How The Attacks on You Work And Why They Are Done

When you read the articles and linked books in this site explaining the spying done on you, the wars and murder done in your name, and the continual propaganda and lies you are told by the media and government, it is easy to miss the entire point of what the site is pointing out. The data being gathered is solely to map out your habitual behavior in detail so that it can be used to manipulate you and your children for no reason that benefits you. Your phone conversations mean little, it is understanding your habitual behavior that is the prize.

Shortly I will add a section on how American citizens are being deliberately attacked by the intelligence community and government operations using psyops, activists and activist courts to undermine their rights, to transfer control to the hidden state apparatus and the functioneries. 

"The United States is a constitutional and federal republic. A constitutional republic means that it is one in which, rather than directly governing, the people select some of their members to temporarily serve in political office; the constitutional part means that both the citizens and their governing officials are bound to follow the rules established in that Constitution." See Principles of the American Republic

Why Is Your Habitual Behavior Important?

Think of how you bring up your very young children.  Do you sit down with a book and try to educate them about everything from the time they are not even crawling BY TALKING TO THEM, or do you simply make sure they cannot play with sharp objects like knives, stop them from pushing things into electrical plug sockets, stop them from trying to crawl face first down stairs, leave them alone when they cannot walk in a bathtub full of water, let them eat pills from your prescriptions instead of locking the prescriptions up, keep them from running onto the street full of cars, as only a few examples.

You control and alter what your children do (how they act) in their surrounding environment to build habits for their own safety.  YOU FORCE ACTION FIRST, EXPLAIN WHY LATER, MAYBE.
When they go to school they are directed what to do and how to act as well. Essentially we learn to think because of the way we have been made to act, most of our life. Thinking if we do it at all is about justifying why we do what we do.

Now think about teaching your children how to drive when they are old enough.  Do you let them steer the car and hit curbs (learn by feel with your expensive car) to learn how to stay on the road?  The curbs are a behavior modifier installed by governments to reduce accidents, just like restricting the actions of toddlers.

For those of you who went into the military and were in boot camp.  Did they sit you down in a classroom and explain the health benefits of getting up early, choosing healthy meals, explaining why you should go to bed early, why you should limit contact with your family, why you should exercise until you nearly drop, and on and on and leave it up to you to take the advice and act on it? Or like a parent with a toddler, did they simply restrict and totally control the environment you are in without giving you a choice, so they can build up the habitual behavior they want?  Acquire new behavior first, learn why later if you can filter their lies and bs.

Why Constant Surveillance?

"By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms . . . elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest . . . will remain.

The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be the theme of every broadcast & editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit." - Aldous Huxley, 1962

Now the entire point of widespread surveillance. The people who spy on you want to learn everything about your habitual behavior, which comes from what you DO EVERY DAY, where you work, what do you always buy, do you go to church, clubs, who are your friends, what economic data you have, all of which comes from your phone, your car, your credit card data, your internet surfing, your television watching, who your friends are and so on.  THAT DATA IS USED TO DECIDE WHERE TO PUT THE BEHAVIOR MODIFYING CURBS to make you conform to their objectives or to sell you something. The
Electronic Frontier Foundation has a good list of a number of the ways you are spied on to get your habitual behavior data.

Imagine curbs that are hidden in the road and that pop up when you least expect it and screw up your tires and rims, or trap doors in floors and sidewalks that suddenly open and drop you in a hole when you least expect it, or one of your daughters, only eleven, comes home and is pregnant, or your son comes home after assaulting someone in a shoplifting, or getting a knock on the door from the police to arrest you for protesting at a school board meeting, or to tell you one of you children is taken to a hospital at 13 years old to have their genitals mutilated because they told a teacher they were unsure about their sexuality, and you can do nothing about it and will be thrown in jail if you try. THESE ARE ALL  BEHAVIOR ALTERING CURBS AND KNOWING WHERE TO PUT THEM INCREASES THEIR EFFECTIVENESS and are intended to weaken your resistance.

So forget what you say, the only tongue that is important is the tongue in your shoes.

Why Modify Habits?

Think about driving or taking public transportation to work every day.  When you repeat it often enough, you barely have to think about it. You just get there.  Imagine if you had to think constantly so you don't mess your pants, or to breathe.  Habits are mechanisms that make life easier. The process becomes physiologically automated, and is called homeostasis. Read about it and research it.  Homeostasis extends to the people you associate with most closely, like your family, or friends you see all the time.  You can test the effect by shaving the hair off half your head, get fake piercings, and fake tattoos and tell your friends and family you think you are a satanic goat and want to have sex with animals.  That should pretty much trigger a major reaction or disturbance in your homeostatic stability. Maybe the only person who will not panic will be your mother.  Funny clip.

Once you know what a persons habitual behavior is now you can begin to shape the environment they are exposed to change who they are.  One tactic you would learn from boot camp is to completely destabilize the way recruits have always done things, introducing stressors, and slide in new patterns of habitual behavior.  Change introduces stress, and stress invokes
homeostasis.  The tables below discuss stressors.


These tables reflect historically assigned numerical values to rank stressors in one's life.  From one perspective, the ranking is kind of a gauge of the level of stress one experiences by certain life events.  But if you notice, events that are positive can be just as stressful as negative events. 

Stress is invoked when things change.  It does not matter if the changes are positive such as getting a better job, or negative like a family member becoming ill or dying, both events are stressful. It also does not matter if the events are real or imagined. Imaginary fear is just as stressful and perhaps more so.  Oh gee, what if situations.  Perceived aloneness???

When change events occur the event or "stressor" invokes a homeostatic response. That response, depending on how you perceive the event can be a dull nagging feeling or like the shock from a taser.

The stress.pdf table explains a range of reactions your body/mind cooks up as a response.  To an observer they may be the irrational or illogical response to the problem.

An external, trusted person can boot camp a change in these situations, whereas letting a person suffer them alone may actually increase the severity of the reaction, or trigger an avoidance, fight or flight reaction.  That is why boot camps create dependency and support from your unit.  A person alone and badly beaten may give up, hurt themselves, and so on depending on the situation.

If you read the media about Doge and US AID you will see efforts to undermine civil societies in nations that have religious beliefs that don't tolerate homosexuality. So you fund homosexual activities to create civil unrest.  The unrest can be used to undermine established norms, fund radicalism and so on.  This documentary explains how stress changes our DNA.

Boot Camp Vs Open Society

One problem I forgot to cover in the first draft is behavior change or manipulation when the group is not completely captive like in boot camp.  Remember, the recruits in boot camp in the US chose to be there for whatever compelling reasons they had, such as tradition, patriotism, all my family did it, a desire to fight bad guys, need the work.  In an open society, such as in the case of training new hires, who do not have to be there and if the stress of behavior change is too great, or they just have interest, they can leave, making and establishing the changes are more difficult.

As a result the tactics to effect change are different. Buy in is needed.  Earn more money, job advancement, some sort of cause, peer support, and similar inducements.  Being part of a team, or group helps to create support and peer pressure.

Or, like the social engineering to jam Covid shots down everyone's throat.  Save your life, save Grandma and Grandpa's life, save Mom and Dad, think of others etc.  What also has to happen is reinforcing messaging ie. completely safe, no side effects, no other solutions, the sooner Covid is eradicated the sooner life gets back to normal, everyone is getting the shot, Covid is spreading rapidly, communities that are mainly vaxed have eradicated the contagion.  In other words completely flood the zone with positive, authoritarian messaging.  And most importantly, completely villainize and shut down the naysayers.  Take away their licenses to practice and so forth.  Sound familiar?

Take note of the fact that messages across all mainstream media platforms is coordinated, and the scripted words are all the same and repeated repetitively.  In the link is one explanation of the process.

By doing so you are in effect creating a self reinforcing, self policing boot camp.  That is really tough when you have independent people.  Places like Japan, "Oh mei follow, lookee lookee" or Germany, who never learned to think post Hitler, or in the US when the Deep State Gepettos created Bidenocchio, whose head never did go from wood to human and everyone followed the fairy tale because
Bidenocchio never talked and excuses were made when he fell down the stairs when the puppet strings were too loose. Anyhow it becomes a easier to modify national behavior with wall to wall controlled messaging and threats to ones livelihood are used.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair


The behavior changing curbs and bumps are used to invoke stress and disrupt continuity of thought and habit. Here are some examples of ways to destabilize habitual behaviors:

New: Self Improvement In a Boot Camped World

So we are being boot camped by our government, the military industrial complex, our intelligence community, and mainstream media to take over America and destroy the American dream.  And our previously established habitual patterns of behavior are a boat anchor.  Now what?  In a normal world the solution would include goal setting, drafting plans, develop skills that contribute to your goals, and get to work.  But.

Goal Setting

When you set goals you think from the position of the person you are now, and you project a time line basically with limited knowledge of your skills and where you want to go. Both of those approaches are self limiting. These goals can either make you or break you.  Think about it this way.  If you want to visit Yellowstone National Park you get a map, plan the route, pack and start driving. You will get there, but if the purpose included documenting in great detail everything you saw on the way, your focus on the goal of getting there gets in the way of capturing detailed documentation of the trip. Plus having a start and end point creates a time problem. 

In another example, the story of Siddhartha, a novel by the German author Hermann Hesse, describes how your goal limits your ability to go beyond the goal.
In Siddhartha, it is explained this way:

"In ancient India, Siddhartha decides to leave his home in the hope of gaining spiritual illumination by becoming an ascetic Śamaṇa. Joined by his best friend Govinda, Siddhartha fasts, becomes homeless, renounces all personal possessions, and intensely meditates. Eventually the pair seek out and personally speak with the enlightened Gautama, but although Govinda hastily joins the Buddha's order, Siddhartha does not. For him, the Buddhist philosophy, though supremely wise, must be individually realized independently of instruction by a teacher. He thus resolves to carry on his quest alone."

The idea is that even reaching a goal, in this case the perfection of Gautama, who is revered as a god, is only a base to jump off from, and an
acknowledgment that what you have learned so far is a beginning, not an end.  Seeing beyond your perception of perfection to what lies beyond is the path to enlightenment. 

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke:  2001 A Space Odyssey

A mind open to limitless possibilities fuels growth. The article "The comic book artists that fueled a century of science innovation" talks about inspiration by imagination. Elon Musk apparently credits these books, including science fiction by Asimov as sparking his great talent.

Here is another perspective. When my father used to beat my mother when I was small, my innocent background in Sunday School made me think of God as some kind of superhero who would fly in and save the day. Except God did not show up. Rather than give up on faith that the God that billions of people believed in and would show up, I thought I might have missed something so, I began to read voraciously to figure it out. 800 or so books worth, bible and other religions multiple times.

Think of your mind like a huge pot which you fill to the brim with information, faster than your mind can digest it. Like a stew, it needs to cook in your brain. Then one day the pot explodes with the light of understanding which has been described as the "Aha! moment or eureka moment". The information gels into patterns and clarity, a recognition of what you have studied and becomes useful. This research may explain why.

As a sidebar, if you want to really explore the topic, this book will take you past Gautama. Its called "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind," written by Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian psychiatrist who developed a theory involving three stages in the development of consciousness: the simple consciousness of animals, the self-consciousness of the mass of humanity, and cosmic consciousness, an emerging faculty and the next stage of human development.

"Bucke's theory of cosmic consciousness has influenced various thinkers, including Albert Einstein, Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow, Alan Watts, and Steve Jobs."

My take on it is you keep filling the pot with every bit of information you can get your hands on in areas that interest you and the tremendous capacity of your mind will assemble it into information you can use related to your interests.

I lived in an Ashram for 6 months and the Mahatmas asked me what my goals were.  When I told them they said so sorry. To reach an understanding of heaven you must give them all up. This really screwed me up because I had read over 800 books on personal achievement, religion, the mind, having goals and on and on and I sold personal development programs in which half the program included pages to develop goal setting.  Being told to forget goals to keep my mind free popped a mental circuit.

One Eye on the Road, The Other in Heaven

There is another way.  Watch young children playing at something.  When they play, they are what they perceive right now. They ACT AS IF they are the person they play at. So if they are a spaceman, or a doctor or nurse, or a cook, in their mind they are what they visualize RIGHT NOW. They don't set a goal to be that person later, they ACT AS IF THEY ARE that person already.  That removes the time problem which pushes the achievement down the road and adds a minus quantity to the plan (oh, one day). 

Secondly, they can be whatever they imagine, without fear or recognition of their lack of skill or experience. You could say they need skills, which can be learned, but thinking FROM the desired objective and not TO the desired position some time in the future is a critical process.  In this clip of going down a ski jump, imagine standing at the top and setting a goal of "one day I will figure out how to go down this jump, not die on the way down and land safely!"

In professional sports that problem is solved by utilizing "the power of guided imagery or visualization." The site in the link explains it  in some detail, but explore all that you can learn about it.  Essentially the athletes are using what children understand intuitively, THINK FROM THE POSITION YOU DESIRE, not to it.  Thinking from, not to an objective reduces the time push out, forces you to understand the steps required, and imagining doing it now trains your mind and your body in the action and thinking required now.

The bible, which is a training manual of sorts (forget the crosses and robes stuff) puts it this way:

23 For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, ‘Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea,’ and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith.

24 Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. - King James Bible, Mark 11 23-24. 

Military boot camp is a DO IT NOW operation, there is no planning for behavior change in the future. Get up now, eat now, make up you bunk now, shower now, hike now, no personal time now.  The Nike slogan makes sense "Just Do It."

So when you know what you want to be, THINK FROM NOT TO,
and ACT AS IF.


Your habitual behavior is the one thing that can really slow you down.  That is why boot camp simply changes habits on the spot and you have to comply. Its like being swept along by a strong current except there is no shoreline visible.  But if you are not in boot camp, how do you make those changes in your own life?  Earlier in the article, I mentioned the group homeostasis of your family and close friends.  You can't simply get rid of them, although if you leave home for a long time you will notice it is a lot easier to change with no one around you holding you into your previously established habitual behavior patterns.

In boot camp they align you with people in your temporary unit.  You are all in the same world of change/hurt/stress, so the group provides support, and comfort for the changes occurring while reinforcing the new behaviors.  In your personal life however, the changes are all on you, if you can arrange it, with the support of your family and immediate friends. That is a bit more work. There are two tactics that you can use. 

The first is from Ben Franklin and is described in this article.  Stanford University's B.J. Fogg also has developed programs on creating habit change called "Building Habits: The Key to Lasting Behavior Change."  Fogg's work is well worth studying and using. 

The second is what I call the Mind Within the Mind ("MWM"). It uses a tactic to avoid initially invoking homeostasis. If you tell yourself you are gong to do something, like a New Years Resolution, the will can dissipate quickly.  However, if you had to write up a short worksheet, something akin to what Ben Franklin devised, in the form of an instruction manual for what you consider a perfect example of the person you would like to be, as a guide for someone other than you (you are so far not demanding the change on yourself), it is easier to tell someone else how to live than do it yourself. 

Now you take that MWM manual and you condense it down to some cards or notes and you use it to critique, or supervise your own activities to try and make what you do conform to the MWM manual.  It is like having a Drill Sergeant in your pocket or on your phone supervising your activity.

In a business it would work like this.  Think of a business like a bus in which every employee/unit or work team on the bus is on a treadmill or bicycle connected to the drive wheels of the bus.  They are what makes the bus go forward.  Its is important that the destination the bus is heading to aligns with everyone on the buses travel plans.  You have to make sure that is the case.  Once you have that sorted out, you then have to make sure that they see the destination clearly, so they can pedal harder to get there faster.  Unlike a typical bus where the driver is up front, and the only one seeing the bumps in the road, traffic delays and so on, the driver is in the back and the people on the pedals are the ones with the clear view, the shared vision. The are in effect in charge of carrying out the speed with which the bus arrives at its destination.

Now here is where the business boot camp occurs.  You understand their reasons for going to where you are going.  When you know that you can manage differently.  Of course you could say I pay them, they have to do what they are bloody well told. That kind of sounds like the assholes the colonists threw out of the colonies.  The other way is to understand the habitual behavior they have to cope with to make the changes they want so they can pedal faster without the stressors listed above triggering slowdowns in change (performance). 

The management language changes. Instead of standing over them with a whip like in a slave ship, you are now saying, "George, I notice that you are having trouble with X, and I have to apologize for my failure to help you reach your goal, can I offer some additional training, information, techniques et. to make it easier, or is there any other assistance I can provide?" You are now recognizing George's homeostasis interfering with his (and therefore your) goals and you are helping to relieve the pressure of its interference. 

While that may sound like more work, I will add a clip from the great film "In Search of Excellence" that talks about how the most successful companies in the world, at one time when run by visionary leaders, motivated their people to do great things. Disney is one, but do not mistake the Disney of today, which is either bleeding the brand out to make shareholders money or in the alternative is being run by people who have zero imagination and appreciation for magical family experiences at a fair cost, with the result that that Disney today has nothing at all to do with Walt Disney's vision for the place.  Apple is another example of the same problem Disney suffers from. Cook is no Steve Jobs, but the persistence of faith in Steve Jobs Apple Vision, by customers remembering Jobs vision, allows a long period of raping Apple for money before customers finally wake up and lose the faith.  This Apple ad reflects that idea.  Apple users are special, and Apple's iconic products designed one after another by Steve Jobs emphasized that point, but it takes great vision, persistence and faith to continue to support that group of customers the way Steve Jobs did.

In Search of Excellence - video 1.25 hours

This approach is a still a boot camp, its just one that cannot imprison recruits in a nation in which people have options and it is in effect pressuring them to fulfill their own objectives which align with the company's objectives.  The idea that they are debt trapped and threatened by illegal immigrants that will work cheaper and take their jobs may seem like a type of control, but if you think that approach works then you should hope Joe Biden gets a brain transplant and the Democrats come back to power, so people can be threatened into compliance, Adolf.