Why Link to DrudgeReport?
DrudgeReport loads extremely fast and its index
approach makes it easy to lookup and find current news in politics and
power quickly. Compare their time on site numbers with CNN. Users are staying on Drudge 23 minutes vs 4 minutes for CNN. DrudgeReport
aggregates most
major news organizations in one easy to find
place. There is no attempt to stop you from getting news from another
site or hold you hostage to Drudge. Look at the way CNN works or
some of the other majors to compare the behavior. This web traffic
report says it all. Customers prefer to choose what they read,
from any source they want.

Some people suggest DrudgeReport is
a conservative site. Look at the links and see who is missing. DrudgeReport's
user interface and indexed approach are simply good design. I was
involved in a
interface project trying to present hundreds of pages of information
that had to be accessible. After a lot of experimenting, we went back
the tree structure used in Windows because people are used
to and it works. But to illustrate the point, here are four sites of more on the web if you
want to look for them that also display news sites from all over the
world. Think of being in a hurry to scan the news and click on
the layouts below to see
which of these you think works better than the simple 3 column newspaper layout and indexes Drudge mimics:
- Sample1 (https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/news.html#TheAmericas)
- Sample2 (http://www.thebigproject.co.uk/news/)
- Sample3 (http://www.abyznewslinks.com/allco.htm)
- Sample4 (http://www.newslink.org/)
DrudgeReport is ranked
higher than the New York Times and Washington Post in the United
States in terms of page views, time on the site and unique views at the time of measurement. Now
here is what
is interesting. The New York Times
reportedly has more than 1,000 college educated, highly paid and
intelligent people
running their site and yet readers
prefer DrudgeReport. Matt Drudge said he started out alone in his
apartment with
his cat, and today still may only have a few part time employees.
Drudge says he picks headlines that interest him, and
links to them. He does not editorialize these headlines, although
you could say his
picks are a form of editorializing. A lot of people must
like the same things as Matt Drudge does.
The third reason we link to the site is because
of Matt Drudge's attitude. Matt
Drudge is
not a me too clone stamped out by a University, he is self taught
and follows his instinct,
which is a hint of what you can do if you try. Why is that important?
Because there is a movement, a form of manipulation of society into
brainwashing you with the idea that where you are educated, who you
work for, the schools you
attend, make you a better person. What about a Drudge, a Steve Jobs, a
Thomas Edison, or a Henry Ford? Are you going to say they went to
the wrong school? Whatever lack of a fancy school they did not have
clearly did not hurt them. It may be that a manipulated and conditioned
mind is actually a problem, not a benefit. If you live in a
capitalist, free market economy you should know how to earn money like
a capitalist, not be trained like a replaceable rat in a maze.
That ranking concept leads to hubris suggesting if you did not go to a
good college and
if you have dirt in your fingernails, you are at the bottom of the
human scale and have to accept crumbs. I don't think so. Watch the
video in this link and you can see the entire process play out. It is Matt Drudge
speaking at the National
Press Club in 1998.
You will notice how the audience questions his training and
credentials. They
question how he researches things. They question how and if he
uses sources. You will notice they appear not understand the
Internet at all. They appear to be upset he broke the Monica
Lewinsky story before they did, and challenged his methods. I thought
it funny when they questioned Drudge about his sourcing and he said he
knocked on Monica Lewinsky's door at home but she did not answer.
The people questioning Drudge would have paid a lot of money to go
to a good college, bought the right clothes and leased, bought,
whatever, a fancy car in time to finally get a job with a major news
and then along comes a guy living in his apartment with a cat who
never went to college, and his site is kicking their asses. You can
imagine how that feels.
Thomas Edison was taught at home by his mother, Steve Jobs dropped
out of school, Drudge apparently never went, nor did Henry Ford. The
lesson is
when you continually follow other people you are slotted like rats in
a maze. A huge number of the world greatest inventions were
developed by people who simply tried and worked hard at it. You
owe it to yourself and your children to break the mold of being the
same as everyone else. Look at Drudge.