The Colonial Mind vs Everyone Else

The United States did not become the country it is because of the brilliant leadership of a few.  The United States became what it is because there were tens of thousands of independent people in the colonies who had to develop self reliance, ingenuity, practicality and faith in themselves and their neighbors just to survive. That ethos, which you could call the small independent and self reliant (business?) ethos, which has been called the "American dream," is the foundational principle of what became America. Never forget the fact that thousands of people died in battle to be independent so that everyone had the opportunity to be independent and great.  To understand the ethos, character, and look in the eye of plain folk, spend time talking to farmers. They see it plainly, talk straight and have no time for theory and BS. Their kids all learn to work from an early age.  City folk are a world apart.

Look at the way the constitution was designed to encapsulate that ethos.  The colonists completely rejected kings, lords, ladies, absolute masters, despots, dictators, and tyrants, all powerful courts and judges. Everyone that was installed temporarily by the colonists in any position to PROVIDE ASSISTANCE to them, the functionaries, were considered servants to the colonists who they could replace at any time if the colonists did not believe they were doing the job they were appointed to do. Think about it yourself for a moment, if you do not know how to educate your children in all of the essential skills to grow up and have a productive life, does it not make sense to hire or appoint someone you can TRUST AND RELY on to do so, and would you ever regret paying them for their service as long as they carry out that tremendous responsibility to their best of their ability? Probably not.  So it goes with just about everything you yourself do not know how to do, and that is not weakness on your part, it is a show of great strength and trust to trade that responsibility to someone else so that you can use your skills to generate the money to pay people for their faithful service to you and your family.  But, at the same time as a former President of IBM
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. said "People don't do what you expect but what you inspect," you still have to pay attention to see if your expectations are being met. Take your smart phone for example, if it breaks, as they sometimes do, when you take it in to be repaired, you have every right to make sure it is repaired as promised, and if it is not, you insist it be fixed properly. 

When the people you put in place to serve you, the functionaries fail to do so, the colonists would

"set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure"

and if that did not work, kill them to protect liberty and the republic.  Its that damn simple. It makes no sense to subject the intent of the colonists to a court and pay for the cost of the functionaries' defense.  That is simply a delay and moreover puts the courts in position to override the simplicity of the colonists' intent and wishes, screwing up America. America is what it is because the colonists put in place a system, articulated in the founding documents and discourse, that puts them in charge and prevents the type of system Britain and Europe have, which is absolute crap.

If Britain had beaten the colonies we would have King Phillip, a bunch of snooty, deranged assholes in charge who would tell us what to think. Thank God Joe Biden and the Democrats came out as the Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants they are.  You may not like Trump, but America is a colonial state and everything trying to weaken that original intent has to be killed off.  Read the damn founding documents and discourse to understand what your forefathers gave you.

Not one other nation on earth with the population size, resources America has, has ever been able to duplicate America's power and success.  If intelligence and education were the key, every country in the world has access to intelligent and educated people, AND NOT ONE NATION HAS REACHED THE POSITION AMERICA OCCUPIES IN THE WORLD TODAY.

Which begs the question, why?  There are two reasons.  One is the absolute independence of the people, right down to being armed for their defense and offense in situations that warrant it, which in itself, is significantly empowering.  The second is independence and self determination.  Americans are declared to be independent and self fulfilling - that is the American dream.

Look at Britain, look at Europe. Many have kings, lords, ladies, absolute masters, despots, dictators, and tyrants, all powerful courts and judges, and more importantly, look at their reaction to President Trump's handling of the Ukraine debacle and their reaction to JD Vance's speech. They are the same type of arrogant and self opinionated assholes that the colonists drove out of the colonies. There is no way these people act the way functionaries in America are supposed to behave.

That is not to say the same condition among the functionaries in America is not also happening.  American citizens have slowly been put to sleep by the functionaries and wealthy in America, to transfer power and wealth to them and permanently disable the American spirit of independence.  Go read the founding documents and the speeches of the people representing the colonists and show yourself anywhere that was supposed to happen or was the intended purpose.  Show yourself where the courts were to be more powerful than citizens, or where the courts were allowed to pick the juries.  Find it in the founding documents.  Here are the facts.

Jury Nullification and The Constitution

Jury nullification is a fundamental aspect of the American justice system, rooted in the Constitution and the principles of liberty and democracy. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Constitutional Guarantees

1. Trial by Jury: The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to a trial by jury in all criminal cases, and the Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a trial by jury in all civil cases over $20 in value. This
includes the power of jurors to judge both the law and the facts.
2. Jury Independence: The Seventh Amendment ALSO ensures that jurors are not subject to coercion or intimidation by judges, prosecutors, or other authorities and that the decision of the jury cannot be re- examined.
3. Right to a Fair Trial: The Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause protects the right to a fair trial, which includes the ability of jurors to exercise their judgment and discretion in rendering a verdict.

Historical Context
1. Colonial Era: Jury nullification originated in colonial America, where juries were used to protest British rule and enforce moral and political principles.
2. Founding Fathers: The Founding Fathers, including Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, recognized the importance of jury nullification as a check on government power and a means to uphold justice and morality.
1. Decentralization of Power: Jury nullification decentralizes political power, allowing individuals to exercise their judgment and conscience in the face of unjust or oppressive laws.
2. Protection of Individual Rights: By giving jurors the power to nullify laws, the Constitution protects individual rights and liberties from government overreach.
3. Checks and Balances: Jury nullification serves as a check on the judiciary and the executive branches, ensuring that the system remains accountable to the people.

Jury nullification is a cornerstone of the American justice system, grounded in the Constitution and the principles of liberty and democracy. It provides a vital mechanism for individuals to exercise their judgment and conscience,
protecting individual rights and liberties from government overreach.
Find one other nation on earth in which its people trust themselves to run things or appoint skilled people to assist them, as long as the functionaries stay in their lane.  There are none because the functionaries want to protect their power and positions and the people be damned. 

Look at the people robbing America and screwing things up, the department of education, the military industrial complex, the massive government bureaucracy, the mainstream news media.  All whores and all have to go.  England and Europe are owned by these type of clowns.  You fix it by doing what Trump is doing. And no, your University educated and stupidly liberal kids who have never stood knee deep in mud, and who have never shed their mommy's apron strings to go to war don't know sweet diddle about struggle. Democrats have hung their hats on these guys.  Good luck with that.  And the oligarchs that will let liberal governments lie to the people so they get free passes in transferring all power to themselves, are nothing better that the British and European aristocracy.

That is why the Democrats and the corrupt courts are trying to slow down the people you put in place to fix it.  And oh, your elected and (trustworthy) Republicans are supposed to obey the courts as well. 

Here is what the Democratic and corrupt Rhino Aristocracies want you to accept:
IF THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION FIXES ALL OF THESE THINGS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEMOCRATS WILL LOOK LIKE THE LYING ABSOLUTE MASTERS, DESPOTS AND TYRANTS THEY ARE. Hopefully citizens will never forget the lesson. That is not to say the pork machine will not try to grease up Republicans.  That is assured.

I could write more, but you can read through this site and add your own.