Russia in 3 Minutes (for Dummies)
March 03, 2022
There is
all kinds of noise in the media about Russia. The talking points are
Russia's empire building, Putin trying to put back together the old
Russia, but it
is all nonsense and a continuation of fomenting wars the United States
been involved in forever. It is good for arms sales, I told you so's,
and a policy of justifying unjustifiable expansion, but that's it.
American functionaries are playing the same game with China. Unless you
study it, you will fall
victim to the continuing con game played with your money and your mind
by the whores in the military industrial complex and the functionaries
they bribe and corrupt.
The colonists referred to the hired help citizens appoint or elect to
provide a service to them temporarily, as "functionaries". To show just
how poorly American citizens have carried out their duty to protect the
nation from these idiots, the functionaries now think they own the
place and conduct all kinds of crimes in the name of the
"Governors have no right to seek
what they please; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned
them, that of honorable servants of the society, they would soon become
Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants." - Samuel Adams, Resolutions
of Town of Boston, 1772 ("The Rights of the Colonists . . .")
addition to Adams' observation. And that is to be ever watchful
of the dishonorable appointed help who assign contracts to thieves who would
destroy the nation under the terms of an unconscionable bargain never
part of the grand protection the colonists gave to the people.
That is until the people cancel the contract, the courts that would attempt to
enforce it, and the functionaries that awarded it.
The complicit functionaries in this disaster are not only American, but
European and include those that are the members of NATO. The
entire idea of what they promote as freedom and so called globalist
capitalism as the only way to build a world are outright lies.
Freedom means every person on earth gets access to the information that
is used to make decisions. Nowhere on earth is that
happening. Secondly, nowhere on on earth should corporations be
able to influence the decisions of the populace with money, lobbying
and votes, and that goes in spades for those in the business of
war. That too is not happening. And third, nowhere on earth
should the functionaries be immune from decisions that destroy the
earth, take away human rights and freedoms, and the erection of laws to
protect their positions. All of them work for the people of the
earth, and not the other way around. Furthermore, no person on earth
should be denied the use of arms. A disarmed populace are simply
prisoners. The colonists that created America came as close to creating
as workable a system as any that had gone before. The fact that it has
been corrupted by greed and deviousness simply means the barn needs to
be cleaned, and if they wake up, at least in America, instructions were
left how to do so.
Fortunately there are nuclear armed states that in the wrong
circumstances can bring about a reordering of affairs that will be
horrific, unless negotiation and compromise create a path
forward. America is an example of hubris and ignorance creating
facts on the ground that are and will destroy the earth and every one
in it. While meeting Allah is an entirely questionable premise,
if you can't accept dying, you can't realistically expect to live
well. People everywhere need to wake up to what happens when you
appoint functionaries that are dangerous, deluded, arrogant, and
ignorant. They need to be removed by the ideas that created
The war in Ukraine is an example of provocateurs putting Ukrainians
in harms way for military and economic objectives that have nothing at
all to do with the people affected. Russia stated for years it would
see the placement of arms
on its borders as a red line and America and the European functionaries
knew that. They arrogantly, ignorantly, and belligerently ignored what
they knew, and they alone are responsible for the deaths of the
Ukrainians and Russians that will die as a result. They should be
severely punished for their irresponsibility. American functionaries gave their word that NATO would not expand and weapons would not be would be placed on Russia's borders,
and as anyone knows, trusting the word, or a promise of lying corrupt
whores is no
policy at all.
In the early west of the nation, a man's word was his bond.
American functionaries' words are worth nothing and not one person or nation in
the world should ever make that mistake of believing it ever. The
Ukrainians are bearing the fruit of their leaders putting them into bed with a whore. But
then, birds of a feather.
EMPIRE? Who has bases all over the world?
- 750 or more. Russia
- 10, China
Who is empire building? America's modern foreign
policy position spewed out in the media is simply lies.
the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled,
there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well‐wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.” John Quincy Adams

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black.
Holding countries ransom with money, energy (and the US touch - Murder)
The US complains about China's
Belt and Road. Russia's
Nord Stream pipeline.
The book
in the following link talks about America's strategy using debt traps,
corrupt repayment schemes benefiting US corporations (s.i.c big
donors) and allowing them to steal foreign nations' wealth, compromising nations independence, and
assassination as a tool of American foreign policy. This
model" is articulated by John Perkins, one of its economic assassins
(hitmen) in the book in the link Confessions
of an Economic Hitman. (The book is a long read with important detail. You can read it online or download it.) The next is to a Ted Talk video in which Perkins gives a short talk on how US Economic Assassination worked, and seems like more of an apology. John Perkins Ted Talk (19 minute video).
The propaganda spin machine is now in high gear trying to spin America's bad behavior as a thing of the past,
like some kind of recovering alcoholic. Their problem is in a news
world today where thousands of writers, researchers and fearless people sick
of American spin can now document what is really happening, lies and propaganda become harder to apply. The America
war machine is a mentally deranged addict with no intention of recovery, no remorse for its actions,
and unlike a person operating from a drunken or deranged stupor, is a calculating,
devious beast who must be put down, not coddled.
The real problem is competition with peer nations for global resources that the United States can't
easily bully
or threaten into compliance. That's the entire sum of it. America has
used the
tactic of burying foreign nations with debt and obligations for years,
and added
murdering or assassinating their leaders and anyone that got in their
way if they did not agree. Their problem is you can't
patent strategy, just like football plays. If you are a person
with an ounce of sense you use effective strategy with your own
dimensions and improve on them. China took what it wanted from
America's playbook and has made outstanding progress with Chinese
insight into the strategy, while Russia is focused on their defensive
game. China has a whole team approach, backed by its people who
benefit from their long game while Putin is a star coach running a
tremendous defensive game. Call it a 6000 nuke defensive lineup.
The Bottom Line
The United States is getting competition from other countries around
the world. They want to be a one man show and dominant
team. Think of the NFL with only one team that wins ever, or the
NBA. Not worth the time to watch.
Borders and democracy. More bullshit. Look at the Southern
border of the US. Flooded with illegal immigrants. Don't
give the liars 5 seconds when they bleat like hogs about other people's
borders when they will not defend United States borders. Either
that or it is deliberate. I believe its deliberate.
Democracy, sure. Look at vaccine mandates, lock downs, trying to
parents from bringing up their kids, lying about voting irregularities
when all they have to do is put in a total paper system and Canada's
voter ID structure, flooding the country with illegal aliens to compete
and lower the wages of American citizens (and don't think creating
Amnesty for illegals suddenly cleanses them. It doesn't), health
care which no one can afford and does not
produce life expectancy as good as most countries with nationalized
health, the list is endless.
The United States has now been taken over by the functionaries, the hired help who lie,
cheat, steal, and use your money to fund a bully campaign, because the
functionaries have nothing else to back them up. They need to go
completely, and if you don't figure that out you will have to live in a
fantasy world, because their version of your reality is completely
unacceptable for Americans as it is for their targets, in this case
Russia. Iraq, Vietnam, and a history of many others is a
reflection of this approach.
said keep
weapons off our borders, after lying in agreement the US and NATO
actions indicate otherwise. The US clown show will now have to regroup
and figure out how
to start another Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq, with your money of
course. They have yet to know how to hide the bodies from you.
But now we are talking seriously competent enemies. If any of you
have ever been to gang fight, think curb stomping. Make sure they
don't want to come back. This time, when its over, look forward to
raising deformed kids in America whose eyes glow in the dark. The
functionaries are a minority, dangerous, liars, and thieves, and they
stopped listening to you a long time ago.
And as for Russia for Dummies, American citizens can kill home invaders with a
gun, a hammer, a knife, bricks, their bare hands, it does not matter,
thanks to the clear vision of the colonists recognizing that the rights
of man are God given, or natural, take your pick. Russia,
has every right to do
the same in its back yard to protect its homeland, and proxies like
Ukraine delivering threats on behalf of wholly corrupt functionaries
from the United States and Europe is no different than the right every
American has to defend what is theirs. The functionaries want to disarm
American citizens to
get rid of the idea that everyone should be able to protect what is
theirs from threats, just in case they at minimum understand Russia's
position. Nothing like a
loser saying if I can't have it neither can they.