The United States and NATO Must Lose in Ukraine
UPDATED March 10, 2022
really understand what is going on in Ukraine, you have to read through
the links in this site and the links in them, not only about Ukraine, but also our lengthly list of articles and documents covering
the years of United States foreign aggression, deceit, lies, murder of innocent
civilians, torture of citizens, assassination of government leaders
that the United States did not like, the use of bullying of foreign
nations to fall in line with American policy, the economic threats and
sanctions America uses to destroy foreign states. Without doing so you simply cannot
judge effectively what we are pointing out.
And as Joseph Pulitzer points out "
Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack
them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion
will sweep them away."
You also have to look at what is going on with Covid, and the
manipulation of the public using behavior modification to generate fear
and compliance, the Russiagate conspiracy to remove Trump based
entirely on lies, to realize the US government itself is a dangerously
out of control virus, a tyranny on the American people. The
American government is now covertly attacking American citizens, by
spying on them, using Homeland Security to threaten disagreement with
government policy as "domestic terrorism", and to attack the rights of
citizens in multiple areas. The government has become
your enemy unless you are so completely dumb and brainwashed you have not got a clue what is happening.
We are quite familiar with data being used to predict or modify
behavior, which is explained in this site. Our family was one of
the owners and managed a life insurance company, which is all about
using data to
predict and invest in human behavior, and we trained life insurance
agents and others for years using behavior modification tools and
techniques. A relative that owned more than 100 well known
restaurants and two race tracks, one in Bowie Maryland J. Edgar Hoover
frequented, who he was friends with, got us documents from Hoover
that explained early techniques used by the military to modify human
behavior. They have advanced the art legions beyond where they
were and have conscripted Google and Facebook into the fold.
Using those two companies products is like deliberately ingesting rat
What you are seeing now from these guys is the total collapse of
reasonable behavior with the corrupt attacks on Trump and the plugging
in of Biden, who is either a moron or an elected shill. The issue is not the
past election, but the current policies the Biden cabal is implementing, such as
flooding the nation with illegal immigrants, which is a direct assault
on at least 70% of the US population, the destruction of American small
business using Covid policy, which appears to be an attempt to get rid of provably free
thinking Americans who go into business for themselves and force them into employment with major
corporations that are not only easy to control by the government, but
also pay huge sums of graft in the form of PACs to drive elections in a
particular direction and support nation damaging policies, the intelligence community interfering in
domestic politics, and the rise of an alternate and increasingly politically motivated police state in the
form of Homeland Security and other regulatory agencies while
encouraging the destruction of civilian police. The latter action
has the effect of destroying the sense of community and encouraging its rapid demise.
This activity is orchestrated and the most discouraging part about it
is how a significant number of Americans go along with it. The problem
of hand lickers has existed from the beginning of time, which history
shows. The reason for the hidden forces of the nation to come out now
must be their belief that the people will either ignore what is
happening, will go along with it unwittingly, or they can be bullied
into compliance by lies and fear propaganda. Covid was a perfect excuse
to order in massive government control, the Great Reset as it is
called. In a world in which all citizens were like the colonists,
there would be a worldwide civil war and rebellion.
The military industrial complex and the political functionaries they
have bought off have made a number of serious miscalculations about
Russia and China, exactly like they did in Vietnam and Afghanistan. They thought Russia would roll over and take
the bullying, and China is doing far better that anyone envisioned in
adapting capitalism to their own version of it. My understanding
of why takes a farmer and perhaps somebody really poor to understand
it. When there is work to be done a farmer does not look at the clock
and an exit, they just do it. It is not a calculation of how much
they are getting per hour, is it fair, and what about benefits?
China has nearly one and half billion people who still think like that,
as does Russia. Call it pragmatism. That is one of the reasons
why they are going to out perform America, Europe, and Japan in many categories.
Even more importantly, other than the spoiled billion or so people in America, Europe, and Japan
the rest of the world is similar to the Chinese and Russian people.
China has proven beyond any doubt they have the skill, methodology and
systems to help the poorest of poor to raise their standards of living
quickly, and Russia has the muscle and military prowess to create a
defensive network that can further destroy any hope of life on
earth. With even more money to work with Russia, and China can
increase the degree of Absolute Assured Destruction further, since we
appear to have passed the "win" threshold by a large margin. Talking
about winning is the fantasy of fools, simply killing everything, a
scorched earth policy is the only unreasonable but necessary
outcome. Now its a question of who has the balls to pull the
trigger. If you are closing the window, targeting is not the issue, the
atmosphere, the seas, and everything else is a target.
When the American people are being attacked by their own government and
its institutions, the colonists laid out the rules for dealing with the
problem. It was simply to throw them out by force of arms if
necessary and wipe the slate clean and start fresh. However it
could be bloody, in exactly the same way when the North fought the
Southern states over slavery. A lot of people died and even with
the loss many people were angry and refused to accept the
outcome. The situation today in America is nearly
identical. I believe the corrupt government, intelligence
community, and military industrial complex are betting the people will
simply roll over and they can pit compliant slugs against the people who get
Russia and China are foreign states with a different ideology than
Americas, and like America, have their own sordid histories to deal
with. But that is not the point. When the colonists declared
independence from the largest military power on earth, they were in
danger of losing, and had it not been for the intervention of France
and the Native American Indians helping out at key junctures, American
might not exist today. France was an enemy of Britain, which explains
why they joined in. France also realized to benefit themselves
they needed to trade with a nation with untold riches that was not
under the control of Britain. Exactly why the majority of nations
not in the alliance of lies have to support Russia, and by proxy
China. That does not mean Russia and China are perfect in any way, but as
suppliers of the things nations need they offer an alternative to what
America is offering
the world at the point of a gun. America always had a lousy sales
pitch, now there are alternatives.
The key takeaway for the American people now as it was for the
colonists at the point of seeking independence is the fact the enemy of
your enemy is your friend. Their standing up to America's lies helps to
break down the phony reality American people are being asked to live
in. If we can get our head around the fact that the functionaries, the
public servants that work for us have created tyranny in the land and
we are their targets, their defeat of their corrupt policies on the
world stage is a win for us as well. There are enough weapons in
the world to simply destroy it. Move beyond the idea of winning a
battle with bombs because at some point those that you corner will fight back and be more than glad to take you with them.
You do not have to be a military strategist to figure out, at least if
you are American, if some criminal breaks into your home to rob you,
kill your family, you simply kill the son of a bitch or die trying. Whats to
talk about? Their rights, their impoverished background, their
skin color, please.
NATO is an extension of American foreign policy if you can call it
that, which is extensively covered in this site. NATO is using
the leverage of the backing of the United States to conduct its own
expansion, expansion that every respected analyst has identified as a
serious mistake and a Red Line for Russia as the linked articles on the
main page show. There is no way to throw rocks at Russia or China
without putting America's track record on the scale. If you
actually take the time to do that you realize great power politics is a
terrifying mix of hubris, bullying, murder, and corruption, and
citizens are simply cannon fodder in this horrifying spectacle.
Nothing short of a complete revolution by citizens everywhere will fix
it. Protests and elections are like band aids that are simply placebos and
never fix the problem. The reality is you can no longer kill your
peer enemies unless you are sure they will roll over and take it.
But ask yourself, if someone comes to kill your family, do you care if
you damage your house defending them?
Russia is not an economic peer of the United States, but
technologically it put the first satellite in space, it is a partner in
the space station, it has more nuclear weapons than the United States,
it has a military capacity to erase Europe from the face of the earth non
conventionally and the capacity to turn the entire world into a nuclear
wasteland. Russia has the largest land mass on earth and an abundance
of the world's most valuable resources. Russia is a storehouse of
minerals and it is the world largest producer of wheat.
China has a lengthy history of innovation and its current history of
innovation in key areas out paces the United States and dwarfs Europe.
China has proven it can move hundreds of millions of people from
poverty to middle class in an amazingly short time. The entire
under developed world can benefit from that knowhow. China's
people recognize that fact and in key educational areas they are more
advanced than American citizens. Both Russia and China have
intelligent and educated people, while
America's education system is being destroyed by teachers, unions, and
colleges and universities that teach divisive inclusiveness and
unrealistic ideas that do little to build a real nation. Their
sheer arrogance and self dealing has long past exceeded the value they
bring to American children. While
Americans are celebrating tiptoeing through the tulips, Russia
and China are not even turning on the music.
Russian and China must out of necessity align their military resources,
expand them
as quickly as feasible, and should bring in every foreign state
threatened by the United States into their own
trade and defensive pact. Every government that is
struggling worldwide to repeat what China has done in development, and
what Russia teaches in defense are smarter to align with Russia and
China against the United States. That does not mean the unions
will be perfect, but no one ever said you should become a slave to a
deal. Hard bargains do not make bad deals. Deals at the
point of the gun are simply no deals at all, and if you look at
America's internal and external behavior, you would almost think the
people at the top have gone mad. I suppose it could be said that
when the bully is finally challenged and there is a good chance at a
loss or at least serious damage they escalate across the board, like a
Mexican drug cartel.
One of the real problems in a democratic country with free speech is a
press that can expose such behavior. Secrecy does not do a hell
of a lot when you you are caught in bed with the neighbor and you tell
your spouse not to believe their lying eyes. America is a far more than
a cheater exposed, it actually is a murderous, imperialistic regime and
dangerous. Long before the most recent help of corrupt social media
companies, their behavior was being reported. This publication is
inundated with it. Its like walking through a cactus patch
So much information is out there its hard to believe. You can see the
breakdown of their behavior everywhere, pushing ridiculous narratives
that benefit no one, ideas that are illogical, and applying the
tactic to Russia and China.
America started out as a great idea, but as
any country knows, over time greed and the willingness to use influence
to break down society for self interest actually ends up destroying the
nation. There is a delicate balance that is lost pursuing
objectives that benefit no one and the behavior cannot be allowed to stand.
Economic logic dictates
You can figure it out easily without spending five minutes in a
military college. Would you rather have
multiple suppliers that complete with each other to supply you goods
and services on the most favorable terms, or only one that threatens to
kill you if you don't deal with them like America does? Same goes
defense. Look at Rocketman in North Korea. Repressive
state, but it, and he are still alive and arming up as fast as
possible without buying arms from America. As far as staying alive goes
its smart. And its a
buffer to South Korea.
The American people need a force beyond their own uprising to bring
their government, which is demonstrably acting against them and is
wholly unconcerned and not interested in what a significant majority of
the people think, to heel. Afghanistan, and long before that
Vietnam proved, the military and government are incompetent, and
worse yet spend recklessly and unaccountably on objectives that provide zero
benefit to the
American people. This short read explains it. Their claim to be expanding democracy is a joke and a lie,
especially when everything in their power at home is done to completely
destroy it for American citizens. The public's concerns are ignored.
Many people are reveling in the pain inflicted on Russia by cutting off
banking, the internet, news, the whore services like Google and
Facebook, credit cards, Swift blah blah. Yet they fail to look
around them at the policies the utter morons, the functionaries are
inflicting on the people they serve. Cut off pipelines, cut off
oil supplies, flood the country with illegals, force the injection of
what will prove to be lethal and damaging vaccines over time, force
people to trade natural immunity for a poison made by criminal
enterprises with a conviction records that are publicly displayed,
destroy businesses and family unity. Yep, sure, they are doing a
fine job and the citizens globally are being screwed by these
clowns. China is the next target. Biden's morons are suggesting
citizens must accept pain, none of which they and their insiders feel
all, and when America comes out the other side of their policies life
will be wonderful.
But it does show that Russia can
come out the other side of this with a massive benefit. Instead
of looking west, Russia and China can quickly set up an entirely new
system that globally competes with the lies erected by the
west. Will it be the same, probably not, but what America's
functionaries and the wealthy are trying foist on its citizens is no
different with a phony, propagandized name. Research how the Chinese
people feel about their country and leaders. It is not what you
think. Basically if you were dead poor and now are living in a
technologically advanced nation with all of the things China has
accomplished, with increased wages and things to buy, you would be
happy too. 6,000,000 people on earth are still in the position the
Chinese people were, and if China can maintain humility, it will have
no competition. It certainly does not need a Hillary Clinton
calling the nations citizens deplorable and allowing teachers and
unions to destroy their children using an inflated crisis to justify
their behavior. Where the hell have all the real Americans gone?
people being regarded as the essential part of the State, and food as
the people’s heaven, is it not right that those in authority should
value and be careful of both?”
one treats people with benevolence, justice, and righteousness, and
reposes confidence in them, the army will be united in mind and all
will be happy to serve their leaders.” - two quotes by Sun Tzu
American was founded on freedom, individual independence, and the
ability to create the life one wanted. Over time however the
functionaries elected and appointed to serve the people honorably have
sold out the dream to corruption and greed right under their noses, and
in its place erected a house of cards with all of the right names but
none of the reality. As one after another of the cards collapse,
and the truth is revealed, the public is waking up. The handling of
Covid and the urgency to cover up the failures was like throwing ice
water on America. Flooding the nation with illegals was the
second pail. Inflation is filling the pail with gas and lighting
it. Hopefully it is the last straw. If the government is
wiped out in the mid terms it will be proof enough.
Part of that awakening is helped by the widespread availability of
information. Smartphones are virtual television studios and
thousands of people are capable of writing about and exposing what is
going on. Every person in the world virtually becomes a photo
journalist and can publish high quality video evidence of what they
see. Thousands of others can write and post information in real
time, producing their own digital magazines, broadcasting real time
blogs and internet video with far greater effect than managed cable
programming. Joe Rogan is proof that self produced and
interesting programming can outperform traditional media by vast
margins. Oh boo hoo, he did not go to Journalism school. Oh god,
his shows ramble on for 3 hours, he wears tee shirts and says fuck and
nigger. He spreads disinformation. Get used to it,
information is not entertainment and you take it any way you can get it
if you are really interested in investigating things.
Here is another face of journalism in the future.
The fear of the old line politicians and corrupt governments is
palpable. They are doing everything they can to try and censor
and kill off free speech, free media programming, public debate and
discussion, and in every corner of society threaten and abuse citizens
who dare to think. They attack the rights of parents to bring up
their children the way they see fit by calling parents who object
domestic terrorists, they let gays who advocate eating human
excrement expose their behavior in schools, they allow attacks on the
women who are the world's mothers, they allow men to pretend they are
the same as women when they are not, they conduct as much policy as
they can in secret, they ruin the court process by encouraging the
development of laws that allow corporations to corrupt elections, they
allow corporations that destroy the lives of children like Facebook to
exist without regulation, they destroy institutions responsible for
protecting public health to become so politicized they refuse to
fulfill the purpose they were created for, they flood the country with
illegal aliens for votes and cheap wages, they destroy the safety of
streets and businesses - all to put the people in their place and to
kill the American spirit.
Vietnam showed the narratives and shams they present as reality can
break down and Afghanistan was even worse. This time thousands of
sites like this can keep the failure, the trillions in waste, the
thousands of lost lives in the forefront forever. The illusion of
invincibility has been broken and 20 years of lies are once again
exposed. Computer storage is so cheap everyone can keep a
recorded history of the errant conduct and use it repeatedly.
Every site is now its own repository of history, and the lies and
corruption can be exposed in minutes, with no editor running
interference for a corrupt state.
The distributed capability of NEW MEDIA is no longer part of an old
boys club where bimbos and big cigars get together annually and pat
each others back, breaking the sense of community in the expensive
enclaves that allowed underhanded dealing to remain hidden.
Moreover, the argument that if something can't be proven, it does not
exist has collapsed. The entire world is the judge and jury and can
convict simply by deciding to believe its "lying eyes" and act immediately knowing full well the courts can no longer be trusted.
The attacks on China ties directly to the attacks on Russia, primarily
because China has proven to be more than a match for the so called
American dream, which corruption and greed has turned into the American
Delusion, until the people take it back. On its own Russia is a
nation that is more than capable of standing up to American
bullying. The only question is how long will it put up with the
very threats to its existence before Putin has had enough and unleashes
There is a divide coming in the world and no sane nation should ever
want the genie back in the bottle. The sheer number of American
military bases have shown America has become the British.
Attacking its own people at home for acting like Americans are supposed
to do is proof of it.
No one in the world benefits from the largest bully on
earth winning. This is what a place looks like that has a so called
American freedom, or simply a version of state repression and absolute
despotism in place. Its called California.
Initially I thought a good idea would be to invite them to Florida, a
version of the North holding out a friendly hand to Southerners during the
days of slavery before the civil war. Now I think the people of
California are worse that the Southerners for the policies they vote
for, and being a resident of California should be a reason to tell them
to stay the hell home.
You can put all of the wealthiest manipulators of the world in a single
meeting in one place, which is done regularly, hardly a force to be
reckoned with. The only thing protecting them are militarized
police and small armies, who they have to bribe with slightly better
wages, health care if American, and as few benefits as the exploiters
are willing to spare for the boots they manipulate, all to protect
lying and manipulative scum who would destroy humanity for their own
benefit. This tiny minority have to continually hope that their
hired guns never wake up from their stupor to realize the decrepit
criminals they protect are not worth protecting, and the security force
becomes their enemy. It is really not hard when you look at the
massive amount of arms length information in this site to see clearly
who the enemy is and what they are doing to the women, children and men
of the world, the deplorables as Hillary Clinton likes to call them.
Ukraine is once again, like a long list of countries, caught in the middle.