Citizens Are the Resource
Revised October 20, first written October 18, 2022
you look at US foreign policy you see the ultimate reflection of
maximum greed and hypocrisy. History shows that type of thinking has
always been present, and the states that get to that point are nowhere to be seen.
Many of the leaders of those eras have tried to erect great tombs to preserve their body so that can be reborn and carry
on their memory as if their legacy, such as it is, will empower the
nation after they die, which of course is nonsense.
Magic Mirror on the wall tale in the Disney movie Cinderella is a
reflection of the hubris people who see themselves as some great person
try to fool themselves with. Yet movie stars as one example are a
living example of the slow march to death and most importantly
irrelevance. The before and after shots of many of them, and the
frantic slicing and dicing under a plastic surgeon's scalpel to preserve
their supposedly saleable asset, exposes the futility of trying to bend
nature to their will. If you look at Cher's face, you see a mask,
but the joke on her and us is what exactly does she look like naked? My
90 year old grandmother without a face lift and 10 pounds of layered
Or how about Madeline Albright sitting in a 60 Minutes interview
stating flatly that the murder of reportedly 500,000 innocent children
is "worth it?" Or George Bush lying about WMD in Iraq and then making
it part of a comedy routine before the Press Club. Or Colin Powell lying his face off about WMD to the United Nations.
What will they be remembered for in history and what legacy of great
power do they impart on the world? Is killing innocent people and
lying for a buck a legacy?
History is replete with examples of self aggrandizing fools coming to
nothing. It seems that being closer to power in any nation increases
the delusion among those near it. Being infected with a toxic level of
pride and hubris eventually brings the whole place down. In fact that
characteristic seems to be virus like in that it spreads to those
around you. Look at Liz Cheney. Her old man Dick was a thug
who exploited the Iraq mass murder to make a buck with Haliburton, and
the kids picked up the virus. The virus clearly does brain
damage, triggering Liz Cheney when Trump
spoke up and pointed out that Bush and the thugs in the military
industrial complex fabricated a "big fat lie" to murder Iraqis for
their oil and daddy to profit. No legacy there Liz, just
lying, hubris and a con game. Adam Schiff can slink around you and rub
his fur on you like a pet cat, but reality is you need more makeup and
even that won't help.
None seem to understand that the nation is a sum of its parts, and not
their genius. Bill Gates was able to acquire DOS from IBM due to IBM's
delusion that mainframes were the future. Later Gates adopted
Windows via a license from Apple. Apple did not invent it either. The
windows style interface was an invention of a collaboration of
inventive minds in a photocopier company's development labs, the Palo
Alto Research Center or Xerox "PARC." The guys at PARC also
invented the mouse, and the windows style "what you see is what you get"
interface was installed on a Xerox Star workstation when I first sat
down and used it at PARC years before Steve Jobs licensed it.
Later Jobs accused Bill Gates of cheating Apple for the rights to use
it. The issue is not who did what but simply to point out that
you build on the work of others in a nation, and not everything is a
brilliant revelation leading to an achievement.
Although I would suggest there is a form of vision that may bypass
climbing on the backs of others to put the star on top of the tree. A
Canadian scientist named Richard Maurice Bucke
noticed a phenomenon that certain people may have an elevated level of
conscious perception that he documented in a book called Cosmic Consciousness. The full text of the book is in the link and can be downloaded to read at your convenience.
America and other nations have made the grave mistake of looking in the
mirror and preening, when in reality the most valuable resource in the
nation is motivated people with integrity and humility driven by desire
and necessity. Ideas are the gold to be mined in nations, and inspired
and motivated people have those. Look at flight, gunpowder,
paper, the printing
press, monkeys in space, satellites, the light bulb, reusable space
rockets, the atomic bomb, the iPhone and on and on. People with
ideas are the future, and the conditions to create those people are the
exact opposite of what developed nations are doing. Instead, they
let the rich exploit and manipulate, bury people in debt, allow the
health of family members become a constant worry, and complete and
ignorant bureaucrats become "Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants"
in the words of Samuel Adams. Crushing the oppression of citizens
and encouraging citizens to contribute to the nation should be the
number one job of any functionaries, while putting down any obstacle to
that progress. 
It may well be that at the present time only nations like China and
Russia can do
that simply because they have the resources and military firepower to
defend their nations from American and NATO stooges. So called
democratic states are so screwed up with greed
and hubris, with the rich behaving like aristocracy and the
people being peons to be exploited, they may never recover. It is
actually amazing to see just how poorly propaganda fails to
convince. You can paint a pig to look like a zebra, but its still
a pig. The sheer desperation and fear of those claiming power is
palpable. The policies of the Biden administration, which are in
many cases the unspoken policies of previous administrations and many
other nations, like the EU, are so obviously out of touch with the true
citizens of the nation, it is frankly shocking that the people have not
risen up to do something about it. They certainly had their cues
with the colonists.
On the other hand, the 7 billion people that
are hungry, not as civilized, civilized meaning they are so cowed that
when freaking teachers submit their children to the behavior of drag
queens and AIDS spreading behaviors by a tiny minority, they say
nothing, and clap like fools. On top of that they let the
teachers get away with teaching nothing critical to a nations
future. That includes hard work, imagination, math and science,
questioning everything, and on and on. The 7 billion not in these
countries have everything to gain by rejecting the system that produces
what America and Europe have become, but with another flavor.
Imagine how people that have been lied to and oppressed for years react
when they figure out that the powerful are not so powerful as they
pretend to be when the people finally take the fight to them and win.
The fighters in Afghanistan are a case in point. The colonists
are another. Britain no longer rules the colonies, and the US no
longer rules Afghanistan. The colonists summed it best in the Declaration of Independence: "But
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and
to provide new Guards for their future security."
They don't necessarily have to have a stable family
life, in fact struggle, fear, rejection and loneliness may actually be
attributes, but above all they need to have confidence and
desire. Plus they have to have a belief in vision. Sports
psychology talks about visualizing the desired outcome and mental
practice, thinking from the desired result (already accomplished) not
to it (a negative that reinforces a missing result). The
bible speaks to that issue, and again, this is not a bible thump or run
off to church speech, but somebody really inspired (read Cosmic
Consciousness) imparting a necessary mental state for great vision:
"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth"
"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in
his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come
to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
Elon Musk is such a visionary.
The point is, a nation's strength and its greatest resource is its
people. China, Russia, and the 7 billion people not ruined and
abused by the deluded rich and corrupt functionaries they have bought
and paid for have more people who have the fundamental characteristics
of people poised to invent the future. With proper culturing they
will win, because they have desire and necessity in great abundance,
and they are willing to work hard.
The trick for developing nations is to make it possible to focus on the
future, by removing hindrances and obstacles to their personal
growth. That means not having to worry about getting sick, not
worrying that some dumb ass twisted teacher will tell their children
feeling good is more important than delivering results, that getting
screwed in the ass is more important than good marks in math and
science, that dancing around like a demented peacock is more important
than supporting the nation that supports them, that the state will
undermine them with illegal aliens who cut their wages and jobs, the
list is endless. If the state assures them that these things will
be taken care of, and actually delivers on that promise, which China is
doing, and encourages personal growth, the nation will produce many
more Steve Jobs, Elon Musks, Thomas Edison's, and all of the Chinese
and Russian visionaries that have been contributing great inventions to
the world forever.
And the best thing that can happen to the 7 billion is American and
European propaganda. Everything these clowns write are perfect messages
to mobilize 7 billion people to realize the propagandists on the other
side are dangerous, deluded, stupid, and hate them, and are enemies who
have lost all ability to contribute meaningfully to humanity. The
divide gets wider and wider, and the bleating and the propaganda noise
becomes more favorable to this end by the day.
Don't be fooled by the deliberate financial divide created by the
wealthy in America and Europe. They are losing ground at a rapid pace
and the decisions their functionaries make preening themselves in the
Magic Mirror are a sure road to inevitable destruction and
impoverishment of the majority.
Instead of relying on polls, ask people what they think, Ask
about the handouts to those that don't work get with people that
believe in work, ask about flooding the country with illegal aliens,
open borders, destroying the economy to force people to drive electric
cars, inflation and gas prices that make it impossible to live the
lives promised, owning guns, defunding police, politicians caring and
being in touch, and there is no way the polls reflect the truth.
Ask a person from Afghanistan who is to blame for the state of the
nation and those I have talked to blame the US. What you suspect
and think is correct, not what someone else tells you to think.
Learn, sure, but keep your own counsel.
7 BILLION hungry people with nothing to lose will beat 1 billion people
corruptly deluded into thinking they have something to protect by not
changing and maintaining the status quo.
"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills" - Chinese Proverb