I spent years researching behavior modification at the theoretical and practical level. Behavioral Meta data is used in the determination of behavioral outcomes and underpins a multi trillion dollar global insurance industry. Analysis of volumes of personal data not only provides highly accurate predictions of what people will do and what their lives will be like, it can also be used to tailor programs to alter that behavior. And one of the most effective behavior change operations in the world is the military. In a quest to understand their methodology,J. Edgar Hoover asked my relative to take over several horse racing tracks Hoover said were run by undesirable elements. One of the tracks he purchased on Hoover’s say so was Bowie race track, located just outside DC in Bowie, Maryland. Hoover bet on the horses from time to time and would not be around people he did not trust.
When Edward Snowdon exposed the NSA’s global surveillance programs run by the NSA and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments, my research and experience told me that contrary to the intelligence community's claims that their surveillance operations were to protect America from its enemies, they were actually running a behavior control operation modeled on the Nazi’s propaganda machine and imitating J. Edgar Hoover’s political shakedown operation he used to maintain total control of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 until his death in 1972. The FBI link acknowledges the files, and here is a link to Hoover's Files, among other things the ultimate shakedown collection. Sound familiar? If you have time, here is how it works.
Rather than tear your hair out trying to understand how it all works, or getting caught up in the lies and propaganda that are sure to follow, simply think this through for yourself. Imagine you have a recording of every phone call, text message, email, credit card and bank statement, and anything else you could think of on anyone, for years, stored electronically so you can pull it up on a computer and listen to it, read it, save it or whatever. And that every contact, acquaintance, people that crossed paths with your target even occasionally were linked to their file, and you had the same amount of information on them.Now
include in
collection of information audio and video recordings from
their homes and offices, and history of their every movement.
Add to that scenario
protections that place your surveillance operations above the law
because you
can label any of them top secret and a
matter of national security. And know that
can send in the tax department or any other government agency to
and possibly destroy your target's businesses and their
livelihood. Imagine
snaring murderers and
drug dealers
in your clandestine operation which gives you the leverage to
trade one of
the blackmail rain checks you hold on one of these serious criminals to
get them
to frame or murder your target, an illegal act you can cover up because
you are
the only one investigating it. That is the power the
intelligence agencies wield.
With this kind of surveillance do you think you could catch people with serious skeletons in their closet and coerce them to do exactly what you want? Now you can imagine why politicians huff and puff and keep giving these guys whatever they want. You don’t have to be a genius or well read at all to figure it out. These guys can probably shake down Mother Theresa. James Comey may have got his hands on Hoover’s old underwear and started wearing them to give him Hoover’s balls. Good thing that backfired.
I have no idea what kind of President Donald Trump will end up being and to me it does not matter at all. I am only interested in seeing who his behavior flushes out of the swamp. Like the Pied Piper, Trump is swarmed with rats. The disruption Trump sparks and the massive propaganda campaigns launched to derail him, which includes the propagandized derision of the American people who voted for him, calling them deplorable, uneducated and white supremacists have supplied an abundance of targets. Visibility is the enemy of covert activity, which includes propaganda posing as news and legitimate opinion.
For the large segment of the population who realize upsetting the corrupt status quo in Washington as well as other political capitals around the world is a good thing, then the election of Trump can be looked at as flushing out a constant stream of rats. Now is the time to start eliminating their food sources.
This especially true when the rats flushed out include the intelligence community, a singular collection of accomplished liars, abusers of citizens, violators of the US Constitution, a group that imported Nazis from Germany after the war, protected them from prosecution so that they could learn their tactics, including the Nazis they kept in charge of the concentration camps in Germany even after the war was over.
Simply put, their entire stock in trade is manipulating everyone for clandestine and illicit purposes. They have systematically institutionalized evil which is now embraced as normal behavior and duty by personnel in exactly the same way such conduct occurred in NAZI Germany. They are America's Fourth Reich, the true enemy of the people...
The only refuge these thugs have is secrecy. And even then the cloak is not enough to cover their lies. They are simply anti-citizen, liars and anyone who says they should be protected probably is knee deep in crap the spooks know about and have over them or they themselves are complicit using the intelligence community's bad behavior for their own purposes.
When you read it you quickly understand the Nunes' memo had nothing to do with revealing secrets about the intelligence community's data collection methodology. They are fighting simply to prevent public backlash for a little sunlight on their activities, a not so subtle enterprise willfully manipulating domestic elections among a host of other things we can easily determine with minimal research.
The real problem the Nunes memo sparks discussion on is captured in the questioning by Trey Gowdy in the "manipulating" link above and is the real basis of the the complaint against the FBI. To say the people identified in Gowdy's questioning and those who manage them are a group of dedicated professionals that are being damaged by what is going on is a joke. Easy to find research disqualifies the intelligence community from any kind of sympathy. When you see anything excusing their behavior, if you research it at all, you can see paid trolls trying to shape public opinion and you can disregard it. If you take all of your news and information in sound bites however, then you will be a victim. What these clowns need is far more oversight from people like you, and their squealing and bleating, fully feigned with crocodile tears, is just political sleight of hand meant to avert your attention.
If the rank and file can get away with the conduct their emails disclosed, the entire group is rotten to the core and the people who manage them are even worse. If you went into any store and the employees treated you like the FBI employees were caught doing in this case, you would be incensed. And you would be right to conclude that management of the store was rotten, after all they run the place. They clearly feel no obligation to the American public even though they are public servants who suck up a lot of money and want to be completely unaccountable to anyone.
Then to threaten a duly elected government and all of its representatives, backed by the news media, shows why the public, even if it is only the half that voted Republican, need to react aggressively to the threat posed by the intelligence community. Who do these guys think they are and who do they work for? They would like to make this look like it is all about Trump. Bullshit. It is all about their willingness to lie continuously and secretly manipulate the public. It does not matter what kind of person Trump is. Their conduct is completely separate, and history has repeatedly shown what these guys are made of and has well documented again and again.
"Purpose of counter-intelligence action is to disrupt and it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge. If facts are present it aids in the success of the proposal but the Bureau feels … that disruption can be accomplished without facts to back it up." - J. Edgar Hoover
"Well, who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” – Chico Marx
US Army STP 33-3711-OFS Officer
Foundation Standards II Psychological Operations (37A) Officer's Manual
as much and is
designed to train officers in behavior control and
propaganda missions. The manual is interesting
because Figure P-1 lists
useful academic disciplines officers should have a background, and
which cover
just about every aspect of human life. These disciplines are
targets for
military manipulation and control.
The intent is to infiltrate or even worse, work cooperatively with
organizations in these fields to manipulate the information we make
decisions with to control our
behavior. Clearly it is not too hard with
broadcasters. They are slobbering all over their shirts to peddle
The campaign attacking Trump makes it easy to spot and
target these situations,
especially in circumstances in which the
intelligence community, the real enemies of the
are so certain they can control all
challenges to their corruption they are willing to stand in
the open in
plain sight without
any fear at all (2
CNN). The British made that mistake with the
It is a matter of public record that the intelligence services interfered in the election of Clinton and now Trump, as well as reportedly 80 foreign nations which has also been well documented historically. Their actions are simply unregulated criminal activity which no politician has the balls to challenge for fear of blackmail or worse.
The image above is a snapshot of Google Analytics session logs for my web sites which list some of the government agencies and military organizations following my site along with a few others in this list. Since I have never received a letter from any of these firms thanking me for acknowledging how great the behavior change and propaganda processes they have developed are, I can only assume they are unhappy about you knowing how they work.
is this important to know? The public is led to believe its
intelligence agencies are about protecting them from external enemies.
That is a pretext. The reality is we live in a
system in which there are so few real capitalists they
might as well be extinct. A capitalist is simply someone who
assets that produce his/her wealth, and not simply their labor. A
job is not capitalism. If you look at the policies America
on the world, behind them you can see they are all about money.
Typically for large American corporations in oil and gas
exploration, resource development and so on. Essentially the
exploitation of other countries' resources, which they agree to or else
they are bombed, murdered, or their governments are toppled etc. (I
refer you back to the 7 MINUTE READ AGAIN.) This
as you would expect, upsets them and so they fight back. And being that
they are out gunned, they resort to guerrilla tactics. So
then we
arm factions in their country to disrupt them and the military
industrial complex profits. So far so good, but then every
in a while the people wake up, like in the Vietnam war, and
become dangerous to this Ponzi scheme, especially since they
have trained so many citizens over the years to fight. Now
have to control us, which means they need to know as much as
possible about us, our meta data and so on.
If that does not work, then of course you can always give them a trade, or infiltrate their movie going experience with "accurate propaganda."
the links below, for a little sunshine on their propaganda
activities A review of the finely
tuned the tactics of lying, deception, propaganda and murder in
nearly 80
foreign nations, as the following links touch on. None of these
nations were ever in a position
to threaten the United States militarily: (1)
(5) (6)
(14) (15)
and on and on and on and on. Now that these tactics have been
honed on
victims worldwide it is only logical to
use the same tactics at home. Movie anyone? They must think people
can't read and no one in the press cares. Really?
As with any disruptive conflict, every form of attack is dangerous not only for the intended victims but also their initiators and the innocent members of the public in the line of fire.
For example, the Democrats used the nuclear option to clear the way for the election of 132 liberal judges they wanted to stack the courts with. With the shoe on the other foot, the Republicans are using the tactic to elect their own slate of conservative judges, including Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. That disruption will yield conservative court decisions for 30 years or more with the Republicans in a position to stack the courts with judges that will cast rulings favorable to their constituents long after the party loses control of the government.
Why is this important to know? The courts are supposed to be neutral arbiters of justice regardless of political stripe. Both parties have made it abundantly clear to the American people that their courts are not about justice but about manipulation and control of the structural foundation of the nation. Simply stated, place no faith at all in the idea that justice is served in the courts. The courts have become commercial markets like everything else. The key now is to subject their conduct to intense scrutiny and make extensive notes of their bad behavior. These notes are important and will prove useful in the future.
Another example is the fight over DACA. The Democrats internal documentation reveals one reason they want illegal immigrants to stay in the country is because they have large families and chains of relatives that will be beholden to them and will vote for a Democratic Party that lets them violate American immigration laws.
The Democrats are trying to cover their tracks and cynically propagandize the issue to manipulate voters by labeling it as kindness and putting babies’ faces behind it. However stacking voting roles with people who deliberately violate the law so they can gerrymander elections to gain power is no way to run a country. That kind of behavior used to be called bribery and vote buying.
Without a doubt illegal immigrants have needs, but what use are immigration policies and borders if the legal citizens MOST affected by these policies have no say in what goes on and are not dealt with fairly? Vote rigging is not a policy.
The Pope talks kindness
because aliens fill
pews and collection plates in Catholic
Churches. Notice however the Catholic Church’s kindness
runs out
when it closes parishes and uses other legal
trickery to
compensating victims of priests’
sexual abuse, including using
financial spreadsheets to relocate
and keep track of serial abusing priests. Maybe Bill Gates is
really God and is
helping the Church use Microsoft’s business software to manage the
risk of diddlers and perverts in their ranks. Oh wait a minute, God
would not do that, right? So then Bill may be secretly the
and he has found willing devotees in the church, fallen angels as such.
Now it makes sense! The Pope too?
I guess Time lost its stomach. Here is another link on the Pope coverup again. Wow.
Hey, do fallen angels get horns or are their wings just a little
singed by fire? I was thinking of where the pope would hide his horns
under that beanie.
In reading the attached links it’s also odd that the Church claims to need its buildings to keep doing good works. If the so called purveyors of the word of their gods can’t do so with a bare minimum of stuff, then you can be pretty much assured their churches have become marketplaces too.
I have not read anywhere that Jesus was a real estate developer that needed buildings to reach the masses. The only guys that ever made church buildings their focus were the money changers and merchants exploiting the poor in the temples as depicted in this picture from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC titled “Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple” by EL Greco. Some things never change.
America does not owe businesses anywhere the right to break the law under the phony claim of helping illegal aliens. If there was no money in it these lying hypocrites would be long gone. Let’s call a spade a spade and tell these creeps to pay fair wages to legal Americans first and manage their businesses better. Better yet, find out who they are and refuse to buy anything from them.
And if they want to use robots to replace workers, that is easy for everyone to remedy. These abusers of American privilege need to realize purchasing their goods and services is a volunteer activity, and so is keeping our wallets closed. Nothing anyone makes is a mandatory purchase except perhaps for drugs to treat illness and we all know how that works in America.
What is also not being discussed is the fact that the United States already has a legal immigration process that people can apply for. However those who enter illegally have no automatic right to do so. The corporate controlled media likes to propagandize the issue as one of kindness and call the illegal entrants “Dreamers” which is simply another term for “Law Breakers Who Want Automatic Pardons”. This propaganda tries to make it look like those who object are picking on babies and people with dreams. Nice try.
Home invaders have dreams too. We do not glamorize their dreams just because they might be poor and need to steal someone else’s personal property to have a better life.
Politicians who deliberately undermine America’s immigration laws and borders are simply finding another way to whip the most vulnerable American workers into submission and take away their power to bargain in a capitalistic system that is being operated as a form of economic slavery instead of a tide that lifts all boats. The media spin on the matter is simply an attempt to turn innocent and trusting people into compliant victims by blabbing on about babies and dreams.
A third example is the view of Trump portrayed by the media. There is no question Trump says some unacceptable things. Yes, his behavior can be like that of a locker room frat boy. Trump does not own that kind of talk or attitude and while the press would have you believe he does read the interview with Quincy Jones to see what I mean. Money and power do not magically bring good manners and appropriate behavior to the table. That is not a condemnation of Quincy Jones, who is a wonderful example of accomplishment, but simply an observation of what has passed as a type of behavior that never attracted much notice in the past. Things change as they must.
Trump was elected by talking about issues that are derided as “populist” as if support for the average person is in some way a bad thing. If you believe the average person with a blue collar job, single parents who are divorced and struggle, people whose upbringing has not helped them, which includes parents, friends and schools, all deserve to be poor and disadvantaged, then stop reading now.
If on the other hand, you think that it is important to try and make society work for everyone, then there are simple tests you can do yourself to see if populist concerns are being addressed and are not simply lies to get votes. The tests are simply “do I have more money in my pocket today that I did two years ago, are there more well-paying jobs available today with job security than there were in years past, can I participate in a capitalist economy as a capitalist and not an employee and have money and assets that make me enough money to live comfortably, and can I afford health care for myself and my family?” If these questions are not all answered positively for you personally, then whoever you elected to represent you is failing.
One thing for certain is that the anti-Trump campaign is a training ground for the use of “disrupt and disable” propaganda. Think of these tactics as gerrymandering losing. Now that the gloves are off and decorum is in the dustbin every sexcapade, every errant comment, every accusation, every business mistake, every leering gesture can be weaponized.
And in a stroke of good luck for everyone, they only have to discover and document potential disruptors and make them public in media they control to start the battle. Porn stars, good looking interns and friends who they have discussed things with can all get in on the act. The so called high and mighty can be brought down by anyone.
The women that came forward in the Judge Roy Moore election sunk him, as did those who sunk Harvey Weinstein. If there had there not been a media battle to expose Trump by movie stars in an industry with closets full of sexual abusers, these women’s voices may never have been heard. It’s about time.
The bad news in all of this, Trump may prove as gutless and as easy to manipulate as his predecessors when it comes to threats by the military industrial complex.
Some believe the news media is so tightly controlled they can hold a large part of their audience captive and in the process block anything that damages their clients while continuing to spew out propaganda favorable to their rich and powerful clients without being held to account. That assumption is doubtful and here are several examples of why.
Real estate developers use their wealth and influence to secure billions of dollars in prime real estate locations and control access to them to capitalize on the retail traffic they generate to maximize their return on investment. This strategy is similar to the idea of British troops holding the high ground or advantageous military positions with troop deployments in the American Revolutionary War.
There is only one problem with these strategies, they cannot prevent disruption. At the outset the colonists were not in a position to directly confront the British on their terms and were forced to use disruptive tactics they learned from the Indians which included ambushing the British soldiers by hiding behind trees. Of course the British found this conduct highly undignified much like Trump is accused of but it worked. So much for decorum, dead British guys.
And similarly, the more
than 1.3 million virtual storefronts
Amazon which account
for more than 40% of Amazon’s $136 billion in sales cannot
afford to and
have no reason to take on retail stores by paying a fortune to real
developers for space. Instead they are ambushing traditional
brick and mortar
stores from their virtual tree line on Amazon, disrupting
and decimating
these conventional stores in the process. And like in any war, when
drop precipitously
these high ground expensive retail locations become debt
graveyards. Sure some may come back, but not in their present
Why does it matter? In today’s virtual world news and information are
not held
captive like goods offered in prime retail locations occupied by chain
storefronts. What will happen when billions of people start
keeping their own
counsel and know how to gather and publish news from virtual sources
control? And what happens when small businesses figure out
that direct,
non-manipulative relationships with their customers who they reach by
advertising in local media outlets is cheaper and more effective than
the lying
and manipulation of their trust by major companies who spy on them with
impunity as if it is their right?
craft beer industry provides one perspective on that idea.
Craft beers are
locally produced and take
market share away from the major brands. Why? They
have a unique taste and
offer more options, are community based and their owners and producers
direct relationships with their customers.
When customers realize products mass produced by companies
abuse their responsibility to the nation they come from come
with serious trade-offs and subject them to the whims of marketplace
brutality, they will
begin to adopt personal money management practices that give them far
options that they have now. The BDS
Movement is one such example of personal money management.
The BDS Movement simply is about refusing to purchase products and services from companies and countries that support unacceptable treatment of human beings. That is one of the inherent powers of a democratic system. You can spend your money any way you want. The Jews are some of the best merchants in the world and they have tried to make wallet management illegal, to try and prevent people from realizing that their purchasing power or lack thereof is a potent weapon. Israel's influence is far more pervasive than anything the Russians contemplated, and they are trying to make your economic power illegal in the United States. That has failed so far.
This attempt to undermine the American constitution and your right to free speech raises very serious questions you must confront. Israel, a foreign nation is behind these attacks on your rights and the American constitution. How can Israel get away with attacking your rights as an American, and yet Russia is vilified for doing the same thing. Neither country is entitled to do so. It is worth asking your elected representatives what they are doing allowing a foreign power to attack your American constitutional rights in this way. More importantly, you should see their doing so as an opportunity. Think of it as finding a competitor's play book that you can study and master.
You are the most powerful person in your world if you control and save whatever money you have, organize and punish individuals and corporations that try to screw you. Imagine 200,000 people refusing to buy a General Motors, Ford or Volkswagen product again, with evidence to explain why. That is why Trump's election is so positive. He may prove to be the most terrible President ever elected, but he has sure stirred up the rats. That is good news for you.
That potential for disruption is one of the reasons government, political leaders and businesses are trying to shut down and control access to information that allows the public to make decisions that undermine global control by the largest companies. The largest companies are the ones that hire lobbyists, pay off lawyers, judges and politicians, use trickery to avoid paying taxes in the markets they exploit, and use propaganda to sell stuff people more often than not do not need. They also undermine environmental protection and consumer protection laws and move their plants to third world countries to avoid paying decent wages.
To put that in perspective, how many small local businesses are willing to pay lobbyists to corrupt local politicians, undermine the trust of their customers by spying on them and giving the information to the intelligence services under threat, by manipulating their product offerings to deceive their customers, to threaten their customer’s right to earn a living by hiring illegal workers, to be caught abusing their employees financially, sexually or emotionally and by deliberately dumping toxins into the neighborhoods they live in? All of these things are enormously risky and damaging when doing business in a local community that is familiar with your business and can, if so inclined, hold your business accountable for these actions.
What is the media's Achilles heel? News costs money to produce. Reporters and investigations are expensive, and the news of the type linked in this site damages the propaganda narrative. The fact that this type of news gets out at all should tell you that the national narrative you are constantly bombarded with is only one side of the story. There are definitely two sides. Moreover, this article on advertising tells you everything you need to know about media organizations. Simply put, their organizations are supported by advertising, which is manipulation and falsehoods to get you to buy something you don't need. Hell, if you can get people to believe anything with an advertising model, why spend money collecting real news which is a business expense. Just make crap up and embellish it with talking heads, big boobs and righteous indignation, that works.
In an upcoming link, I outline how to create a local news organization and by pass the existing controlled media infrastructure completely. It is neither fancy nor expensive to do. In this link is one of many ideas on how it can work and as I said it does not have to be fancy. The last place you need to look for validation of any material is in the news media by itself. Media organizations have become continuous advertorials and propaganda rags. Continually read and research anything that you are interested in. The Internet is the least expensive and most accessible library you will ever find, and while there is a lot of misinformation, remember nearly every public library, research publication, university library and billions of articles are online. Plus, through Amazon I would guess nearly every book in the world is online to buy new or used, and every book that is out of print can be found somewhere. As for the idea that some of the more loony opinions out there have no value, think of this. If those people believe what they are saying, regardless of how far it is from what you may think, they are a force capable of being organized as well.THE NEED FOR DISRUPTION
When change is needed disruption is a critical motive force, and to counter it proponents of the status quo will do everything in their power to kill the intended change.
The ride sharing service Uber is an example of such disruption. The established taxi industry worldwide was happily ripping off its passengers for years and had manipulated the laws allowing them to do so until Uber came along with a way give taxi riders a better deal and challenge their dominance.
Far be it from established taxi services and their mercenary lawyers, businessmen and the politicians they grease to actually give a damn about customers that need fast, flexible and more reasonably priced public transport. The fact that taxi boards throughout the world did not create an Uber solution is all you need to know about the need for disruptive change.
If Uber dies it won’t be because its customers don’t want the service, it will be the result of disrupt and disable campaigns killing Uber combined with Uber’s own mistakes. The taxi owning incumbents and their mercenaries will launch media campaigns all over the world to convince you their actions are intended to make you safer, block bad people from driving and to protect you from whatever scary things they can invent, all of course allowing their monopolies to continue. I suppose they could try calling taxi riders white supremacists and Deplorables to shame them if they use Uber.
In this link Slate magazine tells the story of the people of Iceland who were fed up with being screwed by their politicians, bankers and the global elite. The people of Iceland wanted to create a new constitution that the people themselves created to change the exploitive arrangement they lived under. This article talks about Iceland’s elites blocking the change. The status quo and laws erected to protect it are what utterly destroy freedom.
many British laws did the colonists disrupt and violate to get
free of their British oppressors? If the “rule of law” is the
only thing that
counts, then the colonists and founding fathers are guilty of the
crimes against Britain and America should revert back to a British