The recent admission by the Pentagon
that unidentified aerial craft have been visiting earth for some time,
captured on
military instrumentation vastly improved in recent years, is simply a
confirmation of what has been observed by citizens worldwide throughout
history. Even with the Pentagon's admission however, the public is not
being told much and bamboozled.
Here is a link to a documentary film from the
Disclosure Project
in which a number of government personnel, navy and air force people
with top secret clearances discuss what is not being disclosed.
Project's main web site is here.
The next site includes a 2 hour film posted October 19, 2021 with
various military personnel indicating the UAP announcement by the
Pentagon essentially included only near truths and no admissions. The
military personnel in the 2 hour video say the
"UAPs disabled nuclear missiles multiple times" according
to their testimony and a consistent message of their testimony is that
the alien craft that they photographed or observed have an ability far
exceeding ours and could "annihilate us" at will.
The next link is to a book in PDF
format that was immensely popular at one time called
of the Gods,
by Eric Von Daniken. Translated from German, Von Daniken's book
is important primarily as a collection of historical examples of people
in the past reporting they saw something in the sky and who documented
it with
drawings of various craft, stories and so on. The next
link is to a site that
biblical documentation of what could be described as UAP today,
back then by people who would never believe man set foot on the moon,
and would describe UAPs in incredulous terms. Intelligent life
UAP technology have been around for a long time, which raises questions
about why that information has been suppressed for so long.
Most likely it has to do with the military trying to reverse engineer
the technology for military purposes. In addition, the existence
of beings vastly more advanced than we are raises questions about those
claiming elite status. Another way to look at it is to think of
participating in a sport, such as running, in which there are runners
that can run three times as fast as you, or in football in which the
quarterback can throw 100 yard passes and never miss. Or a golfer
that can regularly drive a ball 500 yards and accurately two putt on
the green. Or entire groups of people that can calculate 100
number equations in their head. That massive differential in
ability makes it really hard for people who have far less ability to
tell you why you should listen to them for guidance in their respective
disciplines. Inspiration also has something to do with it.
The next link is a report by
an assistant to Albert Einstein
that she and Einstein were called to an undisclosed military base by
the US Air Force to examine a crashed UFO from the Roswell incident in
1947. Einstein was summoned to see if he could provide inside to
the means of propulsion the craft used and the composition of materials
it was made of. Allegedly Einstein saw and inspected six alien
beings, one of whom lived after the crash.
There are also reports that the Catholic Church has extensive files
UFO sightings in the Vatican library they are not allowing viewing of.
should not be surprised by the Catholic church hiding any knowledge
unidentified craft belonging to far advanced civilizations exist. The
Catholic Church, as with every other corporation, is in the business
of preserving their power. The Church would never be able to do
so if
the public knew there are significantly advanced alien beings around
with technology
texts have mistakenly credited to an all powerful mythical being in the
sky. The Church's version of that mythical power is represented
here on earth by guys in robes speaking Latin in
buildings designed to make
their voices boom
like God, while holding out collection plates for your cash.
Surely a case of mistaken identity claiming
illegitimate authority so to speak. Except in the case of the
church their wolves' fur keeps slipping out of their robes around the
sheeple while a bunch of their members diddle choir boys.
Having the sheeple understand that there are higher powers than the
government, Churches, or corporations acknowledge, admitting that they
are not the
supreme beings they want you to believe, or the Pentagon, which is
one of the largest collections of liars, deceivers and outright
criminals on earth,
does little for people's confidence in these guy's claims that they
should have and right to serve us in any way or guide our decisions
about anything.
Simple observation tells us that the one
truth that is absolute is the reality that the only way liars, abusers
and phonies can lead anything today is with threats at the point of a
gun, or in the case of religions, waving stories of fire, brimstone,
hell, sin and
the "impossibility" of knowing the unknowable to bamboozle and
mislead us. Without exploiting our fears an aware population may
simply choose to get rid of the whole bunch.
Expect the use of the mystical force of threats and bullets to continue
for a long
time until the people have finally had enough and take it back with
their own mystical force of bullets and a little screw you. We
the people are supposed
to benefit from delegating tasks we
can't or won't take care of on our own, to those whom we trust and are
provably capable of handling
them, and not from being denied the choice by
force or having information hidden from us that is not favorable to
those claiming power. Why delegate tasks to anyone that can't
even come close to the skills the aliens demonstrate in UAPs?
And, in only one of thousands of other examples, why are we willing to
put up with corporate thugs like Purdue Pharma that killed
hundreds of thousands of Americans with opioids and a rigged
system lets them get away with a slap on the
wrote about that here.
Tobacco companies, Dupont Chemical, the list is endless, all are
leaving a trail of the dead for the sake of a buck and to try and
preserve their power over the masses. Not good optics if someone
far smarter, more militarily capable, and who actually might respect
life over dollars was available to cull the defective animals
from their
herds like mad cow diseased animals. Its not to hard to pick them out
and I write about them
constantly. Unfortunately they also have the title of employers,
and we have the unenviable position of being indentured debt slaves.
Watch governments suppress and destroy small businesses because they
are typically not as easy to control and have far better ethics than
the thugs that occupy head offices and lobby the government to do their
bidding using a back door payola system to reward favorable outcomes.
For those of you lucky enough to be an American, I
give you a depiction of
true justice
and not the crap we are being served up today. As is always the case,
the issue for the exposed is to maintain the status quo to keep their
power over us. In their eyes the perception of justice has to be
maintained to keep the slow walking death society faces in place, while
maintaining the status quo. When you read the wealth inequality
statistics you can see the massive transfer of wealth taking place is a
way to permanently hobble a nation unless people worldwide rise up and
take the wealth back.
justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails,
and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized
conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor
property will be safe. -
UAPs - A Possibility
The admission that UAPs are real sums up the fact that what we
allow to pass as the pinnacle of brilliance and leadership in this world is clearly nonsense. Human beings
are not the brightest bulbs in the pack of billions in the universe, and the clowns
that have tried to tell us they deserve our trust to look after our
interests are proven con artists. In the case of religion,
that idea is in the bin too. God did not show up to protect the
First Nations children killed by the Catholic Church, he did not show up to protect slaves anywhere in the world, women
have been getting the short end of the stick at the hands of men
forever, and now pretend women who want to compete with them are taking
a shot at diminishing them too, supported by deviants in power jamming
that idea
at us.
An intelligent herd should be able to figure out
how to self engineer a level of fitness to survive, which so far we humans are
proving incapable of doing. Perhaps we are looking at it the
wrong way. A reset is most definitely in order, but how might
that work?
When I grew up, my father regularly would get drunk and beat my mother
senseless. When I tried to help at 9, 10 whatever, I got it too.
When my mother died near her 90's, the care home people where she was
staying apologized to my wife and I saying they could not stop my dad
from abusing her. He could not hit her because he was in a
wheelchair but, if he had been able he would have. Growing up
with this I really wanted a superhero to save us. As I grew
older, I thought God was the Superhero that would come along. I
read the bible many times, the new testament more times, studied other
religions, and I read over 800 self help books and biographies. I lived
in an Ashram for 6 months studying eastern religions. Without
knowing it, I was preparing my mind. One day in my desperate search for help, it struck me that in the few
sayings of Jesus, and other visionaries, had striking
similarities to important tactics and suggestions that self help books
were reporting. Many have a sound basis in reality, although we have
not always recognized that fact. This quote from Jesus points to what
is now recognized as the tactic of
training in sports.
I tell you," Jesus replied, "if you have faith and do not doubt, not
only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to
this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen."
Matthew 21:21
I also thought it strange that various bibles seemed more like an
operating manual for staying alive, kind of like a livestock manual to
keep the herds and flocks together and productive, rather than some
kind of guidebook for a mystical faith that beards and robes run around
promoting, largely for their own benefit I might add. And it also
struck me that some
people appear to come up with brilliant ideas seemingly out of nowhere
and end up as kind of sheepdogs barking at the flock.
Washington Carver, who I read a number of books about, said he
believed plants
talked to him
and revealed their secrets.
And look at Dick
Tracy's wrist radio.
Dick Tracy's author, Chester Gould suggested that invention in 1946, 61
years before the commercial sale of the IPhone. This thinking is
coming from somewhere. And for the record, I do not attend
church, never made my kids go, and I am not promoting religion.
But there some ideas there worth looking at.
Along that line, I created two corporations in the 60's with TV and
video in the names. Nope, I'm not some genius seer, I just saw
phones with video screens on them in Bell Labs when I was working on a
project with them in the 1960's and the idea made so much sense I
adopted the idea. I also saw the mouse and WYSIWYG windows
interface on PCs at Xerox PARC years before Steve Jobs licensed it from
them. I was at PARC with HP trying to get the guys at PARC to design
their network cards to fit in something less than a suitcase, and one
of the engineers excitedly showed me the WYSIWYG (Windows) interface
and mouse. He let me use it and I was so taken with its
practicality, as soon as it was available I paid $16,000 for an Apple
Lisa 7/7 when the IBM PC was only $3200. What convinced me to do
so was asking a IBM sales guy to show me how to type a letter with
their PC. Then I went to a store selling the Lisa and I could sit
down myself without a manual as thick as a phone book and be
immediately productive. Vision seems to be
something that can be triggered by other things, related or not.
But the real insight for me came from two books. One was
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.
Here it is
in PDF format.
In that book Siddhartha essentially meets Gotama (God) who invites him
to join his group. The idea in the book is that if you live under
the full direction and guidance of God, in person, your life may be
free of sin but you cannot achieve enlightenment by following and
worshiping another. Siddhartha realized he would be nothing
more than a copy of what Gotama was teaching him, and it would be much
better for his voyage of personal enlightenment if he in effect stepped
out of Gotama's shadow and aimed for even greater enlightenment on his
own. I see the purpose of a parent as a base from which children
can learn from to whatever degree they can and then jump off from to do
The second book is Cosmic Consciousness by a Canadian Psychiatrist
Richard Maurice Bucke. Bucke observed that there are some people
that appear to achieve a level of thinking that is so far advanced it
seems godlike. Cosmic Consciousness is worth reading even though
its many years old.
Here it is in PDF Format and here is a
Google scan link that might be easier to read. When I read it I was left with
the clear impression that some people have a cognition of ideas that are far
beyond what many people experience, and that they seem to be in the throws of higher states of knowledge. Something like
Tracy's wrist phone in 1946, 61 years before the IPhone was released
for sale. Or my buying a Lisa 7/7 in 1983, after seeing the
WYSIWYG user interface and mouse roughly 10 years earlier at PARC.
seems insight and vision are skills you learn by NOT
following anyone and secondly by imagining what is desirable and therefore
possible, without any restriction.
Six of my
grandchildren did not
attend school this year because of Covid and
were self taught at home. They all passed their grades in
courses, and three of them completed the years they were supposed to
and half of the next. One jumped two grades ahead and
This should not be taken as a tribute to their brilliance, rather it
is an acknowledgment
that the traditional school system is so watered down it may be failing
our children, but the teachers still get paid, have pensions and union
protection and have zero performance measurement. Of course. Can
you imagine if your cell phone stops working, you pay to have it fixed
and it does not, and the repair person says it is what it is, I have
bills to pay and my retirement to think of, so tough and refuses to
refund your money?
I tell you," Jesus replied, "if you have faith and do not doubt, not
only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to
this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen."
Matthew 21:21
In any case, the reset is no one should be following anyone blindly, but should
be taking whatever they can learn from the world and use it to inspire
the next great advancement in their lives. Not one of the people
getting the majority of the political press are worth considering for much of
anything. They are destroyers of life and beacons of human
oppression. We spend far too much time listening to and paying
attention to things that people who pass themselves off as leaders have
to say, when in reality they are really wolves in sheep's clothing looking after their own interests.
We should be listening to the universe talk to us and send us hints
continually, and see what we can
learn from the guys making right hand turns at 19,000 miles per hour,
flying in and out of the water without a splash, and using their
observable behavior as a trigger to our own reach and imagination. The
other thing to do is probe ancient texts with a fresh eye chalking the
mystical up to a lack of knowledge and misunderstanding and try to
grasp the meaning of historical hints and sayings like the belief and
theme. We really have no idea where a lot of the really good
ideas that have been "planted" in early history came from, and allowing
beards and robes to claim them as messianic messages does a great
disservice to ourselves and our children.

I could make 19,000 mph right turns and inspect my herds from afar, I
would damn sure make sure I dropped some really good ideas into the
herd on hygiene, sanitation, thinking, eating, and societal
organization to make sure they improved, and would check back from time
to time to see how they were doing. If they got really out of
whack I would do exactly what any farmer does to diseased and sick
animals, which is cull them to prevent the loss of my entire investment.
One such plugged thought that is proving to be very important is the depiction of
Jesus kicking
the money grubbers out of the temple.
That does not mean I am a Bernie Sanders socialist saying get the rich
guys, its just an observation that allowing greed and money to exploit the
vulnerable is unacceptable. The money lenders practices portrayed in
the concept of money changers in the temple have little to offer and do immense damage to society, corrupting
I wrote about it previously.
economist Thomas Piketty explains the problems created by
wealth inequality and how coercive capitalism creates those problems. The problem
is not capitalism,, but those that would use it to corrupt and
society for their own financial gain to the detriment of everyone else.
For example, local restaurants run by independent business men and women are capitalists, but for the most part
are not bribing government officials, paying off politicians, and
modifying laws to steal from the public as the participants in ALEC, the
American Legislative
Exchange are doing. Every political
party is involved in this problem. Just look at who is pushing
open borders to
flood the country with illegal immigrants and you will get it.
I can see how we have missed the practical messages from history
like these because the people trying to exploit them to fill their own
pockets have elevated them to some kind of divine inspiration from
unknowable gods. This immediately places the so called divine
inspiration above us commoners and suggests we need the brilliant and
inspired assistance of people in robes, with deep voices and that
sprinkle fairy dust on our ass while holding out their hands for a
gimme. Socialism is more of the same, except that its simply
replacing one person telling us what to do and think with another doing
the same thing.
"Have no respect whatsoever for
authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with,
where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable? "This
is not a new idea; this is the idea
of the age of reason. This is the philosophy that guided the men who
made the democracy that we live under.
Richard P.