Look at Life As a Game and Learn How to Play It
are a lot of people on earth. It is clear that we could do with
a lot less people or a slower birth rate. Eventually we will
fill the place up and there are not a lot of places to go. In addition, our
capitalism is too predatory to be the tide that raises all
boats and creates a system that benefits everyone. While there is an argument that we are
generally better off even in our existing capitalistic system, the fact is
there is a massive divide between the rich
and poor, there is no consensus on a social safety net and how it
should be run, the education system is a failure in that we live in a
free and supposedly capitalistic system, and yet capitalism, invention
ingenuity are not taught at school. Rather, we are simply taught to be employees, and no one is accountable for
results to see how we are doing. It is a game we are losing, but we can learn how to play it.
We over consume everything - food, goods, and services and are consumption obese
at all levels,
yet the capitalist system we live in is completely dependent on never
ending over consumption. Now that the system has completely
screwed over the average American and buried them in debt, the game has
changed to abandon average Americans and replace them with immigrants of any kind as long as they mindlessly purchase.
Cycle after endless cycle of BS and predatory practices. You
simply do not matter, but you can and should do something about
it. For the life of me however, I
cannot think of what the system would look like if it was rational and
needs based. You will have to figure that out.
We are bored and
tired from working to consume without purpose and we have allowed the
worship of electronic baubles to infect our attention like heroin, an
addiction that appears can never be satisfied. For example, watching TV
is a completely mindless activity with everyone we watch on TV earning a living
performing, while we eat mindlessly, drinking soft drinks, eating chips and complain about how tired we are while getting
fatter. Imagine going to a service station and
setting up comfy chairs in the doorway, cheering and clapping as the
mechanics service and repair cars. Does that make any sense at all?
While we are so distracted, the people that are supposed to serve us
publicly are raping the country of its current and future resources,
selling off the nation's capital to their patrons, denying our children
their right of use forever. They are stacking the courts with at
minimum prejudice against us and at maximum completely corrupt
guidance having nothing to do with justice. And they allow a few thousand
thugs in the military industrial complex to steal our national identity
to start wars throughout the world in our name.
It is such a mess it offers nothing but opportunity for those that are willing to look and work. For example,
a story I heard once described two shoe salesmen sent to Africa to sell
shoes. One called his boss soon after arriving and said bring me home,
no one wears shoes. The other salesman called his boss and said send a
thousand pairs, no one has any.
This thing we call democracy, governance, news, schooling, and
employment are all broken, with a world economy in the trillions of
dollars. Clearly the world needs new shoes. The trick is to ambush the
existing system and convert it to our own use. Windows, the computer
mouse, the IPhone, IPad, Uber, Airbnb are all examples of that.
And every person alive is armed to
the teeth with weapons that
impossible to hijack. The only thing that can disable them is
- You have a brain
and can change your thinking.
- You have eyes
and you can read.
- You have money,
and no matter how little it is you can save some of it.
- You can say no
to everything. That includes propaganda, Facebook and Google,
advertisers trying to sell you stuff lying through their asses telling
you you will be a better person for it, religions telling you a woman
is inferior to a man and telling you you can't practice birth
control, politicians
telling you to vote for them using massive ad campaigns funded by
manipulative liars who want you to do things their way.
- You can vote any way you like.
- You can say one thing and do another.
- You can
advertise a new way of thinking and ideas even if it is on shirts you print or
markup with a felt pen yourself.
- You can educate
yourself and learn to think for yourself without someone telling you
you have to have a degree from some expensive college.
- You
can use
concepts you learned in boot camp if you served in the military to help
you change the
way you behave, and help others to do so to. Think of the colonists
banding together to beat the British. Small cells of independent,
swiftly moving adversaries. If the system works to get you to
kill people and bomb the hell out of them based entirely on
fabrications, imagine what can happen if every member of your
collaborative unit actually knows what is going on and pursues
legitimate missions to help members of the group and improve everyone's
- You
can ask
yourself if you were starting some business would you hire yourself if
you did not go to college? If the answer is that you would, then
who is a college degree important to? Obviously it is important to job
seekers who have never learned to think for themselves and are looking
for a corporate Mommy and Daddy to take care of them. If you have the cash, go,
but don't be afraid to continually educate
yourself using a
cheaper, faster and possibly better way to learn, especially in a world
which millions of people cannot afford college at all. Designing
your own curriculum may prove to be the best idea of all.
If you watch sports, you
see opposing teams trying to beat each other for a cup, a title
and all of the other benefits of playing competitively. The teams
and players get better by practicing and playing,
especially against highly skilled competitors that are better than
them. Competition raises the bar for everyone. Watch the movie
Moneyball to get an inkling of a true story in which individual
performance data
can be used to develop playing strategies. The importance of data in
determining human behavior and performance offers some insight into why
the intelligence agencies around the world collecting this data is such
a threat.
In the propagandized fantasy we live in we are supposed to be a happy employee,
deep in debt, working until our rich bosses can replace us with robots
and we get to go home and have some scuzzy politician try to figure out the least amount of money they can give us to shut
up and stay at home without working. And of course convince us that we should not rise up and throw the whole bunch out.
But there is a better way. The entire system is like a game, and we can learn to play it, using the weapons listed above
to out game the gamers.
Like in any game, it is important to learn and understand their
strategies and the tools at their disposal. Marcus
Aurelius (loosely the murdered Emperor in Gladiator) said
battle is determined by what stands in the way.
Sun Tzu
in the The
Art of War lists many thoughts for defeating an enemy, or a competitor. We are
fortunate to live in an age in which the enemy is overconfident and
hobbled by the need to spy continuously on us.
Their problem is that their spying depends almost entirely on our use of
electronics, and those can be shut off, blinded, traded among us to
give false readings, and our
networks can be undermined.
We can ditch Facebook and Google,
and we can search and connect though foreign non aligned states. We can
collaborate in teams on the sly, off grid and deliberately and
continuously input false data into the
system, for example looking up items we have no interest in, by
feeds that falsify our interests, and we can script and run completely
false communications in massive volumes that have no basis in our
reality, but are plausible. We can turn our electronics into massive
disinformation systems and infect and poison the entire infrastructure
they use to
monitor us. The more they apply algorithms to legitimize the
data, the more we can screw it up. We should use cash wherever
possible and ditch all forms of loyalty systems. What is a
little inconvenience when surrounded by an enemy in our own ranks that
is provably set to destroy us?
And their greatest inherent weakness is in the economic system itself because it requires active participation by us.
Break that link and you can pretty much undermine any aspect of the system to
benefit yourself. Watch the video in the link until you get what that
Israelis are one of the smartest and most organized groups in the
world, and they are doing three things that tell you what tactics are
useful against conduct like you see going on in America.
- They are doing everything possible to stop you managing your wallet as a weapon.
- They are trying to stifle free speech in America.
- They are trying to eliminate proof that they are abusing Palestinians.
If these things did
not work Israel would not spend 5 minutes on them. They work and
damage the most important thing to a capitalist, their wallets. So Game
On is simply understanding how things work and using active
measures to change
them to your own advantage.
Rather than live in fear and hopelessness waiting for some superhero
god to rescue you, look in the mirror to see one