Poor immigrant children separated from their parents. Yes it’s a sad situation, but its not like previous administrations have not made some attempt to deal with it.  However that is not the story today you want to look at first. 

Countries have always had immigration policies. They have a purpose but at one time were also supposed to protect the nations' citizens first. Immigration laws are designed among other things to balance the financial commitments of government to its citizens, maintain pay equity for citizens so that the job pool is not unnecessarily watered down to punish wage earners and benefit profit taking by corporations, and if there is a social safety net in which citizens require assistance, the safety net is properly funded and not destroyed by handouts that directly benefit corporations, political parties and churches.

If those laws are being violated, who is violating them and how did it happen? In every case it will be deliberate action by the government to create policy in situations in which voters will not agree to it at all. CALL IT POLICY CHANGE BY REFUSAL TO ACT. Either way, the law should not change because government deliberately set the house on fire for illegitimate reasons. Throwing out the law and accountability to citizens in order to give corporations low cost labor, rig the voting roles with illegal citizens looking to exploit not only a broken border, but laws they know they can exploit, is at minimum stupid and at maximum grounds to never elect another member of the party pulling it off again. Going further, it is a direct cause to throw out the government by whatever means possible.

Now let’s look at who is behind this program propagandizing you and for what purpose?

1.          The Democratic Party and the liberal news media made up of mostly Democratic supporters.  Why?

*Quant is a private European company that does not track your usage and must comply with European data laws. Search sites like DuckDuckGo can be forced to comply with US government rules and cannot disclose that they are. This search link is directed to EU servers.

The Democratic goal?  Exploit illegal immigrants to create a voter base that is so scared of deportation and relatives left behind they will be reluctant to change parties for years.  Then they can defeat the Republicans and put in more policies that ruin opportunities for American citizens just so the Democrats can stay in power.  Want to understand the problem, look at the countries the immigrants are fleeing.  Their governments are corrupt, law and order has collapsed, and the rich live in gated communities, socialize among themselves and let the peons suffer. 

2.          Corporations and those that run them.  Why?

These are the same corporate groups that create organizations to undermine the nation’s laws, poison entire populations and cover it up, and here, hide money offshore, and here, and here, and behave like the criminals they take cues from.

Now that they have buried you in debt, you are abandoned so the next group of vulnerable suckers can be moved in and exploited.  When it is all said and done you are like left over garbage no one wants to clean up.  Had enough yet?

3.          Churches.  Why?

The church tries to claim in the Bannon article in the membership link above that they are doing this out of kindness. Yeah sure you hypocrites. Where was your kindness when you were bankrupting parishes liable for legal costs for the damage done to church goers by your abusive priests who you protected for as long as possible, and where was your kindness when you hired lawyers, who you paid actual money to and not blessings and baptisms to use legal trickery to blame the victims for your abuses. Give me a break - a partial listing of abusers. And you expect people to frequent your places of worship and take solemn instructions from you?  For those of you who can actually smell the coffee, let this be a lesson to you in the organizational reliance on brainwashing to overcome piles of BS. But, then again maybe God is a lawyer and we are too ignorant to understand speaking in tongues, forked that is.


Another example is the fight over DACA.  As showing in the prior link, the Democrats internal documentation reveals one reason they want illegal immigrants to stay in the country is because they have large families and chains of relatives that will be beholden to them and will vote for a Democratic Party that lets them violate American immigration laws. 

The Democrats are trying to cover their tracks and cynically propagandize the issue to manipulate voters by labeling it as kindness and putting babies’ faces behind it. However stacking voting roles with people who deliberately violate the law so they can gerrymander elections to gain power is no way to run a country. That kind of behavior used to be called bribery and vote buying.

Without a doubt illegal immigrants have needs, but what use are immigration policies and borders if the legal citizens MOST affected by these policies have no say in what goes on and are not dealt with fairly? Vote rigging is not a policy.

The Pope talks kindness because aliens fill pews and collection plates in Catholic Churches. Notice however the Catholic Church’s kindness runs out when it closes parishes and uses other legal trickery to avoid compensating victims of priests’Pope sexual abuse, including using financial spreadsheets to relocate and keep track of serial abusing priests.  Maybe Bill Gates is really God and is helping the Church use Microsoft’s business software to manage the financial risk of perverts in their ranks. Oh wait a minute, God would not do that, right?  So then Bill may be secretly the devil and he has found willing devotees in the church, fallen angels as such.  Now it makes sense! The Pope too? I guess Time lost its stomach.  Here is another link on the Pope coverup again. Wow. Hey, do fallen angels get horns or are their wings just a little singed by fire? I was thinking of where the pope would hide his horns under that beanie.

In reading the attached links it’s also odd that the Church claims to need its buildings to keep doing good works. If the so called purveyors of the word of their gods can’t do so with a bare minimum of stuff, then you can be pretty much assured their churches have become marketplaces too.

I have not read anywhere that Jesus was a real estate developer that needed buildings to reach the masses.  The only guys that ever made church buildings their focus were the money changers and merchants exploiting the poor in the temples as depicted in this picture from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC titled “Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple” by EL Greco. Some things never change.

Christ and the money grubbers


There is also no legitimate comparison to the immigrants that came to North America legally. They immigrated to North America to fill the vast expanses of land along railway lines in exchange for cheap land and opportunities to create a new life free from the mismanagement of the countries they were willing to leave. And the railways wanted cheap and disposable Chinese labor for the dangerous job of laying their tracks.

Immigration for workers and customers
In the past, plantation owners bought slaves. Today some American businesses also want low paid and easy to “exploit” illegal aliens to provide cheap labor even though it is illegal to hire them, to keep costs low and undermine the negotiating position of legal Americans for jobs, wages, health care and everything else.

Former President George W. Bush confirms as much in a speech in the Arab Emirates, another bastion of freedom and human rights, when he bragged immigrants can pick cotton in 105 degrees heat. So the new form of slavery is to switch metal chains for chains of relatives left behind, and then let the immigrants self-enslave out of necessity. Boy, them Southerners sure know how to get the last bit of flesh out of a human being. 

And could it be revenge for gaining freedom that immigrant slaves are being used to attack legal Americans at the bottom of the wage scale by taking away jobs which fair wages would have to be paid to Americans who have rights and are not afraid to speak up. Again, slavery for power and profit and not about kindness to anyone. Let’s get that straight.

Chinese labor

And even then only they want these workers until they can replace them with something even cheaper, like robots. When they are done using them then the workers can go to hell as this historical poster demonstrates.

We have finished using you now

America does not owe businesses anywhere the right to break the law under the phony claim of helping illegal aliens. If there was no money in it these lying hypocrites would be long gone. Let’s call a spade a spade and tell these creeps to pay fair wages to legal Americans first and manage their businesses better.  Better yet, find out who they are and refuse to buy anything from them.

And if they want to use robots to replace workers, that is easy for everyone to remedy.  These abusers of American privilege need to realize purchasing their goods and services is a volunteer activity, and so is keeping our wallets closed. Nothing anyone makes is a mandatory purchase except perhaps for drugs to treat illness and we all know how that works in America. 

What is also not being discussed is the fact that the United States already has a legal immigration process that people can apply for. However those who enter illegally have no automatic right to do so.  The corporate controlled media likes to propagandize the issue as one of kindness and call the illegal entrants “Dreamers” which is simply another term for “Law Breakers Who Want Automatic Pardons”.  This propaganda tries to make it look like those who object are picking on babies and people with dreams.  Nice try.

Home invaders have dreams too.  We do not glamorize their dreams just because they might be poor and need to steal someone else’s personal property to have a better life.  

Robbers are dreamers too

As documented in the previous linked articles, people who are in the country illegally and accept jobs illegally are taking jobs from the American workers and their families.  The illegals also make it possible for American businesses to avoid their legitimate responsibility to the people and nation they have the privilege of operating in.

Being in the county illegally and having babies in America is something akin to a pirate ship dropping anchor in American waters.  The anchor is no more legal that the ship is.

Use the baby as a boat anchor

Why is this good to know? Borders and immigration laws have a purpose.  Violating these to rig elections or avoid paying fair wages to the citizens of a country are not legitimate reasons to abide people who enter the country illegally.  It also is an opportunity to identify and financially punish corporations that hire illegal immigrants and support these corrupt political machinations.  They are all manipulative conniving liars that are part of the problem in the first place and must be held to account for it.

Politicians who deliberately undermine America’s immigration laws and borders are simply finding another way to whip the most vulnerable American workers into submission and take away their power to bargain in a capitalistic system that is being operated as a form of economic slavery instead of a tide that lifts all boats.  The media spin on the matter is simply an attempt to turn innocent and trusting people into compliant victims by blabbing on about babies and dreams.