Does anyone notice not one of the illegal
immigrants has the guts, character, and fortitude to fight for their
homeland? USELESS THERE - USELESS HERE. The colonists killed off and drove out the British to fix their homeland. These illegals are freeloaders and ponzi lemmings*.
lemmings = politicians blew our economies with reckless spending and
now need a new crop of suckers to work cheap, spend more because where they
came from was not so bountiful, and who are completely deluded by a
dream they heard about and for whom reality has not yet set in."
is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that
they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by
arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time
for rebellion." - Aristotle in Politics (J. Sinclair translation, pg.
226, 1962)
And this little piggie took your
money, while the rest of the hogs in
Congress went we we we all the way home, going past the Deep State hog
feeder for some corn.
don't believe in dictators. I believe we want to bring about change, by
the agreement for the citizens. If we can't persuade the public that it
desirable to do these things we have no right to impose them even if we
had the power to do it."- Milton Friedman
Friedman puts the phonies to bed that think they are smarter than you
and can dictate to you. Let these clowns pull out their Nobel
Prize to contest Friedman. Friedman makes it simple
from a point of brilliance).
and State Government Fundamental Functions 1.
Preserve the peace 2.
Mechanism to settle disputes 3.
Protect individuals from coercion by others" - Milton Friedman Chainsaw Milei's
Minister of Deregulation - Forget
Improving Efficiency - Decide if Gov Should Do it at All Glad
somebody pays attention. Wonder if its Stihl This explains why
government should not be in charge of a lot of things Weaponizing Law
Enforcement Against Americans the Deep State's (Ed. Functionary Assisted)
massive repression of American freedoms CIA
Sociopath Recruiting - sociopaths lack empathy, disregard feelings of
others and manipulate or harm people without remorse - (Ed. No
Kidding) These f**king sweeties Supreme
Court TikTok Ban Because of Data Collection-
Now Here Are Some Facts. Your data reveals your habitual behavior. Your
habitual behavior is YOU. Your habitual behavior can be manipulated
when known, to change and control you. Congress just admitted the
danger of knowing your data. Laughable. The worst offenders are your
government, your Intelligence Agencies, Google, Facebook, Apple, and
every company that asks you to accept cookies. You are a rat in a maze.
The maze is run by liars, thieves, murderers, criminals in suits, for a buck. It
can be changed but think ugly. Some
history to read below. The
CIA and the Cult of Intelligence.pdf The
Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" The CIA and Mind Control. The
Story of the Agency's Secret Efforts to Control Human Behavior.pdf US
Rogan podcast with Mike
Benz, founder of Foundation
For Freedom
Online and a former State Department official
with responsibilities formulating and negotiating
US foreign policy on international communications and information
technology matters. Mike Benz details
US government and military manipulation and control of American
citizens, and citizens of nearly every country in the world.
The video is
three hours long and is an lesson in the destruction of individual
freedom and national independence by the US government and sponsored
agencies in the name of
money, control and power, using information to modify you behavior. It
directly ties into the boot
camping of your habitual behavior explained in the next article.
Injecting negative and destructive events, corrupt legal processes,
negative bureaucratic interruption of market behaviors, are all DNA
altering and behaviorally inhibiting "cancers" on citizens.If you are not part of Europe, NATO, as an
official of any other nation you should find and ferret out European,
NATO or US Officials, NGOs and expel
them from your country immediately
and promptly execute citizens who associate with
them,as traitors.
The US tactics are acts of war. The US Gov is creating a MATRIX to
destroy all levels of humanity and individual freedom at home and
worldwide. The information in
this article and the behavioral concepts linked to
it in the connected article came from information supplied directly by
J Edgard Hoover to his personal friend who purchased Bowie Raceway just
outside the Beltway at Hoover's request. Hoover liked to play the
horses. The author asked his relative (Hoover's friend) if Hoover
would provide information on how the military got everybody shooting in
the same direction in short order, and Hoover complied. Getting
ahead in your life is not just about positive thinking, goal setting
and working hard, and in an
environment deliberately engineered to
prevent your independence and advancement the job becomes immensly more
Research into
Weight Watchers and Alcoholics Anonymous at the time proved they had
spotty success. The military suffers from no such problem.
The real challenge for the author was figuring out in a voluntary
environment how to get everyone moving in the direction they wanted,
(their Froot Loops). Today the Despots and
Tyrants are simply Boot Camping Society to destroy every chance for self
determination, weaponizing government and other institutions to do so.
Biden, a senile puppet with a brain now nearly solid wood authorizes
replacement of one dictator for a terrorist with a $10 million price on
his head offered by the US
(Ed: they took the page down, but here
it is anyhow) both to disrupt transition of power to Trump
and reward a terrorist for
how citizens should be managed if they can get away with it. The clip
above shows "garbage" (Biden) "deplorable" (Clinton) "Gaza" (Israel)
humans being dispatched by their new
HTS leader.
Carlson: Roger Ver is facing life in prison for revealing how the
US government worked secretly to subvert cryptocurrency, take away
wallet privacy to prevent economic freedom. More people should hear
this story.
Hopefully the Liars
and Propagandists at Stanford et al. Get Butt Kicked
The Military Industrial Complex, mainstream media propagandists which
includes overpaid pretty boys, and lipstick
bags spouting Psyops, captive politicians, and European gutless lackies
are pure
scum. Citizens alone are responsible for ridding the earth or
them, no different than when Britain got tossed out.
you can't spend a small amount of time reading, researching history,
and figuring out the game, you simply deserve having glowing eyes and
deformed children when this defective group of clowns screw everything
up and start another pointless war.
is absolutely correct, as history and disclosures show.
The future of freedom lies not in America,
NATO or the
gutless lackeys that lick their boots. Its in the 7 billion or so
people that are not "civilized", screwed up, and infected with western
media and propaganda. They must disregard climate change, guilt
trips, the rejection of fossil fuels, western banking systems, arm
themselves to the teeth and above all reject any temptation to take
from America, NATO or their lucre bearing lepers, and strike their own
path. There are nations that understand this and will help, not
out of god like "blessed kindness" but because there is a buck in
it. Survival in these times is about money as a weapon, and
driving a hard bargain works when you have multiple suppliers. There
are multiple suppliers, even though the US is trying hard to kill them,
torture, brutalize or threaten them out of existence.
Starving Dogs and Then Give
The Dogs Blacks to Eat"
(29 pages) Dogs
were trained
to kill and eat black people as
food. The dogs were eventually
brought to the colonies to eat
and black slaves. Those who did this were
essentially in it for profit and power. This is one example of what
those with perceived
power try to get away with to maintain wealth, power and control. TODAY
All colors and races are
subject to lockdowns, destroying small
business, mask mandates, propaganda,
attacking the non compliant such as people that recognize the
corruption of the vaccines program, and unleashing potential aids
carrying behavior on your completely innocent children ("We will teach
you to resist us"), disarming citizens, flooding the nation with
illegal immigrants because you are not screwing enough to replenish the
population with compliant customers, and daring to vote for someone
other than the chosen candidates, and of course not hating your
neighbors and supposed enemies of their "state", but not the state you
actually own. THE SCARS FROM
the way,
pure greed drove
corporations to places where people work cheaper, nothing else.
You are simply tools of production but not benefit.
Covid is a Bioweapon, deliberately created
(also note comment on Aids VIRUS) Francis Boyle is a
professor of international law at the University of
Illinois College of Law. He
drafted the U.S. domestic implementing
legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved
unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by
President George H.W. Bush.
In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle
discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety
Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious
disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an
offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons
agent genetically modified with gain of function properties,
which is
why the Chinese government
originally tried to cover it up and is now
taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is
also a
specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and
Dr. Boyle contends
that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.
<The original Youtube link is here,
or you can click image to listen to his analysis on this site in case
YouTube deletes it> One of the reports Professor Boyle refers to
here.Ed: Note the NIH
funded gain of function research in Wuhan, despite Fauci's denials.
is one of the viruses that have been engineered by the US and
studied by the Pentagon, as well as Influenza and SARS. Confirmation of
this practice is Obama’s
2014 temporary banon
government funding for such “dual-use” research. The moratorium waslifted
in 2017and
experiments have continued. Enhanced
Potential Pandemic Pathogens (PPPs) experiments are legal in the US.
Such experiments aim to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence
of pathogens.Boston University is
currently engaged in gain of function studies
Biden All-In
In Taking Out China
The declaration of war is good for China
and the rest of the world.
Asian people are collectively smarter than Americans, hungrier, harder
working, suffer no delusions of grandeur, and the nation has skill in
lifting billions of people out of poverty. One only has to spend
5 minutes looking at the ways in which the American version of freedom
has aided self dealing narcissists who have lost any sense of what they
started with to understand how deluded functionaries have destroyed the
people of the nation. Chinese, Indian, Asian, and Russian peoples
can and will work with the other 7 billion people like them and not
under the influence of the corrupt cabal behind America. Not sure what
makes the US so sure they can subjugate the entire world to their
vision, but any thinking person would see no benefit in agreeing with
deluded barbarians, especially when there are enough nuclear weapons
available outside the US to make much of the world uninhabitable for a
long time, including biological weapons which fit in a shoe box.
Someone with a brain needs to study the history of the Jews. It
was the same kind of ignorance in early history that drove the Jewish
race to develop the skills they have. They swing way above their
physical presence on earth and are some of the most accomplished people
on earth. Where is Rome now, and where are the Jews? The policies
the corrupt American cabal enact create capable competitors and violent
enemies, rich and poor.
Climate Change Report to the CIA Uses Observation Over Millions of Years
and is the real science, not cash the driven modeling scams of Al Gores
or the emotional bleating of the Greta Thunbergs. Models can be made to
support any lies, history cannot. Just three events, the Covid
alarmism which was vastly overblown deliberately, the war in Ukraine,
provoked to continue forever wars, and the deliberate destruction of
borders with illegal aliens to undermine citizens and create labor and
for business (BTW,
rich countries can never match developing countries in low cost labor
by destroying their own citizens or screwing them out of their
salaries), all supported by a completely untrustworthy media tell
you all you need to know about climate change alarmism. Follow
the Covid facts, study the Ukraine provocations, and simply look at
what is happening with borders to really understand the deadly
game. Citizens are victims and have to stop being so. The
real enemies are a tiny group of people using money, media and lies as
weapons. Lake
Mead Is Draining, Not Climate Changing.ED:
Ask a climate alarmist why his kids bath is less full than it was
before and he will tell you its human activity and climate change, not
that his wife pulled the damn plug. Is Water the New
Gold?(The Fight Over Water 42 min
Will the Earth Ever Run Out of Water?Ed:
Never, unless it flies off into outerspace as iceballs lol, as
explained to a Grade 7 student. The real problem is people expect the Earth to
conform to delivery
schedules like Amazon. Maybe they should
revive some American Indians. They followed the food and the
weather to survive. International
Study finds ‘zero evidence’ of Climate emergency.Scientific
Paper Here Ed: Quick, quick, bullshit promoters, get
out a counter narrative. Lies,
Damned Lies, Statistics and Computer Models Global Climate
Cooling Facts Earth
on the Brink of an Ice Age.
Ed: Good thing we are switching to
the sun and wind, sources of energy controlled by large corporations
and other thieves. No burning
trees, coal, peat and furniture for us, But pay through the ass
for energy we must. Media Lying About
Climate Change "Kiss
My Arse or I'll Kick Your Head In" - Harold Pinter, Nobel prize and
Légion d'honneur winner summed up American foreign policy, implicating
the European toadies
with chapped lips from the ass kissing.
Military Traps to control/destroy the world. 7 Billion people
live outside the EU and the US, in 193-237
The 27 member EU states with the US are a tiny minority in the world
population, but are responsible today for the majority of its wars and
destruction. The 7 billion people that live elsewhere have to pursue
strategies to create a viable alternative to US and European thuggery. China
and Russia have the resources, skills, and combined weaponry to
confront the thugs.
The key is alternatives to the banking infrastructure, food supplies,
biological weapons, which China and Russia both have and as China is
demonstrating, dealing with biological warfare (which Covid offers
practice for), and cheap sources of energy. No intelligent person
should ever want a single supplier for anything and grade 10 science
explains fossil fuels underpin the entire global economy. More
importantly, if you read the links above on climate change, including
the report on climate change to the CIA, you would see that the million
year historical record revealed through examination of ice cores, etc.
shows the real problem may in fact be cooling, and not the temporary
warming (in earth time continuum, which is millions of years and not
inaccurate computer models spanning hundreds of years). There is
another narrative
developing using climate change as the excuse, perhaps because the
United States and
Europe do not have resources needed in the future in abundance or that
they simply do not dominate in, including
fossil fuels, rare earth metals, land area, manufacturing prowess and
cheap labor pools. Four
companies are giants in the grain trade but Russia is one of
the largest producers
of wheat and the largest producer of fertilizer in the world.
There are sound reasons to do business with China, Russia as
alternative suppliers to the EU and the United States. China
is already reportedly the largest economy in the world and the
Ukraine hand has shown the dangers of relying on US and EU whores for
anything exclusively. The presence of any Americans or Europeans
their proxies, their banks and lending institutions in any country
their block must raise an alarm, given the historical record of their
which everyone should familiarize themselves with. More
importantly, in these countries if the people that are elected to run
the country, they
must be held with equal suspicion if they appear to be in bed with
the Americans, the Europeans or their proxies. There is less
danger in living in a standoff between rivals that
can completely destroy each other, rather than living under one with
destructive control
the US demonstrates in the world and the dangerous weak toadies that
dominate the EU.
is in absolute assured destruction between competing nations, oddly
enough, and citizens willing to take action like insurgents to protect
their own nations from malign influences. The good news from a global
nuclear/biological war if there is any, is in the mess and confusion
you can seek out and find those in power in your own nation, the morons
responsible for starting it and killing your children and your future,
and kill them off once and for all.
The massive destruction will wipe out a lot of the fence sitters since
they will be sitting on their ass watching anti-Trump CNN repeats if
there are any TV signals, and listening to media bullshit telling them
how wonderfull things are. We are
going to die
anyhow, timing is the only issue. How the FBI
intervenes in US politics.35 minute Greyzone video The
CIA is Not Your Friend - Edward Snowdon
Bullshit baffles brains: Massive
secret network revealed to be pushing western narrative. Stanford
study here. Picking apart BS from The Hill just for
We took a shot at The Hill for fun, but then the elites at Martha's
Vineyard confirmed what the illegal immigrants already know about the
same pack of assholes they deal with in their own country, when they
got shipped off to a military base like so much "Trash" so they as
"deplorable" and filthy aliens do not dirty up the elite's private
playground. Maybe the old sock puppet and hair sniffer Biden can
come up with a line like "I am just like you, I have a crack addled son
who screws everything that walks, including his brother's wife, and we
ditch the kids of the women he knocks up. See we Bidens are just
like you."More
here Click>
image to read or downloadBritain’s
opium era strategy to deal with China. Truss polishing up her
knee pads for some serious US knob polishingOne
city produces an extraordinary number of ‘perfect scores’ in global
International Baccalaureate exams. Asia China leads the
world, Russia
tied with China in second.The
Intelligence Community Liars, Murderers and Traitors Con Game Continues
- The Public Are the Suckers and Get to Eat Bananas The
FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime Ed: By the colonists' own
understanding covered in "Who Is An
those in service to citizens lose their status while in
service to the public. The government and corrupt intelligence
agencies that are obliged to serve citizens in America are not fellow
but alien to them while in public service, and their corrupt
conduct consititutes a direct, life threatening attack by traitors on
the real citizens who
are their masters. An
interesting read on a Regime Change Troll,
how they work and get cash All
the tools needed to counter school boards, corporations and anyone else
threatening your children with a dangerous minority activity that can
kill them and/or commit them to a lifetime of medical intervention to
save their lives: - Aids virus
information handouts including fact that it is incurable and
without expensive treatment can kill you - Monkey pox
virus information handouts including the fact that it is incurable
and requires expensive treatment - Ziplock bags
of human excrement to have school board members and promoters of the
lifestyle show they eat it or encourage their children to - Jars of human
urine to have school board members and promoters of the
lifestyle show they drink it or
encourage their children to - Copies of the LBGTQ communities "Hanky
Code" in which eating shit and drinking urine are promoted. Downloadable
pdf copy w/o annotations
ED: LBGTQ lifestyles have been around
forever. A republic protects their rights like everyone else, but those
rights are not a license to infect young children with a potentially
disease ridden and life threatening behavior, nor do they include
trying to separate children from their parents in secret to exploit
them for the benefit of a minority engaging in potentially life
altering and deadly behavior. These disruptive behaviors have
nothing to do with fairness, they are a deliberate attack on your
personal life. Shooting a child in the head
or encouraging someone to infect them with a deadly disease is the same
as attempted murder, and those that do so are no different than an enemy
with a gun attacking your children and should be regarded
and treated as such.
you are alive, the right to breathe is absolute. You have the natural
right to prevent anyone trying to stop you breathing, killing them if
need be. Freedom to live and prosper, and defend yourself and your
children from enemies threatening your lives is also absolute. No
can take those absolute rights away and you are under no obligation to
hand off responsibility for protecting those rights to anyone, nor
should you. One of the most powerful ways to amplify your
capacity to
defend your absolute rights is with weapons. Any discussion of
constitutions, laws, Amendments that somehow imply absolute
rights are
given by others is nonsense, and thinking or suggesting they are
reduces you to a house pet like a dog. - ED
Returns to
join Germany, Austria, Italy in reverting to coal.
The truth of the matter is terrible leadership in these countries has
exposed their lies and stupidity in managing the affairs of the
nation. They know exposing millions of citizens to the results of
their terrible management, raising their costs of living will wake
people up and threaten their cushy jobs, so they are quickly trying to
cover their ass while passing the buck onto Russia. Except there
are thousands of people reporting the facts and these clowns are being
exposed daily. We report on it here. NATO and the EU, for failures in
the design of the union, are hell bent on expansion based on lies and
myths. In doing so they broke promises to Russia about arms on
its borders, which also played into American foreign policy bullshit,
and Russia stood up to the corrupt cabal. Doubling down on their
bureaucratic stupidity, the EU exposed its terrible leadership, blowing
up their economy by cutting off a vital resource. There are two
lessons. Oil
and gas are not easy to get rid of in the short term, as any Grade
10 Science texts explain, and secondly no
other nation should give up their use
of coal, oil, natural gas or firewood. The advanced nations used
all of these sources of energy to build their nations and in the
process created climate issues. They alone broke the climate
balance and
they and their citizens unfortunately must bear the entire cost and
of fixing the problem, not kick the can down the road to poorer nations
trying to improve the lives of their citizens. The phony
American foreign policy spew has shown not one sane person on earth
should ever become encumbered by anything any nation has to sell
because it
is certain these nations will use
their inventions and advances in green technology as a tool of
political and military leverage to keep the poor down. The Ukraine
Russia saga is proof beyond a doubt of that. Coal, oil,
natural gas and
firewood are cheap, abundant, and many nations have them. The
idea that oil can be removed from the economy in the near term is
nonsense, and a cartoon parody of reality for the stupid or gullible. These
will continue to be so in the future because they are so
intricately involved in almost every product people use. For a
developing nation its all about using the
cost resources to develop the nation,
and not capitulating to someone with their hand out on one side and a
gun in the other
hand, which is the only way to describe America today. And as for
switching to coal, the lesson is
simple. Use what works, period.
And proof of how
corrupt the cabal of people in service to the public are, check
this out.
These chest beating phony assholes play war and fuckups with your money
and hide behind paid jackboots whose ethics are crippled by a mortgage,
debt and maybe they want to be pretend tough guys too. Seriously
The Gay
Hanky Code web page by Gay Desert Guide The Gay Hanky Code
PDF to confront school
board members and show their children
and relatives what they are advocating. The Gay Hanky Code Scene System PDF to confront school
board members and show their children and relatives what
they are advocating.
Does Being Hornier
Than a 3 Peckered Owl
Resonate? Just don't say Deviant, please.
Media points out"50 former
senior intelligence officials signed on to a letter claiming that the
Hunter Biden laptop story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian
information operation.” Their letter gave Joe Biden cover to pretend it
didn’t exist, gave the media an excuse not to cover the story, and
provided social media the pretense to censor any discussion about it."
Fortunately as this publication repeatedly points out, the military
industrial complex and US intelligence agencies are simply flat out
lying thieves, murderers and cannot be trusted with anything. We
also pointed out that propaganda is a two edged sword and it can be
used against its spreaders. Here we joyously provide you
with the
documented signatures of 50 of the lyingest, most corrupt, blow smoke
up your ass US officials telling you Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian
disinformation, just like Ukraine was caused by Russia and not the
lying son-of a bitches in the US foreign policy establishment. Enjoy
the read. Remember, this is the behavior of
the hired help the rest of the world is supposed to accept.
What you need to do now is go past
mainstream media to news sites that are NOT pushing a narrative of the
tiniest group of manipulators, get the facts, and then use them to
expose to yourself
just how corrupt they are. Then you need to start backing out of over
overspending, get control of your money, run yourself and vote the
corrupt liars out in
every elected place you can, all the way down to school boards, town
councils, and so on, and tell it exactly like it is. Encourage
dissent, do not suppress it. This is your world, not the
help. When they try to undermine your daughters in sports, and in the
bathrooms, do not allow it. The policies being used are intended
to destroy families, unity and confidence. This is the Democracy Your Representatives
are Trying Force on the Rest of the World at the Point of a Gun -
In Progress Artificial
Intelligence Invents 40,000 Chemical Weapons in 4 Hours. Actual
Article Published in Nature Here.Original
Story Summarizing it Here.
The American approach to war is to hide what is going on from the
American people who own the joint, use machines and remote technology
to minimize bodies coming home which is really bad press, and which
then lets propaganda create a bullshit story everyone is expected to
believe because they are "patriots
and loyal Americans".
For the people attacked in this way the approach to war is
simply one of who has the money to fight the longest. If someone
comes to rob your home and kill your family it does not matter if you
defend yourself with a gun, knives, throw gas on them and
burn them to death, or use wire snares, pitfalls and punji sticks to
kill them. Damaging your home does not matter, especially if you
face the possibility of dying. Similarly, if you are
facing an enemy that tries to kill you using money and murder at a
distance, it makes absolute sense to use the cheapest, most virulent
horrific form of weapons that can be made, and use the air, water,
tourists, whatever to deliver them. There are simply no
rules to survival and any corrupt state that wants to contain the
fight to one in which they define the rules, to their advantage of
course, is completely crazy. And when the people who are killed
by the millions finally figure out when they are dropping like flies
who actually created the problem in the first place, they will attack
the real enemy, which are the guys that started it, who are in the
nation they live in. Otherwise wars will never end. America and
Europe are running out of resources or simply do not have the resources
they need to sustain their systems. The only way to replace them
is to steal them from someone else and the only way to do that is to
declare them an enemy, call their stolen land something the thief has
to maintain under some fraudulent policy, and use massive fear in the
rest of the world to prevent them from pointing out the assets are
stolen. The only thing to prevent this from happening are
militarily strong nations preventing it and of course the billions of
people around the world who must quickly realize they outnumber the
criminals posing as leaders by hundreds of millions to one.
Afghanistan and Vietnam are proof of it. International
Law Is Meaningless When It Only Applies To Those The U.S. Calls Enemies- Which is
Why Not One Nation Not In America's Alliance of Lies Should Ever
Capitulate to American Demands About Anything The Vaccine Death
Report The Utter Failure of
Pandemic Policy The images below are
what America's functionaries (the hired help) do in the name of the
people, with fat old bags like Madeline Albright (deceased)
and Victoria Nuland,
the hired help, bragging about it, and spineless bastards all over the
supporting it because they have not got the guts or the credibility to
stand up to it, and doing so lets them play tough guy phonies within
their own country to the people they are supposed to serve. They
accurately show the functionaries have no problem ordering the
murder of women and children, destroy their entire cities, maim,
torture and murder their men, and burn down their houses. And
they cook up any phony excuse in the world to do so. F**ck them.
When someone posts a picture if you want to check out its authenticity
there is an application called TinEye Reverse Image search
that online or as an add on you install in your browser that can search
billions of images in a fraction of a second and find many
matches. It will give the date and time of sources. If it
can't find it the image may be made up or substantially modified to
create another impression. If you think an image is fake you can
find out quickly. The images we post have checked out. The
real problem is the truth is horrible. That is one reason so many
people try to hide it.How
to Create a Global Surveillance State - Our To Dos: Refuse All of
It Can We Have Some Real
Talk About Ukraine? With our comments Murder By Government 1
- Actuarial Analysis of Covid Vaccine Data Used By Insurers Reveals
Vaccines caused 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall - the “worst-ever
excess mortality, I think, in history.
More importantly the liability waivers protecting Pfizer, Moderna and
J&J will not stick. The attempt to hide the data for 75 years
tried to cover this up. It appears your children are being
murdered by government. Had enough yet? More importantly
for those of you in the police, the armed services, and all other
employees of the government, the functionaries at the top did not warn
you and your families not to take the vaccines, so if you think you are
something special when it comes to your employers protecting you
and your children from harm, you are sadly mistaken
When it becomes necessary, as the colonists understood, to hold those
people, the functionaries to account, that did not mean that you the
people, of which you are one, were to be punished for your faith that
you were being served too. There is a clear divide between those
that abuse their position in secret and the citizens of the nation that
have every right to expect they will be protected by those that serve
them. Everyone is being harmed by that misplaced trust. Who can
stand by and allow their children to be harmed by such irresponsible
Murder By
Government 2 - The United States and NATO Must Lose In Ukraine - Here is why
Ukraine is a stark warning for the rest of the world exposing the lies,
bullying and destruction the United States foists on the people of the
world professing the advance of democracy. It is a lie, and no
nation should follow in their footsteps and take every step possible to
avoid their influence militarily and financially. There seems to be
some kind of turning point in the world where those that have power and
control the money believe there is Zero reason to listen to the public
and defend their interests. There is no evidence they have done
either for years, and I guess Covid showed how easy it was to bully and
manipulate the public. Too bad for the people of the world. All you need to know
Corrupt American
Functionaries' regard for citizens everywhere. Click to listen
CIVILIAN BOOT CAMP: Filling the nation with illegal immigrants,
destroying your ability to
pay for things you used to be able to afford, forcing you to worry
about your job and wages, threatening you with a disease that is not
even close to what is described for 99% of the people, ARE ALL TOOLS OF
HABITUAL BEHAVIOR. FOR WHAT GOAL? Those of you who have served
how it works.
When the United
States Murders
Hundreds of Thousands of Innocent
Including Childrenin Illegal Wars Like
Iraq, Based
Totally On Bush'sLies About WMD That
Exist, Backed Up By Human Garbage Like
Tony Blair - Thats OK. American
Murder Makes the Military IndustrialComplex Money to
Bribe The Functionaries to Keep the American People in
the Dark. When Anyone Else Does it, it's the Worst Thing
in the World and Cause for More War.
The System is Kept Going by Mindless Airheads in the News Whose Job Depends on
Delivering Lies and Propaganda, Which Explains the
Need for Other Sources Who Don't Need Face Makeup, Plucked
Eyebrows, Botox and Strapsto Pull in Their
Bloated Bellies. They Just Need to Dig Up and Report The Facts.
is a terrible thing that is happening in Ukraine. But before you
criticize anything, click the picture above and listen to Madeline
Albright, the 64th United States Secretary of State say to 60 Minutes
that killing 500,000 innocent children in a phony war the United States
started based entirely on lies, is worth it. Then ask yourself, if you
had a
neighbor threatening your home and family, if you have an ounce of self
preservation you would never allow it. Nor should Russia allow NATO to
come to its borders with weapons to threaten it. The US could
have just as easily
agreed to leave Ukraine a neutral buffer state, but that is not their
goal. It is to destroy Russia and if the people of Ukraine are caught
in the crossfire I again refer you to Madeline Albright, who basically
said too bad. If Albright was the one encouraging your neighbor to
threaten your home and family what would you do? The United
States functionaries are turning the United States into a murderous
regime behind your back which is why secrecy and a corrupt press are so
important, which is easy enough to figure out if you spend the time to
about it. Get educated about
US policy worldwide, plus watch what almost every governor and
each state tries to do when they can get away with it, and you quickly
understand that they expect you to
obey them and when you do not you may be killed, lose your rights, and
essentially be a slave to the state. Their behavior is copied by
the petty tyrants in school boards, also public servants, guys like
Fauci, and bleating fools in the media. All of the people you
put in place to help you are public servants and they serve you, not
the other way around. You can see this
behavior in Canada, New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Europe and on and
on. These
are supposed to be free nations. Your real enemies
live among you, not in far off lands. They are the people that
you temporarily appoint to help you, the functionaries, and they do
anything but. The
people that live elsewhere are even worse off as Madeline Albright so
corruptly described it. The colonists had it
right, and luckily for you there are a lot of citizens that see what is
going on, and
they will eventually have to bail you out. As the functionaries
increase their attacks on Russia, it is no different than Afghanistan,
Vietnam, or your own lives at home, it is a war against people defying
the order of lying, corrupt bureaucrats and political
functionaries. They are doing it to you with vaccine
mandates. If in five years when the vaccines and lock downs have
shown to do untold damage to you and your families you will be in a
Russia moment, and at least in America, enough citizens are armed to do
something about it. Where will you stand then? If you can't
figure that
out, good luck to
seeing faster growing and bigger breast carcinomas in young and
vaccinated women.
short-term adverse effects of corona-vaccines 10-60 times higher
than with conventional vaccines.
In age group 10-59 the risk of dying from mRNA
corona-vaccination is 15 times higher than the risk
of dying from a corona infection. Overview plus 2:30 hour
conference video