Warning To Trump 2.0 and Allies
This page is
a direct warning to Donald Trump and his administration. No
matter what the votes in the last election determined, many years of
accumulated attacks on Trump have built up a hatred for Trump and
everything the Republican administration he is leading stand for. I
talk to many people and no matter how many positive things come out of
the administration's work, many people have an automatic hate reaction
to Trump built up by propaganda and any accumulated slips from time to
time he has made. That hatred includes everyone in the Trump orbit that
supports the administration's policies. In four years that
outright public hatred will come roaring back pushed by the media
unless the media is clobbered.
What is important to note however is Trump was elected by the
people. The people trying to sandbag Trump are using Trump as
cover for the fact that they hate the system that the colonists set up
and that dictates:
power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by
themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as
in electing their *functionaries* executive and legislative, and
deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary
cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by
representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and
duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of
person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the
press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24.
So if you are a servant, or service provider, how can you steal what
does not belong to you and have control over the people you serve? That
is the real issue here.
Here are several causes
One of the first is the fact that very few people know how to build
things from scratch, take great risks. It takes special skill,
persistence, vision, and a thick skin to try, fail and come back. Trump
symbolizes that behavior. Job seekers, employees and followers do not
develop that skill for whatever reason and become highly dependent on
the handouts and stability jobs provide. Anything that threatens
stability will find less support than following like sheep.
One of the most important decisions in world history for a population
was to throw Britain out of the colonies. And yet approximately
75% of the colonists did not go along with it. Don't take my word for
it, this Yale Course studies it. You can have the best and the most righteous ideas in the world, that does not mean they will be supported by the crowd. This short film explains going it alone and thinking for yourself.
What citizens asked for and Trump is delivering is a shock to the
ordinary way things are done. To many that is scary.
Another reason is the fact that societal leadership is totally corrupt.
The elected and hired help and the wealthy that control and influence
them have build up an elaborate, and nearly invisible system intended
to preserve the way in which the wealthy and privileged have always
lived, in separate worlds away from most of humanity, which they
consider to be the serfs, any religion not favored by a certain group,
the deplorables, the outcasts, the lepers, the lower castes, the poor,
the uneducated, the workers, collectively the garbage humans. This anti
citizen structure is described in many places throughout this site.
Trump, in choosing to support citizens is in direct conflict with this
corrupt structure. The principle hallmark of this structure is
billions, perhaps trillions of dollars of public money.
When I thought about the raids on Mar-a-Largo and that they included Melania and Barron Trump's dresser drawers in their bedrooms it
dawned on me that if it were my property I would have the place swept
top to bottom for bugs. A couple of things to note. In doing so I
would not use anyone from the intelligence community to perform the
sweeps, nor would I use an ex anything in private practice. They
cannot be trusted.
There are thousands of what I would call trusted anti spooks who could
do the job. There are many self taught genius wild men who can do
anything. One is Alex St. John, one of the founders of Direct X
at Microsoft, and no, the lion did not eat anyone at one of the
conferences. Alex was self taught and came out of Alaska. He told me
his original Humvee could not outrun a city bus.
As of 2023, GitHub reported having over 100 million developers on its
platform, many of whom contribute to open source projects. While not
all are active contributors, a significant portion engages in open
source. I would bet the majority are self taught.
Bug War: From my experience
One project I am aware of involved tapping the phone lines (old school)
of a penthouse for a purpose. All apartments are stacked, so if
you go down a couple of floors to an apartment below and open the wall
box for the phone lines feeding that unit the entire trunk feeding the
apartments above is in the wall for the apartment you want to
tap. Phone lines are powered so they can feed the tap. Tap the
lines going up until you have the right ones.
In another project I am aware of, old school again, all of the lines
for phones and in many cases before fiber, are installed in collection
boxes above and below ground through manholes, including coax.
The distribution maps for those lines are available to many of the guys
doing household and commercial wiring. Get the map and tapping is
easy. A police temporary space we looked one time had tens of thousands of feet of coax, no wireless. There is a lesson in that.
In another project I am aware of, a facility needed to be bugged.
Bugs to be small or invisible need power. Audio speakers are also
microphones. Today, look at all the Google crap you put in you
home, including your bedroom. They talk and listen. In the
project referred to the speakers played background music and listened.
One problem in the early days before keyword search and facial
recognition, was the fact that 100 hours of recording required 100
hours of listening. The solution back then was to accelerate the
playback so it sounded like a chipmunk talking. You could get
pretty good at chipmunk talk but you still spent a lot of time.
One other project involved a large Jewish diamond operation involved in money laundering. Israel did not make money laundering illegal until the year
2000. You can read about laundering in detail, but bagging the
diamonds in orifices (ass packing for example, or simply swallowing
them and sifting stool for a few days) will create the transport
mechanism, and diamonds being pure carbon, are not detectable in
airport scanners. The operation in question was concerned that some of
its own people were stealing, so they had a really good electronics
specialist place wireless bugs in various places in the location.
In preparation for placing the wireless bugs the specialist
swept the building for interference with sophisticated equipment he
built. The sweep revealed there already were wireless bugs in the
place, which he removed. Much later it turned out the bugs were
placed by legal authorization by the courts and belonged to a police
agency. Removing the bugs was a crime. Some time later the
Jewelry operating closed down and the specialist was charged with
various crimes related to the removal of the legally authorized bugs.
Important To Know
The specialist
was self taught. Go though channels and find several.
Sweep Mar-a-Largo and every one of people in the Administrations homes
and common places they go. Do it multiple times, and continuously
over time. Use two sweeps, one checking on the other. Don't
take excuses about why they might not work, interference,
whatever. If there is, have your guys hack around it. This
is war. Faith and trust do not apply.
Know your family. An underage young boy murdered by illegals was
on Grindr and the family did not know until his sister found posts on
his cell phone and turned it over to the police. Their
vulnerabilities expose you. This is war. Faith and trust do not apply.
Your cell phones and any devices you use personally. Find secure
signal blocking bags and move them out of living areas at night and out
of earshot when discussing anything that could be used against you. This is war. Faith and trust do not apply.
The phone companies, and I am sure cable too, all cooperated with the
intelligence agencies spying on Americans. They will
continue. Moreover, many of the policies the public and the
Administration want are not currently supported by companies.
Look who runs them. Michael Bloomberg is a sore loser and pissed
away a ton of money running for President. He constantly
publishes shots at the Trump admin. Faith and trust do not apply.
Apple is an all American company. The core technology they
developed off of, the Windows interface and mouse were invented by
Xerox in Palo Alto, (PARC). Jobs licensed it from them, and
subsequently licensed it to Gates. Apple today has billions of
dollars offshore, and Tim Cook is gay. The All-Seeing "i": Apple Just Declared War on Your Privacy - Edward Snowdon. Say what you like, zero
trust. This is war. Faith and trust do not apply.
The Jeffrey Epstein affair was a Mossad honeypot operation. It
caught stupid gentiles with 12 year old shiksa bait. Much of the early
reporting reported recording everything. In the beginning, before
the Jews arranged marriages to make sure they had feet in the door,
Trump was a target. Now he is a temporary prize and the Jew who got Clinton lost.
When his term is up, he is drek, subject to fawning, but of little
value. The follow on group is highly unlikely to carry on
his policies unless he manages to clean house before hand. Faith and trust do not apply.