Real Treason In America
Revised 8/12/2018 (Ed: We will go through and check and update all of the links in the next week March 1, 2025)
The benefit of hindsight is the fact that you get to learn more
about events after they occur than you ever will trying to anticipate
what they will look like in advance of their happening. One such event
was the 2016 election. It was a disruptive event that will have
continuing fallout.
It started with the fact that no one expected Trump to win. When he did
win, the reaction appears to be one of launching a scorched
earth policy to defeat his Presidency. Doing so may be part of an
effort to imply things
should have been left as they were even though the facts counter
that suggestion. Regardless, it is now a wildfire that will
alter the landscape in unexpected ways:
- The Obama administration was caught using
the intelligence community to spy on the Republican campaign, not a
lot different than Watergate. Should the Republicans lose control in
the mid terms the investigation into the Democratic leverage of the
intelligence agencies will stop. If not, it could spell
trouble for the parties involved. Regardless of any opinions to the
contrary, the public knows and if only the half that voted Republican
believe it, the divide will continue.
- The
intelligence agencies were compromised which may the best news to come
out of the whole affair. There is nothing
covert about their tampering with governments, other than the fact that
they call themselves covert and redact everything. No matter who they
act for as a mercenary, Democrats or Republican, its clear they are
willing to interfere with any government to protect their unaccountable
and out of control bureaucracy and spending. It certainly looks like
they may have covered for Clinton, and then when the possibility Trump
would win came up, Comey launched a ham fisted attempt to make it
appear they were a legitimate agency protecting Americans by raising
the Clinton email affair weeks before voting day. A Gomer Pyle moment
for sure. But, intended or not, it let everyone know on both sides of
the political aisle their interference is damaging. The public saw that
too, another future problem. If intelligence reports are to be
believable, telling the public they are protecting their methods and
offering their valued judgment has little traction. Someone should
figure out that lies repeated fool no one if the public knows how to
look and has a long memory. The lies simply deepen distrust and
prepare the ground for an upheaval when the right circumstances come

- Management of the FBI was exposed. An intelligence agency
should be non partisan. The display by Peter Strzok in the House
Hearing over the Trump emails showed clear bias and more importantly the
fact that a
dangerous, untrustworthy zealot whose own wife cannot even trust him
was given wide ranging power to create a costly and damaging
investigation. Management had to have encouraged and supported
the investigation, and the fact that they would let a guy like Peter
Strzok near any investigation condemns them. This should certainly be a
concern in the future when any so called intelligence agency provides
intelligence reports. Brennan is another persistent liar and loudmouth
that should stay out to pasture. It's bad enough politicians try
to stand up and make credible assertions about anything when they are
backed by a Strzok, an Ohr, a Brennan, a Comey or a Clapper. The public sees
that too. If you are going to put a mascot out in front of the
public they should not behave like rabid dogs.
- The Russians were dragged in to it. Serious analysts would
know they did not affect the outcome of the election, as explained
below. The only thing dragging the Russians in does is provide
talking point to expand an already bloated military budget and move the
nation closer to war, or in a perfect military industrial complex
scenario, near
war that consumes weaponry like the public consumes milk and bread.
How the 2016 Election Disruption Started
Bad Analysis
One explanation for the start of the disruption was self delusion.
All of the pundits using polling and forward looking predictive
analysis missed a few things. One was the fact that historical
data analysis of past Presidential elections suggested the
Democrats would lose. Professor Allan J. Lichtman from American
University months before the election said historical data indicated
the Democrats would lose the election. Lichtman said historical data
analysis predicted every Presidential election since 1860, which is
described in a book on the methodology titled “Predicting
the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016.”
Using statistical analysis of past events should be far more
reliable in normal circumstances than polling and forward looking predictive
analysis of the type that completely missed the 2016 election. At
least part of the problem comes from the fact that all of the factors
to consider are on the table and have been previously analyzed and
dissected using 20/20 hindsight, whereas events change frequently in
forward looking analysis. Assumptions are not the same as what can be
observed with a rearward look. One of the most profitable industries in
the world, life insurance, was built on statistical analysis of past
events (actuarial science), and if anything should convince you how
important that is, just think of all of the insurance company investors
putting billions of dollars at risk covering the lives of millions of
people without it.
Look at the 13 keys cited in the data model link above as being
essential to being elected in a presidential election, and answer the
keys from a 2016 perspective. With that
criteria it is clear the Democrats lost the election because of their
own failures, and not because of Russian interference
or Trump's brilliance. Trump of course would dispute the part about his
brilliance. I am not sure anyone seriously considered rearward
analysis, or if they did hubris encouraged them to ignore it.
Ignoring the Real World
A second, and far more damaging reason for the disruption is the
idea among party officials and their wealthy donors that they can
ignore the state of average American's lives. If you study
it very carefully, no matter how much the media tries to cover it up,
the majority of people in the US and around the world are in deep
trouble. Technology and artificial intelligence are taking their jobs
and destabilizing their futures, and their kids are getting poor
educations and are on electronic drugs - their cell phones and social
media. And no one has any idea how to help them. Even worse,
rather than try, businesses just want to bring a new crop of wide eyed
and hopeful suckers they can put through the grist mill until they are
burned up too. Its called immigration, and the stories I have
written about it, using the liars and hypocrites' own information to
prove it, says it all. It does not matter who wins the mid terms
and next election, if someone does not take real steps to address
income inequality and earning a living in meaningful ways in the
future, no amount of lying and BS can cover it up, and the public knows
that too.
Another contributing factor to citizens' economic condition is out of
balance capitalism. Think of it as a fight between an experienced MMA
fighter and a 12 year old child who has never been in a fight before.
The child will be destroyed. That is an appropriate description of the
battle between accumulated capital and a public that has little or no
idea about the impact of the concentration of capital in the hands of a
few, and elected officials so few in number they are easily bought and
paid for and have no incentive to provide oversight. Those
elected have been repeatedly shown they will put their self-interest
ahead of all else, a problem has gone on for a long time with all
political parties. And the public knows that too.
Failure to Listen to All Voters
I worked with a casino operator in Europe for more than a year on
a gaming project and happened to be in one of their 4,000 seat bingo
halls when a lady won. I said quick, get her picture. The
executives I was with said "typical American cowboy." We had a good
relationship. One of the guys had a glass eye and drove so fast in
turning circles in Europe while looking over his shoulder talking to me
I thought he would kill us all, but I shut up because I did not want to
offend him and had no idea which eye was glass.
But back to the story, the executives said "don't look at her, look at
all of the people who lost" which I did and you could see the
disappointment in their faces. The executives said their business is
not about the winners, who are already taken care of, but about helping
the losers who that day may have spent their entire week's grocery
money trying to get a little financial relief in the only place they
thought they might have a chance. Trump owned casinos and he had
to see that sense of desperation and loss first hand. The hustle
cash strapped states try to pull off is that gambling is
entertainment. Baloney, its a regressive form of taxation that applies
to the desperate. Another way to look at it, sit in front of a
television watching your favorite music video while burning dollar
bills in an ashtray. Entertainment and financial loss at the same
time. Yahoo.
Indoctrination is Not The Same As Belief
Another delusion is the fact that sleight of hand propaganda can
be used to trick voters into voting a particular way, like
advertising. The only problem is eventually the people come out
of the stupor. Propaganda will not fill their freezers with food,
put gas in the car, an extra thousand dollars in a bank account.
It will not lower mortgage rates or pay them off, protect you from
predatory lenders, and it will not erase the obvious vision of a biased
news media or politicians lying for years about things they say they
will do and they don't. Propaganda will not make an employer with
plants offshore, money in tax havens, and hiring replacement workers a
decent company. They have become a means to an end and not an
entity to trust or bet you and your families life on. Propaganda will
not sell an immigration policy that a party declares letting in illegal
immigrants is a good way to rig votes in their favor, and propaganda
cannot sell the idea that Americans owe any allegiance to corporations
that say immigration polices should benefit American companies and not
be restricted so that American worker's wages go up.
In fact the only thing using propaganda does in these circumstances is
enable it to be turned against its purveyors to expose and damage them.
The Benefits of the 2016 Election Disruption
The 2016 propaganda firestorm offers a significant opportunity to
bring in the narrative that could have been left off the table.
These points include:
The idea that America's electoral process is under attack by
Russia. The fact is every state that does not play ball with the way
America dictates is attacked and destroyed. How that plays out is
described in the links below. Russia and the United States have been
playing this same game for years as documented. The US is up by a more
than two to one if we are keeping score. The difference is Trump has
needed to ratchet the game up to throw a wrench in the collusion story.
Either way, war mongers and weapons makers win, the public loses.
The idea that the intelligence agencies work for American citizens. One
thing that occurred to me is a comparison between corporations running
a business when a key figure in their ranks is caught up in
unacceptable behavior, and the FBI. Matt Lauer and Harvey
Weinstein as only two out of a growing list of figures were quickly
removed by companies sensitive to their relationship with their
customers to clearly demonstrate to their customers, the public, that
the company does not condone such behavior. These companies did that
because they understand the damage it does to their reputation and
trust with the public if they do not. Reputation and trust are balance
sheet items that are critical to their companies' future.
The intelligence agencies are clearly not in tune with that metric,
which tells you something about them everyone should consider. They
been feeding at the public trough for so long they think they cannot be
fired for one thing. Another, is that they simply do not have a
balance sheet approach to public trust. They behave like they are
gods or absolute authorities whose position is unassailable. In
addition, they pout and throw tantrums when they are
criticized. Look at Strzok before the House Committee, and Comey.
Compare their behavior to that of ousted Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson. No matter what the reason, fair or not fair, he simply left
and kept his feelings to himself. There was no pouting or
Beaurecrats and government employees all react with some kind of
entitlement whine when confronted. This may come from years of
unionization in
which seniority overrides performance measurement. As stated, their
behavior implies
they are not accountable to anyone, which is supported by the fact that
we can't look at the books and records, their conversations or their
behavior. To allow a strutting biased fool like Peter Strzok who simply
brushed off cheating on his wife and moved on reflects badly on the
FBI, not Strzok. Allowing them to continue operating like they do reflects
badly on their overseers. Collectively they are dangerous
to freedom and the republic.
Research the Links
What is at stake for the pundits pushing the Russia narrative is
an opportunity to free ride on the coattails of worked up Democratic
supporters in order to fan the flames of an enemies at the gate
narrative. This narrative helps to maintain a list of enemies that the
United States' intelligence and military apparatus need to propagandize
American citizens into spending trillions of their tax dollars fighting
unnecessary wars. Blowing up one bomb is like evaporating hundreds and
hundreds of new cars at a time, or wiping out full coverage health care
for a thousand people for a year. Whatever the actual numbers are
can be calculated, feel free to do so. It looks like a scheme to me,
but please do not take my word for it, in this day and age of accusing
anyone who questions any narrative we are being sold as a faker or
liar, simply do your own research and come up with a different
conclusion if you can. If you really want to help America, convert half
the military budget to educating existing Americans and you will go a
long way to making America the great nation it should be.
The links below are a good place to start. Doing additional searches on
your own will reveal thousands of links to articles and information to
read through. Rather than fake news, a great many of them supply facts
and opinions from people who have legitimate information to disclose
and are concerned about the direction our nations are being taken.
To suggest hundreds of billions of dollars annually being spent on
military adventurism keeping bases around the world and blowing up
weapons as if they are a consumable like milk and bread makes sense is
the largest con game ever played on humanity. The concern about
this out of control spending is legitimate especially if all of the
predictions that say most people's jobs in the near future will
be displaced by technology and they will need some sort of handout to
live. Aristotle's thinking on that idea becomes suddenly prescient:
"It is also in the interests of a
tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford
the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their
daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion." - Aristotle in
Politics (J. Sinclair translation, pg. 226, 1962)
The benefit of such an investment in time on your part is that you
begin to discover the tentacles of manipulation going on in society to
get you to do things that support a dangerous narrative. It is
only a matter of time that a foreign state powerful enough to do so
will refuse to put up with such behavior and engage in a real war.
Think of it from a personal perspective, which is simply how long you
would let an abusive neighbor damage your property, threaten you and
your family before a line is crossed.
The fact that anyone supports this nonsense lends it credibility.
However there are only four kinds of people that support provable lies.
Those that are completely unaware of the facts, those that profit from
the lies directly such as the military industrial complex that
profits from making weapons, those that profit from the lies
indirectly because their jobs depend on it, which includes military
contractors, think tanks that tailor the story to match the military
objectives and propaganda the public sees, people in the military
services because they need the jobs and benefits, and those that
support the lies because they have serious mental health issues of some
“It is difficult to get a man to
understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding
it.” - Upton Sinclair
Russia and China are portrayed as threatening US security.
Two things undermine the narrative. The first is this current 2017
chart of US military spending, which includes 800
military bases around the world. That
budget has recently increased and the public must believe they are
helpless to do something about it.

Unless the Unites States is a country that builds weapons
like Russia builds cars, the level of spending on defense makes the
propaganda of foreign wars with mainland USA look like nonsense. US
military spending is the largest continuing fraud ever perpetrated on a
nation and is simply military imperialism as reading through the links
and links within the links will show.
The second thing that undermines the narrative is the constant lying to
the public and hiding the truth with continuing waves of misinformation
US leaders have historically engaged in. I am not sure why it has to be
that way. I suppose the idea that a free state is really not what
recent leaders believe in.
worst part about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth” -
Jean-Paul Sartre
American predative capitalism and militarism are about money and
population control period. In the Middle East it is about oil and gas
and the activities they finance. I could summarize it, but unless you
immerse yourself in the details you may not be motivated to do anything
about it. From the front page of News You Can Use as well as as the
hundreds of links below, information in this long read will get you
started on a journey to increase your knowledge:
Do a Startpage search
“what is war in the middle east about” and you will get a fluctuating
number of around 40 million
results. Unlike reading a textbook, which is a carefully
curated presentation of what are described as facts, reading through
hundreds of links on the subject will get you more fact, opinion,
experiences and knowledge of human struggle than you could ever get
otherwise. And while you are being told that most of the information on
the internet is fake, it is not. Not 40 million entries. In addition,
there is nothing stopping you from contacting people in these regions
and corresponding with them directly, unfiltered by official sources,
which in many cases are the real lies and misinformation. If that is
impossible, information organizations like need to bridge the
gap and create infrastructure so that you are able to correspond
directly with citizens in these zones, and not through spyware like
Facebook. These conversations should also be personal and private to
avoid their being turned into trolling.
The initial front page links below have been incorporated into this
section. However, there are hundreds of links below and with the links
internal to each linked document surely there are thousands. I started
suffering from search fatigue there is so much to study and
learn. Please keep doing so on your own. Pretty soon it will
become clear just how much misinformation and lies we are all being
told, all for the purpose of making a profit and controlling
resistance. None of it supports the US benevolence story.
What is also interesting to consider is the behavior of the people
participating in these schemes. It is necessary to ask yourself a
lot of questions as to why they are doing it. What about the
innocent people hurt in the process? How can they justify their
actions? Rather than looking for a pat answer, try to understand the
behavioral condition permitting it, and what can you do personally
about dealing with such behavior. It may well exist in a lot of
situations and is a useful skill to acquire. The lessons are
Intervention In Foreign Elections - Russians Are Amateurs
Given US Military Presence And Use of Force, They Are Also Far Less
There is far more information in The
Links Knowledgebase section below.
Adopting Knowhow and Tactics From The Worst of Humanity
Deceiving The Public
To the right is Figure P-1 from
that manual, STP 33-3711-OFS Officer Foundation Standards II
Disciplines Psychological Operations (37A)
Officer's Manual describing
"Useful academic disciplines" military officers infiltrating news
organizations should have among other things. Did not get to the part
yet about drugging unsuspecting people to control their minds, selling
illegal drugs and guns to fund off the book operations, bribing and
murdering foreign politicians and covertly destroying the elections of
foreign nations. I must be a slow reader. And oh yeah, the part about
working with Nazis. Hoover took care of the part about working with the
mafia. Hoover provided material to a relative of mine for me
on behavior change and behavior control that
was not seen before. When you have 900 bases around the world and are
actively disrupting the entire face of the earth you have to be able to
advance the craft. Brainwashing only goes so far, Disruption for
Dummies and Grunts manuals are needed. Delegation is a bitch because
there are always leaks.
The Links Knowledgebase
Below are numerous links which indicate among other things
various US administrations have persistently been involved in the use
of lies used to justify US policies that advance the interests of a
small number of corrupt individuals buying politicians for their own
gain and influence. The link list is not complete, but it is enough to
get you started on investigating the information in greater detail on
your own.
Educated citizens are a serious impediment to the 1% taking full
control of fragile republics. The links below are intended for you to
educate yourself on what is a pattern of unacceptable behavior.
Pretexts and Lies Used to Destroy Sovereign
Nations, Murder Innocent People, Lie to Citizens
The following section provides links to news stories, Freedom of
Information Act releases and other documentation reporting on
government and government agency malfeasance from the highest level
going back more than 60 years. The list of articles is the tip of the
iceberg; a person could spend years digging up this information.
The one thing that is clear from just what is listed is that corruption
and evil grow over many years eventually eating away the core of the
state, until it is accepted as a normal way of doing things.
- 1953. The CIA
hired Iranians to pose as Communists to stage bombings in Iran in
order to remove its democratically-elected prime minister to stop him
from nationalizing Iran's oil industry.
- 1953. Evil is a family sport. Kermit
Roosevelt of the American political family and chief of the C.I.A.'s
Near East and Africa division directed the coup that overthrew
Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran. Jeb Bush getting blown out
of the 2016 Presidential primary is evidence the public has had enough
with corrupt dynasties. If the Clinton machine's wrongdoings can be
publicized, they should be next.
- 1954. Israeli military intelligence arranged to plant bombs inside
Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas,
libraries and American educational centers, code named Operation
Susannah, to trick the
United States into attacking Israel's enemies and cause Britain to
keep its troops in Egypt.
- 1957. President
Dwight Eisenhower and the British Prime Minister approved the use of
Islamic extremists and false flag attacks to topple the Syrian
government and murder Iranian citizens. The CIA and MI6 planned
staged border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria’s
pro-western neighbors, and arranged to murder three leading figures in
the nation. In the plan Syria had to be “made to appear as the sponsor
of plots, sabotage and violence directed against neighboring
- In a familiar pattern, the plan called for funding of a
“Free Syria Committee” and the arming of “political factions with
paramilitary or other actionist capabilities” within Syria. The CIA and
MI6 would instigate internal uprisings, for instance by the Druze, a
Shia Muslim sect, in the south, help to free political prisoners held
in the Mezze prison, and stir up the Muslim Brotherhood in Damascus.
- 1967. On June 8, 1967, the US
Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked in international waters
by the air and naval forces of Israel. USS Liberty survivors have been
forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American
public and have provided sworn
evidence the Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was
an American ship, lied about it and covered it up.
- 1981. Ronald
Reagan supported and instigated terrorism, claiming the mass
murderer Rioss
Montt was “a man of great personal integrity.”
- 1981. The United States supplied Saddam Hussein with
intelligence on Iran starting in 1981 and sent Donald
Rumsfeld to in December 1983 to formalize relations with Iraq.
Years later when it suited its policy, and in response to Hussein
pegging off the US dollars for oil sales, Hussein and Iraq become the
- 1984. UK
government used a legal loophole to permit mass surveillance of its
- 1991. Burning victims to death in a military action launched
with lies is not the same as cutting off heads although the pictures of
are evidence of murder in an illegal war.
- 1995. America
used Islamic groups to arm the Bosnian Muslims.
- 2001. The
administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11
attacks documents released under
FOIA reveal. Officials
Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil
Co. and BP America Inc. met in the White House complex with Dick Cheney
to plot the theft of Iraq's oil, and then lied about their involvement.
- 2002. The
Bush administration spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan
schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images, militant
Islamic teachings including jihad. The primers, which were filled
with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and
mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core
curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though
the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its
strict fundamentalist code.
- 2003. Tony
Blair lies about WMD in Iraq to justify war.
- 2003. More
than 165,000 civilians have died from direct war related violence
caused by the US, its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and
opposition forces from the time of the invasion through April 2015.
The violent deaths of Iraqi civilians have occurred through aerial
bombing, shelling, gunshots, suicide attacks, and fires started by
bombing. The 165,000 figure for civilians killed from 2003 to 2015 is
lower than the actual figure.
- 2006. Discussions
of remapping Middle East borders to alleviate tension and “a strategic
game changer for just about everybody, potentially
reconfiguring alliances, security challenges, trade and energy
flows for much of the world, too.” The only people not in these
thoughts and ideas are the people who live there.
- 2006. US threatened
to destroy Pakistan unless it agreed to join fight against
al-Qaeda, grant US military right to use Pakistan as base and stop
anti-American protests.
- 2007. The Bush
WMD lie and the resulting American Legacy in Iraq. On the tenth
anniversary of the US invasion, the country is mired in a permanent
crisis of sectarian violence, pervasive corruption and broken
- 2007. The
U.S. armed Al Qaeda to topple Libya’s Qaddafi. The U.S. supported
opposition which overthrew Libya’s Qaddafi was largely comprised
of Al Qaeda terrorists. The White House and senior Congressional
members deliberately and knowingly pursued
policy to provide material support to these terrorist organizations
in order to topple Qaddafi, who had been working closely with the West
actively to suppress al-Qaeda.
- 2007. 12
new principles of warfare. Morons' guide to permanently screwing up
the world.
- 2008. Cheney
Confessed To A War Crime. Obama Did Nothing. What Are The Citizens
of the United States Going to Do About It?
- 2009. REINING IN
THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY. Lessons and Recommendations Relating to
the Presidency of George W. Bush
- 2009-2016. US
deceit, lies, and treachery to destroy Iran. The US is in the
process of implementing a
Brookings Institute plan which can best be described as the "Superb
Offer Deception." The Brookings plan states: "any military operation
against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require
the proper international context—both to ensure the logistical support
the operation would require and to minimize the blow back from it. The
best way to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support
(however, grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a
widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a
superb offer—one so good that only a regime determined to acquire
nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it
down. Under those circumstances, the United States (or Israel) could
portray its operations as taken in sorrow, not anger, and at least some
in the international community would conclude that the Iranians
“brought it on themselves” by refusing a very good deal.
- 2011. The
US 5 year plan to destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years
– starting with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
- 2013. Brainwashing
and Obama’s War Propaganda and Pentagon
Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War
- 2013. People
held in Guantanamo without trial have had their memory of the torture,
abuse, water boarding and other criminal acts by the US government
classified so that they can only tell their lawyers about it but the
lawyers cannot tell the world about it. The United States has
become the criminal state and Gulag they accuse China and Russia of
- 2013. Drone
warfare is neither cheap, nor surgical, nor decisive explains William
J. Astore, USAF Lieutenant Colonel retired. According
to Senator Lindsey Graham 4,700 people have been killed, the majority
innocent civilians using drone strikes, between 2002 - 2013
- 2014. Crimes
of US Presidents. Noam Chomsky discusses the crimes of US
presidents, staring with Eisenhower.
- 2014. The
US War Crimes Act, the Geneva Convention against Torture and the
Infamous “Torture Memos.” In
a lawsuit about the matter the lawyer bringing the matter before
the courts observed “They have the power to look at international law
and recognize aggression as a jus cogens norm.” In other words, the
Ninth Circuit could have recognized illegal war-making as the “supreme”
crime, as the judges had at Nuremberg, subject to a different level of
scrutiny. “But they didn’t. They said, ‘We could do that, but we’re not
going to today.’ According to this ruling, the White House and Congress
can commit genocide in the name of national security, and be
- 2014. ISIS
a rebranded CIA Consequence to Justify War Abroad and Repression at Home.
- 2014. US claims to arm "moderate
Syrian rebels," but is unable to or refuses to name any.
- 2014. America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its
enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military
intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic
threat used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic
surveillance. By rapidly increasing both government secrecy and
surveillance Obama’s government is increasing its power to watch its
citizens, while diminishing its citizens’ power to watch the
government. Terrorism
is an excuse to justify mass surveillance and as theforce site shows,
control and modify citizen’s behavior.
- 2015. Lucifer
Effect draws in foreign politicians to US deception nightmare.
Canada follows British lead in joining American terror campaigns.
- 2015. American
Journalist murdered for reporting images of NATO member Turkey shipping
ISIS militants into Syria using NGO World Food Organization trucks.
- 2015. Washington
admits to creating safe havens for ISIS to attack Syria.
- 2015. ISIS
alleged to have chemical weapons, a claim the US is using as a
pretext to bomb Syria. But a retired US
Colonel Anthony MacDonald, also of military intelligence is linked
to the attacks. MacDonald apparently has been hired by a US contractor TechWise, a firm which
specializes in military behavior manipulation objectives in foreign
states, by Anthony
Abati of TechWise, who is a former colonel in the U.S. Army Special
Forces with TS clearance and SSBI (SCI eligible). The Washington Post
performing its duty as a propaganda arm of the US military is dutifully
telling American citizens Syria is using chemical weapons on its own
- 2015. US
increasing Syrian intervention with Special Ops. Officials claim
"concern" clashes may shift focus to battle with Russia.
- 2015. The Ultimate
War Crime: America’s “Global War on Terrorism.” The United States
has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and
embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.” (William
Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor).
- 2015. North Korea has good reason to want nukes. Former US
Attorney General Ramsey Clark drafted a Report and Final Judgment on US
Crimes in Korea (from) 1945 - 2001, showing Washington used
chemical and biological agents on the peninsula. By 1952, virtually
everything in northern and central Korea was destroyed. Damage
assessments showed 18 of 22 cities were half or more obliterated.
Moreover, both the United States and South Korean government have
taken direct action to prevent any investigation and publishing of the
true causes of the conflict and the action both governments took
during the war.
- 2015. Saudi
Arabia, America's ally, is the ideological core
and major funder of ISIS.
- 2015. How the US
is world's biggest terrorist.
- 2015. The
US believes that it has an inalienable right to raw materials in
developing nations.
- 2015. ''Guantánamo
Diary'' reveals how the United States will capture, torture and
imprison people without recourse to justice and trial, in violation of
international human rights.
- 2015. Whistle blower documents reveal US
Defense Department assassination program in Yemen and Somalia
pointing to significant human rights violations by the US government.
- 2015. Former Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Michael Flynn
says the
rise of ISIS was a "Willful Decision" of the US Government and a huge
tactical blunder that created ISIS' rise.
- 2015. The US
military has become a largely uncontrolled and unaccountable mass
surveillance apparatus of civilian society that in the Cold War era
would have been a hallmark of the "Evil Empire." William J. Astore,
USAF Lieutenant Colonel Retired.
- 2015. NATO seeks to establish a no-fly-zone over Aleppo and
repel Syrian government forces, so that “moderate
rebels” can hold on to the city and repel lingering “Islamic State”
(ISIS) forces.
- 2015. Murder children with drones and call the children "fun
sized terrorists".
- 2015. The Military and the Obama Administration are not in agreement on
fighting terrorism.
- 2015. Canada's Harper government "shocked" by retaliation
for its foreign bombing missions. Risks of being lapdog
to American foreign-policy for 12 years.
- 2015. Spying and mass
surveillance does not stop terrorism. It enables the police and
military to be more effective terrorists and control public behavior.
- 2015. US tries to shift
blame to Snowden for reaction to US terrorism. Threatening Snowden
to discourage more whistle blowing.
- 2015. US use of confusing
language to obscure criminal acts and confuse truth.
- 2016. US
creation of ISIS started in Iraq.
- 2016. Media
misleads public on terrorist threats. Media part of propaganda
apparatus to provide citizens with altered information.
- 2016. US destroyed Iraq
for its oil which led to creation of ISIS and US
intended for ISIS to emerge in Syria.
- 2016. US
and Allied “Safe Zone” Plan to Grab Territorial Booty in Northern Syria.
- 2016. Iran
nuclear settlement. US officials are completely untrustworthy
and not capable of making any deal with anyone it will live up
to. Iran is the latest example in a long history of lying and double
- 2016. Syrian settlement supposedly involving the Syrians has
conditions and participants involved that ensure its failure. The
US is the key player dictating terms.
- 2016. Japan discovers US contamination of US Marines Camp
Kinser base in Okinawa, using documents obtained under the FOIA. Contaminants
include dioxin, PCBs, but Japan is blocked access to investigate
further under US contract preventing them from doing so. The US
denies levels are toxic, proving they are liars and criminals of major
proportions willing to go to any length to prevent accountability for
their actions.
- 2016. Murder
by drone without remorse or accountability. The US drone
programs continues around the world with innocent people being murdered
and being covered up with lies and the broadening of terms of war to
make drone murders a justifiable action as collateral damage from wars,
which themselves are illegal.
- 2016. The
US example to the world, is that global power means genocide,
land-theft, mass enslavement, never paying reparations, with the
illegally and brutally obtained money and military hardware wielded
over others with the declaration that the US is superior and a
“respected leader” while in reality the country is feared, loathed, and
isolated, maintaining and expanding its hegemony through continued
methods of extreme propaganda, subversion, and physical force.
- 2016. US
and NATO invade Libya to fight terrorists they created.
- 2016. Right on schedule, the US
is now planning follow up military action in Libya as part of the 5
year plan to destroy Libya and finish
the plot it hatched with the removal of Qaddafi. At best destroying
lives and destabilizing another nation is all that will be
- 2016. Saudi
Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told CNN Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad "will either leave by a political process or he
will be removed by force."
- 2016. The US
war in Afghanistan is renamed to deceive the American people to
allow the war to continue.
- 2016 Ongoing. Propaganda
is used to hide the true causes of terrorism and mask US provocation.
- 2016. ‘US
destabilizes world, not Britain scrapping nukes,’ Ken Livingstone
blasts US Ambassador.
- 2016. Israel
is spraying toxins over Palestinian crops in Gaza, and is destroying
Palestinian water supplies. These actions belie Israel is capable
of evil in spite of the exposure to it they suffered at the hand of the
- 2016. WikiLeaks documents reveal the NSA is spying on world
leaders for the US' economic/geopolitical interests. Terrorism is
just a deliberately provoked pretext to keep American citizens in the
dark so they will not interfere in the spread of US Administration
corruption by actually trying to change things.
- 2018. War
Without End. The Pentagon’s failed campaigns in Iraq and
Afghanistan left a generation of soldiers with little to fight for but
one another.
Government Tyranny Links
- 2006. Power
Grab. George Bush declares himself king
- 2006. Power,
Paranoia and Presidential Tyranny
- 2007. Why
of Course. Protect Phone Companies From Liability For
Spying On Us So They Can Spy Some More.
- 2007. Bush
Magic Act. Dictator If I Want To Be Under Circumstances I Alone Declare
I Need to To Implement. Sieg Heil Bush
- 2008. Turley:
Bush terror memos are 'very definition of tyranny'
- 2008. Bush
Almost Became Dictator
- 2008. John
Dean. Serious Consequences If Obama Does Not Prosecute Terror
- 2009. The government and economy that we broke is angering
citizens and is "Fueling
Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." What brilliant
analysis. Who hired these guys anyhow?
- 2009. Will
Obama Ambush Bush?
- 2009. Yes he will. Obama
Releases Justice Department Memos
- 2011. We’ve
Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in
- 2013. The Justice Department "white paper"
purporting to authorize Obama's power to extrajudicially murder US
citizens was leaked three weeks ago. Since then, the administration -
including the president himself and his nominee to lead the CIA, John
Brennan - has been repeatedly asked whether this authority extends to
US soil, i.e., whether the president has the right to execute US
citizens on US soil without charges. In
each instance, they have refused to answer.
- 2013. The
Obama White House refused to share the
legal opinions that justify targeted killings
with Congress, while maneuvering to make sure it does not endanger
the confirmation of John O. Brennan
as C.I.A.
director. So there you have it. Brennan the serial liar protected by
Obama. Obama, the same president who ambushed George Bush (who gave him
every reason to do so) and used the spy agencies against Trump.
- 2013. Can
a President Use Drones Against Journalists? Or the case for CNN to
buy its journalist bomb shelters!
- 2013. The
election of anyone to the office of President of the United States is
the same as voting for a new boss of a crime family.
- 2013. James
the National Director of Intelligence lied under oath about spying on
American citizens and will get away with it because collection of
your data is needed to modify and control your behavior.
- 2013. The
government paid at least £100m or $165,640,000.00 USD to the UK spy
agency GHCQ over the last three years to secure access to and
influence over Britain's intelligence gathering programs. One of the
benefits to the NSA is the fact that GHCQ is less tightly regulated
than the NSA.
- 2013. How
The Rabid NSA Dog Slipped Its Leash And Is Biting Everyone
- 2014. For
the first time, a government was able to identify individual protesters
and privately communicate to them that it knew who they were and where
they were located.
- 2015. US
First Shields its Torturers and War Criminals From Prosecution, Now
Officially Honors Them. The clown act America is
parading before the world.
- 2015. Courts
various jurisdictions are illegally arresting and jailing poor people
in Biloxi, Mississippi, without a hearing or representation by counsel
for debts they owe in flagrant violation of the Constitution. Victims
are told they can avoid jail only if they pay the entire amount of
outstanding court fines and fees up front, in full, and in cash.
- 2015. Our
privacy is gone. Julian Assange argues our privacy has been
permanently taken away. But perhaps not.
- 2015. Give
Us Back Our Data. The consequences of companies and the government
having our data
- 2015. How
Fear Hurts Us
- 2016. The
government can spy on American citizen's data worldwide that is stored
on foreign soil without the cooperation or permission of foreign
- 2016. Grandma
Jailed For Standing Up To US Drone Policy
- 2016. Surveillance
Posing As Counter Terrorism and the Rise of the Corporate Security State
- 2016. US
a Shining Example unto ISIS. The US illustrates to ISIS,
and the world, that the path to the seat of regional and then global
power is genocide, land-theft, mass enslavement, never paying
reparations, then wielding this illegally and brutally obtained money
and military hardware over others and proclaiming one’s national group
to be superior (ethnocentrism) and a “respected leader”, while in reality
the country is feared, loathed, and isolated,
maintaining and expanding its hegemony through continued methods of
extreme propaganda,
subversion, and physical force.
- 2016. The
stability of the global order is a function of the reconciliation
between universal ethical principles and power asymmetries. Both
principles and power are embedded in international institutions. As
relative power shifts away from the West, the ability of the latter to
exempt themselves from the reach of global norms—on human rights,
international criminal justice, the rule of law, the use of force, the
possession of nuclear weapons—will lessen
- 2016. Who
Really is In Control of the The United States?
- 2017. Continuance
of Government Requires Spying On Americans. Citizens Are the Real Threat
Lying to and Neutralizing Citizens Links
- 2016. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Knew About Michigan Water
Contamination for Months Without Telling The Public
- 2016. The
EPA Stayed Silent On Flint's Tainted Water
- 2016. Emancipating
the Military, Containing the Citizenry. Those who try to
understand military policy often confuse themselves by focusing on
minor matters such as strategy, tactics, logistics, and armament. Here
they err. For years the central goal of the military, the brass ring,
has been independence from control by civilians. It has been achieved.
In time of war, the first concern of the command is to limit the flow
of information to their publics. The actions of the enemy are an
important but secondary consideration. Thus militaries strive to
prevent the dissemination of photos of mutilated soldiers or, as in
Washington today, of governmentally tortured prisoners. In the United
States, which characteristically fights wars unrelated to the safety of
the country, the Pentagon must also keep soldiers from being told that
they are being sacrificed for the benefit of arms manufacturers and
imperialist ambitions. In wars before Vietnam, this was adroitly
effected. You could go to jail for criticizing a war.
- 2016. Travails
Of a Bankrupt Hegemon. Slightly more than seven decades ago, when
the United Nations was officially founded in San Francisco, there was
no question in the world about who was the Great Power, the World
Hegemon. Today the situation has radically altered to the severe
disadvantage of Washington and her ability to dictate terms to the rest
of the world in economics, politics, and the greatly-misused expression
“human rights and democracy-building.” That disadvantage may,
ironically, be a blessing in disguise for us all.
- 2016. Israel
boycott ban: Shunning Israeli goods to become criminal offense for
public bodies and student unions. The game plan of the smartest
people on earth. Read and learn.
- 2016. Shrivel
Dicks and Viagra Junkies Calling Themselves Millennials to Fund
Millennials Rising Super Pac "Propaganda Gambit for Jeb"
- 2016. The
New White Pointed Propaganda Hoodie With Eye holes. Rich white
guys fund “Black Americans for a Better Future” Super Pac. “Having
well-trained, credible, experienced African-Americans constantly
challenging the liberal orthodoxy in the media will create a tectonic
shift in the perception of the Republican Party within the Black
- 2016. Ex-German
media boss admits on live radio the national news agenda is govt
- 2016. British
Public Being Sold Down the River in Democracy Deception.
Unaccountable government and the corporate and military masters they
unceasingly are supplicated to have to go.
- 2018. Jury Veto Power and Why
It Matters in an Age of Biased Courts and Corrupt Government
Political Bribery and Corruption Links
- 1997. International Monetary Fund. Why
Worry About Corruption?
- 2005. Eight
Questions About Corruption
- 2011. Corruption.
Global Issues
- 2013. How
Deals Get Done on Capital Hill
- 2013. How
Deals Get Done on Capital Hill. Dr. No
- 2014. Justices
in Walker Criminal Probe Face Conflicts of Interest.
Surprise, surprise. What else is new?
- 2014. Maggots,
drug smuggling, sex with inmates. As if the news were not already
bad enough, shocking new allegations of a murder-for-hire plot are
emerging from Michigan as the media digs deeper into that state’s
failed outsourcing of prison services.
- 2015. On
Wednesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court's majority contorted itself to
find a new way to protect both Scott Walker and the Court's biggest
supporters--not to mention itself--following its decision in July
rewriting the state's limits on money in politics and ending the "John
Doe" investigation into Walker's campaign coordinating with dark money
- 2015. How
corrupt is your state? Guess right and win a bag of political
manure to take home and grow tomatoes.
- 2015. Abuses
of state government persist. Here's why.
- 2015. How
to try and buy a Jeb Bush Presidency or any Presidency for that matter.
Is the pro-Bush super PAC obscuring spending? Right to Rise USA's money
trail to biggest vendor ends at D.C. post office box.
- 2015. Take
a politician, add lies, malice, con and hustle the public, and wipe
the slime off with Democracy Sanitary Wipes to pull off any kind of
international crime.
- 2015. Short
on Memory, Long on Favors. The British Treasury softens
accountability rules on City bankers
- 2015. Prosecutors
Set to Appeal Scott Walker "John Doe" Case to U.S. Supreme Court.
Despite the best efforts of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his
allies on the state Supreme Court, the John Doe is not dead. On Friday,
three county prosecutors filed a motion to intervene in the case, the
first step towards appealing the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- 2015. WI
GOP Begins Retroactive Decriminalization of Scott Walker Fundraising.
Legislative leaders are calling it an overhaul of the state's campaign
finance laws, but it really isn't campaign finance at all. Wisconsin
should inaugurate new chapters in the statutes including "Facilitating
Secret Money in Wisconsin Elections" and "Protecting Politicians from
Independent Oversight and Accountability."
- 2015. 75%
in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption
- 2016. The
threads that keep the cess pool slime hard to wash off.
Moyers, Mike Lofgren "the "red thread" that connects the war on terror,
the militarization of America's foreign policy, rising inequality and
the dysfunction that plagues our government"
- 2016. How
feigning innocence, blaming errors and phony lying "not our intent"
claims by politicians and their assistants will allow corporate
political spending to stay secret in Wisconsin.
- 2016. The
FBI’s Criminal Investigations regarding Hillary Clinton. Two
Smoking Guns: Espionage and Corruption. Or, how to combine a
bureaucratic investigation of one group of Democrat thugs you know you
can shake down with a group of Republican thugs you know you can shake
down, to expand the trade craft of destroying governments to see how
well the craft works domestically. In short form "Refining The Tactics
We Learned From Hoover Without Dresses, Lipstick and Lube" by James
"The Ostrich" Comey.
- 2016. The
Top 10 Facts About Corruption
- 2017. Corruption
in public projects and mega projects: There is an elephant in the
- 2018. Euronews
Corruption Investigation
- 2018. Who
profits from the death of Cambodia’s democracy?
- 2018. Four
reasons why corruption matters. Over $1 trillion is stolen from the
world's poorest countries every year, threatening security, health and
- 2018. What
do we do about corruption in the FBI?
The Cost of War and Who Profits
Corporate Manipulation, Fraud, & Tactics Links
- 2001. CalPERS,
Carlyle profit from Afghan war. The Carlyle Group, the secretive
investment firm managing $14 billion in assets, including stakes
defense- related companies counts among its chieftains former Defense
Secretary (and
deputy CIA Director) Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of State James
Baker and former President George Bush. The Carlyle Group also
maintained financial ties with the family of Osama bin Laden. Do
see any basis for wars in the middle east out of that and deliberately
flawed intelligence. Nah.
- 2006. Moyers.
Capital Crimes: Fixing the System.
- 2008. The
Seed Barons. How big ag, big oil and big government are hijacking the
world's food supply.
- 2008. Uncelebrate
Martin Luther King Day. John Birch Society included Stang
writings in their publications. Alan Stang letter
questioning Martin Luther King holiday.
- 2009. Cigna Whistle
blower. Health care efforts to deny coverage to sick people to
raise profits, block reform
- 2009. America’s
Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) May and June 2007 documents outlining a
unified strategy for AHIP members to prepare for the release of Michael
Moore’s documentary, SICKO, on June 29, 2007. Document 1.
- 2009. Companies,
Auditors, Rating Agencies and Regulators All Committed Fraud Which
Helped Blow the Bubble and Sowed the Seeds of the Inevitable Crash
- 2009. America’s
Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) May and June 2007
documents outlining a unified strategy for AHIP members to prepare for
the release of Michael Moore’s documentary, SICKO, on June 29,
Document 2.
- 2009. James
Galbraith: Administration’s Sole Goal is to Restore System of 5 or 10
Years Ago, But Confidence Won’t be Restored Unless Fraud is Prosecuted.
- 2009. The
best way to rob a bank is to own one. How did they get away with
it. William K. Black.
- 2010. Failing
to Prosecute Wall Street Fraud Is Extending Our Economic Problems
- 2010. Fraud
Caused the 1930s Depression and the Current Financial Crisis
- 2010.
in More and More Water … Without Plugging the Drain. Another Nobel
Economist Says We Have to Prosecute Fraud Or Else the Economy Won’t
Recover. The
Real Cost of the 2008 Bailouts. The bailout con
job and who taxpayers are covering or lost their ass on.
- 2010. Kochcovertops.
The not so secret war against Obama.
- 2010. How
Obama is guaranteeing the next financial crisis will be MUCH worse
- 2010. Hiding
the Corporate Caliphate. Or how to fund the war against American
citizens with the help of compliant politicians.
- 2011. There’s
No Recovery Because the Government Made it Official Policy Not to
Prosecute Fraud
- 2011. Top
Economists: Trust is Necessary for a Stable Economy … But Trust Won’t
Be Restored Until We Prosecute Wall Street Fraud
- 2011. Big
Oil's Misbegotten Tax Gusher. Why They Don’t Need $70 Billion from
Taxpayers Amid Record Profits
- 2011. Koch
Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Secret Iran Sales
- 2011. Why
the Koch Brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Don't Want You
To Vote.
- 2011. Like
His Father Before Him. Fred
Koch was a leader of the John Birch Society from its founding until
his death. Charles Koch purchased a lifetime membership. The John
Birch Society's active campaigns against civil rights were
fertile training grounds for Koch tactics.
- 2012. MIT
Sloan. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: The Role of Greed, Fear,
and Oligarchs
- 2012. Financial
crisis: 25 people at the heart of the meltdown – where are they now?
- 2012. Stiglitz.
The price of inequality.
- 2012. Kochwash.
Five Ways Charles Koch Benefits From Practices He Criticizes In Absurd
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed
- 2012. Revealed:
The Corporations and Billionaires that Fund the Texas Public Policy
Foundation to raise prices, remove oversight, and block public
- 2013. Inequality
for All: Robert Reich: Record Income Gap Is Undermining Our Democracy
- 2013. Sugar industry's secret documents expose tactics used by the tobacco industry
- 2014. Moyers.
What the 1% don't want you to know.
- 2014. Three
Divergent Visions of Our Future Under Climate Change
- 2014. Inequality
Remains a Critical Issue in the US
- 2014. ISIS
Needs a New Teacher. Destroying a country in plain view. Rick
Berman, backshooting sniper
ambushing public interest groups, labor and environmental movements,
and underpaid workers. Collateral damage record one step removed.
- 2015. Little
oil and the tactics they behavior the carry on from their big brothers.
- 2015. Little
oil and their political shills.
- 2015. Terrorist
Tactics. Blindfold, duct tape and neutralize citizens in a quest for
dominance. How Corporations Have Corrupted the Open Records Process.
- 2015. Stiglitz.
Global Taxes and Corporate Responsibility.
- 2015. Runaway
Capitalism Is Crushing American Workers
- 2015. Economic
Elites Will Only Give Up Power and Wealth When forced to Do So
- 2015. Inequality
Is Costing Us Big-Time
- 2015. Slaves
who deserve it and how to make a buck on them. Even
in government-run prisons, profiteering off of human lives is
staggering. Massa,
chains and beatings, no cotton, still mostly black.
- 2015. Kochwash.
A PR effort to make the Koch Brothers nice guys.
- 2015. Kochwash.
Eliminating the minimum wage will help the poor. Just like chains
helped slaves stay organized. "The
true friend of the people should see that they be not too poor, for
extreme poverty lowers the character of the democracy." -
- 2015. Naomi Oreskes, a
Lightning Rod in a Changing Climate
- 2015. How
millions in campaign contributions help block laws to crack down on
lending abuses. Lawmakers protect title loan firms while borrowers pay
sky-high interest rates.
- 2015. Kochwash.
Koch Industries funding the climate denial machine. The bros have
sent at least $100 million to 84 groups since 1997.
- 2015. Kochwash.
CATO Camouflage. The bros have sent $9 million to CATO to fund climate
- 2015. Russia
and China tackle a corrupt rating monopoly.
2015. Conniving
Koch brothers ride the criminal justice reform Trojan horse with an
agenda make it harder to prosecute corporate violations of
environmental and financial laws
that protect the public from corporate wrongdoing. The changes would
make it harder to hold executives and their employees responsible for
violating U.S. laws and would protect their financial interests, at the
public's expense.
- 2016. The Zika Virus a commodity which can be purchased
online from the ATCC-LGC for 599 Euros, with royalties accruing to
the Rockefeller
Foundation who own rights to the virus. Questions are
now being raised
about the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the area of the
Zika outbreak; with concerns they may be responsible. A number of firms
are in the business of genetically modifying insects, and there
are no formally agreed upon standards, for regulating or testing GMO
life forms.
- 2016.
Danger of Trade Pacts.
A NAFTA claim highlights longstanding fears of opponents of massive
corporately written trade deals that such agreements allow companies to
pursue "remedies" that
supersede the sovereign powers of individual nations.
This is because NAFTA and similar trade pacts allow for a separate
arbitration trade-agreement tribunal process for adjudicating claims
called the Investor
Trade Resolution Dispute Mechanism. Or simply, how to completely
screw the public for years to come and the duplicit politicians and
their lackeys who permit it.
- 2016. NYT.
The lawyer who became Dupont's worst nightmare.
- 2016. What
happened to Jane Mayer when she wrote about the Koch Brothers
- 2016. Mammonism.
An oppressive political and economic doctrine that aims to replace
public property
and a balanced and fair economy with private ownership and absolute
control of the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and
factories) and the natural resources of a society. Or simply, what
happens when a NAZI nanny is responsible for the formative years of her
charge, and how in later
life her charge will even turn on his brother. Guter
gehorsamer Junge.
- 2016. Corporations
screwing the public with trade pacts and the complicit lackeys who pass
them. Is this the new normal?
- 2016. Obama’s Justice Department Likes Criminally
Prosecuting People, But Not Corporations
- 2016. Billionaire
supports reported inquiry into possible Exxon Mobil cover-up.
- 2016. Despite
environmental concerns, North Dakota approves largest capacity crude
oil pipeline.
- 2016. Court
Rejects a Bid to Block OBAMA Coal Plant Regulations
- 2016. N.Y. Governor Hands Top Wall Street Regulatory Job
to a Defender of Wall Street
- 2016. ISIS
in suits. No longer a reason to hide, the public is f**ked.
- 2016. Learning
how to lie. Utilities take a page from their corporate
- 2016. How
dare the old bags.
- 2016. Great
news. The contractor SAIC, which changed its dress and lipstick,
they are people you know, to hide
years of corrupt practices, now called Leidos, is
close to a $5 billion deal for Lockheed's IT businesses, which will
create the largest government services provider in the United States,
putting Leidos on a stronger footing to cope with lower government
spending, increased competition and delays in new contracts. Does
it also mean a new round of frauds, overcharging, bid rigging and
contract fraud, but this time they will be too big to fail, but not to
screw the public?
- 2016. OF
Virginia officials offer auto title loan firms a chance to keep
information secret — they take it. The nation’s three major
lenders are to keep a wide range of their business records secret,
including details about how often they get in trouble with regulators
and how many cars they repossess from buyers who can’t repay their
loans. The bid for secrecy is clear from heavily redacted annual
reports the
lenders filed with Virginia officials on Thursday. Title loans
controversial because of punishing interest rates they can impose on
borrowers. During 2014, the average title loan in Virginia was for
$1,048 and took nearly a year to repay at 222 percent annual interest,
according to data the state aggregates from all title lenders.
- 2016. Elizabeth
Warren catches investment advisers fibbing.
- 2016. The
scientists for sale who will lie and misrepresent for a buck.
- 2016. Zuckerberg.
The warning signs of an Intel stooge.
- 2016. Study that
found diet drinks help to lose weight was funded by Coca-Cola &
- 2017. Ag-Gag.
Shutting down public oversight of corporations and the dirty rotten
scoundrels behind it.
Ag-gag laws currently exist in eight states, penalizing whistleblowers
who investigate the day-to-day activities of industrial farms,
including the recording, possession or distribution of photos, video
and/or audio at a farm.
- 2017. STACKED
DECK. How the dominance of politics by the affluent & business
undermines economic mobility in America.
- 2017. The
next big financial crash is on the horizon – and this is where it's
going to come from
- 2017. Kochwash.
$430 million in taxpayer subsidies, $736 million in fines and penalties
for environmental violations,
workplace health and safety violations, employment discrimination,
labor relations violations, benefit plan violations and Family and
Medical Leave Act violations. $14 million to various political parties,
mostly republican. Missing from file, cost of face covering masks
with eye holes.
- 2018. Osama
bin Berman. Corporate terrorist.
- 2018. Corporate
Hideouts, Front Groups. Societal terrorists with air conditioning, fine
wine, no donkeys, real mattresses, media support.
- 2018. Piracy
on public lands. Outsourcing and the willful and deliberate
robbery of public assets and the impoverishment of citizens.
Sections Coming Next In Link
Police Brutality - Citizen Threat Mechanism