Saudis, Russians and Africans too? The Ponzi Scheme Will Work With a Jackboot On Their Necks.  Or is It A Case of Ass Kissing, Unaccountable So-Called Leaders?  What Does History Show?

Contrary to BS from CDC New Study Detects Spike Protein 6 Months After COVID-19 Vaccination
Typical - Greed behind higher costs to consumers - not costs
The Swedes Got Covid Right
Leadership From the Colonists' (Citizens') Viewpoint
Nice If People Are Waking Up - French Pres. Macron Booed By An Entire Stadium
This is How The Despots, Tyrants and Outright A**holes Proceed
Good One: How To Subvert Subversion
Live Like a Gutless Lackey, Die Like One

THE EV CLOWN SHOW, Brought to You By? (Liars, Thieves, Manipulators, WEF Thugs?) Take Your Pick
USA TODAY: Which is more expensive: Charging an electric vehicle or fueling a car with gas?
Don’t believe the renewables myth. Wind and solar are not cheap. This Article was not reviewed for Scientific Integrity.  But if you can think, you will figure it out anyhow.
Dr. Whores. They Stick it in You and Your Children for a Buck. You Johns Just Get a New Type of Clap
The average person refuses to look at the truth. Saying their head is in the sand is unfair to Ostriches
Inside America’s meddling machine: NED, the US-funded org interfering in elections around the globe
Elon Musk is right: Bellingcat is a Western ‘psy-op’

Tucker Carlson
US sold weapons to 57% of the world’s authoritarian regimes in 2022
Female Crash Test Dummy Says She Doesn't Know How Car Got Totaled
It May Kill Hyperventilating Libs First:
Net Zero Nonsense

The Clown Show Continues: Fauci Funded Gain of Function Labs Leaked Covid
John F Kennedy Was Murdered By Our Government: Ron Paul
Why Did Your Vaccine Provider Lie About Vaccine Safety?  Money of Course
Media is Responsible for Many Lies About Benefit of Covid Vaccines
The Lying IMF - The Hired Help's Murder By Financial Strangulation
US making ‘bioweapons components’ in Ukraine – Moscow
Ukraine is NOT a Signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention
The Chair of the Lancet's Covid Commission is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US biotechnology" labs funded by the US Government. Ed - If you wait for definitive proof the US Military Industrial Complex are lying thugs you are simply stupid.
The U.S. Lied About Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal.  ED: Of course. 

Who Has The Most Historical Responsibility for Climate Change? ED: A minority broke it, they fix it.  Everyone else use oil and gas until they are on a solid footing, and look to BRICS nations for support. Forget US/NATO alliance.  They are an ugly minority of bullies and liars.
Forbes: For Climate Justice In Africa, Rich Nations Must Admit To Past Wrongs, Climate Experts Hear
Kenya faults West for making climate change poor man’s problem. (ED: Its not, but buying into the green hype will make it a poor mans problem and expose the country to the manipulations of a rich minority of bullies and liars.
Classified US documents on Ukraine war leaked: Report (ED: All bullshit propaganda, and diversion, especially when US involved.)
The Alarming Rise of Predatory Conferences ie: Bullshit for profit (ED: plus lying as a state privilege) undermining Science

Roubini: Mother of all debt bombs & 9 other megathreats are looming (45 min video)

Clusterfuck Nation Blog: How Is That (Those) War(s) Going?

The ecomimic book by a former US state department employee that describes the US government's mafia lending practices
China Creating Debt Traps? They Missed Lessons From The Inventors of the Tactic - Murder Everyone That Objects
What BRICS and its state members need to do is invite Perkins on a multi nation tour to explain how the US set up debt traps for them and influenced their politicians and state actors to comply. Add to it a raft of pictures including the damage the US does to nations they attack that that refuse their so called beneficence in the name of "democracy" so that there is a clear understanding of predatory capitalism and the damage it does to host countries. For good measure throw in a history lesson on colonialism just in case the puffy hair hanky wankers in Britain want to cheer lead the American position like the failed imperialist they are looking for a last wheeze before they disappear into the dustbin of history they belong in.

The US Foreign Policy Establishment Clown Show Dissected
Michael Hudson, Dennis Kucinich on US Bank Collapse
Hoax of the Century Brought to You By the Most Corrupt Government on Earth
Fauci is a Lying Sack of Sh*t.
IRS (Internal Revenge Service), ATF Weaponized Against Biden Regime Enemies, running interference for the hair sniffer and coke snorter son.
Dowd: Analyst on Banking Crisis, US Decline, the Fed Attempt at Dominance To Sustain US Dollar, and War as a Last Resort to Maintain US Power
Scratched EV battery? Your insurer may have to junk the whole car (Ed: So What else is new?) The longest distance it will travel without charging is the dump.
Michael Cohen Revisited. And This: Cohen "couldn’t tell the truth if you put a gun to his head”
“Pfizer promised to deliver a safe, effective vaccine for prevention of COVID based on honest clinical data. Instead, they delivered a dangerous, ineffective gene therapy, preventing nothing. Pfizer lied. People died. Time for discovery.”
    “So if the FDA gets it wrong, they just get it wrong and we live with it?” Judge Truncale asked.
Umhuh:  Electric car owners are finding out how hard it can be to charge EVs at public charging stations.
Net Zero Could Cost Americans 50 Trillion. Solution: Stock Up With Coal, Wood, Use AR Measure on iPhone to size Up Dem Voters Fences and Home So When the Idiots Vote Them in For Another Term You Can Scavenge Their Houses And Fences For Firewood. Alternate World Countries, Find Every Lib, Yank, and American Supporting Politician and Hire Cartels To Throw Them Back Over American Border

Boot Camping: The Hired Help Want to Corner Your Money in Major Banks They Control and Influence So They Can Control Your Behavior
WALCHER: How Unthinkable Ideas Become Policy, Cost The Public Trillions, and Are Weaponized Against the Non-Compliant and Competitors Using Propaganda
Reality VS Smoke in Energy Sourcing
Anatomy of Sick F**ks: Blow Up Nord Stream. Now Raze Taiwan Chip Plants.  Any Doubt About How F**ked Up America is Should be Erased
The battle to control America’s mind

The Gutless Clowns and So Called Educated Medical Establishment Dictators Finally Get A Swift Kick in the Balls if They Have Them. Its About Time.  They deserve A lot More
Matt Hancock's plan to ‘frighten the pants off everyone’ about Covid
Masking Was Worthless.  But Good For Spotting Zombies, the Brain Dead, and the Morons Pushing The Idea
Ex Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis exposes Europe's energy scam
A 'perfect storm' of recession, debt, and out-of-control inflation is coming for markets this year, 'Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini says
Ed: As predicted.
Worldwide COVID vaccine harm litigation lawyer directory
Canada-China trade breaks record, as imports hit $100 billion.  Ed: Aw shucks. BS does not baffle brains after all.
Hungary’s Orban faces outrage for saying Europeans shouldn’t become ‘mixed race’ Ed: Oh Really!  The Jewish fear of intermarriage

CNN new achors' moths and anuses are interchangeable in

West uses ‘atrocity all kinds of fabrications’ to demonize enemies
American Propagandists mouths and asses are interchangeable and spew the same crap

Actually, data shows firms are not leaving China: ADB Ed: Media BS takes another hit. China just gets better
The CIA Mafia
Human beings no longer have natural immunity according to the corrupt influence of politicians, and the worthless input of health care bureaucrats allied with the money grubbing whores in the pharmaceutical industry

Biden, A Scummy Old Man With a Family Screwing Pervert, Drug Addict Son, Up To His Armpits in Ukrainian Corruption Using Your Money
Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination

Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule.  Or simply "kill-a-kid."
The Joke And Destruction of America's So Called Divine Intervention Foisted on Us by Con Men With Positions They Abuse

The Largest Censorship And Free Speech Killing System in The US May Be Exposed, Or Will It?  Even Though People With a Brain Already Know About It.
Covid Lock downs Proved Big City Offices Are Unnecessary, causing commercial real estate heart failure and collapsing city revenues. Morons in government can kill anything if given enough time.
One of LA's biggest landlords just defaulted on $755 million loans as remote work keeps offices vacant

Newsweek: It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives
Coffin Nail For Masking
American News Peddles Bullshit and Propaganda.  Will Big Boobs, No Brains, and Bald Headed Jerkoffs Convince the Rest of the World
Oh Oh, Narrative Breakdown. Chinese police better with citizens than American police.

Covid mRNA vaccines are “clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products" and should be withdrawn immediately as they cause “an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children” MIT Vaccine Safety Expert

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.

How the “Unvaccinated” Got It Right - ED: Lying and manipulation damage thinking for yourself. You may have vaccinated your kids blindly. Don't also destroy their future by following liars, manipulators and propagandists.

Growing Up Means Extracting The Beliefs That Were Placed In Your Head By Others
Davos - A Collection of Assholes and Criminals In One Place
All The Lies About Electric Vehicles - Oh But At Least I Am Helping The Environment - You Are - Your Brain Cells Fire So Slowly You Use Less Energy

Range Lies - Tow This, Wait Longer, But What the Heck, Your Time is Worth Nothing Anyhow

BOMBSHELL – Pandemic of the vaccinated 
Have you figured out you and your children are being attacked mercilessly, skin color does not matter.
U.S. Government Identified as Original Source of Lab Leak Theory. What’s Really Going On? (ED: Why Nothing Really. Just a Bunch of Lying, Conniving Whores Behaving Normally)
How Troublesome Presidents Are Disposed of - Or Simply The Third World Tactics Your Government is Now Using On You
Tucker Carlson Explains It - Biden is Done
America Is Gassing Germans Right in Their Homes No Gas Chambers Needed - Die dummen Deutschen lassen sich vergasen, außer dass ihnen statt Flammen die Eier abgefroren werden
Famous French Historian: “This War is About Germany”

Oh Scheiße. Der Klimabetrug steht kurz vor dem Kollaps or Oh merde. Le climat con est sur le point de s'effondrer.  Or in American, Quick, Quick, Line Up The Suckers
LGTBQ Married Males Adopt 2 Young Boys To Sexually Molest Them And Pimp Them to Other Gay Pedophiles.  After all "Fair Is Fair". School Boards Encourage The Activity For Inclusiveness. A Reliable Source believes the NEA May Be Negotiating for Millions of Kid Size Tubes of Pjur Back Door Silicone Anal Lube For K-5 Classroom Treat Boxes. HIV Drug Manufacturers Are Thrilled
Educator-related sexual abuse of children is escalating

Covid-19 Drugmakers Got Twitter to Censor Activists for Generic Vaccines to Prevent Lower Prices
WarAmerica Inc.  America's booming business of creating enemies, starting wars, BSing the suckers called citizens, and proving you can behaviorally implant recruits with stupidity
UP Next: Screwing Up Africa,  $55 billion in bullying, lying and conniving aid to make sure Africans get hosed by America
The International Food Information Council misleads the public about diet, health, ultra-processed food.  So what else is new.
Lies, Bullshit, Brutality and Bucks - The History of American Foreign Policy (Gulf of Tonkin example in link)
Government Suppression of Working/Thinking For Yourself Unless Supervised By Overpaid, Self Aggrandizing, Order Following, Brain Dead Bureaucrats
The Latest (Original & Real) Covid Danger - Smoke+ Liars, + Zealots WIth a Badge,
Facebook Admits Suppressing ‘Often-True Content’ on COVID-19 Vaccines
Sen. Frank Church’s Warning Of Intel Agencies Capability to Impose “Total Tyranny” In America 19. They Did.
Follow The Money.  What is Most Important for the HLiared Help?
Care Home Business Attacked. Must Be Owned by Repulican Supporters. A new paper documents that the pre-vaccination case fatality rate was extremely low in the non-elderly population.
Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica says death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people. Covid, Nope. Gov policies? Vaccines, Nah.
Seventy Years of U.S. Destabilisation in China. U.S. Sponsored Uyghur Insurgency in Xinjiang
War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030  Follow the Money - Another Manufactured Crisis
The Covid Trigger Used to Destroy the Wealth of Nations
The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
(ED: 147 sources and links to investigate so you can do your own fact checks instead of listening to Media induced propaganda, or simply bullshit)
American citizens had documented cases of Covid earlier that the "First Case" in Wuhan, yet this was not reported.  What's up with that?

The hypocrisy of having to use threats to get people to take covid shots  when the shots are more dangerous than the disease

Economist Michael Hudson explains the brutal startegy the US uses to force economic policies on the rest of the world that are designed to destroy themED:  This interview discussing economist Michael Hudson's book of the same name explains in clear terms what we are saying.

The future of freedom lies not in America, NATO or the gutless lackeys that lick their boots.  Its in the 7 billion or so people that are not "civilized", screwed up, and infected with western media and propaganda.  They must disregard climate change, guilt trips, the rejection of fossil fuels, western banking systems, arm themselves to the teeth and above all reject any temptation to take help from America, NATO or their lucre bearing lepers, and strike their own path.  There are nations that understand this and will help, not out of god like "blessed kindness" but because there is a buck in it.  Survival in these times is about money as a weapon, and driving a hard bargain works when you have multiple suppliers. There are multiple suppliers, even though the US is trying hard to kill them, torture, brutalize or threaten them out of existence. 

The absurd theatre of trying to pretend men can get pregnant
Did Monsanto Teach Fauci and Biden How to Poison You and Your Children With mRNA Vaccines, Or Did They Figure It Out On Their Own???
Documents Reveal Secret Twitter Portal US Government Used to Censor Information About COVID-19 Vaccines
Dramatic Increase in Blood Clots Since Covid Vaccination Programs
Germany Has Provided The Means To Quantify The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program
The Hanky Boys Whitewash Vietnam - Britain’s Secret Propaganda on Vietnam War
American Foreign Aid - Bribery to Support Corrupt Foreign Goals
American functionaries sick f*** modern diplomacy
Another example of how powerful scum subvert the will of the people
Your DNA Can Be Used Against You In Court Without Your Consent
New surveillance tech means you'll never be anonymous again
President Biden Revokes Executive Branch Rules Against Spying on American Citizens  Here's Why
Emails Show CDC Removed Defensive Gun Use Stats After Gun-Control Advocates Pressured Officials in Private Meeting
BECKER NEWS: Multiple Links Worth Reviewing

How the British used black people as food for their killing dogs

How US forces used killer dogs to maim and torture inmates"Create Starving Dogs and Then Give The Dogs Blacks to Eat" (29 pages) Dogs were trained to kill  and eat black people as food. The dogs were eventually brought to the colonies to eat Indians and black slaves. Those who did this were essentially in it for profit and power. This is one example of what those with perceived power try to get away with to maintain wealth, power and control. TODAY THEY DON"T USE DOGS. THEY USE POLICIES THAT HARM YOU, FIDDLE VOTING, LAWYERS WHO RIP CITIZENS TO SHREDS WITH THE BLEEDING INTERNAL, AND THE MEDIA URINATES ON YOU AS YOU ARE BEING EATEN ALIVE.  BLACK SKIN IS NO LONGER THE COLOR OF DOG FOOD. All colors and races are subject to lockdowns, destroying small business, mask mandates, propaganda, attacking the non compliant such as people that recognize the corruption of the vaccines program, and unleashing potential aids carrying behavior on your completely innocent children ("We will teach you to resist us"), disarming citizens, flooding the nation with illegal immigrants because you are not screwing enough to replenish the population with compliant customers, and daring to vote for someone other than the chosen candidates, and of course not hating your neighbors and supposed enemies of their "state", but not the state you actually own. THE SCARS FROM THESE ATTACKS ARE NOW INTERNAL - NO DOG BITES - BUT THE DAMAGE IS WORSE - YOU ARE STILL ALIVE. And by the way, pure greed drove corporations to places where people work cheaper, nothing else.  You are simply tools of production but not benefit.

Elon's Box
Elon Would Be Better Urinating on the Stuff He Would Auction Off and Then Burn It
A genuinely open Twitter would be deadly for our decadent liberal regime

Stanford Prof
Dr Jay Bhattacharya: The Government and Intelligence Community pushing Twitter's COVID censorship harmed science, children and the public

Twitter worked with the government, the Intel community and big tech "to keep the schools closed, to force people to get the jabs, to keep the travel restrictions in place, to keep people in masks and living in terror of a virus. What pertains to Twitter is surely true at Google (therefore YouTube), Facebook (therefore Instagram), Microsoft (therefore LinkedIn), and even Amazon (many great books were blocked from publication and distribution)."
British State Deployed Counter-Terrorism Unit to Crush Social Media and Scientific Dissent on Vaccines and Lockdowns

After an energy crisis created entirely by them, it appears German politicians are also simply stupid   ANOTHER CONFIRMATION
And Conniving Liars. Merkel Admits Minsk Agreement Was to Trick Russia
EU strikes deal on carbon border tariff

KANYE, Hitler and the Nazis?  He will have to get in line behind the Bush family, the CIA and the State Department.
Move Over Kanye: How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years.   What exactly is mass murder by the Brits called?
CDC Lied about Vaccine Myocarditis Being Mild: 20% of Sudden Deaths Caused by Myocarditis. CDC Policy: avoid autopsies; German Study Explains What They Were Hiding
The Media, Deep State Agencies like the CIA, and Big Tech are simply lying, corrupt and citizen destroying whores.  Figured that out yet?
Louisiana and Missouri Sue Federal Gov for Conspiring with social media companies to censor citizens speech about Covid, Biden son.  Judge agrees and orders expedited discovery
Follow the climate bucks. Who else would you expect to cook up a profit from it?  In our "Money" article below we pointed out the Jews are the smartest, or at minimum the most accomplished people on earth.  You have to be ignorant to get mad at their skills, but outright stupid if you do not learn from them.
Mind Wars: The long-term Defense implications of turning THOUGHTS INTO ACTS, if it can be developed, are enormous - Strategic Plan, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, February 2003. (Long Read - Brain Research and National Defense (Offense) 231 Pages)
The Fake, and Real, Domestic Terrorists

Ed Dowd: Ex Blackrock Fund Manager on COVID, Global Financial Collapse - Catastrophes and Deliberate Cover-Ups (52 min video)
The FALLACY of US Democracy - Greed, Hubris and Lies Have Screwed It Up
The Parasite Class' Wet Dream
Money is a Weapon Being Used Against You.  You Must learn How to Get it and Use it to Have a Future - Study the best and educate yourself
Catherine Austin Fitts, former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in video Mafia of the Powerful Confirms What Ed Dowd Says Above and what is in Money Is A Weapon
DOD and HUD $21 Trillion Missing Money: Report & Supporting Documentation
Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed
Federal Home Loan Banks scam the public, do not provide affordable housing loans

How Far Have We Really Gotten With Alternative Energy? Research the issues with battery storage, costs of production which are all estimates and projections and count the actual output in GWH. Not what is portrayed
Today’s Energy Crisis Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report state and local government employee total compensation 47 percent higher than for private sector employees
Two Thousand Years of Hurricane Fact vs Media News Bleat
The Birth of the Digital ID Biostate Innocent People Imprisoned Without Walls
War on Cash: New York Fed Launches “Digital Dollar” Pilot Program   IMF outlines strategy to implement cashless society even in the face of strong public opposition.
The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook and Microsoft
If You Believe The Government You're Stupid - More so now than ever
Mearsheimer: The West is screwed. We’re playing Russian roulette

New data leak from Pentagon biolab in EU Georgia re US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, (ED: a positive name like Operation Iraqi Freedom which we know was a cover to kill innocent Iraqis, lie about WMD, so US is "FREE" to screw Iraq of its oil. Like calling a clap infected whore Snow White to increase appeal.) The Defense Threat Reduction Agency should be called the Offensive Threat Production Agency.
Masters of lies - UK Defense ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated
US fuels Syrian war with new arms supplies to Al Qaeda terrorists
Why Are America's Hired Help, the Military Industrial Cartel, and Corporate Frauds Provoking China - Its about Competition.  Why compete when you can cheat?
Mali PM bans French-backed NGOs amidst high tension with France

Republicans >> Don't Get Mad Get Busy - build a massive ballot harvesting, and mail in voting operation for every aspect of elections
God Racing to Outdo Mass Shooters - 500 people struck by lightning - no preference as to color, political affiliation, LBGTQ, magazine size, using only single shot bolts of lightning

World Bank chart showing GDP of countries 1992 to 2024
Why cheap US gas costs a fortune in Europe
Biden Quietly Approved 2 Million Bpd Texas Oil Terminal
The Complete Nonsense About EVs and Alternative Energy - A Propaganda Con Job
Japan: National Interests Before Politics

ED: We are already in World War 3, and its against us. The public does not yet recognize financial attacks, psychological attacks, propaganda, sabotage, destroying people's life savings, allowing thugs and illegal aliens to murder innocent and vulnerable citizens, allowing religious murder and oppression, denigrating women, rigging and undermining elections, and flooding borders with illegals, as acts of war.  They don't go "kaboom" but they are murdering you just the same, and your enemies are those you have appointed as the hired help, no one else.  You must begin to look inward for your enemies, not in lands far off. Imagine being in a fight in which those that kill you are shooting you in the back, and you will get it.

Sweden Wins! Country That Refused Lockdown and Kept Schools Open Has Lowest Pandemic Mortality in the World
The Media and Government Propaganda Effort to Normalize Dying From Covid Vaccines
Enjoy the Shit-show. The journalist-run, intelligence-linked operation that warped British pandemic policy
What is Causing the Explosion of RSV?

The Alarming Rise of Mass Surveillance
Sure, Let's Promote Exposing Children to Gay Lifestyles Managed By Teachers When Supposedly the Most Respectable Gay Men in Positions of Power Raped and Abused More Than 600 Children Under Their Influence.  Maybe someone should consider aids spreading, shit eating, child molesting behavior as deviant instead of something to overlook. So much for virtue signaling
Berlin Elections Ruled Completely Invalid by Court Over Irregularities.  Must Be Run By German Equivalent of Dems
Your Children Belong To The State
Caitlin Johnstone: When Journalism Standards Vanish
Operation Paperclip, (1), (2)
Ballot Harvesting TO WIN - Create FABRICATE issues months in advance, key up early voting before the facts come out and harvest and register the early votes as early as legally permissible
Anatomy of a Psyop - or How to Laugh at a Clown Show
Brainwashing Bullshit and Calling It Patriotism  accompanied by a little patriotic music
Divorcing an Abusive Relationship With A Nation - When it is Time to Replace Hope With Action
American Foreign Policy
Leadership By Example
: Terrorist Drug Cartel in Mexico Threatens Attack on Businesses Providing Services to Rivals
US Foreign Policy - Loot, Pillage, Lie and of course respect borders LOL
Nah:  The US foreign policy establishment are not common thieves.  They are God's chosen people parasites next to the Jews of course.
Global finance vs global energy: who will come out on top? Hint.  What can't be printed on a whim. All the talk is about vehicles. Yet oil underpins 90% of everything, plastics, concrete you name it.
Saudi Arabia Reiterates Commitment To China, Regardless Of U.S. Concerns
The cost of putting jackboots on the ground (including a lobotomy to replace morality with mortgages and debt)
China's Latin America Growth PlanLess nuanced view but spot on. People get tired of being screwed - look out when they have options.
Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia. US Workers listed as "Diplomats" with diplomatic immunity. US given blanket immunity.
Rocketman shows a path forward against the dictate of global hegemony.  Dangerous for sure, but for both sides.
Ukraine is NOT a Signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention

God's Robed Appointees at Work. Looks Like a Business, Smells Like a Business, Must Be a Business. None of These Clowns Should Have Any Say in Controlling a Woman's Body, Unless for Every Unwanted Pregnacy the Man Involved has his Cock Cut off and is Indentured to Pay for the Child Forever. Fair is Fair. Women Cannot Singly Bear Responsibility. 

Herr BidenWas ist los mit uns Deutschen? Warum lassen wir uns das gefallen?  Or here, translated to German

Germany‘s Moral Collapse Inside China: Scholz‘s 11-hours Visit to Beijing Spells Catastrophe
The US Parasite - Trading AmeraBullshitBucks for Real Products from its Victims along with STDs
Prepare for Even More Abuses of Power
CIA's Mind Control and Public Manipulation Programs Part 1
CIA's Mind Control and Public Manipulation Programs Part 2 which have never stopped (Read the Links as well)
The Harms of Psychedelics Need to Be Put Into Context
Isaac Asimov: How do people get new ideas?
How Can the U.S. Military Innovate? Ask Isaac Asimov
What's the hottest Earth's ever been?

Chart showing countries with most patent applications 2019 to 2020.  China has the most
Is China Emerging as the Global Leader in AI?

The Pentagon Bio Weapons Programs - (Ed: Knock Knock.  Anyone home? The mere presence of an American (or arms length connected or associated company) cited in any research in these topics, and present in any country outside the US should set off alarms and be regarded as a threat. The US functionaries have zero friends or allies, only targets for suppression.  If you ain't the goose you sure as hell better become a gander)
Why COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation. The DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) file link. The DARPA Justification.
Ukraine is NOT a Signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention

Nah:  The US functionaries and their military industrial complex brethren would not Genetically Engineer pathogens like Covid.  They are God's chosen ones in "one nation under God" that qualifies them and them alone to determine all life and progress on earth.  How dare you peons to think otherwise?  How dare you listen to the snake and challenge God's power.  May you be smitten and struck dead.  Or at least you and your children poisoned by some bioengineered product, or you and your children's DNA altered by a military, oops excuse me, God's bread of life product.

The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA’s Experiments on Children

Interview with Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law, U of Illinois explaining covid is a bioweaponCovid is a Bioweapon, deliberately created (also note comment on Aids VIRUS)
Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.
<The original Youtube link is here, or you can click image to listen to his analysis on this site in case YouTube deletes it>  One of the reports Professor Boyle refers to here.  Ed: Note the NIH funded gain of function research in Wuhan, despite Fauci's denials.

New Evidence for SARS-CoV-2 Lab Origins
A synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2. What we know, and what we don't
Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2
Scientists in furious row over 'lab-made Covid' claims STFU
  So much for these guys protests and rants. US Senate concludes lab leak

Covid only discovered in 2019 - Really!?!?!

MERS-CoV is one of the viruses that have been engineered by the US and studied by the Pentagon, as well as Influenza and SARS. Confirmation of this practice is  Obama’s 2014 temporary ban on government funding for such “dual-use” research. The moratorium was lifted in 2017 and experiments have continued. Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (PPPs) experiments are legal in the US. Such experiments aim to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens.  Boston University is currently engaged in gain of function studies

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds

Busted: Biden’s “Minster of Truth” Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using Disinformation as Cover

Corruption Perception Index 2021  Who stands where
EU Energy Policy in a Minute or Less: Represented of Course by the Black Knight
World Leaders in “Green Energy” Returning to Fossil Fuels; “The experiment has been disastrous”
Germany Is Dismantling A Wind Farm To Make Way For A Coal Mine
Europe's Energy Crisis Was Created by Political Intervention
Bad MATH+? Covid treatment paper by FLCCC's Pierre Kory retracted for flawed results Follow the links for more information

The Fourth Political Theory.  Full PDF of Alexander Dugin's book<Click> image to read or download - by Alexander Dugin. (Ed: Note, Biden Admin demands this book banned by Amazon)

From Dictatorship to Democracy.  Full PDF of Gene Sharpe's book<Click to Read or Download> Explainer here

Climate alarmism and covid alarmism and how they are related
Global Times: Europeans begin to realize that they were victims of US global strategy
Not One Nation on Earth Should Trust the United States and Nato About Anything.  Look at the Results
How Much Longer Can the U.S. Continue to Wage Economic War on Europe
(Ed: and the rest of the world using Gangster tactics) Without a Major Blowback Effect? (ED: People living outside NATO and the US must conclude that people from the US and NATO along with their close contacts, if they are in their country, may be insurgents. Its time for 7 billion pairs of eyes to be wide open.  There is nothing in a study of so called free countries that offers any benefit to other nations to copy outright, and more particularly to allow the leaders and leading nations to influence or set an example in countries outside the US and NATO.  The 7 billion have to personally police their own nations from the malign interference of the US and NATO)
The Wolfowitz Doctrine Led to the Disastrous War in Iraq: Now it is Leading to a Potentially Even More Cataclysmic War in Asia

Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and therefore Europe and the World's Citizens because Russia stands up to the corrupt cabal of hired help running America and Europe, or simply "The US Hired Help's War on Humanity"
2019 US Army funded Rand study on how to weaken Russia - A plan being followed
Similar to the FBI's Russiagate fraud, Britain's own version of military coup in so called democracies

Joe the Grinch Steals Christmas

The miserable old bastard will even screw up Christmas

California Passes COVID Policy Law Silencing Doctors
Hippocratic Oath My Ass
PolitiFact does a fact check on VAERS (the NVIC interface) - 30 minute video
Putting A Face to The People That Will Directly Harm Your Children
How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity? Here is how

The Green Tax: Electric Vehicle Owners Shocked by Battery Replacements Costing $20,000+ (Ed: figure it out)
Electrician in Canada Drives Kona EV 3800 KM a month with 25+ cents mileage allowance and says without allowance it would not pay

Biden All-In In Taking Out China The declaration of war is good for China and the rest of the world. Asian people are collectively smarter than Americans, hungrier, harder working, suffer no delusions of grandeur, and the nation has skill in lifting billions of people out of poverty.  One only has to spend 5 minutes looking at the ways in which the American version of freedom has aided self dealing narcissists who have lost any sense of what they started with to understand how deluded functionaries have destroyed the people of the nation.  Chinese, Indian, Asian, and Russian peoples can and will work with the other 7 billion people like them and not under the influence of the corrupt cabal behind America. Not sure what makes the US so sure they can subjugate the entire world to their vision, but any thinking person would see no benefit in agreeing with deluded barbarians, especially when there are enough nuclear weapons available outside the US to make much of the world uninhabitable for a long time, including biological weapons which fit in a shoe box.  Someone with a brain needs to study the history of the Jews.  It was the same kind of ignorance in early history that drove the Jewish race to develop the skills they have. They swing way above their physical presence on earth and are some of the most accomplished people on earth. Where is Rome now, and where are the Jews? The policies the corrupt American cabal enact create capable competitors and violent enemies, rich and poor. 

Here is Proof That Bullshit Does Not Baffle Brains, Just Like It Did Not In Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Now Ukraine.  When arrogant and gutless pr**ks assume they can throw punches from behind a desk and kill people at a distance, including their own people while destroying their personal lives and quiet enjoyment of life, which among many other ills raise food prices and the cost of living for what? it is easy to see how these arrogant and deluded
pr**ks have to go.  Maybe an army of pink haired purse clutchers in dresses will terrify the rest of the world into compliance.
The United States is a Terrorist State, surrounded by chumps - All the more reason to abandon so called "International Law" for everyone else but them
There is Little Reason to Trust American Research Any Longer - Good Thing, Other Nations Will Do Their own

Evacuate Hurricane Ian in Your Electric Vehicle - Or Use a Snorkel on Your EV to Run Under Water (Correction EVs work like submarines, when they have power). In the meantime you can pump 30+ gallons into a pickup in 5 minutes and drive up to 650 miles before running on fumes.  The fastest EV charging will take minimum 45 minutes and you can only go 1/3 of that distance. The Solution.  At 0 Percent Battery in your EV Satin Covered Air Bags Deploy, Coffin Handles Pop out of the Sides of the vehicle and You Suffocate and Die in a $100,000 "green" Coffin at the Side of the Road With Let's Go Brandon Playing. (Ed: Unfortunately you will have to suffocate or starve to death, there is no quick exit by electrocution.)

How Much Is Covid Being Used as a Pretext for Imposing Ever Greater Levels of Social Control?
Another Vaccine Lie
You Were Lied to About a Safe and Cheap Treatment for Covid, and You, Your Children and Your Elderly Loved Ones Are Being Harmed by Those That Perpetuate the Lie. Will You Do Anything About it???
Why The Lies About Covid Vaccines Will Continue (REVISED)
Safe and Effective - video explaining how citizens were manipulated into taking dangerous mRNA vaccines.  And theme music to remind you to question everything
CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History – Edward Dowd
Jeffrey Sachs: US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up
What is the use of a free press if those with influence are too afraid or corrupt to print the truth?
Stop Pretending US Is a Functioning Democracy
The FBI vs The People
Journalists and politicians have become ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that misleads the public
. And the real problem is they believe their own bs, so they can't possibly change course.  Richard Feynman, one of the world's leading scientists warned “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”

You don't have to agree with anyone's comments or opinions, but in a free society they have the right to make them.
Roger Waters’ 40-city North American tour is an eviscerating attack on a pretend America, exposing the nation’s brutality at home and abroad
The US Military’s Culture of Lies
Killing With Near Certainty
Cynthia McKinney: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy
Researchers at Boston University have developed a new COVID strain with 80% kill rate - GOOD WORK BOYS! Fauci says "We didn't do it".

An xray of Elon Musk's Gonads ( Balls of Steel)Elon Musk's Balls of Steel.  A Politico left wing hack tries to run a hit piece on Elon Musk buying Twitter, citing Musk's big mouth and business failures.  Musk is a serial entrepreneur and built some of the most successful companies on earth, including SpaceX and its recoverable rockets. Failures and starting again are part of being a successful entrepreneur, if the Politico hack knew anything. The risk for Musk in the Twitter deal has to do with the fact that he is working with government agencies like NASA and the US Military, which the Biden regime has exposed as completely corrupt, militaristic whores.  They can threaten Musk's operations for making Twitter a free speech platform, impacting Musk's cash flow.  However the 7 billion people not under the influence of the corrupt US cabal with countries like China providing an off ramp, blows up the general assumption that Musk needs any of them and is nonsense.  Musk made all of it from scratch, because he is brilliant, thinks way outside the box, and has the balls of steel to do it anywhere. Steal all of his money, and strip the company of its leadership and Musk could do it over again.  Think Werner Von Braun.  Before he had ideas, now he has experience and knows what works. The real question is will Musk kowtow for cash, or do what he feels is right.  Musk is a visionary, not some flake bureaucrat or corrupt politician, a group in such a tiny minority of purse clutching (literally these days), brain dead cheese eaters.  Anyone with a brain would back Musk's vision for space, EV production and hard to contain free thinking.  Politico, Twitter, and its left wing bunch of cluster fucks don't have a clue, all they can do is bleat like left wing sheep.  No one would hire any of them but lots of countries outside the US cabal of whores would back Musk.

Crapping on EU Wimps as Bully Theater and How Everyone But the TINY MINORITY of Elected and Hired Help Pay For It
Another View.  Geez where are all the people who scrutinize things coming from? Must be an anti-propaganda virus spreading like Covidian. Oh well, turn up the media propaganda earwax to the dumb fucks.

Former Polish foreign minister thanks US for damaging Nord Stream pipeline
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck its a duck
Oh, Joe Biden is old and senile.  Nice cover for a hair sniffing pervert who spawns a drug addict who screws his brother's wife, family members, promotes shit eating gay lifestyles that can kill your children, and who funds corrupt conmen like Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy for family profit and to start a war that only citizens will pay for and the entirely corrupt military industrial complex mobsters will profit from.  The reality is the play acting old pervert is destroying America. It will take a lot to recover, and the hired/elected help will not do it.

If you live in any country outside the 5 eyes (or 10 eyes, 5 assholes) alliance, you need seriously to look at anyone from the alliance cabal's presence in your country as a threat to your future.  Enough has been written and linked in this site and hundreds of others like it all over the world to provide insight into the way this group operates.  Don't worry about tourism. Tourists intent on killing your politicians, stealing your resources, bribing and threatening government officials, and manipulating your information are people you can do without.  Since lying and misrepresenting one's intent in today's world is so easy, you are better to err on the side of caution.  Make no mistake about it, they will kill you and your future for what you have, and what they want.

Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the West’s Stranglehold

China's Rise, America's Fall: Which superpower is more threatened by its “extractive elites”?
The US elected, hired and appointed help continues its naked imperialism as Biden approves Somalia redeployment
Inside the US Military's Secret Undercover Psychological Operations Warfare Army

25% Of People Who Received Covid-19 Vaccination Missed Work Or Reported A "Serious Event" Affecting Their Normal Life Functions, According To CDC Data. The CDC tried to withhold the information for more than 1 year until ordered by the courts to release it.
94% of people injected with mRNA vaccines showed abnormalities in their blood after the jab. 100% of these showed alterations to their blood post injection. Full IJVTPR study here.

The End Game
The Looming Extinction of the American Working Class - Free Enterprise mass extermination of a particular group of people - (Ed: a "greedocaust")
(Ed: Critical Read) The Destiny of Civilization: Michael Hudson on Finance Capitalism, the Economic Consequences of Ukraine and the End of Globalization

Pfizer: Destroying Women, Poisoning Breast Milk, Murdering Babies; and Hiding the Truth - Murder for Profit and Politics. The Elected & Hired Help's New America
How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data BECAUSE IT EXPOSES THEIR GULLIBILITY

ED: Capitalism is the over 31.7 million small businesses in the United States (March 2021) according to the SBA, which employ 59.9 million people, or 47% of the U.S. workforce.  Capitalism works, corrupt, lying thieves that manipulate the laws, government, hide money in tax havens, murder citizens with help from lawyers to get away with it, and rob the public give free enterprise a bad name.  They must be destroyed and their money and assets returned to the nation. Once corrupt, their corruption infects their entire family like a virus.  Liz Cheney, Hunter Biden are corrupt viruses.
U.N. Declares ‘No Return to Fossil Fuels’ Despite Energy Crisis.  ED: Not hardly, the rest of the world (nearly 7 billion people) can use fossil fuels at bargain rates and the developed world (a little more than 1 billion people) that abused their use without addressing the negative effects can pay all on their own to clean them up. A bit of research reveals  how completely corrupt the developed nations have become, lying and propagandizing everything. As Vietnam and Afghanistan prove, in spite of some pain, 7 billion people with sticks and earplugs should completely disregard the lies and corrupt influence of places like Britain, the United States and NATO countries whose only God is money and destruction.  The tiny number of corrupt leaders and their wealthy patrons are well on their way to destroying their own citizens, and there is little to admire, listen to or copy.  Shockingly, in spite of wall to wall and continuous propaganda, there are tens of thousands of people every day exposing their lies and corruption, and millions who see it.  Name calling and attacking dissenting voices, like the nearly senile Biden sock puppet does in desperation can't change eyes that see and minds that think.

Why Electricity Prices Can’t Be Left to Bogus ‘Free Markets’

Uncle Sam is the replacement for Hitler to the stupid German lackies

The Germans have a history of fawning over pompöse Arschlöcher who screw them and Europe over.

Maybe the suckers will wake up this time.

This Climate Change Report to the CIA Uses Observation Over Millions of Years and is the real science, not cash the driven modeling scams of Al Gores or the emotional bleating of the Greta Thunbergs. Models can be made to support any lies, history cannot.  Just three events, the Covid alarmism which was vastly overblown deliberately, the war in Ukraine, provoked to continue forever wars, and the deliberate destruction of borders with illegal aliens to undermine citizens and create labor and customers for business (BTW, rich countries can never match developing countries in low cost labor by destroying their own citizens or screwing them out of their salaries), all supported by a completely untrustworthy media tell you all you need to know about climate change alarmism.  Follow the Covid facts, study the Ukraine provocations, and simply look at what is happening with borders to really understand the deadly game.  Citizens are victims and have to stop being so.  The real enemies are a tiny group of people using money, media and lies as weapons.
Lake Mead Is Draining, Not Climate Changing.  ED: Ask a climate alarmist why his kids bath is less full than it was before and he will tell you its human activity and climate change, not that his wife pulled the damn plug.
Is Water the New Gold? (The Fight Over Water 42 min video) 
Will the Earth Ever Run Out of Water? Ed: Never, unless it flies off into outerspace as iceballs lol, as explained to a Grade 7 student
. The real problem is people expect the Earth to conform to delivery schedules like Amazon. Maybe they should revive some American Indians.  They followed the food and the weather to survive.

International Study finds ‘zero evidence’ of Climate emergency.  Scientific Paper Here  Ed: Quick, quick, bullshit promoters, get out a counter narrative.
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics and Computer Models

Global Climate Cooling Facts
Earth on the Brink of an Ice AgeEd: Good thing we are switching to the sun and wind, sources of energy controlled by large corporations and other thieves.  No burning trees, coal, peat and furniture for us,  But pay through the ass for energy we must.
Media Lying About Climate Change

Uncle Sam looking at how many ass hickies he got in Germany"Kiss My Arse or I'll Kick Your Head In" - Harold Pinter, Nobel prize and Légion d'honneur winner summed up American foreign policy, implicating the European toadies with chapped lips from the ass kissing.

US Military Traps to control/destroy the world. 7 Billion people live outside the EU and the US, in 193-237 countries. The 27 member EU states with the US are a tiny minority in the world population, but are responsible today for the majority of its wars and destruction. The 7 billion people that live elsewhere have to pursue strategies to create a viable alternative to US and European thuggery. China and Russia have the resources, skills, and combined weaponry to confront the thugs.  The key is alternatives to the banking infrastructure, food supplies, biological weapons, which China and Russia both have and as China is demonstrating, dealing with biological warfare (which Covid offers practice for), and cheap sources of energy.  No intelligent person should ever want a single supplier for anything and grade 10 science explains fossil fuels underpin the entire global economy.  More importantly, if you read the links above on climate change, including the report on climate change to the CIA, you would see that the million year historical record revealed through examination of ice cores, etc. shows the real problem may in fact be cooling, and not the temporary warming (in earth time continuum, which is millions of years and not inaccurate computer models spanning hundreds of years).  There is another narrative developing using climate change as the excuse, perhaps because the United States and Europe do not have resources needed in the future in abundance or that they simply do not dominate in, including fossil fuels, rare earth metals, land area, manufacturing prowess and massive cheap labor pools. Four companies are giants in the grain trade but Russia is one of the largest producers of wheat and the largest producer of fertilizer in the world. There are sound reasons to do business with China, Russia as alternative suppliers to the EU and the United States.  China is already reportedly the largest economy in the world and the Ukraine hand has shown the dangers of relying on US and EU whores for anything exclusively.  The presence of any Americans or Europeans or their proxies, their banks and lending institutions in any country outside their block must raise an alarm, given the historical record of their interventionism, which everyone should familiarize themselves with. More importantly, in these countries if the people that are elected to run the country, they must be held with equal suspicion if they appear to be in bed with the Americans, the Europeans or their proxies.  There is less danger in living in a standoff between rivals that can completely destroy each other, rather than living under one with the destructive control the US demonstrates in the world and the dangerous weak toadies that dominate the EU. The only safety is in absolute assured destruction between competing nations, oddly enough, and citizens willing to take action like insurgents to protect their own nations from malign influences. The good news from a global nuclear/biological war if there is any, is in the mess and confusion you can seek out and find those in power in your own nation, the morons responsible for starting it and killing your children and your future, and kill them off once and for all.  The massive destruction will wipe out a lot of the fence sitters since they will be sitting on their ass watching anti-Trump CNN repeats if there are any TV signals, and listening to media bullshit telling them how wonderfull things are. We are all going to die anyhow, timing is the only issue.

How the FBI intervenes in US politics.  35 minute Greyzone video
The CIA is Not Your Friend - Edward Snowdon
Bullshit baffles brains: Massive secret network revealed to be pushing western narrative. Stanford study here.
Picking apart BS from The Hill just for fun. Ed:  We took a shot at The Hill for fun, but then the elites at Martha's Vineyard confirmed what the illegal immigrants already know about the same pack of assholes they deal with in their own country, when they got shipped off to a military base like so much "Trash" so they as "deplorable" and filthy aliens do not dirty up the elite's private playground.  Maybe the old sock puppet and hair sniffer Biden can come up with a line like "I am just like you, I have a crack addled son who screws everything that walks, including his brother's wife, and we ditch the kids of the women he knocks up.  See we Bidens are just like you."  More here

Full PDF of Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals  Click> image to read or download
Britain’s opium era strategy to deal with China.  Truss polishing up her knee pads for some serious US knob polishing
One city produces an extraordinary number of ‘perfect scores’ in global International Baccalaureate exams.  Asia China leads the world, Russia tied with China in second.
The Intelligence Community Liars, Murderers and Traitors Con Game Continues - The Public Are the Suckers and Get to Eat Bananas
The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
Ed: By the colonists' own understanding covered in "Who Is An American", those in service to citizens lose their status while in service to the public.  The government and corrupt intelligence agencies that are obliged to serve citizens in America are not fellow citizens, but alien to them while in public service, and their corrupt conduct consititutes a direct, life threatening attack by traitors on the real citizens who are their masters.
An interesting read on a Regime Change Troll, how they work and get cash

All the tools needed to counter school boards, corporations and anyone else threatening your children with a dangerous minority activity that can kill them and/or commit them to a lifetime of medical intervention to save their lives:
- Aids virus information handouts including fact that it is incurable and without expensive treatment can kill you
- Monkey pox virus information handouts including the fact that it is incurable and requires expensive treatment
- Ziplock bags of human excrement to have school board members and promoters of the lifestyle show they eat it or encourage their children to
- Jars of human urine to have school board members
and promoters of the lifestyle show they drink it or encourage their children to
- Copies of the LBGTQ communities "Hanky Code" in which eating shit and drinking urine are promoted.  Downloadable pdf copy w/o annotations here.

ED: LBGTQ lifestyles have been around forever. A republic protects their rights like everyone else, but those rights are not a license to infect young children with a potentially disease ridden and life threatening behavior, nor do they include trying to separate children from their parents in secret to exploit them for the benefit of a minority engaging in potentially life altering and deadly behavior.  These disruptive behaviors have nothing to do with fairness, they are a deliberate attack on your personal life.  Shooting a child in the head or encouraging someone to infect them with a deadly disease is the same as attempted murder, and those that do so are no different than an enemy with a gun attacking your children and should be regarded and treated as such. 

Hospitals ‘Performing Horrifying Gender Manipulating Experiments on Children’

The Chair of the Lancet's Covid Commission is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US biotechnology" labs funded by the US Government. Ed - If you wait for definitive proof the US Military Industrial Complex is a clap bearing whore you are simply stupid.
The U.S. Lied About Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal.  ED: But of course, you would have to be deaf, blind and dumb to think otherwise. 
Ukraine is NOT a Signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention
Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up

400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID
Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax And “The Darkest Winter”
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

The Department of Defense (DOD) has long expressed concerns about its ability to acquire and maintain the capability to deal with biological warfare threat agents, toxins, and endemic diseases in areas where warfighters are deployed.1

Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board
Government Use of Behavioral Strategies to Inflate Emotional Distress to Change Behavior
Behavioral Government - Using Behavioral Science to Manipulate Citizens
Mindspace: Influencing Behavior Through Public Policy
- The Technique

China's No Longer Poor Because It Stopped Doing Stupid Things (unlike America and Europe's Elected Help)
Why This Recession Is Different
Climate-Policy Is A Much Greater Threat Than Climate-Change

Edible insects and their role in transmitting parasitic diseases to humans and animals
Vietnam Era Type Bullshitting American Citizens All Over Again: The US proxy war in Ukraine
Biden says you need an F15 to win in the messes the hired help create......Is that a fact......How about punji sticks and goats?

If you are alive, the right to breathe is absolute. You have the natural right to prevent anyone trying to stop you breathing, killing them if need be. Freedom to live and prosper, and defend yourself and your children from enemies threatening your lives is also absolute.  No one can take those absolute rights away and you are under no obligation to hand off responsibility for protecting those rights to anyone, nor should you.  One of the most powerful ways to amplify your capacity to defend your absolute rights is with weapons.  Any discussion of constitutions, laws, Amendments that  somehow imply absolute rights are given by others is nonsense, and thinking or suggesting they are reduces you to a house pet like a dog.  - ED
The History and Rhetoric of Disarming Greek Citizens
2022 Supreme Court Gun Cases, Explained

Morons and Liars Say The Ukraine Invasion Was "Unprovoked."  Just look at  the Biden admin behavior in the US and the ass kissing Europeans across the way to clear your mind
All Governments Lie: Video 94 minutes.  IMDB credits
How the authoritarian Left squashes dissent - Glenn Greewald

High-Tech Weapons Don't Work in Low-Tech Wars - Vietnam then, Afghanistan now, Europe and Asia up Next. Punji sticks, goats and belief will beat assholes all day long. US functioneries are assholes pure and simple and Biden is the strawman in chief.

US Military Shysters Stealing Oil From Illegally Occupied Syria - Three major attacks in Syria in 24 hours
How So-Called Free Countries Fleece Developing Countries - How Britain Raped India to the Tune of $45 Trillion and Lied About It - Coming Soon to Suckers Near You, Defence, Kill Oil, Green Tech, Climate and Food Scams Being Cued Up to Screw the Rest of the World. Don't you just love the Ingenuity of the Hired and Elected Help and Their Elite Patrons?

Finnish economist: “I am telling you people that the situation in Europe is much worse than many understand”
The Morons Launch Cover Their Own Asses Plans - EU Ministers Call For 10% Cut In Energy Consumption hoping the destruction of citizen's comfort will go unnoticedOf course not listening to American BS and simply continuing to buy much needed energy would do the same thing. The other is learning oil and gas are part of the fabric of a developing world and the trick is improving their efficiency, not replacing them with green technology that impacts the environment as seriously as fossil fuels and the change over transfers the entire wealth of the populace to rich bastards who have proven to care less for the average person. Maybe citizens will put up with it again, maybe not. Citizens certainly outnumber those destroying civilization millions to one.
Covid Vaccines Up to 100 Times More Likely to Cause Serious Injury to a Young Adult Than Prevent It, Say Top Scientists
Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines.
New Ivermectin Study Demonstrates 92 Percent Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate. (But  a cheap drug reduces drug profit kickbacks to political parties)
'Dr Doom' economist Nouriel Roubini fears a toxic combo of inflation, unemployment, and recession
Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles” But they help to fleece the public and sell crap they don't need using virtue signalling.  Tow a trailer, not hardly.
WSJ: Politicians Are Pushing Expensive EVs on Consumers for ‘Virtually No Climate Benefit
‘Complete and Total Disaster:’ Ford Electric Truck Utterly Fails YouTuber’s Towing Test

Scientists Flock to Sign Declaration There is No Climate Emergency

Climate and Environmental Improvement are ‘inconvenient truths’ the "Green Grifters" Don't Want You to Know About
For Example: The Polar Bear Con

Former Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based on False Narratives - Money Grab for Con Artists - Sounds Like BLM 
Its Hard To Tell Yourself You've Been Taken For A Fool. Worse Yet to Have Your Children Eventually Realize You Were a Spineless Follower Who Exposed Them to Untested Covid Vaccines To Treat A Virus Not As Deadly As Falsely Promoted and Heavily Politicized

You, The People
Another View Of Leadership
Sleight of Hand As a Weapon to Destroy America From WIthin
The F%$#@*g Morons - A Very Tiny and Barely Defensible Minority Exposed?  In the News?
An Engineered Food Crisis to Continue US Dominance - Europe Falls For it
American Political Gangsters, Crooked European Politicians, and Gutless Fools - Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson

Unwanted Pregnancy - This
or this 


Biden: Hair sniffer, pervert poppa, cracker son runs the Ukulele graft train, and cozying up to Saudi Arabia sets an example of freedom and democracy with a bone saw for the whole world to see.  And ole Joe has admirers among the leaders of Europe.  Call it the graft gravy train. Sick of this bunch yet?

Henry Kissinger - US NATO Policies Hasten the Demise of The Brain Dead.  One smart Jew can out think two nations full of schmucks No wonder Hitler thought he needed to kill them all. Oh well, at least Germans are good with their hands, until China kicks their asses.

Germany Returns to Coal & Netherlands join Germany, Austria, Italy in reverting to coal.  The truth of the matter is terrible leadership in these countries has exposed their lies and stupidity in managing the affairs of the nation.  They know exposing millions of citizens to the results of their terrible management, raising their costs of living will wake people up and threaten their cushy jobs, so they are quickly trying to cover their ass while passing the buck onto Russia.  Except there are thousands of people reporting the facts and these clowns are being exposed daily. We report on it here. NATO and the EU, for failures in the design of the union, are hell bent on expansion based on lies and myths.  In doing so they broke promises to Russia about arms on its borders, which also played into American foreign policy bullshit, and Russia stood up to the corrupt cabal.  Doubling down on their bureaucratic stupidity, the EU exposed its terrible leadership, blowing up their economy by cutting off a vital resource.  There are two lessons. Oil and gas are not easy to get rid of in the short term, as any Grade 10 Science texts explain, and secondly no other nation should give up their use of coal, oil, natural gas or firewood.  The advanced nations used all of these sources of energy to build their nations and in the process created climate issues.  They alone broke the climate balance and they and their citizens unfortunately must bear the entire cost and responsibility of fixing the problem, not kick the can down the road to poorer nations trying to improve the lives of their citizens. The phony American foreign policy spew has shown not one sane person on earth should ever become encumbered by anything any nation has to sell because it is certain these nations will use their inventions and advances in green technology as a tool of political and military leverage to keep the poor down. The Ukraine Russia saga is proof beyond a doubt of that.  Coal, oil, natural gas and firewood are cheap, abundant, and many nations have them.  The idea that oil can be removed from the economy in the near term is nonsense, and a cartoon parody of reality for the stupid or gullible. These resources will continue to be so in the future because they are so intricately involved in almost every product people use. For a developing nation its all about using the lowest cost resources to develop the nation, and not capitulating to someone with their hand out on one side and a gun in the other hand, which is the only way to describe America today.  And as for switching to coal,  the lesson is simple.  Use what works, period.

And proof of how corrupt the cabal of people in service to the public are, check this out.  These chest beating phony assholes play war and fuckups with your money and hide behind paid jackboots whose ethics are crippled by a mortgage, debt and maybe they want to be pretend tough guys too.  Seriously folks?

No, Russia did not cut off supplies to Europe, sanctions prevented the return of equipment to pump the gas.  One more reason for China and Russia to knock off everything in the supply chain.  Canada agrees to return turbines to Russia.

America's Tiny Numbered, Tiny Brained Functionaries Think Killing, Threats, and Plain Stupidity is a Business Strategy.  Do These Clowns Have Mothers or Were They All Still Born and Revived With Defective Brains? 
Sit Back and Watch Europe Commit Suicide

The German government claims it needs an image of the enemy.  How about a mirror, you morons?
How to Defeat The Billionaire Class - (ED: One Caveat - Economic freedom works.  Corrupt people break it. More People Need to Learn How to Start and Run Businesses, Not Just Fight for Better Treatment in Jobs)
Capital In the 21st Century -
Documentary on Thomas Piketty's Book Explaining Wealth Inequality (1hr 42 minutes). It explains the rigged game which always leads to civil war and a complete restructuring of society.  A tiny fraction of society always is responsible for its destruction.  What are you going to do about their behavior?
History Repeating Explains Where World Is At,
and US Decline (45 minute video) curated by Ray Dalio, billionaire Bridgewater hedge fund founder.  History shows the decline of nations repeats itself, caused entirely by a tiny minority claiming power, and citizens too spoiled, over fed, self-indulgent, or even far worse, too fearful to get off their ass and fix it BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.  Think of riding a 747 flown by idiots into a mountain under full throttle with front row seats and watching it happen.  Enjoy.

Information Blockades - Hiding Information Contrary to the Narrative the tiny number of hired and elected help and their funders want you to see.
The Functionaries and the Grifters Funding Them Want to Run Everything Using Unaccountable Global Organizations
Jesse Waters, Klaus Schwab and the DAVOS Scum Touch on the Plan    And Here
What is behind Biden's destruction of family values? Look no further than his own family values. Like father like son

The War for Your Future and That of Your Children - Update May 25, 2022
America's Death Spiral Advances - And the Functionaries Continue Their Long History of Screwing American Citizens Along the Way

 Gabriel Weinberg's Secret Deal With Microsoft to Track Users in His DuckDuckGo (Now a Has Been) Privacy Browser    More Here

Grain Exports Flow From Ukraine - American Bullshit Exports Massively Increase. If Bullshit Were Edible American and NATO Functionaries Could Feed the World

Europeans Must Be Left To Freeze & Suffer Financially
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy - Shyster, Facilitator, Shill and Corrupt

Are The Us and Ukraine Winning? Every issue, war and conflict started by the hired help that fail, should be a nail in their coffin. Their lies and failures add to the growing pile of reasons to disbelieve them, identify the damage they do to the world, and fuel the reasons to remove them by any means possible.  The world is where it is because a tiny number of people broke it and all of them need to go.  Ask yourself a simple question. Why do I have to put up with them or take orders from them? Create a list of reasons.
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Where is the West's Ukraine Strategy (other than to prop up lies and start wars)

Nose in the Ass of a Skunk: When Truth Is Mixed With Falsehoods

America's "Hired Help" Are Liars Those who follow their lead deserve nothing.
Afghanistan Defeat and Retreat: History Exposes the $%&% Clowns in the Military Industrial Complex
Ukraine Next: The $%&% Clowns At It Again, Using Your Money of Course.  When Do Real Americans Finally Wake Up and Blow Out These Losers?
Next Again: Ta Da. Up Come The $%&% Clowns and the Polaks. More War and Weapons Sales; Another winning Combination

LUCKY THING SWEDEN IS A DEMOCRACY - Hey Olaf, Want Some Colonists to Show You What To DO When You Are in Trouble

Pregnant Women and Breast Feeding Women Excluded From Pfizer Vaccine Studies.  Serious Problems Reported.  Lucky Pfizer stockholders and Rats benefited

Has Musk Blown Billions? As smart as he is, his businesses benefit from government involvement in one way or another, such as SpaceX.  It will be interesting to see how he handles that problem, when the deal is actually done. Uh oh, one day inFree speech?  The hired help can never allow free speech.  You might actually lynch them and throw the bastards out if you dare to think. Why the Left Fears Losing Twitter To Musk and Luckily For Them Government Will Suppress All Forms of Truth Coming Out.  Just look at clown land Sweden^^

Download, or watch and read these books and film online

DespotismRape of the Mind Thomas Piketty

The Never Ending Stream Of Lies and Deception Will Continue

War Simplified for Dummies

The War of A Tiny, Tiny Minority of Poorly Defended Exploiters vs The Masses They Hate

Ten Steps to Totalitarianism

The Pimps of War - Liars and Members of The Tiniest of Minorities That Can be Easily Found

America's Corrupt Hired Help Are Killing America's Blackmail Scheme - Its About Time

The Coming Global Financial Revolution - Russia Is Following the American Playbook

Why America Only Pretends to Compete With China

US Military Doctor Testifies In Court Under Oath She Was Ordered by Superior Officers to 'Cover Up' Vaccine Injuries
Pfizer had to hire 600 additional full-time employees, with a plan to hire 1800 total, just to process the flood of adverse events reported.  Israel Deal.

A Bombshell Study Proves How Damaging Draconian Lockdowns Were For the American People - You Were Attacked
The Doctor Who Exposed Fauci’s Fallacies and Got Harassed and Fired from HHS for Telling the Truth

A Discussion of Being a Nigger

The Biden Administration Assault on American Citizens


The Great Reset - An Explainer

Liberty At Any Cost
Hands off My Liberty (Updated Feb 20)

The Money and Power Insurrection With Covid One of Its Weapons to Destroy American People and Families


Lets recruit school age victims to queer inclusive lifestyle
(Gilead pharma needs more AIDS treatment cash flow)

The GAY Hanky Code - "Eat Shit" and more. Seriously?
Poppers - Loosen ass/throat for sex - head rush
, pull TRAINS

The Gay Hanky Code web page by Gay Desert Guide
The Gay Hanky Code PDF to confront school board members and show their children and relatives what they are advocating.
The Gay Hanky Code Scene System PDF to confront school board members and show their children and relatives what they are advocating.

Joella RoganDoes Being Hornier Than a 3 Peckered Owl
Resonate? Just don't say Deviant, please.

Covid Virus - 5.9 million dead 2/16/2022
AIDS - Incurable VIRUS - 36.3 million dead

Contrarian Transgender Opinion (Plus Editorial
Deliberate Activities That Could Spread AIDS)

Media Coverage of Transgender issues makes 4 Conceptual Mistakes
The Medical Harm Being Done To Transgender Children (We have parked a copy of this video as well)

Ukraine War Fallout Could Trigger a Significant Shift Away From China - Analyst.  ED: We Doubt It

The Architects of Our Present Disaster

Some Insurance Companies Will Not Pay Death Benefits to Vaccinated Because "Side Effects Well Known" - Experimental Drug - Same As Committing Suicide
The Stink Never Comes Off

TRUMP 62,984,828 votes vs 65,853,514 Clinton. It was not Trump's pretty face, his brilliant management, or his inability to avoid foot in mouth. 62,984,828 simply did not buy establishment bullshit then, and now thanks to the Biden enema, far less will now. The New Media exposes anti establishment lies, corruption and propaganda and attacking Trump is a waste of time, its the behavior of the hired help in government that the people object to. Times are changing.

Military Coercion and US Foreign Policy: The Use of Force Short of War

Sasse on Fox - More Propaganda and Spin

The main stream media had to hide the Hunter Biden laptop story.  It is full of emails showing hair sniffing daddy and cracko son were deeply intertwined in business deals, kickbacks and corruption.

As PJ Media points out "50 former senior intelligence officials signed on to a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” Their letter gave Joe Biden cover to pretend it didn’t exist, gave the media an excuse not to cover the story, and provided social media the pretense to censor any discussion about it."

Fortunately as this publication repeatedly points out, the military industrial complex and US intelligence agencies are simply flat out lying thieves, murderers and cannot be trusted with anything.  We also pointed out that propaganda is a two edged sword and it can be used against its spreaders.  Here we joyously provide you with the documented signatures of 50 of the lyingest, most corrupt, blow smoke up your ass US officials telling you Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation, just like Ukraine was caused by Russia and not the lying son-of a bitches in the US foreign policy establishment. Enjoy the read. Remember, this is the behavior of the hired help the rest of the world is supposed to accept. 

What you need to do now is go past mainstream media to news sites that are NOT pushing a narrative of the tiniest group of manipulators, get the facts, and then use them to expose to yourself just how corrupt they are. Then you need to start backing out of over overspending, get control of your money, run yourself and vote the corrupt liars out in every elected place you can, all the way down to school boards, town councils, and so on, and tell it exactly like it is.  Encourage dissent, do not suppress it.  This is your world, not the hired help. When they try to undermine your daughters in sports, and in the bathrooms, do not allow it.  The policies being used are intended to destroy families, unity and confidence.

This is the Democracy Your Representatives are Trying Force on the Rest of the World at the Point of a Gun - In Progress

Artificial Intelligence Invents 40,000 Chemical Weapons in 4 Hours.  Actual Article Published in Nature Here.   Original Story Summarizing it Here
The American approach to war is to hide what is going on from the American people who own the joint, use machines and remote technology to minimize bodies coming home which is really bad press, and which then lets propaganda create a bullshit story everyone is expected to believe because they are "patriots and loyal Americans".  For the people attacked in this way the approach to war is simply one of who has the money to fight the longest.  If someone comes to rob your home and kill your family it does not matter if you defend yourself with a gun, knives, throw gas on them and burn them to death, or use wire snares, pitfalls and punji sticks to kill them.  Damaging your home does not matter, especially if you face the possibility of dying.  Similarly, if you are facing an enemy that tries to kill you using money and murder at a distance, it makes absolute sense to use the cheapest, most virulent and horrific form of weapons that can be made, and use the air, water, tourists, whatever to deliver them.  There are simply no rules to survival and any corrupt state that wants to contain the fight to one in which they define the rules, to their advantage of course, is completely crazy.  And when the people who are killed by the millions finally figure out when they are dropping like flies who actually created the problem in the first place, they will attack the real enemy, which are the guys that started it, who are in the nation they live in. Otherwise wars will never end.  America and Europe are running out of resources or simply do not have the resources they need to sustain their systems.  The only way to replace them is to steal them from someone else and the only way to do that is to declare them an enemy, call their stolen land something the thief has to maintain under some fraudulent policy, and use massive fear in the rest of the world to prevent them from pointing out the assets are stolen.  The only thing to prevent this from happening are militarily strong nations preventing it and of course the billions of people around the world who must quickly realize they outnumber the criminals posing as leaders by hundreds of millions to one.  Afghanistan and Vietnam are proof of it.

International Law Is Meaningless When It Only Applies To Those The U.S. Calls Enemies - Which is Why Not One Nation Not In America's Alliance of Lies Should Ever Capitulate to American Demands About Anything

The Vaccine Death Report

The Utter Failure of Pandemic Policy

The images below are what America's functionaries (the hired help) do in the name of the American people, with fat old bags like Madeline Albright (deceased) and Victoria Nuland, also the hired help, bragging about it, and spineless bastards all over the world supporting it because they have not got the guts or the credibility to stand up to it, and doing so lets them play tough guy phonies within their own country to the people they are supposed to serve.  They accurately show the functionaries have no problem ordering the  murder of women and children, destroy their entire cities, maim, torture and murder their men, and burn down their houses.  And they cook up any phony excuse in the world to do so.  F**ck them.

When someone posts a picture if you want to check out its authenticity there is an application called TinEye Reverse Image search
that online or as an add on you install in your browser that can search billions of images in a fraction of a second and find many matches.  It will give the date and time of sources.  If it can't find it the image may be made up or substantially modified to create another impression.   If you think an image is fake you can find out quickly.  The images we post have checked out.  The real problem is the truth is horrible.  That is one reason so many people try to hide it.
How to Create a Global Surveillance State - Our To Dos: Refuse All of It

Can We Have Some Real Talk About Ukraine?  With our comments

Murder By Government 1 - Actuarial Analysis of Covid Vaccine Data Used By Insurers Reveals Vaccines caused 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall - the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.  More importantly the liability waivers protecting Pfizer, Moderna and J&J will not stick.  The attempt to hide the data for 75 years tried to cover this up.  It appears your children are being murdered by government.  Had enough yet?
More importantly for those of you in the police, the armed services, and all other employees of the government, the functionaries at the top did not warn you and your families not to take the vaccines, so if you think you are something special when it comes to your employers  protecting you and your children from harm, you are sadly mistaken unfortunately.  When it becomes necessary, as the colonists understood, to hold those people, the functionaries to account, that did not mean that you the people, of which you are one, were to be punished for your faith that you were being served too.  There is a clear divide between those that abuse their position in secret and the citizens of the nation that have every right to expect they will be protected by those that serve them.  Everyone is being harmed by that misplaced trust. Who can stand by and allow their children to be harmed by such irresponsible actions?

Murder By Government 2 - The United States and NATO Must Lose In Ukraine - Here is why

War Is a Racket (15 minute read, online or simply download pdf for later)

President Dwight Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the military promoting wars for profit.

Ukraine is a stark warning for the rest of the world exposing the lies, bullying and destruction the United States foists on the people of the world professing the advance of democracy.  It is a lie, and no nation should follow in their footsteps and take every step possible to avoid their influence militarily and financially. There seems to be some kind of turning point in the world where those that have power and control the money believe there is Zero reason to listen to the public and defend their interests.  There is no evidence they have done either for years, and I guess Covid showed how easy it was to bully and manipulate the public.  Too bad for the people of the world.

When US Kills Its Worth ItAll you need to know about Corrupt American Functionaries' regard for citizens everywhere.  Click to listen

The US And Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War

A Color Revolution is underway for American Citizens in America Right Now

Staging War Propaganda in Ukraine - Never Let a Good Media Manufactured Crisis Go to Waste

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin. The Bet Backfired Badly.
Pathetic Politicians - All Hitler All the Time

MILITARY BOOT CAMP: Your entire surroundings are changed, your friends and family are disconnected, your habits are completely altered, your beliefs are manipulated.  To disorient you, to destroy old habits and make new ones.  You are in a new world that only takes a few months to create.

CIVILIAN BOOT CAMP: Filling the nation with illegal immigrants, destroying your ability to pay for things you used to be able to afford, forcing you to worry about your job and wages, threatening you with a disease that is not even close to what is described for 99% of the people, ARE ALL TOOLS OF BOOT CAMP TO DISRUPT, DISORIENT,  DESTROY THE FAMILIAR AND REPLACE YOUR HABITUAL BEHAVIOR.  FOR WHAT GOAL? Those of you who have served know how it works.

The Goal May Well Be Explained Here (1:21 hour video)
The Great Destructive Reset of Your Freedom and the Ability to Earn How you Want and Own What you Want

US Department of Defence Biolabs in Ukraine - Were they needed to supply Crack to Hunter Biden and Friends?
The US Department of Defense Biolabs in Ukraine -  More to the Story as Usual
Tulsi Gabbard -  There are US 25 Biolabs in Ukraine, 300 world wide and many are engaged in Gain of Function like in Wuhan
Ukraine is NOT a Signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention

Rachel Marsden: No one should trust West again
Colonel Douglas Macgregor: “The game is over” in the Ukraine… “stay out of it”…
Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine
Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial “Unscathed” - Israeli Journalist - Its Media Propaganda
Our Functionaries At Work - CIA Covert Ops
Our Functionaries At Work - Torture
***What the Media is HIDING About Ukraine/Russia - The US Role, Weapons Sales
The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine - US Sanctioned and Funded Mass Murder
How The West Exploits Ukraine - the psychological weaponisation of war and its exploitation as a tool of indoctrination and statecraft in the hands of the establishment.

ON THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRISIS: An Urgent Message from his Excellency Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò, Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
È della massima importanza che io richieda la vostra attenzione.

"The U.S. may want to be the only great power in the world, free to expand its hegemony with impunity, but it is not. Refusing to see this is dangerous for us all.

When US Kills Its Worth ItWhen the United States Murders Hundreds of Thousands of Innocent People, Including Children in Illegal Wars Like Iraq, Based Totally On Bush's Lies About WMD That Did Not Exist, Backed Up By Human Garbage Like Tony Blair - Thats OK. American Murder Makes the Military Industrial Complex Money to Bribe The Functionaries to Keep the American People in the Dark. When Anyone Else Does it, it's the Worst Thing in the World and Cause for More War.
The System is Kept Going by Mindless Airheads in the News
Whose Job Depends on Delivering Lies and Propaganda, Which Explains the Need for Other Sources Who Don't Need Face Makeup, Plucked Eyebrows, Botox and Straps to Pull in Their Bloated Bellies. They Just Need to Dig Up and Report The Facts.

It is a terrible thing that is happening in Ukraine.  But before you criticize anything, click the picture above and listen to Madeline Albright, the 64th United States Secretary of State say to 60 Minutes that killing 500,000 innocent children in a phony war the United States started based entirely on lies, is worth it. Then ask yourself, if you had a neighbor threatening your home and family, if you have an ounce of self preservation you would never allow it. Nor should Russia allow NATO to come to its borders with weapons to threaten it.  The US could have just as easily agreed to leave Ukraine a neutral buffer state, but that is not their goal. It is to destroy Russia and if the people of Ukraine are caught in the crossfire I again refer you to Madeline Albright, who basically said too bad. If Albright was the one encouraging your neighbor to threaten your home and family what would you do? The United States functionaries are turning the United States into a murderous regime behind your back which is why secrecy and a corrupt press are so important, which is easy enough to figure out if you spend the time to read about it. Get educated about US policy worldwide, plus watch what almost every governor and bureaucrat in each state tries to do when they can get away with it, and you quickly understand that they expect you to obey them and when you do not you may be killed, lose your rights, and essentially be a slave to the state. Their behavior is copied by the petty tyrants in school boards, also public servants, guys like Fauci, and bleating fools in the media.  All of the people you put in place to help you are public servants and they serve you, not the other way around.  You can see this behavior in Canada, New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Europe and on and on.  These are supposed to be free nations. Your real enemies live among you, not in far off lands.  They are the people that you temporarily appoint to help you, the functionaries, and they do anything but.  The people that live elsewhere are even worse off as Madeline Albright so corruptly described it.  The colonists had it right, and luckily for you there are a lot of citizens that see what is going on, and they will eventually have to bail you out. As the functionaries increase their attacks on Russia, it is no different than Afghanistan, Vietnam, or your own lives at home, it is a war against people defying the order of lying, corrupt bureaucrats and political functionaries.  They are doing it to you with vaccine mandates.  If in five years when the vaccines and lock downs have shown to do untold damage to you and your families you will be in a Russia moment, and at least in America, enough citizens are armed to do something about it.  Where will you stand then?  If you can't figure that out, good luck to you.  

Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China - Bucks for Bullshit - Payoff Journalists to Print Propaganda LOL
Sidebar - "Beef up US international lending".  Interpretation.  Just in case our grand plans backfire again, tie up nations with legal agreements before better alternatives come along.  Think cable companies trying to lock you in with one sided unfair agreements favoring the cable company.  How should foreign nations react?  Call China BRI, create bidding war.  Get every dime you can out of US Dollars and park it in alternatives, and wait for US Dollar collapse and pay debt with deflated Biden Bucks. Contact Russia and buy its most sophisticated arms.  Above all create an alternate financial clearing system, and get rid of globalist media control.  Publish everything about American tactics and historical destruction of nations to reach a geopolitical objective, which guaranteed is not in your nation's interests.  Eject American hitmen from your country.

Government Use of Behavioral Strategies to Inflate Emotional Distress to Change Behavior
Behavioral Government - Using Behavioral Science to Manipulate Citizens
Mindspace: Influencing Behavior Through Public Policy
- The Technique
How Psychologists Manipulated us (got us to comply) with coronavirus restrictions
The Truth About Lying
The Pfizer Documents - An Issue of Trust (Lost)
When the damage to you and your family accumulates from vaccines, who is going to pay your medical bills in America?  What if the injuries are not called injuries and denied?
The German People Truly Are Stupid, Which is Why They followed Hitler So Obediently

The Delusion of Rapid Decarbonization Getting Rid of Oil is Not Happening in Our Lifetime
A Partial List of Products Made From Oil Today - Changing Them Will Take a Long Time, Raise Prices
Electric Vehicles Are Far More Damaging to the Environment Than Gasoline Vehicles

Has anyone thought of taking steps to make the American Dream achievable again?  I guess not if you have never started a business in your life.

What Happens When An Emergency Use Authorization is issued when:
1) There ARE adequate, approved, and available alternatives, and
2) The potential benefits of the product DO NOT outweigh the known and potential risks of the product?
Two states have issued legal opinions that there are alternative treatments (the gov has denied their use, to avoid an answer for point one)
The documents released by Pfizer under court order as well as thousands of others indicating substantial and known risks of the product which the FDA agreed to hide.
Smells like fraud, criminal liability, and, for the people who were inveigled into signing waivers without counsel and could not have understood what they were signing, a massive legal action

Ivermectin Works and The Information Is Deliberately Hidden For a Payoff
School NOW Requires ECG For Athletes To Participate To Rule Out Sudden Death - But It Can't Be Because of Vaccines, the Dems Are Gods

Judge Rules for Mother Not To Vaccinate Kids.  Questions Gov whose "experts may not be experts" and side effects coming out that a rational person would be concerned about to PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN.

About Myocarditis: Myocarditis is the 3rd leading cause of Sudden Death in children and young adults
More About Myocarditis
mRNA Vaccines Are Shockingly Hazardous

Pfizer Vaccine Data They Want to Hide for 63 Years - (One paper here) Thousands of pages not released yet
TrialSite review of confidential Pfizer documents raise questions about the safety of its mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine
Pfizer is not our friend

Harvard's Abramson: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care. An explanation of how Pharma falsifies risk data, avoids prosecution, uses related companies to take the fall when caught so they can keep billing medicare and more (Video 2:17 hours)

Pfizer Vaccine Goes Into Liver and Is Converted to DNA: (Study Here. Note>>  Received: 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022 )
So Much for Politifact, Reuters, Snopes fact checks
CDC: mRNA Vaccines do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way
Twitter Just Banned The Peer Reviewed Study on The Vaccine Being Converted to DNA

Pathology: Results from the 2nd Pathology Conference, Dec. 04, 2021, Berlin, Germany
New research confirms potential mRNA vaccine dangers consistent with German Patholgy Conference   Paper Here

1000 Peer Reviewed* Studies List Covid Vaccine Adverse Effects
* Entire 1000 Study Linkable List Here
Nobel Laureate Aids Discoverer - The Vaccines are Poisons 1/12/22
Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant Says She Was Pressured to Not Reveal it Was Mild
Authoritarian Science and the Case of Hydroxychloroquine
108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure…
649 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 404 Dead, After COVID Shot
Governments everywhere are ignoring or lying about side effects.  Why?
OUR POSITION: Why do we take the position we do?
War Is a Racket (15 minute read, online or simply download pdf for later)
The Unobvious Obvious

Russia For Dummies
Buchanan: Did we provoke Putin's War in Ukraine?
Compilation: Top Strategic Thinkers Warned Against NATO Expansion, No One Listened. Morons Are Running The Store Now and Own the Deaths of Everyone Involved..
The Boomerang of Sanctions
Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? (If you do want to understand it) (Video 1 hour 14 minutes)
US/NATO Deceit - Putin's Loss of Patience
Perhaps The US Should Shut The F**k Up About Respecting Other Countries’ Sovereignty
What You Should Really Know About Ukraine
A US-Backed, Far Right–Led Revolution in Ukraine Helped Bring Us to the Brink of War
Obama Knew Better Both With Ukraine and Biden "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to F**k things up."
Did We Provoke A War In Ukraine?
Ukraine's Deadly Gamble - America Pushing It in Front of a Train
The United States Needs to Stop Pretending It's a Democracy
Please Start a Nuclear War With Russia, I Hear Racist White Folks Taste Like Fried Chickin When Well Done, And Radiation Kills Covid
History Points to the US as Perpetrator of Crisis in Ukraine
Ukraine Implementing Minsk Accords & Ending Conflict 'Very Last' Thing US, UK Want, Ex-Member of European Parliament Says

The US’s Aggressive Expansion of NATO Created This Horror; The US Can and Should End It
An Act of Sheer Brilliance, Disconnect Russia From Swift, Boost the Worlds Largest Alternative and Finally Kill US Dollar Dominance
Jamie Dimon: Swift Sanctions May Bring Unintended Consequences
Defense Stocks Climb - So What Else is New
Right Again On Russia
Joe Biden's Hair Smelling Fetish Threatened By War in Ukraine
The US Must Escalate the War, Hunter Biden Needs His Salary Back
The War In Ukraine is a War Against Citizens The People of All Nations Must Never Stand Up to the Beaurecrats Behind Wars

The Durham Investigation Sleight of Hand

The Court Packing Coup

The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault
Covid Has Created A Capitalist Nightmare

D'oh"Big Three" opioid drug distributors
J&J advance $26 billion in
settlements to pay damages to
hundreds of thousands Americans

More Big Pharma Lies - AntiDepressants - With the FDA's Help

Covid and Excess Weight

Searchable List of Off Label Covid Interventions
Select Intervention - Find Studies, Analysis, Impact

Note: Issuing vaccines without the testing normally required,
adverse effect reporting, persecuting questions,
politicizing science, legitimately destroy trust in government
and the scientific community, as they should. Now think.
Vaccines are a good thing, but something is up with these.

Austria's Covid vaccine law comes into force. With more
data about vaccine side effects, blindly following orders
is not wise.  I guess the happy days of
Hitler's marching,
parades and goose stepping were so inspiring
Sie Ich
kann es kaum erwarten, mehr davon zu bekommen
Wir müssen Befehle befolgen!

Hitler Welcome in Vienna

A Voter Old Enough to Know Better
Another below, its not an isolated thing - click to play

What Citizens Around the World Are Saying About Covid & Lockdowns

Plus This: Drug Maker Pfizer Agrees to Pay $23.85 Million
to Resolve False Claims Act Liability for Paying Kickbacks

Biden Blames Trump. Ned Price Blames Matt Lee. 
Jen Psaki blames anybody dumb enough to listen to her.
Intelligence Agencies call it Russian Disinformation.

Covid Mafia
Covid, lockdowns, and Vaccines Supplied by Criminal Enterprises
(Part 1)
Covid: Are the Emergency Use Authorizations Legitimate? (Part 2)
The Fix is In - Of Course Partially Funded by the Department of Defence Joint Program
Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND)

Spineless Transgender Woman HatersTurn Propaganda Against its Spreaders

Slavery is back

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Links to New & Old Media Sites *** Links to Public Interest Sites


Column 1

American Grit

Wreck It

Illegal Immigration

The Epstein Fairy Tale
Ann Coulter: The Great Epstein Cover-up, Part 2

Surveillance Capitalism
Surveillance Capitalism
*Democracy Now - Overview 16 min
*Lecture Von Humboldt institute 2 hrs

*Police Body Cam Surveillance Nightmare...


*Google Facebook Orwellian spyware platforms kill traditional advertising...


Kids hook
*Facebook threatened the press to comply. Ask yourself why?...






Eleven Reasons Why Presidential Power Expands and Why It Matters

Law Inc.

brainwash university

Balls Off


AOC Knows

Sweden and Capital on the Run5 Economic Lessons from Sweden

NYCU.MORE: Income Inequality in Nordic countries...
Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Equality Video 53 minutes

Immigration Con Job We Can't See And The White Collars It Trashes...
White Collar Immunity? NOT A CHANCE...


Did Trump Violate Campaign Finance Law - 11 Experts Debate...
Clinton Chief Strategist - No, its a Trump Setup...


Column 2

Steady State Liars
Plus This: Lies The Military and Government Have Been Telling Us For Years


Gestapo Intel

5th Reich: Liars-Thugs, Gov't Employees
*Destroy Government, Lie With Impunity
*Attack Citizens, Power At Any Cost
*Counter Intelligence disrupt, facts irrelevant - J. Edgar Hoover
*The Two Hop Liars - No Bunnies Intended
*Illegal CIA op that led to 9/11
*Alfreda SilversteinTorture Queen - War Criminal
*Have Vagina - Will Torture Bitch
*Fed Employee: Fuck Sh*t Up. U Can't Fire Us
US GOV Propaganda Against US Citizens

Sucking the life from the Republic

Queer or CriminalHoover: Queer or Criminal? Update May 15

Locks Hide FBI Lies
*All It Really Did Was Encourage Better Locks
*Encouraged Sleezebags Like James Clapper

New Mission
*More on Clapper Here
*And Rotten Liars Like Brennan
*More on Brennan Here
*Who Spews Garbage and Voters Hate
*And Now The Courts Agree

Comey Threat

Obama Spy on Israel

Spy vs Spy

Obama Lying


Ok for me but not for you


The 158 Families That Gambled Half The Early Money To Win...
The White House Got Trumped At the Tables With A Wild Card...




Social Media Are the Real Enemies of the People...
SM Companies Are Most Dangerous Monopolies Ever...

Free books online...
Tech is/isn't changing reading...

Using Your Data Make You Drink More Booze...
Even Occasional Drinks Bad For You...
Alcohol Gives You Cancer...
Cancer Makes Money For Insurers...
Big Pharma's Most $$$ Diseases...
A Little Peek Into The Big Game...
The Corporate Sickness Scam...
Healthcare = Profitcare Not Peoplecare...
Tapping Your Brain to Sell You Stuff...
Hands Off My Data...

Purchases Expose Race, Politics, Education...

Eat Poor, Processed Food, Get Fat Die...
Live In A Food Swamp...
The Way You Live May Affect How Long Your Descendants Live...




410 Movies Made Under The Influence
And Supervision Of The Pentagon. WHY?...

Pentagon Manipulate


More Money Military. Flim Flam No Matter Who Says It...



Steve Jobs On Disruptive Thinking...


Column 3


Biden Pervert Test

Tara Reade


Bloomberg China

Great Wall Fall

AOC Jackass
CNN idots

Not Fake - Simply Lies



Fast Deception Slow Murder

Apple Fuck Off

Monsanto Farm Destroyer
Dupont Poisons Toxins Smiley Face

Coke Tobacco
*Smoke a Coke. What About Corp. Malfeasance?...
*What About Corp. Lobbyist Malfeasance?...
*Obesity Caused by No Exercise not Junk Food. Lie Courtesy of Big Food...
*SLY FOX MONSANTO MILK MUZZLE MAKES MONEY FOR MURDOCH Or simply how companies, government and the media conspire to hide info from you

"I hope we shall take a warning from the example and crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied coporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and to bid defiance to the laws of their country" - Thomas Jefferson



George Bush Economic Adviser. Companies owe allegiance to bottom line, not workers...

Our Broken System of Global Trade and Finance...

Tax Act Change-Snooker or Smart Play?...



Just Do It

Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee: I invented web. We need 3 things to save it...

Regulate tech firms to prevent 'weaponised' web



Looks Like Sally Needs A Thimble...



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