"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops." - Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of." - James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788
This challenge to independent thinking is simply about
independent, self respecting Americans
considering an idea without blindly following some talking head in a
suit or uniform paid to start wars
and blow stuff up for profit. That at minimum is your obligation to
keep America the land the founding fathers anticipated, and not some
weapon for thugs to do with as they please.
Now here is the idea:
"Imagine having
some person or persons you have never seen before coming to your home
and property from another neighborhood, trying to steal your
possessions, beat or kill
your children, sneaking in and stealing or breaking your
equipment so you can't work, and then when you or one of your kids
tries to stop them, they beat you or them within an inch of your lives
or try to kill you. That SOB or SOBs will have their ass
shot off, right? And so it
absolutely should be.
Now adding to the narrative, the invaders claim you are a member of a church they don't agree with, or you are fat and ugly and you stink, and they don't like you in their neighborhood. Or they heard you discipline your kids, or they saw your spouse with bruises and figure some slovenly pig like you must beat her. Or they heard you support socialist or communist ideas. Maybe you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, or you support Trump. Or maybe you have a lot of guns, and they think you must be mentally ill so they want to kill you or drive you out of the neighborhood before you do something really bad."
So now you have a narrative for the attacker to manufacture
some justification for coming onto your property as described
If you are the person that owns the property they are invading, do you
really care what
the hell they think, or would you still shoot their ass off?
Now read this article and look for more research if you need further proof, and ask yourself whether you should be letting any clown from any administration past or present tell you what the foreign policy of your nation should be when they are using your good name and your country to do it. The same goes for jobs, immigration and everything else. Everyone has a right to protect themselves from people like the robbers described above. It is simply unacceptable when someone using your name and your country goes to another neighborhood to do something you yourself would not do if all the facts were known and on the table.
There is no question having a person who is mentally unstable
having nuclear weapons is a real problem that needs to be solved. Hell
if you watch the
news a huge number of people believe that applies to Trump,
not just
Kim Jong-un. What I am saying here is it is entirely possible North
Korean is terrified of a repeat of their experience with American
history and and are posting No
Trespassing and Armed Landowner signs to prevent a repeat of
that history.
Moreover, given all of the yapping about China, I have
no doubt the real pretext of this whole deal is to destroy and occupy
all of Korea, North and South so that the thugs using your name and
flag can militarize China's borders, and then sell you the idea that
killing millions of people makes America safer. Just like the guys
trying to
kill and rob you so they can have your stuff or get rid of your smelly
butt just in case you do something they might not like.
And you can think about the
idea above again, and ask yourself what you would do if you knew the
robbers were coming down the only road to your place to retaliate for
any whipping they might have received the first time.
Would you let them
come back and get close to your house and family? I don't think
so. Now look at a map of China and the risk of exposure they face
from a state they consider dangerous taking control of the waters off
their coast. Darn good idea to make that a highly dangerous task
if you are looking to defend your territory. The only question is
who is more dangerous, someone acting like the British your founders
ran off many years ago, and who have 900 military
bases all over the world pulling the same nonsense off, or somebody
with one base and a more than reasonable desire to defend vulnerable
borders. The real problem is China is playing the capitalist game
effectively while being a communist state, which to some is an
opportunity to foment continual wars.
The problem is, if the thugs in the military industrial complex
are only interested in surrounding China, which they have repeatedly
stated, there is no solution other than total destruction of the
Koreans and an occupation next to China's border. If you would
not let a neighbor come in and rob and kill you why the hell would
anyone else with a brain do so either. Just like you, they would
is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a
troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it
be left to irresponsible action." - George Washington
"Overgrown military establishments
are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be
regarded as particularly hostile to liberty." - George
You are simply the last stand against the crap your government
is trying to pull off in your name and nobody's freedom can be
entrusted to a bunch of bureaucrats
and elected officials who have
proven to be completely untrustworthy.
With a military budget greater
than the next ten countries combined, what is the justification for not
focusing on building an impenetrable fortress at home and curbing
military misadventures abroad that costs trillions and only expands the
number of nations that hate you. Unlike the states in the Middle
that simply do not have the resources to match America's military
might, China and Russia have a lot more going for them. For one
thing, they see a pack of thugs using America's power to bully,
manipulate and destroy the whole world to get their way.
Another article, this one in particular,
shows you just how screwed up bureaucrats get when they are given power
they do not deserve or have no right to when someone stands up to
them. If you watch the video in the article the council members are complaining
that someone has the money to defend themselves and their property which the poorer
members of the community do not. That attitude runs from top to
bottom in governments.
You would not put up with any of this so why should anyone else? This article
speaks to gun owners, which is articulated
in this article.