What The Peoples' Constitution Represents

In many elite circles there is the idea that compliance by citizens to their ideas and behavior is in some way a permanent condition and that citizens are only being riled up against them by what they call far right messaging and populist leaders who make promises to get elected that cannot be kept.  Here is another viewpoint:

Why do people submit to being led long after it makes absolutely no sense to do so?  Perhaps it comes from the fact that from the time we are born we are taken care of by our parents and our behavior is dominated by those around us and hopefully love us.  You don't need a huge dissertation, you only have to think back about everything your parents did to keep you safe, fed and clothe you, and tell you what you can do and when.  Our parent's lives, and the choices of where they would live, what they did to make a living, and subsequently the schools they sent us to, none of which we had any control over, moulded us to become who we are. That moulding continued not only when we went through school, it even followed us to college or university if we went.  Essentially years of conformity to the behavior mould created the habitual behavior that you see we are. Those habits are physiologically reinforced by a process called homeostasis.  Homeostasis could be called a stability or sameness physiological process that is activated into a change prevention mode by stress of any kind, positive or negative, and it can make us stop what we are doing in an attempt to maintain the status quo or continuity.

Eventually, however, we are supposed to grow up to be an adult and think for ourselves, which means breaking from our previous habitual conditioning. One example offers a forward looking way to think of that process. Your father is a skilled carpenter, and he teaches you how to build a house.  But on the way, your mind keeps thinking there may be better, faster, cheaper ways to build a house, once you have learned the basic skills your father taught you.  Improving what you learned is not disrespect for your father, but rather respects him for what you have learned, and are trying to extend that learning.  It is the natural evolution of growth, developing skill, talent, learning, using history as a base to progress from, and then throwing off the yoke of behavioral conditioning. And in another example, the story of Siddhartha, a novel by the German author Hermann Hesse, describes a type of growing away from the confines of your habitual upbringing to become a new and more powerful person.

In Siddhartha, it is explained this way:

"In ancient India, Siddhartha decides to leave his home in the hope of gaining spiritual illumination by becoming an ascetic Śamaṇa. Joined by his best friend Govinda, Siddhartha fasts, becomes homeless, renounces all personal possessions, and intensely meditates. Eventually the pair seek out and personally speak with the enlightened Gautama, but although Govinda hastily joins the Buddha's order, Siddhartha does not. For him, the Buddhist philosophy, though supremely wise, must be individually realized independently of instruction by a teacher. He thus resolves to carry on his quest alone."

The idea is that even a point of supposed perfection, Gautama, who is revered as a god, is simply a base to jump off from, not as a sleight or disrespect to Gautama,
but an acknowledgment that what you have learned so far is only a beginning and committing to learning forever, trying new things, and dreaming into the future. It is the least that a parent (who to a tiny child is god) would expect for their own children

What about the colonists then?

The the harshness of living in colonial settlements in North America made them independent, capable people just to survive.  Freezing, starving, and dying in great numbers makes you change pretty quickly. I nearly drowned on several occasions while on a river journey, in frigid winter water, and surviving teaches you to fight for survival and have self-reliance.

The British who were principal sponsors of the colonies at the time, saw the land and its riches as a gold mine to be exploited for their own purposes, with the colonists essentially the labor to make that happen, and who they gave little or no say in their governance. The colonists objected strongly to that fact, but even so, an estimated 75% of the colonists were initially reluctant (which you can study in the link) to go to battle with Britain over the issue. When the matter finally came to a head and the colonies declared independence, war broke out and after a great deal of death on both sides, the colonists prevailed and the system they created for their newly born nation made it the most powerful nation on earth in the future.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights reflect what the Colonists decided would set out their rights and how their nation would be governed. Never again would the people of those united colonies be held captive by anything or anyone lording over them.  The functionaries representing them expressed it clearly:

"all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their *functionaries* executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24.

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution” - Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860 Cooper Union, NY Speech

"Governors have no right to seek what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . ."

"It seems to have been imagined by some that the returning to the mass of the people was degrading the magistrate. This he thought was contrary to republican principles. In free Governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors & sovereigns. For the former therefore to return among the latter was not to degrade but to promote them--and it would be imposing an unreasonable burden on them, to keep them always in a State of servitude, and not allow them to become again one of the Masters." - Benjamin Franklin (Remarks in Framing Convention, 1787 as summarized by Madison in his record, page 6)

Should the elected officials no longer act in any capacity for the people, and become the "Absolute Masters, Despots, and Tyrants" Samuel Adams spoke of, they had a simple solution described by Thomas Jefferson in “The tree of liberty...”

“And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

Samuel Adams summed it up with fewer words:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776

What Is Different Today?

This poll, on only the immigration issue, shows far greater citizen support for what you elites blame on far right politics, than going to war with Britain.  There are many other issues, such as soft on crime policies, allowing homosexuals and other LBGTQ minorities to enter schools to advance policies the majority of people do not agree with, to oppress women by allowing men to compete in women's sports,  to deny the right to free speech, to participate in lies to create wars to advance your political agendas, and to allow cultures that have completely different views of everything to contaminate the nations you are supposed to serve, are only a few of the real reasons citizens have had it with you.

Attacking Trump, Farage, and other populist politicians is a smoke screen for your arrogance, your stupidity, your despotic behavior and your tyranny, which the people know and understand. That is your real problem, and it is yours alone.  So far, there is only one nation of citizens with the capability of carrying out the process described by Jefferson, which is to:

"set you right as to facts, pardon and pacify you"

and failing that to simply kill you

"What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

You may not like the message, but you might as well go all in and see if you can pacify your citizens, or if your arrogance may bring about the end you surely deserve from the perspective of independent and free citizens.

You also might pay careful attention to the fact that the very people you expect to defend you, because you have the power to direct their salaries, are the same people that are directly participating in gathering up and throwing out the aliens that are rapidly trying to destroy America. And people exactly like you, the Governor and mayor of Chicago for example, are resisting the will of the people to protect these aliens for their own political gain.  Could it be that there is mutiny in the troops you rely on and that your assumptions that money alone is enough to keep them in line, or are your beliefs questionable? After all the right you hate has the money to pay them just as well, and they do not have to put up with ignorant pricks like you.

But some very simple questions would dispel any delusions you have about citizens' thinking, which is a precursor to their actions:

1. Do you like being lied to and propagandized by your government? Only a few examples include
2. Do you like your mainstream media playing the major role in promoting and covering up all of the lies and propaganda in point1?

3. Do you believe all elections should be completely fair and auditable?  In that regard:
4. Do you want your young daughters to be exposed to men posing as women in their washrooms, locker rooms and in all incompetence sports activities?

5. Do you want your underage children operated on for transgender surgeries with irreversible results without your knowledge or consent? Transgender surgery on innocent and developing children increases suicide rates 12 fold. The promoters and surgeons should be suicided for harming our children.  Someone has to protect children from these people.

6. Do you want illegal aliens on the loose raping your underage daughters, grooming them to be sexually abused and exploited, and the media covering it up?

7. Do you want your daughters treated like herd animals, or even thought of that way by illegal aliens?

8. Do you want inflation actually controlled instead of being told not to believe your lying eyes by governments around the world, especially when the people supposedly helping you are fatcat, overpaid and arrogant liars?