Simple As It Is – Listen to (American)
Citizens or Else
people of the colonies and the help they appointed at the time considered the
governance of other nations worldwide and based on their negative experience
with Britain laid out a plan for a Constitutional system of self-governance
that became the United States of America. The historical success of that model
is evident.
Constitution is not what gives you your rights. The
Constitution is what your forefathers declared as the statement of
ideals, for which they fought and died for. It is their fierce
independence and
willingness to die for it that gave you your freedom and independence
and will
give it to you again. The colonists stated independence is maintained
first by
fair warning given to its violators and then by their death if they
fail to
heed the warnings. The actual intent of the colonists and the
Constitution are short on words and clearly explained by the founders.
The simplicity was deliberate. Constant debate and introducing complexity is simply a con game that
those who want to subvert the Constitution and control citizens, use to bamboozle
everyone. The simplicity of the colonists' intent completely obliterates the complexity.
There appears to be some strange idea that a group of founders
created this gift of freedom and independence for grateful colonists and that
the founders, being men of great skill and intellect alone were what made
America. Not hardly. The tens of thousands of colonists and their family
members that died and suffered greatly to kill off and drive out the British
created your independence and freedom, and not one thing else. Anytime anyone
suggests or implies that bookish leaders, so called laws, denying or limiting
your rights by those that know better are what makes for freedom cannot be
trusted. As Jefferson penned, it is the “blood of patriots and tyrants” that
create and maintain freedom. Simple as it is.
They agreed that there shall be no more kings, queens,
entitled royalty, or those that could become absolute masters, despots, or
tyrants by any means, such as captive wealth, property, religious fantasy, lies,
violence, politics, etc. The Constitutional documents capture what the colonists demanded
from their new nation. Those demands are the entire point of the exercise, and
ANYONE can figure out what they wanted then and what free, self-governing
citizens today are entitled to:
- Do you
want to spend your entire life working to have someone take a percentage of all
you can earn or produce for no other reason than they have the ability through
threats or violence to do so, without representation by you as to the fairness
of the proposition?
- Do you
want to try and solve every one of life’s challenges and tasks by yourself or
would you prefer to be able to hire, appoint, elect, barter, trade with someone
who can do it better, faster, cheaper than you can?
- Do you
want those you might hire, appoint, elect, barter, trade with to be able to
take steps to prevent you from firing or replacing them when conducting your
affairs in a way you don’t agree with?
- Do you
want to have to worry about the protection and safety of your family and be
completely dependent on someone else to do that for you, and if they fail, your
love ones may be damaged, killed, or mentally destroyed? Or would you prefer to
be able to immediately respond using whatever means possible to defend against
situations when your life, livelihood, property, and family are threatened?
- Do you
want to live in a place where someone can claim to be a king or queen, certain
royalty, or have special privilege because they have money or claim something or
someone gave them in the past that makes you subservient to them?
- Do you
want someone to be able to claim they have a special relationship with a god
that gives them the right to rule over you and your offspring for all time, or
would you make sure that the nation you put together has no provision for that
to happen?
- Do you
want to live in a place in which somebody claims that the color of your skin
makes you less human, or that some divine magic makes other people superior to
you, like they are chosen by some god and therefore are better and superior to
- Do you
want to live in a place where someone with special skills you might not have can
claim right and control over you because of that skill, and you can do nothing
about it?
- Do you
want to live in place where the people you hire, appoint, elect, barter, or
trade with can go all over the place starting fights and wars that kill the
people they start fights with and involve you and your family in these fights
and wars, killing everyone involved, and using up your assets to pay for these misadventures?
- Do you want people
you hire, appoint, elect, barter, trade with to be able to create what they
call laws and rules you must abide with, and have no way to remedy these rules
and laws if they are clearly against your interest?
- Do you want people
who you hire, appoint, elect, barter, trade with to be able to take control of
your innocent children and subject them to information, teachings, opinions
etc. you do not agree with and can do nothing about.
- Do you want to live
in place where individuals can organize fictions like a corporation, trade
group, or whatever that can be given rights over you, your children, your
livelihood, your property and you can do nothing about it?
Although there are more questions like this that can be
raised, the Constitution took a good stab at providing a framework for
answering them, ultimately backstopped by citizens’ right to correct any
failures to perform by people you hire, appoint, elect, barter, trade with, by warning
and then by force.
The hired, appointed, elected, bartered, and traded with
people we give rope to run with are clearly exhibiting every type of
skulduggery, arrogance, hubris, lies, deceit to defeat and deny our absolute
right to run things. The colonists refused to put up with it when Britain tried
and there is absolutely nothing different about today. The only real
difference is that the enemy is within, does not wear red coats, have powdered
hair and fluffy hankies, but are cut with the same cloth.
Constitutional system is to be operated solely for and on behalf of
the people:
anyway to government, law or the courts versus what the majority of the
people, BY THEMSELVES, WITHOUT INTERFERENCE, decide is right and
true. Read the first couple of paragraphs in the previous link
documenting what the founders said the colonists wanted and what role
the functionaries (the hired and elected help) have in providing
services to the public, and you will get it clearly:
"all power is inherent in the
people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they
think themselves competent, (as in electing their *functionaries* executive and
legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all
judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives,
freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times
armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion;
freedom of property; and freedom of the press." - Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John
Cartwright. Monticello in Virginia. June 5. 24
addition, the Constitutional system is designed to prevent the “functionaries”
(the hired or appointed help) from erecting a system to prevent citizen’s
control of the nation (such as laws, courts, rule-making, or embed so many
useless government employees in the system it breaks under the weight of their
attempts at self-preservation. The American people can MAKE ALL DECISIONS ABOUT THE
judges and courts. The only law, I repeat, the only law, is what a jury of
citizens that citizens appoint, decide. All the rest is simply smoke and
people can communicate their dissatisfaction with those trying to override the Constitutional
system, by voting, turning off their propaganda (CNN for example), and
ultimately, if that fails, by the blood of the perpetrators.
Jefferson framed the solution simply in “The tree of liberty...”
“And what country can preserve its
liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people
preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set
them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be
refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its
natural manure.”
Biden and the completely corrupt group they worked with thought they could
bugger up the entire system and in fact exposed the entire
tyrannical sleight of hand to public view.
can throw everything they do out using ANY AND ALL
is your country. Citizens are the law, the Masters and
the Owners. PERIOD.
THE SIMPLICITY IS THE REALITY, which is why the hired and elected help behaving like absolute
masters, despots, and tyrants are terrified and make so much noise to sow
The American people are the most armed
group of citizens on earth, with millions of them trained by the hired help in
the act of professional violence. That violence is exported worldwide to provide
profit for themselves and their political benefactors, but training citizens in
its tactics is dangerous to a corrupt status quo. When the American people make
the decision to simply say enough is enough, made by a large enough group of
people, the Constitutional system will be restored by force of arms.
The hard part, in the case of declaring
independence from Britain, was the colonists deciding to put their lives on the
line for what they believed in, using force and the willingness to die for
Look at any place there is conflict when
people are pushed to the limit, and the invaders better be absolute believers
rather than people with just interests. Vietnam, Afghanistan are examples on
belief clashing with just interests.
The war in Ukraine is an example of a war
started by American foreign policy
lies clashing
with belief. All the spin in the world cannot change the fact it is a
conflict started
by liars to test weapons, make a buck, who could care less about dead
Ukrainians, and to encourage expansion of NATO to pursue foreign policy
goals that totally destabilize the world, all dictated by bureaucrats
and the military industrial establishment who made the huge mistake of
believing they destroyed Trump with lies and bullshit and were not
afraid to show their colors like schoolyard bullies when they thought
Trump and his supporters were beaten to a pulp. Unfortunately
colonial rules are not currently in effect, or these bastards would be
hung or shot. The public giving them a pension only encourages the
bastards and costs the public more money. And helping Europe is a
joke. Their leaders have been screwing the world forever, just
ask the victims of Britain and France.
Russia is at risk, recognizes the threat and will not be defeated,
anymore than Biden and his ilk can destroy the Constitutional system.
Eventually the gloves come off and when they do the American people will have
to get rid of the hired help and their supporters who have become absolute
masters, despots, and tyrants. If the hired help is so sure they can beat
Russia, the nuclear conflict will start. So it is with China and Taiwan.
The mass extermination in Gaza is an
example of the Jews blowing their victim cover and behaving in a way that
explains why they are to be derided and disbelieved. Antisemitism does not
occur in a vacuum any more than slavery was about skin color. Greedy, corrupt
assholes saw the opportunity to exploit defenseless people as beasts of burden
for a buck, and the maltreatment of people of color by southerners created the
delusion for a long time that it was ok to treat slaves as nonhumans. The Jews
consider non-Jews to be roughly the same as people of color were treated in the
early days of the colonies. Think South Africa.
There is a general assumption that bullshit
baffles brains. The Emperor’s New Clothes tale explains how
a simple and honest viewpoint clears things up.
SIMPLY PUT - American citizens are the
masters, the bosses, the owners and the hired help are nothing. You are the
top dogs, the legal decision makers, and every story, process, law, procedure
created to defeat your rights enshrined in the Constitutional system can be
completely ignored, although it will get ugly.