What Do The Numbers Plus The Lies? False Narratives? Reveal?
AND AGAIN - Nov 23, 2021 - First Draft April 30, 2020
The Covid numbers above are copied directly from Worldometers.info/coronavirus
as of October 15, 2021.
I added 2 columns to the Worldometers table so that you could see the
number of people infected as a percentage of the entire population in
various nations (Case %) and the number that have died out of the entire population of various nations as a percentage (Death %) as well. These numbers are reportedly from Covid exposure. There are
legitimate and serious questions about the accuracy of the diagnosis of
death by Covid, especially without proper pathology reports, and the
interplay with co-morbidities which are discussed further down in this article. Don't be lazy and
trust what I tell you. Its too important to your future and that of your children. Look it up for
yourself. Here is a good explanation of this type of data from other authors, as well. SEE THE BOTTOM PAGE - SAFETY DATA NUMBERS ARE BEING DELIBERATELY ALTERED AND THE CDC IS ALTERING INFECTION DATA
Worldometers explains how they arrive at their numbers
Notice two things in the numbers, the count of people that
supposedly been infected
by Covid in the listed countries as of October 15, 2021. The US is
13.7%. Also look at the number of people that have died as a
percentage of the entire population in the US for example on the same
date, which is 0.22%. NOT 2%, or 2 out of 100,
but one fifth of 1% or roughly 1 out of 500
people. Also consider the fact that the Delta variant has evolved
to become the most infectious variant, which raises the question as to
why the numbers are where they are and not much higher after nearly
several years. Also of concern is the fact that there is the distinct
possibly that the vaccinations themselves are forcing the virus to
mutate to avoid the barrier erected in the immune system to their
spread, defeating the ability of our immune systems to adapt to
defeating them, at least in the short term. The recurrence of Covid reinfection after vaccination speaks to that point.
will claim the low infection rates reported in the tables are due to vaccination, lock downs or masking. One thing
wrong with these assumptions is the fact that there is not adequate
testing to reveal how many people have actually been infected with
Covid. The numbers may be much higher and those that are or have been
infected may show no symptoms or are what is known as being "asymptomatic"
without accurate testing to get correct data. There is also the
distinct possibility that natural immunity is impacting the
numbers. In addition they do not explain less developed countries
like India,
Thailand, or Vietnam. Now look at the next

The numbers above are Covid numbers from Alberta, Canada on October 15, 2021.
Alberta has a population of 4,442,879 million people as of July 1, 2021
and it reports
312,256 cases in total, or only 7% of the
population. The number that died are 2,930 people or one tenth of
1 percent. Notice that on the Alberta government's
interactive graph, most of those that died are 79 years or older. The
next chart
from Alberta on the same date shows the number of complications or
comorbidities that those in Alberta died from. Multiple
and old age are responsible for the majority of deaths when a
infection occurs. Add the numbers up yourself.

See: Why aren't healthcare workers speaking out about the catastrophe caused by the vaccines?
Take another look at India's numbers, taking into account the fact that
India's reporting system may not be as good, and many people may not
actually be tested or show up where they can be counted. There is a massive disparity between poor and richer, more developed
A scientist and doctor who was one of the original
developers of RNA
vaccines, Robert Malone talks
about the risks
in taking newly invented vaccines untested by previously established
safety standards. The media has tried to discredit him, but here
are scientific papers documenting
his original work and discoveries.
And this
link to an article from the Atlantic
tries to run a hit piece
about him but is unable to repudiate the fact that Malone's history
discovery and invention in the RNA vaccine arena is historically well
documented. Malone may be bitter about being screwed out of his
right and
entitlement to his discoveries, as he should be, but he is not dumb,
and he is not anti vaccine. He is realistically concerned about
the risks of the vaccines, especially when being given without proper
long term testing, and their being given to people who do not need
them. To me what was really interesting to note are his thoughts about
Covid in Africa and
India. Malone wonders if people in these countries may be so poor their
becoming obese difficult, and the people of these nations also appear
to suffer less from Western diseases such as hypertension
and heart disease, which are serious comorbidities in the
Alberta data in the previous table. It looks like Covid does not
affect everyone, and of those affected the risk is higher if you are
old and in poor health. In that case, why wreck the economy of a
nation and generate even more deaths and anxiety with the destruction
of peoples' lives economically on top of everything else?
Now lets consider the accuracy of saying people that died, died from
Covid. Since
Covid appears to be a co-morbidity, what is the primary cause of
death? This article from USA
Today touches on the problem.
Apparently in some states it is not necessary to have anything more
than a pulse and no criminal record to sign a death certificate. Then
of course there is the problem of paying for an investigation of the
cause of death, also noted in the article. If thousands of
bridges in the US are need of repair with millions of people traversing
them daily, where is anyone finding money the state does not have to
pay for autopsies to determine the cause of death accurately.
Complicating matters further, US employers are now protected at least
temporarily from recording side effects from Covid vaccination by
OSHA, which reduces the data required to get a complete picture of what is happening. See https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/faqs#employer, section "Vaccine Related".
Autopsies may not be done if there are sufficient
medical records to determine the cause of death,
and if not they still may only be done in a percentage of deaths. The
cost seems to range from $500 to $5000 depending on the
circumstances. Then this article
talks about the the problems of assigning the cause of death without an
autopsy - "The
presumed cause of death was completely wrong in 28% of cases. A non
natural manner of death was present in 3% of cases. This study
demonstrates that experienced forensic pathologists may generate
erroneous death certificates for cases that are not autopsied."
Now lets look at the companies supplying the
vaccine. These guys are real beauties. Fortune
Magazine lists them here.
The biggies are GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom), Merck & Co.
(USA), Pfizer (USA). Look at their criminal history documented in the two links below.
Feel free to dig deeply, look up the cases which are all public, and immerse yourself
in the lies. What is behind their behavior? Greed. Guess who the whores
are that defend them and keep them operating.
Clearly, the big drug companies have been lying
and misstating risk to make a buck for some time. So are they 100% trustworthy
now and to be believed without question? As Biden would say, "Come on man!"
The point
of all this is not to question the risk of being
infected by Covid or dying from it, but the numbers do not add up to
the picture painted in the media, except for the numbers that are
frighteningly real, and that
is that the global economy is now tanked because of bad decision making and politicians that are unaccountable. I would
say the number of people affected by reaction to Covid by political
manipulators and the media is a greater catastrophe that without a
deal of debate will run close to 100% of the population in some way,
except if you are perhaps a lost tribe in the Amazon or one of the
wealthiest people in the world. If the real
numbers from Covid do not prove to be as bad as forecast, will anyone
take the blame?
So what we have here is a chance for you to look at the numbers and
make an informed decision on your own, like you should do in a free country. And more importantly, if
you keep reading and checking the numbers, and look at the damage being
done to your and your children's future by the government and media
over inflating the numbers and risk, you will have a pretty good
who really need to be removed from any power in your lives.
Remember this, every person in the government is a public servant, and
their job is to be accountable to you. They are not leaders you
must obey, but servants who take orders and serve you. In America
at least, when the servants steal the silverware, steal your money, lie
and cheat you, and threaten you, you have the right to stand your
ground and get rid of them. Don't be convinced by the word
leader, or elite that they somehow don't answer to you, and you most
certainly don't have to obey them.
"Have no respect whatsoever for
authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with,
where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable? "This
is not a new idea; this is the idea
of the age of reason. This is the philosophy that guided the men who
made the democracy that we live under.
- Richard P.
So back to risk, not everyone will get Covid or if they do be seriously affected by it no matter what anyone
says. If you are old and have serious
health issues, or your older relatives do, it is probably a good idea for
you and them
to be vaccinated. Above
all, check your references. Most of the people we have come to
rely on as servants to the public have become selfish, lying, corrupt
whores motivated by greed and profit.
Another issue is the question of preventative treatment. One such approach suggests the use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine as Off-Label Medicines for the Prevention or Treatment of Covid-19,
a researched opinion by the State of Nebraska's Attorney Generals
Office. Click the link on the page to read the entire opinion.
Here is the article alerting everyone to the opinion.
Important to note in the opinion "Why
would ivermectin’s original patent holder go out of its way to question
this medicine by creating the impression that it might not be safe?
There are at least two plausible reasons. First, ivermectin is no
longer under patent, so Merck does not profit from it anymore. That
likely explains why Merck declined to “conduct clinical trials” on
ivermectin and COVID-19 when given the chance. Second, Merck has a
significant financial interest in the medical profession rejecting
ivermectin as an early treatment for COVID-19."
Again, selfish, lying, corrupt
whores motivated by greed and profit, or plain arrogance.
Now read this "Yale Study: Natural Immunity Protects Against COVID Three Times Longer Than Vaccine" along with related links.
Also a
good explanation of Covid spread, immunity developing in our bodies as
a result of exposure, and living with Covid as a regular occurrence in
society as our immune systems develop strategies to manage it.
And a further report, a long read, that delves into many of the issues,
by Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD.
And finally "Who Are These COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics and What Do They Believe?"
An independent group of Israeli lawyers, researchers, scientists, and
physicians have sent an urgent letter to the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in advance of the Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, Advisory
Committee Meeting to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s request to amend the
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for its COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine” to
include children 5 through 11 years of age. Called “Professional Ethics
Front,” the nonprofit organization is deeply concerned with the
integrity, quality, reliability, and legality of all Israel data
associated with COVID-19 vaccination that is being used regarding the
safety and efficacy of Pfizer’s “vaccine.”
Here is their letter. Read it yourself.
(***NEW***) Now for the CDC's fudging the facts.
Covid is a dynamic, evolving virus, that at the present time
affects people with other illnesses more significantly than healthy
people, and even more so if you are older. Moreover, there is a massive
effort to demand conformity in the face of very serious questions about
the one size fits all approach the media pushes to deal with
Covid. Don't feel bad about questioning politicians, so called
health authorities, or resisting public
pressure. That is the fundamental obligation free people in a Republic must fulfill.
Vaccine mandates look to have nothing to do with health and safety and a great deal to do with destruction of freedom.
And if you believe the government you are stupid.
Here is the article reporting on "stupid".
What is interesting is why doctors who treat people daily and have practical experience, such as the doctors in India using various preventative treatments to deal with Covid infection successfully are being disparaged when clearly these doctors reporting actual in the field results may be on to something the rest of the industry is studying. One more reason to basically think for yourself.
LAST UPDATE: Here is the final result of all of this.
Covid worse than flu, but not preventable and will reoccur
annually. The result, as with flu, is continual adjustment of
vaccines to deal with virus adaptability. What is missing, is the
true outcome of damage done to everyone in the world forced to be part
of an experiment in injecting improperly tested vaccines. That my
friends will be the story for the next 20 years. The only real
question is what the public will do about it.
This is interesting. The FDA asks the court to allow it to hide data supporting the safety/efficacy of Pfizer's Covid vaccine until 2076. Thats FIFTY FIVE YEARS.
Another interesting question. "If the Vaccines Work, Why Are They Not Working?"