Wealth Inequality is the Racism
Politicians and American
Corporations Are Trying to Divert Your Attention From
June 02, 2021
Media attacks on
American citizens about racism are an attempt to divert the
public from the original and real cause of racism created by
businessmen and government,
which is economic slavery. Think about
it for yourself. The picture below shows
some enslaved people that are green in color. Victims of slavery can be
color because the real purpose of slavery is to turn vulnerable people
who cannot
defend themselves into machines to make a profit for the businessmen
that enslave
them. Slavery was and is to this day about money - the rich and
exploiting the vulnerable to make a profit and nothing else.
Spend one solid week reading American history
and it is abundantly clear that this is the case. What happens to
people after being enslaved I will get to in a minute.
now, major American corporations and the Chamber of Commerce and all of
politicians wanting to flood the market with illegal aliens are doing
more than extending slavery today. Don’t let anyone tell you it
is about
kindness. American companies' first obligation is kindness to the poor of America,
and people engaged in slavery have never have been and never will be kind. The
illegal Immigrants that are flooding
most countries are simply slave labor that has two purposes:
First, our exploitive system of capitalism as practiced in America has burned
up all
of the useful suckers who actually belong in America, which you can
prove to
yourself by researching how much debt the average American has and how
money they have in the bank. Since the exploiters
have taken true Americans for everything they have, a new batch of
and willing suckers is needed. Illegal
immigrants are those suckers. And they
are so happy to get away from their exploiters in their own countries,
is better than what they left, or so they think.
second purpose is to destroy any colonial spirit Americans have and
anyone daring enough to challenge the absolute lies of the capitalist
exploiters. These capitalist slavers are
simply trying to destroy colonial resolve by undermining American’s
jobs with
willing illegal alien suckers that will take anything. When the
capitalist slavers undermine the
rights of legitimate Americans and legitimate Americans complain, the
media attacks them as wrong. But true
Americans ARE NOT WRONG in any way shape or form. And they should
arm up as much as they can.
put the matter in perspective, when the Southern states wanted to
maintain slavery
to make a profit from their slaves, the Northern states went to war
with the
Southern states and a lot of people died.
So it is again today, and while it may be sad, it was completely
then and it is now. Remember, the actual
slavers are in the minority, there are a tiny number of truly
rich. The real problem is Americans who will not
defend their freedom and who are enslaved by debt. Enslavement or
“enslavery” by debt is called
an indenture.
Americans unwilling to defend their freedom are the same poor excuse
for humans
that did not want to declare independence from British rule and that
defended slavery in the South and today would rather have comfort than
make real change in America. And don’t for one second think any elected
government or party has your back. They
have so many rich hands putting cash in their pockets they are simply
liars and manipulators.
fact, the companies, individuals and politicians that promote illegal
exploitation of the poor is a deviant condition afflicting the rich and
powerful. If you are
black, you may well be the new colonists, since you have every right to
rebel, be mad as hell, and be driven to get rid of the corrupt elite,
major American corporations that would undermine America to make a
buck, and corrupt
politicians today. They are no different
than the capitalist exploiters the colonists ran off when they drove
British out of America, or when the Northern states had to destroy the
states to get rid of slavery.
the issue of color, the only reason most slaves were black were because
vulnerable human machines their bodies had adapted to the hot
temperatures and humidity
of Southern hemispheres and the equator regions and they could handle
in the heat. Their Melanin darkened
skin is
the evolutionary response
to constant exposure to the sun. If light
skinned Eskimos from the North Pole were able to live in the high heat
of the
south and could work twice as hard
as the vulnerable people with dark skin found
around the Equator, they would have been the preferred slaves. Remember
slavery is about turning vulnerable people who cannot defend themselves
into machines to make a buck. White, green, black, who cares, if
Eskimos could output twice as much work as a black slave, they are
worth more money, and that is all slavery is about. Period. Don't
mistake greed for racism.
One other thing to quickly understand even if all you can do is count
on your fingers, is the fact that the trillions of dollars being spend
on Covid, from the benefits been paid, the cost of the vaccines, the
money paid for public health care, the so called infrastructure
projects, the money being paid into climate change, taking care of
illegal immigrants, every single trillion of it, will be paid by you,
not the rich. You will bear the cost of all of it, and if
you were poor before, you will even be poorer in the future.
Don't believe for one second anyone else will cover it. You are
being impoverished, and for what purpose? Remember the saying "when you
are up to your ass in alligators it is hard to remember your original
intention to drain the swamp." There is a massive effort to
divert your attention from what is happening in the world and you
should think about, read about it, and try to figure out why.

Two things should strike you as odd. Not one news outlet anywhere
is asking where the money to pay for all this is coming from and
explaining in great detail with analysis who
will foot the bill. The reason is because you will not like the
answers. As a sidebar, notice banks have not reduced their
interest rates on credit cards. If you read about it, you will also
learn Covid, not by the hype, but by the numbers, is not as problematic
as it is made out to be. It is worse than influenza by what looks
to be a margin of three times, but again, affecting the very old who
already have a number of preconditions called comorbidities. There
never was a justification to wreck the economies of the world over it.
Here is the first inkling of what is in store for us. You won't like it. But what are you going to do about it?
We are in a situation in which once again the rich and powerful are
beating down the vulnerable, this time less with sticks and whips, but
with lies, half truths, manipulation and propaganda. One of these
days you will
wake up and lets hope there are enough good Americans left who, if you
are unwilling to act, will do so and save the nation. I
would not give you five cents for the citizens of other countries in
situations like this. America is unique among nations because the
colonists did whatever it took to get rid of their British oppressors,
and put
the tools in place for Americans to take the nation back in the
in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to
dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another,
and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal
Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a
decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should
declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That
to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any
Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right
of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing
its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that
Governments long established should not be changed for light and
transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that
Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than
to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing
invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under
absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off
such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now
the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of
Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a
History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct
Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To
prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World." - Partial text
of the Declaration of Independence
may be considered as the true palladium of liberty . . . . The right of
self defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has
been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest
limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of
the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext
whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the
brink of destruction. In England, the people have been disarmed,
generally, under the specious pretext of preserving the game: a never
failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any
measure, under that mask, though calculated for very different
purposes. True it is, their bill of rights seems at first view to
counteract this policy: but the right of bearing arms is confined to
protestants, and the words suitable to their condition and degree, have
been interpreted to authorise the prohibition of keeping a gun or other
engine for the destruction of game, to any farmer, or inferior
tradesman, or other person not qualified to kill game. So that not one
man in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject
to a penalty.” - St. George
to the racism issue. First off, color has zero to do with
it. The vulnerable and screwed over can be any color you can
imagine. The Japanese enslaved Chinese women to provide sex for
their soldiers. So is "yellow" the preferred color of
victims? Output, the ability to produce whatever a profiteering
slaver wants is the only criteria. Go find an encampment
of homeless and abandoned people suffering from the many problems they
from, and think about bringing them to live in your home as they
are. Any potential reluctance you feel would not be
racism no matter what color they are, it would be reluctance to deal
with the
difficulties a group of suffering and vulnerable people face in their
lives. Are you a "poorracist" because you will not take them home?
Poverty and extreme inequality breeds fear, frustration
and disrespect from which many problems flow. Over time
vulnerable people to make a profit inevitably leads to the
conflict which over time can be identified as racism. When the
and exposed people rise up as they should, the tension with those
better off or
less vulnerable increases. Racism is a symptom.
Exploitation of vulnerable people to make a buck and keeping everyone
poor and without options is the originating cause,
and the major corporations and politicians that perpetuate these
conditions today must be
defeated by whatever means necessary.
"When you make men slaves you deprive
them of half their virtue, you set them in your own conduct an example
of fraud, rapine, and cruelty, and compel them to live with you in a
state of war." Equus Anna, an Enslaved African
economist Thomas Piketty explains the problems created by
wealth inequality and how coercive capitalism creates those problems. The problem
is not capitalism per se, but those that would use it to corrupt and
society for their own financial gain.
For example, local restaurants are capitalists, but for the most part
are not bribing government officials, paying off politicians, and
modifying laws to steal from the public as the participants in ALEC, the
American Legislative
Exchange are doing. Every political
party is involved in this problem. Just look at who is pushing
open borders to
flood the country with illegal immigrants and you will get it.
teaches everything you need to know about the corruption of
America. There are a few lessons that are easy to see:
- British officials and British corporations were exploiters
just like large
American corporations are today.
- Britain considered colonial resistance to their policies an
rebellion, whatever you want to call it.
They were completely wrong from a freedom standpoint. If the
colonists had not fought for their
freedom, America would not exist. Lesson
- The politicians that complain about Americans occupying
Washington are identical to the British exploiters. The same
thinking that the colonists applied
in the declaration of independence applies
- Many colonists were afraid to fight, or stand up for
anything. They were as useless then as
those who refuse to stand up for their rights at home are now.
The illegal aliens that flee their country
rather than fight for it and capitulate to fear are even more
“If ye love wealth
better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating
contest of
freedom, - go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.”
“Crouch down
and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon
you, and may
posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!” - Samuel
"what country can preserve it’s
liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their
preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to
them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few
lives lost
in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure."
- Extract
from Thomas Jefferson to
William Stephens Smith Paris Nov. 13. 1787
The colonists were tired of a corrupt British government, their private
sector exploiters and their military occupation of the colonies.
roughly ten years of trying, the colonists finally had enough and threw
out, killing as many as necessary, dying in even greater numbers, and
America. History shows they were right, and yet today:
- The people of Hong Kong are
not armed or free and cannot free themselves from China. What will the
people of Hong Kong do about it?
- The people of China are not
armed or free, and cannot free themselves from XI and the Communist
Party. So, what will they or can they do about it?
My bet is right now as long as the Chinese system allows
them to get ahead, they will do nothing.
- The people of Mexico are
not armed or essentially free, and cannot free themselves from the
corruption of the state and the cartels (one example of a sound
reason to pay attention). So, what are the people of Mexico doing about
- The people of North Korea
are not armed or free and cannot free themselves from Kim Jong-Un. So,
what are the people of North Korea doing about it?
- The people of Cambodia,
Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Myanmar, Sudan, Tunisia,
Zimbabwe are not armed or free, and cannot free themselves from their
despotic leaders. So, what are the people of these countries doing
about it?
- The people of Thailand,
Libya, and Pakistan, are not armed or free and cannot free themselves
from their corrupt leaders. So, what are the people of these
countries doing about it?
- The people of Russia are
not armed or free and cannot free themselves from the Russian
system. So, what will the people of Russia doing about it?
- The people of Saudi
Arabia and Iran are not armed or free and cannot free themselves from
their corrupt leaders. So, what are the people of these countries doing
about it?
- And the British are
not armed, and live in a near surveillance state. So, what will
the people of Britain do about it?
And don't
expect the courts or elections to fix anything. An election
promise for
both parties was to stack the courts with judges that ruled the way they
If you are so stupid to believe a court is going to do
anything for you, you deserve to be enslaved. The so-called
liberals and
Democrats want to take away Americans' arms, turning them into the same
and helpless citizens in the countries named above, and many Americans
willing to lay down like dogs and let that happen. Ask any person who
fled the
countries they left if they would rather stand beside armed citizens
who would
defend their country against corrupt and controlling governments like
the ones
they fled or a gutless coward who would capitulate to a government like
and let America become the country they fled, and see what they
"A man who has
nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more
important than
his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of
free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than
himself." - John
Stuart Mill
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but
force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."
- (Patrick
Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed.
Philadelphia, 1836)
US corporations,
the Chamber of Commerce and Democratic politicians are trying to flood
country with immigrants, driven by corporations that want cheap labor
Democrats that want malleable voters.
- Gun
ownership. There is an effort to get rid of American’s gun ownership.
the fact that the Constitution encourages gun ownership, just think
about fighting
wars without guns.
- Defunding
the police. It is certain the police
forces could benefit from better training. But if their
numbers are dramatically reduced and crime goes up people
will be too busy defending their homes, lives and property to pay
attention to
what the corporate slavers and crooked politicians are trying to get
away with
to make a buck.
- Free
Speech. There is a massive battle to
control free speech with politicians and American businesses allowing
like Google, Facebook and Twitter to eliminate.
Another example is the
fight over DACA. The Democrats internal
documentation reveals one reason they want illegal immigrants
to stay in
the country is because they have large families and chains of relatives
that will
be beholden to them and will vote for a Democratic
Party that
lets them violate
American immigration laws.
The Democrats are trying
to cover their tracks and cynically propagandize the issue
to manipulate voters by labeling it as kindness and putting babies’
behind it. However stacking voting roles with people who deliberately
violate the
law so they can gerrymander elections to gain power is no way to run a
That kind of behavior used to be called bribery and vote buying.
Without a doubt illegal
immigrants have needs, but what use
are immigration policies and borders if the legal citizens MOST
affected by
these policies have no say in what goes on and are not dealt with
fairly? Vote
rigging is not a policy.
The Pope talks kindness
because aliens fill
pews and collection plates in Catholic
Churches. Notice however the Catholic Church’s kindness
runs out
when it closes parishes and uses other legal
trickery to
compensating victims of priests’
sexual abuse, including using
financial spreadsheets to relocate
and keep track of serial abusing priests. Maybe Bill Gates is
really God and is
helping the Church use Microsoft’s business software to manage the
risk of diddlers and perverts in their ranks. Oh wait a minute, God
would not do that, right? So then Bill may be secretly the
and he has found willing devotees in the church, fallen angels as such.
Now it makes sense! The Pope too?
I guess Time lost its stomach. Here is another link on the Pope coverup again. Wow.
Hey, do fallen angels get horns or are their wings just a little
singed by fire? I was thinking of where the pope would hide his horns
under that beanie.
In reading the attached
links it’s also odd that the Church
claims to need its buildings to keep doing good works. If the so called
purveyors of the word of their gods can’t do so with a bare minimum of
then you can be pretty much assured their churches have become
marketplaces too.
I have not read anywhere
that Jesus was a real estate
developer that needed buildings to reach the masses. The only
guys that ever
made church buildings their focus were the money changers and merchants
exploiting the poor in the temples as depicted in this picture from the
National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC titled “Christ
Driving the Money
Changers from the Temple” by EL Greco. Some things never

There is also no legitimate comparison to the immigrants
came to North America legally. They immigrated to North America to fill
the vast
expanses of land along railway lines in exchange for cheap land and
opportunities to create a new life free from the mismanagement of the
they were willing to leave. And the railways wanted cheap and
Chinese labor for the dangerous job of laying their tracks.
In the past, plantation owners bought slaves. Today some
American businesses also want low
paid and easy to “exploit” illegal aliens to provide cheap
labor even
though it is illegal to hire them,
keep costs low and undermine the negotiating position of legal
Americans for
jobs, wages, health care and everything else.
President George W. Bush confirms as much in a speech in the Arab
Emirates, another bastion of freedom and human rights, when he bragged
immigrants can pick cotton in 105 degrees
heat. So the new form
of slavery is to switch metal chains for chains of relatives
behind, and then let the immigrants self-enslave out of necessity. Boy,
them Southerners sure know how to get the last bit of flesh out of a
And could it be revenge for gaining freedom
that immigrant slaves are being used to
attack legal Americans at the bottom of the wage scale by
away jobs which fair wages
would have to be paid to Americans who have rights and are not afraid
to speak up. Again, slavery for power
and not about kindness to anyone. Let’s get that
And even then only they want these workers until they can replace
them with something even cheaper, like robots. When they are done using
then the workers can go to hell as this historical poster demonstrates.
America does not owe
businesses anywhere the right to break
the law under the phony claim of helping illegal aliens. If there was
no money
in it these lying hypocrites would be long gone. Let’s call a spade a
spade and
tell these creeps to pay fair wages to legal Americans first and manage
businesses better. Better yet, find out who they are and
refuse to buy
anything from them.
And if they want to use
robots to replace workers, that is
easy for everyone to remedy. These abusers of American
privilege need to
realize purchasing their goods and services is a volunteer activity,
and so is
keeping our wallets closed. Nothing anyone makes is a mandatory
purchase except
perhaps for drugs to treat illness and we all know how that works in
What is also not being
discussed is the fact that the United
States already has a legal immigration process that people can apply
for. However
those who enter illegally have no automatic right to do so.
The corporate controlled
media likes to propagandize the issue as one of kindness and call the
entrants “Dreamers”
which is simply another term for “Law Breakers Who Want
Automatic Pardons”.
This propaganda tries to make it look like those who object
are picking on
babies and people with dreams. Nice try.
Home invaders have dreams
too. We do not glamorize their
dreams just because they might be poor and need to steal someone else’s
property to have a better life.

As documented in the previous linked articles, people who
in the country illegally and accept jobs illegally are taking jobs from
American workers and their families. The illegals also make
it possible for
American businesses to avoid their legitimate responsibility to the
people and
nation they have the privilege of operating in.
Being in the county illegally and having babies in America is something
akin to
a pirate ship dropping anchor in American waters. The anchor
is no more legal
that the ship is.
Why is this good to know? Borders and immigration laws have
a purpose. Violating these to rig elections or avoid paying
fair wages to the
citizens of a country are not legitimate reasons to abide people who
enter the
country illegally. It also is an opportunity to identify and
punish corporations that hire illegal immigrants and support these
political machinations. They are all manipulative conniving
liars that are
part of the problem in the first place and must be held to account for
Politicians who
deliberately undermine America’s immigration
laws and borders are simply finding another way to whip the most
vulnerable American workers into submission and take away their power
bargain in
a capitalistic system that is being operated as a form of economic slavery
instead of a tide that lifts all boats. The
media spin on the
matter is simply an attempt to turn innocent and trusting people into
victims by blabbing on about babies and dreams.