Small Update April 13, 2020 (highlighted) March 22, 2020
There is a huge amount of propaganda flying around right now blaming
China for the damage caused by shortages of supplies, equipment and
drugs needed to deal with Covid 19. Its
all smoke. This fable
about the scorpion and the frog explains it:
Who did not know 20
70 years ago China was a communist country?
Who did not know how Communist
countries operate?
Who did not know America has distrusted communism forever?
Who is the moron that thought they should swim across the river with
the scorpion on its back? Now go blame the scorpion.
American Companies Moved Their Supply Lines and Manufacturing to China
Not one US corporation was dragged into China at gunpoint to do
manufacturing there. Not one US citizen or CEO was held hostage
to get American companies to move their plants to
China. They all
did so on
their own out of greed pure and simple. China has cheap labor, highly
skilled people and a work ethic they wanted to exploit for their own
inability to respond to a sudden crisis is due to the fact that they
supply chains a great distance away to a foreign country and the supply
chains are designed to
deliver goods on a just in time
basis. The whole purpose of just in time supply chains is to avoid
carrying excess capacity and inventory, because it is more profitable
not to do so. Instead of listening to news media BS, research it. If
you want in-depth analysis, look up white papers on it. Its not
hard and you will actually self educate, which you should do
anyhow. Here are two links to get you started.
Are Supply Chains Becoming More Fragile?
falsified medicines to storage mishaps: the fragile state of drug
supply chains
Katherine Eban, Investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling
author of the book "Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic
Drug Boom" in testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission in July 2019 reported "The
book takes readers into the overseas manufacturing plants where the
majority of our low-cost generic medicine is made. It reveals endemic
fraud and dire conditions in an industry where companies routinely
falsify data and circumvent principles of safe manufacturing to
minimize cost and maximize profit. To report the book, I traveled to
four continents, interviewed hundreds of sources and obtained over
20,000 pages of confidential FDA documents." Its
impossible to write a well researched book on the problems in making
our medicines China without the very companies knowing about the
problems since they themselves live with and perpetuate the problems
every day.
When an American company willingly goes into China they gain access to
the largest
market in the world (1.439 billion people) and certainly one of the
lowest cost
and highly skilled manufacturing bases in the world.
they sell anything in domestic
China today or
not they still
benefit from high quality products that can be produced at low costs
and come with a
significant distribution infrastructure to deliver their products
worldwide. Any company claiming they did not know how things work in
China is either lying or the CEO is an idiot. Knowing that the Chinese
may take advantage of them clearly was not a deterrent. In fact if they
lost intellectual property as a result, the CEO and the Board approving
the move should be sued by the shareholders for their malfeasance in
taking risks with the company's capital, and for the damage caused to
the company's reputation by failing its customers in time of need, the
American people.
The potential to make a buck and save a buck, greed for an improved
bottom line trumped everything. Trading in another country
is not a right of any kind, and whoever says it is, is simply lying, or
they are spreading an even bigger propaganda lie, that of globalization
and the desire to spread
freedom and democracy (and
Moreover, you will read about complaints that China is holding down the
wages of its workers to remain competitive. You can bet your
bottom dollar if China's wages had gone up every single US company
would have gone to
the next dictatorship that beats its workers silly to keep
prices low. Forget the nonsense that they care. They
may only care when it gets noticed. Nobody believes in integrity or
when corporations are involved, as this
link shows.
To try and pin the supply shortage on the government is nonsense. Where
the government could have prepared was to make sure there is sufficient
capacity in the event of a crisis. The Jerusalem Post talks
about it in this article advising Israel is "purchasing thousands of respiratory
machines, and they are meant to arrive in the country by mid-May."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is using every means it has to
secure medical equipment to help patients during the pandemic. He added that all health services in the
world face shortages due to the rapid and unexpected nature of
COVID-19. An Israeli doctor working in Israel
suggested "people over 60 in Italy
may no longer be assisted due to the shortages."
2. China Wears Prada Over
Dirty Underwear
China has a lot of fantastic infrastructure. But underneath the
futuristic face many Chinese citizens maintain 3rd world
behaviors. The place is dirty and no
where close the the level of cleanliness
in the US. In a previous
article I pointed out the fact that a relative visited China for an
extended time and traveled on
trains. She said all night she could hear people clearing their
noses, covering one nostril with their finger and blowing discharge
from their noses onto
the floor out of their compartment. In the morning the curtains
of the train compartments and floors were covered in nasal
mucus and phlegm which she described as "disgusting."
Want to know how to spread disease quickly? Spit wherever you want and
blow your nose wherever you are standing with one finger onto the floor
or whatever and never
wash your hands or the soles of your shoes. Shop at at wet market like in
Wuhan, then go home and walk all over your house and touch
everything. Let your kids crawl on the floor.
Until all of China catches up to the rest of the developed world in
terms of
cleanliness and perhaps what they eat, expect outbreaks. No amount of
propaganda can explain how China benefits its people from the damage
done to them and its economy by Covid 19.
However the people in
companies whose
job it is to assess risk to their business
could have
taken into account the risks to the factories they produce their
products in. That would include risks as a result of a pandemic,
especially since one only has
to visit China to understand the cleanliness
issue among other things. That type of risk
assessment is somewhat esoteric,
having known a Lloyd's pen who got clobbered insuring satellites with
his group, but you would hope that with the increasing
availability of information in the world someone could have built a
statistical model that made it show up on their risk analysis radar.
3. China Challenges the Propaganda
Narrative - So Create More Propaganda
Communism was not supposed to be able to become a player on the
economic stage, because everyone knows communism does not work,
right? Its a shock to America's propaganda narrative that
communist flavored capitalism could rival "free" enterprise. Now that
China is making
their version of capitalism work,
America has
to show its superiority. A poor nation with good ideas is making good.
The fact that no one expected it and did not prepare for it is on the
people who guessed wrong.
China is playing the cards it has in using its low cost labor and
people hungry and willing to work hard to get ahead. The constant
complaint about rights and oppressed people does not explain the
increase in wealth and the development of their middle class in a short
period of time. Propagandizing negatives has worked from time to time
beating up small
countries with disadvantaged people and questionable leaders. But
and now China and Russia challenge that behavior, so they have to be
demonized to the maximum extent in preparation for greater aggression
the future.
My bet is eventually the bully will be called to
the street for a shootout. At
some point the people being bullied get tired of it, and if they have
subject to it for a long time will reach a point where they
get so tired
of hearing the shit they will
call it out, regardless of the outcome. Unless you operate under the
absolute delusion that some god drives your ability to threaten others
and miraculously cover you with a cloak of invincibility,
you would do well to check your references. Vietnam is an example of
meeting reality and ISIS is testimony that there are really people that
Allah is guiding and protecting them.
For those of you who are not quite sure call up people who have lost
children and relatives in Vietnam and the other wars America is
perpetually involved in and ask them about god's cloak of
invincibility. Then see if you can somehow talk them into equating
their losses with the wonderful and bountiful joys of God's blessed
hand calling them to a wonderful seat next to him in heaven.
There are actually people that believe that. Then there are those who
just don't like getting pushed around by foreigners even more than they
do not like their own government. Expect those that you identify
as your
enemies to prepare for your aggression. It may take a while,
and when it happens, prepare to bury a lot of people.
4. The Military Industrial
Complex Must "Turn" Its Inventory - Dollars For Death
China is a convenient target and the US military industrial
complex needs conflict to fuel its weapons
making business and to keep growing its budget. Just like
American companies, using
just in time supply chains and avoiding excess capacity and inventory
are profitable, but only to a point with weapons. The military needs a
certain amount of inventory, but
what good is inventory that does not "turn?" The
military industrial complex profits by destroying their inventory so
they can make more. Its called blowing things up and killing
people. The best thing about it, there is no salvage to deal with
and the garbage left over is always in someone else's back yard.
The other problem with untested weapons is competing in an ever
changing world, you have no idea if they work. Conflict is the
test track for weapons and bodies are the check marks. That will
never change. I suppose creating killing fields around China could be
used to send a message to China's leaders. However if it were me,
doing so would only encourage me to ramp up innovation of new weapon
types much more quickly rather than capitulate to threats. Only
time will tell.
I forgot to add one important thing. Armament manufacturers have
permanent suckers, I mean buyers available. Its you! And their
sales force are a bunch of lying thugs in the military industrial
complex who only have to go around the world creating enemies who they
then can use as an excuse to generate the need for weapons. What
a beautiful, scam. Its so good, I have to add this picture
again. Sung to the tune of a partridge in a pear tree.
Here are a couple of links to their sales reps and suppliers.
5. The Press Are Complicit
Flakes in the Propaganda Narrative
The press and media are financed by corporations and
government provides them talking points. One of the reasons the
press cannot survive on a subscription model is because they have
nothing worth listening to that people are willing to pay for.
They are also competing with their suppliers to take money out of
peoples' disposable income window. Corporations have mastered the art of lying for dollars, and
so to compete, news/media organizations have to do the same. CNN
is in a mad rush to create propagandized news stories, or CNN flavored
fictions they
pass off as news. If that fails to deliver the way they want at
the very least if they can demonstrate the ability to move even a small
part of the demographic in a certain direction. Then they can run
out and tell
advertisers interested in that demographic that they can do so.
Pushing the Democrats is good for business because every platform they
have stirs up controversy mainly because it is not something a
significant number of people want, which stokes resistance and
anger. Examples include using Transvestites
school kids, letting alien
criminals vote, promoting programs that cause conflict
and division, and vilifying Republicans for American corporations'
screw ups. And this
York Times Edits Headline Multiple Times After Democrats Block Aid to
U.S. Workers
China, as a communist regime, is proving not too bad
at business, manufacturing, and innovation, if you research it.
If they are smart they will identify everyone in the west undermining
western economies for their own benefit and deny their entry into
China. Moreover, the majority of the news attacking China in the
American press is for domestic consumption. Kind of like
surrounding sheep in the field with dogs costumed as wolves to stir up
the sheep. If there is good news from the Covid plague befalling
the world, perhaps the American people will see through the charade and
raise a huge fuss to decrease the military budget to put the nation
back on the right financial track.
It will be interesting to see how the corrupt liars in the military
try to turn a nation that has nice costumes but messed its pants at
the dance into an enemy that tried to harm America because of something
that happened unintentionally.
Watch the media and the liars behind them spin it to see if you can
catch the way its done.
And just in case you forget, CHINA IS A COMMUNIST COUNTRY. CHINA
look who you married and think back on how well changing them to what
you wanted worked out. Now watch what is happening in the media and
remember the lessons.
From a personal perspective, if you
don't like the way China operates, you certainly don't have to go there
or buy products that are made in China. With regards to the military's
continually threatening posture, if you think
aggression against someone you don't like works, find a neighbor you
don't like, go to their house and punch them in the face and see how
far that gets
you. Better yet, find a neighbor you don't like that is also
armed and punch them in the face and see how long
you can live
trying to be an asshole.
In the meantime the military has been developing ways to
infiltrate the news media and spread their BS. The links below are to
older articles from my research that has gone on ever since J. Edgar
Hoover sent a relative
papers on the subject for me. I will
update everything as time goes on as their
capabilities are growing exponentially. So much has been written I may
need to start a library.
Public Intelligence
is a site with a lot of if not all of this type of material.
EFF is another good site that tries
to protect you.