mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution,
which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skills. To
raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a
new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in
science." - Albert Einstein
"We can't solve problems
using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -
Albert Einstein
Internet College
The Internet Delivery System
A lot of
people describe the Internet as a source of fake news and
misinformation that
needs regulation. That's wrong. If you have ever bought a university
text book you will immediately go
into sticker shock with the price. The cost of writing the book,
proofing the
writing, editing the content, typesetting it, printing it, binding it,
stores to carry it, putting it on a truck to ship it and taking it back
if the
store can’t sell it all go into the cost of the book. Huge expense.
It should be noted that in addition to cost, the investment in
time and effort needed to author a text and pressure to publish may cap the accuracy of the information given in the text book, information which will only degrade with time. Although the subject may be much harder to study if the content is constantly updated, textbooks that develop in real time may prove to be far more effective.
The Internet is one big information and content
delivery system, an electronic library, and it is the fastest, best and cheapest delivery
system in the
world with nearly everything you can
possibly imagine to study and learn from, immensely shortening the time
takes to get valuable information. While going to college may be
immense fun and offer a piece of paper at the end, will it reflect who
you are and want to be, or make you conform to a role so you can get a
job somewhere? FULL ARTICLE...
The Living Textbook
The Internet is simply a delivery system, like UPS or FEDEX. No one can blame UPS or FEDEX
for delivering packages someone might not like, and the Internet is no
different but immensely more valuable.
The Internet is
more valuable than textbooks because the identical information written
in the book can be published online, in a fraction of the time, and
can be constantly and immediately updated. In addition, footnotes and
links to additional information can be delivered in real time, and with
web annotation, the entire text outline can be discussed in real time
with professors, teachers, industry leaders, and so on. A book cannot even come close to that kind of capability, although eyestrain certainly has to be considered. FULL ARTICLE...
Knowledge Expanding in Real Time
Web annotation will change the world forever, and in positive
ways. Think of web annotation as being able to open a textbook
and then as you are reading the textbook it is updating itself on the
fly with the newest information, or if that is too dynamic for you, you
can put its updates on hold until you have studied the initial premise
at a given date, and then you flick on the update switch and it gives
you the latest information on the subject you are studying, at the
appropriate place in the original text. Think of it as "Late
Breaking Knowledge" like important news in the process of
Then, you flip a switch and the book suddenly opens up a window to the
very item you are studying as if you are in a classroom
full of people with the book's author, the teacher, professor,
surrounded by experts and knowledgeable people, and you are in a live
discussion about the topic. FULL ARTICLE...
Look at Life As a Game and Learn How to Play It
While there is an argument that we are
generally better off even in our existing capitalistic system, the fact is
there is a massive divide between the rich
and poor, there is no consensus on a social safety net and how it
should be run, the education system is a failure in that we live in a
free and supposedly capitalistic system, and yet capitalism, invention
ingenuity are not taught at school. Rather, we are simply taught to be employees, and no one is accountable for
results to see how we are doing. It is a game we are losing, but we can learn how to play it. FULL ARTICLE...
Use the News To School Yourself
If you look at the way traditional news
organizations work,
whether they be newspapers or television, delivered by cable, in print
or over
the web, you will notice the lifespan of the news item is measured in
hours and
occasionally days. As an aside you will also notice little criticism of
their major
The news can be the front end for a learning revolution. FULL ARTICLE...

Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control
Weaponizing Information
The State of Surveillance in the United States Video (27 Minutes)
As you read this, your government could be thumbing through your
contacts, reviewing your text messages and uploading the photos you have
stored on your phone without your knowledge. This is the new reality in
a post-9/11 age. Most citizens around the globe were first made aware
of this troubling phenomenon through the controversial actions of
whistleblower Edward Snowden.
VIDEO (27 minutes)...
The Economist Magazine - Can you Really Fight Corruption?
What does it take to clean up a corrupt state? In one of the European
Union's most corrupt countries a prosecutor has taken on the
establishment, convicting over 1,000 Romanian officials.
VIDEO (3.25 minutes)...
Former NSA Director Blows The Whistle On NSA Spying On Americans, And Everyone Else
The NSA data-monitoring program William Binney and his team developed is aimed directly at Americans; destroying privacy for
everyone here and around the globe. Binney warns the billions whose
rights are being violated in this interview. 2:33 hours
VIDEO INTERVIEW (2.33 hours)...
ARTICLE... The bad news is - they have been doing it forever.
ARTICLE... More.
Jennifer Aniston
I don’t have Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts. I will totally
admit that I can dip into Instagram and sort of be a secret voyeur.
There are times when I’ll look through and think, “Oh my god, what a
time suck!” I’ve been with people who spend maybe an hour figuring out
this one post, and you’re like, “That just took up an hour of your
life, and it’s gone in 60 seconds.” It feels like we are losing
connection. I think we’re losing conversation. It’s hard enough being a
teenager and feeling like you fit in. Now we’re actively creating an
environment and a platform for you to tell someone, “I like you” or “I
don’t like you.” That seems like an unhealthy formula for
already-insecure adolescents. We’re pouring fuel on a fire.
Propaganda, Lies, Manipulation, Advertising
Fear: When Counting the Silverware Stirs Mutiny
Bob Woodward wrote a book about discord in the White House.
One takeaway from the book was the reluctance of members of the White
House to adopt to a business accounting outlook to foreign affairs, the
military, the economy, dealing with foreign adversaries, and government
employees, all of which account for hundreds of billions of dollars
annually with little of no oversight. Putting a lock on the piggy
bank may be the greatest source of dissension. FULL ARTICLE 1...
Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years
In writing his book, Bob Woodward
looked for explosive confirmation that the Trump Campaign has conspired
with Russia to steal the 2016 election. He could not find it. FULL ARTICLE 1...
Controversial Ads, Big Tobacco Tactics, Threatening State Governments
Recent studies that cast doubt on the benefits of diet soda and
consuming pop can lead to aggression in children come at a time when
major soft-drink manufacturers are waging a controversial marketing
battle to put a healthy spin on sugar-sweetened beverages. One of the
most proactive is Coca-Cola, which produced ads earlier this
year that tout how easy it is to work off the calories in a serving of
Coke. A version that aired in the United Kingdom was banned in July by
authorities who said it misled consumers.
Soda companies like Coca-Cola and
Pepsi had become alarmed that four cities in California had passed
penny-per-ounce soda tax increases at the ballot box in recent years.
Berkeley’s soda tax, the first in the nation, passed in 2014, and San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany followed suit in 2016. The industry spent $30 million to beat the San Francisco and Oakland campaigns, all of it in vain.
The Deep State on Full Display
real story of
Trump’s Presidency will not be the kind of president he turns out to
but the people who are exposed trying to destroy him and their
efforts to punish and silence nearly half the nation that is so fed up
with the lying and corruption in Washington they will do anything to
change it.
Immigration Propaganda
Countries have always had immigration
policies. They have a
purpose and are intended to protect citizens first. Immigration laws
designed among other things to balance the financial commitments of
to its citizens, maintain pay equity for citizens so that the job pool
is not unnecessarily
watered down to punish wage earners and benefit profit taking by
and if there is a social safety net in which citizens require
the safety net is properly funded and not destroyed by handouts that
directly benefit corporations, political parties and churches.
Who is behind this program propagandizing you and for what
purpose? FULL ARTICLE...
Gender Propaganda
Our children are being assailed with the completely false idea that everyone must share
the same neutral idea of gender. The problem is people are different
biologically and attempting to override what is visually obvious to
make a minuscule percentage of the population feel included is nonsense.
Moreover, it is may well be a way to destabilize the thinking of young
minds for purposes beyond being fair to a small percentage of people.
If the idea holds that there are no gender differences in beings, then
every religion that suggests women are inferior to men, must be
abolished, and countries in the middle east must be put on a enemy of
the people watchlist for their treatment of women, homosexuals, the
practice of female genital mutilation and so on. Probably a good
idea anyhow. VISUAL STORYLINE...
Big Corp
The Standford Prison Experiment Exposes Leadership's Role In Evil Acts
In a recent article Vox reports people participating in the Stanford
Prison Experiment had to be compelled to be cruel. The article points out Dr. Philip
Zimbardo, the Stanford psychologist who ran the study coached the
guards in the experiment to act cruelly.
The fact that participants had to be coached to be cruel suggests
the fact that soldiers under orders in the Holocaust, the torture prisoners in Abu Ghraib,
the thousands of innocent people murdered in drone strikes by the U.S.
military, the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, the murder and mistreatment of
Palestinians in Gaza by the IDF, and police brutality as just a few
examples, were all coached by their superiors. FULL ARTICLE...
Web Annotation
Learn From Online Text
Books That Are Continuously Updated With the Latest Knowledge
Think of "Amazoning" Education - No Buildings Needed
Use X-Ray Specs To Expose Companies That Lie, Mislead and
Manipulate You and Mark It Right On Their Sites

DuPont Disaster
DuPont has a lengthy history of poisoning the environment, its workers,
the people in surrounding communities and leaving the environmental
disaster behind for taxpayers to clean up.
Global Trade, Winners and Losers
Is free trade
truly free and fair? What roles do US President Trump, economic
powerhouse China, and the EU play in global trade?
When it comes to global trade, it would seem that trickery, threats and
deception are the order of the day - yet all this takes place largely
beyond the reach of the public eye. Along with aiming sharp criticism at
global export champion Germany, Trump has also introduced punitive
tariffs and warned of further measures. Will this fresh wave of
protectionism lead to economic isolationism and threaten global free
trade? And what about those for whom free trade’s promise of prosperity
increasingly rings hollow? Around the world, many people have come to
regard themselves as the losers of globalization. If the true winners of
free trade and globalization are not ordinary citizens, has the time
come to revise the liberal orthodoxy of free trade? This documentary
visits Germany, Switzerland, the United States and Cameroon to explore
these issues by way of some everyday examples, including the trade in
onions, floor tiles, and bicycles.
American Companies Have No Respect For American Workers
American Companies Have No Respect for America
American People Have No Faith in Rigged Democracies
Foreign Policy
Independent Thinking About Diplomacy
Gun owning Americans understand freedom and defending
their homes and families. In reading some of the readers' comments in the
articles quoted herein it is difficult to tell if the quotes are from
trolls paid to suppress dissent to avoid the political blow back wars
like Vietnam created, or from people duped into participating in
illegitimate wars and are trying to save face for being conned
Regardless, that does not mean the right of self-defense should be
challenged. So if America is legitimately attacked, it should
defend itself completely and vigorously. But to suggest someone should
be attacked because they may attack you someday does not make sense,
especially if you outnumber them
militarily by a huge order of magnitude, nor does attacking someone to
steal their stuff make sense.
The Law
one of the cogs in the wheel of democracy, the legal system is
portrayed as providing
justice, ethics and fairness. The public
is acutely aware that it does not.
Justice, ethics and fairness are being
sacrificed to rapacious business instincts favoring
those with the ability to pay.
A New Media Model
You used to get honest news back at a time when advertisers bought
for products that you might have needed and made good sense. They were
well made and designed to last. Their advertising supported the news
gathering expense. Then something happened. Competition started to
eat away at profits, and manufacturing processes figured out planned
obsolescence, and soon it became the mantra that products should be
disposable, and so they were. As things heated up and propaganda and
manipulation of citizens' minds started to become widespread, goods and
services changed from needed to wanted, all driven by myths,
misrepresentations and misstatements. In the meantime Invention and
disruption started to upset the status quo, as it has with the news
media, newspapers and paperboys. Entrepreneurs started to use
online across the board and now the old ways are completely threatened.
Amazon Prime Delivery Business
If you have $10,000 and want to be your own boss, Amazon has a
deal for you. Starting Thursday, you can apply to start your very own
small business,
delivering Amazon Prime packages in Amazon (AMZN) branded vans and
uniforms. The company wants to help launch small businesses in the
United States
dedicated to taking its packages on the last step of their journey:
from local Amazon sorting centers to the customers who ordered them. It
announced the new program on Wednesday at a press event in Seattle.
It's the latest attempt by Amazon to gain greater control of the
delivery network at the core of its Prime business, which ships 5
billion packages a year globally. And it is likely to be high
volume and allows you to build a relationship with the thousands of
customers you will meet as a result. FULL ARTICLE...
INSIGHT - Gene Editing Startups
A tiny company that has never turned a profit is poised to beat the
world's biggest agriculture firms to market with the next potential
breakthrough in genetic engineering - a crop with "edited" DNA. Calyxt
Inc, an eight-year-old firm co-founded by a genetics professor, altered
the genes of a soybean plant to produce healthier oil using the
cutting-edge editing technique rather than conventional genetic
modification. Seventy-eight farmers planted those
soybeans this spring across 17,000 acres in South Dakota and Minnesota, a
crop expected to be the first gene-edited crop to sell commercially,
beating out Fortune 500 companies. FULL ARTICLE...
Upcoming Information Threads
The Abuse of Women As Policy and Delusion