is a an explanation of how elected officials, who pay no price for
being wrong, can ruin democracy and free enterprise with their self
serving, anti-citizen interference in the economy and our lives.
One government body, occupied by socialist minded politicians, decided
to take on and take over the private insurance auto industry in their
jurisdiction. They reasoned that automobile insurance was too
expensive, and that they could create a fairer system than free market
competition and at the same time create benefits for their party, the
hidden benefits to them which I will explain.
Insurance is a business in it simplest terms of charging drivers for
vehicle insurance and should an accident occur pay to repair the damage
to the owner's vehicle, and if the owner was at vault, pay to repair the other
drivers vehicle, as well as any personal injury claims, which they try to
cap. There are various incentives based on age to reduce (or
increase premiums for new drivers) accident free driving, no driving
infractions and so on. In a private system, the
highly competitive nature of insurance means rate shopping can get a
better deal.
If you notice, the things that affect the cost of insurance are
accidents, inexperienced drivers who cause more accidents, people who
drive outside the established rules and get speeding tickets, drive
recklessly, drink and drive and so on. All of which may result in claims
against the automobile policies. Accidents and injury claims cost
insurers money, which directly affects their rates.
One obvious solution to making insurance coverage profitable is to
simply eliminate claims. Which was the basis of the socialist
scheme. They correctly reasoned that if they were to pass a law,
all the while couching the scheme as a plan to save the public money
and provide safer roads, that suspended all of the drivers
that may cause claims, for as long as possible, it would make
their scheme initially look cheaper than private insurance.
Of course they could have created these changes to the market for private insurers and
negotiated with the private sector to lower rates. But if you
want to sell a scheme, you hide a lot of the facts.
In any case, the jurisdiction launched the scheme, suspended a ton of
drivers, and for a while it looked cheaper, and they took away a lot of
the coverage options private insurers offered. Now here is where
one of the the hidden parts of the scheme kicked in. They staffed
the head office and the claims centers with government employees, paid
them more than market wages, curbed operating hours, and gave them
generous Union and government wage protection, as part of a scheme to
ensure the employees of the scheme voted for socialist
anti-conservative regulation. After all, its your money they are
spending, not their own so they could care less about profit and loss
and more about creating beholden constituents that will vote them in
Over time, the scheme proved to be far more expensive than promised,
once everyone could drive again. To try and keep rates down they
created a graduated driver licensing scheme which added additional cost
to overall vehicle insurance. Getting points for tickets and
accidents was added to the drivers license side of the scheme, and it
took a number of years for the increased license costs to go down, as a
so called penalty for being a bad driver. It was really coverage
double dipping.
All of these actions could have been taken to provide private insurers
with incentives and support mechanisms to lower rates, but of course
that would not create beholden civil servants who would vote for
socialistic policies. I know this was the plan because an EA who was
conservative, but working for the socialist showed me the documents
that designed this
Now here is the real shocker for conservatives. Years later when the
socialist leaders that cooked up the scheme were defeated in an
election, the conservative government that came in replaced the
board of the "public" insurer with so called conservatives and supporters of the new administration. I know the leaders of both sides of the deal, but
did the conservatives dismantle the scheme? Hell no. Did they invite private
insurers to compete and take advantage of the cost curtailing
measures? Hell no. They just lined their own pockets. Got
The lesson is simply this, bureaucrats and socialists will do anything
to protect their jobs and power, and so called conservatives, unless
they have massive personal integrity, will feed at the trough too.