The Shadow Government - The Deep State

Shadow Government

Trump For President and Why You Should Care

If every article needs a reason or a purpose explained at the beginning, then this is mine.  I have watched politicians for much of my life get elected and do the exact opposite of what they said they would do when they were elected. When they are in power politicians are able to use their position of power, influence and secrecy to fundamentally alter or even destroy society. 

They supposedly are public servants.  Becoming an elected public servant is not like winning the Superbowl.  You don't suddenly get to cash in with endorsements, being idolized and have your contract value go up.  To my way of thinking being elected a top public servant is like being awarded Mother Theresa's job, a life of hard work and dedication to those who most need help.  The closest thing I can think of to that type of behavior is Jose Mujica, Uruguay's maverick president.  There are not many people like him and it seems they are considered dangerous to the wealthy and powerful when they take office.

Donald Trump is not a politician and the more hated and reviled he is the more certain I am he should be elected.  I cannot imagine how 4 more years of the liars passing themselves off as public servants is any kind of win for any nation.  I cannot apologize for all the things Trump does to step in it, but I do not see one other legitimate political outsider applying for the job, and frankly, you would have to be just plain nuts to run that gauntlet.  I personally would rather see a homeless person running than a politician. Trump at least has done something with his life.  Getting paid off by the Koch brothers does not qualify as doing something.

There was a time when America was a great nation. Slowly, over time, as anticipated by the founders of the nation, corrupt and deviant insiders seeking power and profit have deliberately blinded American citizens and have stolen control of America's military power to run the largest protection racket/scheme on earth. That racket includes leveraging compliant NATO allies and
corrupt governments who personally benefit by support the scheme in other territories, including as an example the Saudi Royal family and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. The linked document at the end of this site lists hundreds of direct and indirect links confirming this is the case.

The 2016 Primaries were initially about putting insiders
into the government who can be controlled by the Deep State profiting from the processes they have corrupted or stolen. The insiders were supposed to hold on to or win control of the operation of the scheme, and the primaries would have gone on as planned had Donald Trump not upset what was essentially a game that only insiders are supposed to be involved in.

"Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide." - John Adams, Letter, April 15, 1814

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” - James Madison

"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."" - John Adams

What they overlooked is the fact that Trump is a sophisticated marketer pursuing a populist agenda that appeals to the 70 percent of Americans that do not benefit equivalently from the political and economic system they live in. Trump's haircut charade with Vince McMahon is an indicator of his knowing how to connect with an audience. While everyone else is targeting people they prefer to deal with, and their advisers are telling them Trump is a bubble, Trump continues to go to what looks like the casino. Trump knows from experience the people that sit in front of the slot machines and the tables are there not for entertainment or religion, but to try and solve some economic problem, even to the point of playing a losing bet to try and get ahead. Trump is talking to money and job stability, which illegal immigrants and bad economic deals he keeps on pointing to both impact.

Proof of this can be seen in the fact that Ted Cruz is not defeating Trump soundly and should be if religion and integrity were the main issues.
Using Romney as an attack dog was also a mistake. The Mormon faith is built on seriously questionable grounds as indicated further down, and trotting Romney out as an example of why the average American should listen to his message as if he is some beacon of religious integrity is an error. Unless Romney can raise the dead, he is a dead issue.  But if you really want to understand the value of a good story leading to a delusion fooling millions, the history of the Mormon Church points in that direction.  Before you lose your cookies over that statement, remember the invention of Mormonism is one of the first religions whose founder was subject to a real media glare.  I would bet there probably would be no religions if every one of their founders had to run the media gauntlet of legitimate reporting. On the other hand, when you consider Jonestown and Warren Jeffs you pretty much understand people can be persuaded to believe anything.  The saying are you going to believe your lying eyes is relevant.

Going even farther, Rubio mentioning Trump's penis size by referring to his hands was another dud given that the widespread availability of pornography on the internet makes many men fear their members may not be big enough. However if it was calculated solely to anger Trump, it worked but I can't see how it won Rubio any points at all. It does reflect the desperation of the party however. The increasing number of attacks on Trump are not evidence of what might be wrong with Trump, but rather how far the insiders who are desperate to maintain the status quo will go.

I find the ferocity of the attacks against Trump the most interesting part of all this.  George Bush was a total liar and a sneak who murdered innocent people and destroyed a country to steal its oil, and the dynasty as far back as Prescott Bush was involved in the destruction of innocent people for a profit, and yet no one is upset or writing truthfully about it. The truth is backed up so far in everyone's colon they are constipated and Donald Trump is the Ex-Lax.  May his supporters force feed it to those that think they know better until their pants are full.

The majority of 
people in developed countries understand politicians are liars and thieves and their governments have been corrupted by corporate influence. The sense of hopelessness that engenders suggests at least one reason less than 38% of Americans bother to vote. The 1% appear to believe the majority of people deserve what they have and are just freeloaders that need to be put in their place. I suspect that belief is responsible for turning America into a prison without walls using behavior control and surveillance. 

When Edward Snowden revealed the NSA was collecting personal data on everyone in the world I immediately recognized the
type of data the NSA was collecting was for use in behavior control and propaganda. The NSA was collecting way too much data on too many people for it to be about terrorism alone, and much of the data was not relevant to spotting terrorists at all. Any well run terrorist organization will simply make their members disappear electronically, exactly like Homeland Security recommends for its people. Terrorism is a pretext and part of an elaborate marketing campaign to sell us on their collecting our data without a lot of questions. Most people do not realize how data is used to control behavior, and if the public realized the data collection is about leashing them like dogs there can and should be a revolt.  Not a violent revolt, which plays into their hands, but an economic revolt.  For example, if Ford moves its plants to Mexico, stop buying Fords.  Perhaps for 5 years, maybe 10.  There will be a huge hue and cry you will be costing others jobs, and the economy will collapse.  Wrong, there are other producers that will fill the void.  The same is true with banks.  There are alternatives.  Shift to them.  And if you are concerned about Ford employees, ask them what role they had in moving Ford plants to Mexico.  If they were behind it, then there should be no problem buying nothing from Ford.  What if they had nothing at all to do with it?  There is a challenge for you to figure out.

I knew behavior control and propaganda were the real objectives because I was involved in training life insurance people and my father and a group of investors had also started a life insurance company. Having and actuarially analyzing behavior data is the foundation of a life insurance company. With this information an insurer can predict how long a person will live, how healthy they will be and how many accident and disability claims they will have among a long list of other things such data provides. This data is also critical to changing behavior and designing propaganda.

In spite of tremendous resources supplied to new agents by insurers, most failed and I wanted to know why. I knew the military could make major changes to people's behavior in a matter of months and wanted to know how they did it. Through a relative who owned Bowie Race Track outside the Beltway and who was friends with J Edgar Hoover, I was able to gain access to information and techniques the military used to change behavior and use them in training agents.

The military has been working on methods to manipulate and control behavior for more than 60 years. People's habitual behavior makes them amazingly predictable and having extensive behavior data on them makes it possible to create programs to change and control their behavior without their knowledge or consent. A number of US military manuals setting out the military approach to that objective are linked here (-1-, -2-, -3-) and several examples of field deployment of the methodology set out in the manuals can be found here (4, 5.) 

In my main site and in a few of the links in this article I provide information on the lies politicians tell to make war a permanent fixture in our lives in order force the protection racket on the world and at home to create misplaced fear justifying the operation of a human dog pound managed by total surveillance.

A protection scheme or racket cannot operate in a so-called free country unless the people are lulled into accepting it. So instead of them beating us senseless directly, they allow militarized and brutal police to put on just enough of a show to make us think twice before deciding we should do something, and they stir everyone else up outside our borders to create enemies that justify their continuing use of force.

In the meantime, under the cover of lies and pretexts, members of the military industrial complex and corrupt officials like Dick Cheney expanded the scheme for greed and profit with everyone else becoming victims. The politicians get paid off with jobs, consulting contracts, appointments to boards and in some cases access to all of our kids they and their contacts can sexually abuse. Unfortunately people in power can also cover their activities up and block prosecution.

Propagandizing and behaviorally controlling citizens
helps to keep them in line and stop them from asking too many questions. The information we are provided with is mostly lies allowing one corrupt administration after another to shake down the world in our names while we sit back and imagine they are defending us. They dominate us not by beating us physically, but by beating us mentally using propaganda and behavior control techniques.

The people we elect should be preventing this type of conduct and are not, which is why as an alternative approach I think supporting non politicians may provide some break in business as usual in government and expose their conduct.

Trump is proving not to be smooth, proper, polite, or even very likable to anyone. But he is gaining strength because he is like Rocky standing in front of these guys, taking face punch after face punch, being stabbed in the back repeatedly, being called every kind of name, having his penis size challenged and facing every accusation imaginable and he is not backing down. His willingness to take a beating from these guys is actually putting a face to the ill will the public feels towards politicians generally. If Trump offers them a way to exact revenge on the political class and send them a message indicating they will vote for whomever they please, they could just be willing to back him to the end.  His being beaten senseless and still winning may be the publics' way of exacting revenge on people they despise.

The fact that politicians all over the world are attacking Trump tells me any outsider winning anywhere is of serious concern to those in on the scheme. Jeremy Corbin is an example of that in the UK. And Iceland for example jailed its bankers in the 2007-2008 financial crisis, bankrupt its banks, and forced creditors to take a haircut in the settlement. You will not hear of such independent and unruly behavior by citizens in the media because it sets a bad example for those who are trying to maintain control over their citizens, which is very much a matter of maintaining belief in their propaganda. 

Are There Alternatives?

The US primaries are on to elect a candidate for both parties. The mudslinging and muck raking that is occurring is more like schoolyard name calling than a race for the most important bully pulpit on earth. Everyone is trying to make an issue about Trump. They say he is a boor, racist, flip flopper, bully, failure and everything they can throw at him.

Donald Trump is dangerous because he has never been trained into the family. He has not kissed any rings and
was not indoctrinated into the political version of Omertà, the mafia code of silence about non interference in the activities of the other families and the tacit agreement not to report their crimes. So by virtue of his big mouth and short temper which can be provoked by challenging his penis size, every time he speaks there is a good chance he will expose issues that are on the minds of citizens but that the members of the political mafia on both sides of the floor have agreed are taboo.

Under fire Trump had to admit he contributed to every politician's coffers to "get along." Does "getting along" mean politicians are gatekeepers to freedom and opportunity and if you will not or cannot pay them off you lose? 
Rather than this being a condemnation of Trump being a flip flopper it is an absolute condemnation of politicians who are in a position to shake businesses down for what are effectively payoffs, even if they are to be used to keep them and their fellow thieves in power and not go straight into their pockets. No matter what you call that behavior it is the same graft the US Department of Justice accuses FIFA officials of and the fact that there is a common belief you can't get along if you don't kick in to their coffers is a real issue. 

It is interesting that Trump is now also being accused of involvement with the mafia. The Fast Company article states "John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan" all had links to organized crime figures. But what is most interesting is their statement "Almost a dozen former FBI agents and DGE investigators interviewed by Fast Company" stressed "most developers in New York in the 1970s and 1980s couldn’t avoid dealing with contractors linked to organized crime since the mob had a stranglehold on the industry."

If it is possible for a corrupt criminal group to get a stranglehold on construction in a massive city like New York, it should be no surprise that a criminal group of political insiders in Washington, with their ability to claim national security to completely shut down oversight and who are actually completely in charge of the people investigating crime in the first place, can become the most "Complete Criminal Organization in History" as described by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury in the Reagan Administration

I sat in a meeting one time with a senator from a tobacco growing state who told our influence group that had interests in the industry that he was forced to say things publicly to get elected that he would not live with privately and so we could trust him with our money. And I have been involved in writing laws to change industries. It is remarkably easy to do if you have money, know how to control the media, and have a really good PR firm. An example of good political PR is Bush calling the murder of Iraqi citizens and the theft of their oil Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Trump is a Republican and when Jeb Bush started playing tough guy Trump called him and his brother George out, definitely not part of the code when a member of the family is trying to blind the public with lies. Trump
said George Bush lied about Iraq which he did and no one else would admit it or discuss it. Yet Bush worked with Cheney to rob Iraq of its oil starting in 2001 as the links above show. And Bush and Cheney both started an organized campaign of state murder years before which was completely premeditated. Their war without cause is no different than your neighbor attacking your house and killing your family so they can steal your possessions. Its murder. Only Donald Trump dared to call Bush out on it when the greatest number of people in the world would notice it.

And something else most citizens are not aware of, George Bush, using Presidential signing statements, broadened his powers as President to eliminate the Constitutional protection of oversite of the Office to effectively allow the murder of Iraqis, authorize torture, and authorize spying on everyone to get data to control citizen behavior. 

Bush and Cheney have shown how to use
Presidential signing statements to turn the office of the President into a dictatorship without oversight. Using signing statements they can restrict access to the scheme to a limited number of individuals and let the rest walk around in the dark making noise of no substance and keeping the code. Now potentially anyone can get the keys. What happens if an outsider like Trump gets these keys and uses their power on the thugs that attacked him? Perhaps a President Trump could cite the GOP as a subversive organization of wealthy crooks corrupting elections and the government, and throw the whole bunch into Guantanamo to improve national security. He does not have to do anything to take the Press in with them. Obama has set the stage for that. Then he can make a deal with the US' current favorite dictator in waiting to come and torture the whole bunch.

His critics seem to think Trump is in office to steal like many of the rest of them. However their largess comes from oil, banking, pharmaceuticals, and so on. Real estate graft is harder to pull off because real estate is local to the communities affected, as Trump's problems with Mira Largo showed. Eventually Trump was forced to deal with the community. No, I think Trump's real score in running for President is his brand, and now his ego is on the line to try and help average citizens, boost the economy and deal with the immigration problem. If he is able to do so, he could walk away with the Trump brand and no one can accuse him of stealing anything.

However for the 1% that have pretty much got things working the way they want, and whose lives get richer every year regardless of what happens to everyone else, Trump is a dangerous wild card. Trained puppets like Cruz are a much safer bet. 

Now you may wail and moan and say oh my god, another Trump wacko supporter. Not so fast. Every credible study of citizens trusting government shows they do not and that they believe politicians are corrupt (see Index below map in the link). Trump appeals to the people who do not trust or like politicians and he mobilizes them, and for that reason, as crazy as it seems he could smack Clinton flat.

Unfortunately for the RNC, they have done everything in their power to kill off Trump to keep the protection scheme going and now they have no choice but to get rid of him just in case he gets in and gives them the well deserved revenge they have earned. The cleanest thing for them to do is blow up his plane with him on it, since that avoids the mess of a brokered convention. Look through the links at the end of this site in the attached document and you will quickly conclude that is not so far fetched.

The biggest thing
Clinton has going for her is that she is a woman. Everything else is a serious liability. It would be one thing if she was simply a woman scorned by a philandering husband who was desperately trying to do better and break the glass ceiling for everyone in her position. But if she is shown as a scheming, lying, and cheating politician, which she is, she has a much larger hill to climb. 

And as for the Pentagon, you only have to mention the $43 million gas station to rattle their fraud closet. How would you like a person in office who actually built something for his own personal gain and not to scam the public with, auditing Pentagon construction contracts? Thieves like
Leidos, formerly Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) a firm convicted of defrauding the City of New York of $550,000,000 in 2012 is now doing more than $6 billion dollars in contracts with the Department of Defense and also might have to start looking over its shoulder. Dig carefully and you will find SAIC/Leidos pulled another heist in California I think it was. 

The press cannot use a Get Out of Jail Free card for their role in letting this all happen. The attached article shows the US media called Trump's actions taboo. So now, the press is publicly defending speaking out about lying. Do you want to know why? (*if you have a problem with the "know why" link, try this one.) And here is where they are called out for it by Al Jazeera.

Bottom line, you have thugs in the Beltway, thugs that own the media and that corrupt and influence the news, a military establishment full of criminal psychopaths at the top, and a brash rich guy with some failed deals. What a lineup.


I have to talk about the RNC's latest attack dog Romney. Romney has an amazing track record of flip flopping and is a groomed, born and raised phony, and here is why I think he is. If you look up and spend a couple of hours reading about it, you will see the Mormon Church was founded by one Joseph Smith. 

Joseph Smith is one of the first guys claiming Godlike status that was capable of being fully investigated by the media back in the days when reporters actually meant something and cared to dig up facts. Think about having Megyn Kelly around when Jesus reached puberty. She is busy trying to make a name for herself with Fox by Camel and what if she stumbles across Jesus having a more than intimate relationship with sheep? That's pretty much the end of Christianity unless one of the Wise Men gets to her boss Rogerio Ben Ailes and kills the story. Otherwise who is going to listen to a guy
with small hands Megyn Kelly exposed had an unusual attraction to sheep? He had better be really belligerent.

These newspapers reported Joseph Smith and his father were regarded as con men and people of seriously questionable moral character (See the Mormon Delusion down the page and links).
Joseph Smith followed around a traveling water diviner and treasure seeker (snake oil salesman with sticks to keep the load light for quick escapes) who hustled people for $3 to find them a well or look for buried treasure on their property. When the diviner fleeced all the suckers in town he left. Joseph Smith liked what he was doing and studied it closely so he could do it himself. In the movie "The Sting" they called ripping people off grifting. Joseph Smith ended up criminally charged for his actions and was sued by a number of people that included his future father in law whose daughter Emma he eloped with. Smith was charged with "glass gazing."

Joe and the hat trickSmith spun a tale about golden plates he was divinely guided to find but no one else could look at or they would die. (See the Rural Repository newspaper Vol. XIX., Hudson, N. Y., November 5, 1842, No. 11.) Eventually the plates flew back up to heaven. Smith interpreted the messages on the plates by putting some magic rocks in his hat and burying his face in his hat. WTF! So when his head was in his hat he became divinely inspired? I wonder if he buried his head in a horse's ass if he could talk to animals like Doctor Doolittle? Seer stone

In any case, he was run out of town eventually and then finally shot. Reading through LDS documents you see their modern day leaders putting a spin on the arrest background attributing Smith's problems to an errant youth and that he eventually woke up and straightened out. 
Golden Plates Model
The images to the right show the Church's official image of Smith's seer stone, the magic stone that went into his hat he buried his face in, and the next image is a mock up of the golden plates from the Church along with a picture of a vintage metal arch file from the same period used to file papers I found on the web. I guess God shopped at a stationery supply store to make a file to hold all those plates.

Now here are a few more things of great interest. One is the fact that it came upon him that he should have multiple wives apparently starting with a young girl he took a liking to, even if they were married to someone else. It sounds like Warren Jeffs, another Mormon
who is doing life plus twenty in a federal penitentiary for child sexual assault, took his cues from Smith. So Smith cooked up a scheme to take these women and make them his wives and of course if anyone objected they would be banished. 

Secondly, blacks were prevented from achieving the highest levels in the Mormon Church and interracial marriage was discouraged. Since the GOP thought it appropriate to talk about the possibility that one of their candidates might have a small penis, it is now a valid discussion for their their attack dog and his background. Perhaps Joseph Smith had small hands and so of course Smith would ban black men from being prominent in his magic church just in case a bunch of the well hung, I mean big handed black studs, I
mean church members of a lower class, got in among all those Mormon women. After all, if the myths are true black men have really big hands and could easily handle all 10, 20 or 30 of their wives non stop, with the only problem being their scheduling, stamina or both. Myth has it they also like big butts, so no one would be left out. Remember Viagra was not invented yet and I am not sure if worn down big hands grow back like a beaver's teeth. Word is at one time Dennis Rodman would have been up for it along with half of the NBA.

So the Church elders liked to collect women, and make them subservient to their husbands, which seems eerily similar to the control Muslims like to have over their women. What is it with these guys? Are women some kind of currency these limp dicked little weasels have to hoard and dress up in the worst possible clothing so they don't attract attention. Or are you Mormon women really so promiscuous you have to be dressed in potato sacks and herded like goats for your husbands? Maybe someone should consider holding Spring Break in Utah.

Look at these three pictures and what do you see? You see the chattels all dressed up pretty much the same with every lord and master. Mitt has his collection in matching checked shirts for the boys and pretty matching dresses for the girls. In another picture they are dressed up the same in a different color. So much for freedom of thought Mitt. 

Joseph Smith wives and kids collectionSmith wives and kids collectors set

In any case, the church ended up having to ban polygamy and if you read through Church member's blogs you see a real effort to claim that was in the past, the Church changed, women were independent and free, and Warren Jeffs is not part of the Church, but some radical break away group. That in spite of the fact that he and others were adhering to Joseph Smith's divine revelations on polygamy. The ban came only when pressured by the law, and they also had to allow blacks in, but not until the end of the 70's. If you read their story, the Elders all prayed and thought on it and eventually God revealed to them they should do so. I guess getting their asses sued off and facing jail time had nothing to do with the flip becoming a flop.  Don't be so sure - when does the action of a state override the alleged word of God?  The flop here.  

So Mitt has a good history of understanding the grift, and the flip flop, since his Mormon background would have surely taught him all of these points very well, or at the very least that people will believe anything. From trying to cover up Joe Smith's conduct he has obviously learned a good story is critical.

First Mitt was an independent, then a Democrat challenging incumbent U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, who was seeking re-election for the sixth time and finally a Republican. Romney has had so many flip flops he has a flipflop website named after him. (UPDATE: The site may have expired so here it is through an Archive.) When he was a Democrat he thought allowing abortions in certain circumstances was OK, and he favored some form of universal health care. Flop, now he is against these things. So just like Joseph Smith, Mitt has learned to flip until he is caught and then he flops. But at least Mitt still matches his wives' and kids' clothes. Some things never change.

Next read Romney's bio in Wikipedia. It has been bleached squeaky clean. If he has a wart he talks about it. If you are going to lay a grift, you had better be clean. Romney has been polished so many times I am surprised he has any skin left.
Mitt, tell your kids they can think for themselves and don't have to wear the shirts.

So the RNC wants to use Romney to condemn Trump. Get serious RNC - you will have to do better than that. If Jesus had been documented by a Megyn Kelly I am sure the questions about him would swirl to this day.
It is possible Joe Smith became divinely inspired, but the hat, the magic stones, the gold plates that flew off to heaven, the flip flops on polygamy and blacks, have the earmarks of one big con. The only certainty however is that Mormonism seems to be one heck of a business and that will keep it going for a long time unless the sleep wears off. 

The Mormons made their own bed, and until they can burn all the history books, they are stuck with a spiritual leader who drew his inspiration from having his face in his hat. Maybe they should read Hans Christian Anderson.

So when you read my concerns about the government getting your data for behavior control and propaganda, and look at the magic stones in the hat trick, it should at least wake you up to the possibility you really need to protect yourself from those in authority having the ability to brainwash you with phony tales, especially when they control an army that can kill you or others in your name. The enemies they create then become your enemies and then they want to kill you too, creating a vicious circle. 

Fear of Trump

Trump is being ambushed because he washed some of the paint off the con mobile and because he knows how to listen to the masses. That is why he is so dangerous. Not one politician, member of the 1%, or the media wants a particularly active population that asks questions or votes in mass. They are just too messy to deal with. Trump needs them for retail branding, but no one else really wants anything to do with them other than just enough to put on a show at election time.

Bush, Rubio and Cruz were all paid for political finger puppets that were supposed to be in the fight. Trump blew that up in spite of their oozing political slime and big money influence, attacking Trump from their Christian point of view. I have read the the Bible enough times to know real Christians don't judge others nor do they behave like all of the candidates other than Kasich and Carson did on stage. Just in case you forgot, here is the scripture:

Matthew 7:1-3King James Version (KJV)
7    Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2     For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

With claims of the Bible being their moral authority, what are Cruz, Rubio and Romney doing as good Christians behaving like they have been? My view is that typical of any politician they will say whatever they have to say to get elected and when the gravy train is threatened they will fall into the gutter and sling mud just like the swine they accuse Trump of being. I won't waste your time going over what they said, and we all know what Trump said. As for Mitt, I don't know enough about what the Mormon Church bible inspired from stones in a hat says to do when the going gets tough, so perhaps Mitt is covered.

Of the remaining Trump competitors, only Kasich and Carson carried themselves with any Christian comport if that is what they were doing. That alone tells you something. I can't vouch for Kasich or Carson since I don't know anything about either, but on stage the difference alone was striking and if it was due to the fact that they were being Christian, then Cruz and Rubio aren't it. 

Now that is not to say I think you should endorse either of them, now only Kasich since Carson dropped out. Both appear on the face of it to be far more decent people than Cruz, Rubio or Romney. In another time, its possible either or them could make great Presidents. But right now you are dealing with some serious lowlifes in the Beltway swamp, and you need a real tough SOB to clean things up. 

The founding fathers warned you this day would come and most likely thought your right to bear arms would help.  Unfortunately the traitors that have hijacked the constitution anticipated that move and will definitely kill you. Trump is the closest thing to an atomic weapon you have and you should use him.   

How Can Trump Do It

It is absolute nonsense that Trump should present a firm plan for anything at this point. Trump has enough of a track record and is smart enough to hire great people, once he knows he will not get sandbagged at the convention. There are tons of brilliant people in the world to choose from and they are blocked from getting involved by the underbosses and the Consiglieres in either party.  If you read the story of Howard Hughes getting involved in the casino business in Vegas, you quickly learn he was one of the first owners to ever declare a casino's true earnings, which was the beginning of the end of mob control. My relative that bought Bowie says he was asked by Hoover to get involved for a similar reason.

In my view politics as usual in the US is like mafia control of Vegas. It took a complete eccentric like Hughes to blow the whole thing up, and it will probably take a guy like that to blow up political mafia control of the US administrations. To me, Trump is the closest thing to it only because he is not currently on the take and is a loudmouth. All of the knives in his back should make him as dangerous as a wounded bear. Unfortunately your vote may not count for anything among the back room double dealing crooks in the GOP, which have their equivalence in the Democrats. You can move mountains by voting for Trump in every state coming, including Florida and should do so quickly to have your voice heard. If it looks like he will get sandbagged at the convention, then you should take immediate action against the party, and if the threat looms that the Democrats win, it is entirely the party's fault. 
Powell Candy

If he were to get into office the GOP's conduct is enough of a reason to use a signing statements to investigate them as a subversive hate group (they hate average citizens, poor people, businesses now legally classified as people that don't pay them off, anyone in the world that is not bowing to America and Muslims). He should be able to order the NSA to grant his operatives data on every guy in the room like I know Hoover was able to do, and if nothing else beat these guys senseless. Walk around Georgetown with someone on the inside and in the back of the restaurants with guards on the doors you will spot Senators as old as moses with their hands all over their pretty young clerks. Someone must have a franchise on slobber proofing their dresses. Slobbergard instead of Scotchgard. My bet is Chris Cristie would decimate the SOBs. 

The picture to the right is of Corina Cretu, a European politician the squeaky clean and "most honorable guy anyone knows" Colin Powell was exchanging intimate emails with for 10 years until a hacker cracked his email. You can be sure the NSA and GHCQ have the same data.

Trump having access to these secrets is a real problem for the political mafia. Powell was displayed in front of the entire world as a highly respected person of authority claiming Iraq had WMD.  Powell was a lying sack of garbage.  Now we know Powell could not keep his dick in his pants. If the guy will deceive his wife, you have to figure the world is not that much more of a stretch.  The fact that she is attractive and a very Utah blond is probably just an accident, but she is also a senior official in a foreign government. 

The point is, an outsider has all kinds of leverage the boys in the club live in fear of.  A real SOB can make things happen if he uses the power he has access to.  Hoover hung on for years for precisely the reason Powell would have been better off playing with himself.

Trump is also not in the oil business. He does not have to go around the world murdering people for their oil.  Fracking created energy independence in the US.  

Third, the threats from Russia, Iran, China and everyone else are the wet dreams of the guys that want to burn up billions of dollars of your money for bombs so they can sell you more. Its all BS. The US has the largest military arsenal on the face of the earth. Nobody can attack mainland USA and win or so we are told. Not possible. One button push can shut out the lights on everyone and they all know it. Read enough about it and you quickly realize the
corrupt military establishment is responsible for more of the wars in the world than any other nation. War is their business and lack of war is like drought to California gardeners.

The military industrial complex deliberately creates enemies and every bomb they drop puts the nation in debt. I am only guessing at the numbers, but I would be willing to bet if the money spent on half the bombs that were dropped by the military over the past thirty years was in the bank, the US would have no debt, and could give everyone in the nation health care. But someone with the time can fact check it, if the real numbers are not classified so you can't find them, another BS con game. Trump as President can get them.

As an example, Iran made a deal and the losers who want to start wars say Iran is up to something. How about trying to live without constant war? Maybe these guys should try it sometime. Its not fun having your loved ones beaten and murdered. 

Its time to make deals and stay home. Trump will make those deals which terrifies the idiots that profit dropping bombs.

What Next?

I think what we are witnessing is is desperation and horrific political corruption doing everything in its power to get rid of an outsider and Trump gives them more ammunition than they need to attack him.  In poring through historical files, declassified documents and articles written, I have yet to find any evidence except in a few rare cases, that politicians are interested in citizens.

Trump's University and bankruptcies are non issues, and here is why. The following is a tiny list of companies not owned by Trump that all went bankrupt. Billions were lost and investors across the board lost out. An examination of all them is the only way to look at Trump's record in fairness. This battle is not about fairness however, it is about protecting a class of people that have been able to rig the game against citizens for years.

General Motors
The Texas Rangers The Chicago Cubs
Marvel Sbarro
Six Flags Entertainment The Pittsburgh Penguins
Texaco Inc. Washington Mutual
Lehman Brothers Holdings Delta Airlines
Refco Inc. Conseco Inc.
UAL Corp. WorldCom
Global Crossing Ltd. Pacific Gas & Electric
Delphi IndyMac Bancorp

Business bankruptcies are entirely regulated by the government and the courts there are serious offenses for lying about assets and liabilities and where the money went. That is a businessman's obligation. Now let us look at the politician's approach to bankruptcy. The largest bankruptcy fraud in history was the Wall Street corruption of 2007 2008. Trillions disappeared and in the aftermath there were no serious investigations and only token prosecutions in the most glaring cases, and you the public paid the bill while the top crooks got huge bonuses and government jobs. This group is now funding Rubio, Cruz and Clinton. That is a politician's version of bankruptcy. Unregulated, unaccounted for, and unexplained.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to investigate government corruption, their use of pretexts to start wars militarily or financially, and few people are highly skilled enough to provide a systematic analysis of how our economies are managed to detect willful and deliberate distortions of the system to benefit insiders. I am most fortunate to understand behavior control and am entirely within my element on that topic.

I will not be commenting on Trump's small hands issues, but Bill Clinton extended his "short fingers" with a cigar, so perhaps Donald Trump can roll up some one hundred dollar bills if he actually needs to. Who knows, but his plane and boat are definitely serious limb extenders.

With regards to Trump facing Hillary Clinton, I have no doubt Trump, as impolite and boorish as he has been accused, will throw the sink at her. If everything written about Hillary and Bill is true, and there are way more knowledgeable people than I am on the subject, she is a walking jail sentence and it will take Obama to pardon her to clean up her act. But that only solves her legal problems, she is still a politician through and through the average person is well aware we do not need any more of those.

In my opinion, as rude and crude as Donald Trump stands accused, if a bully was beating my mother and family up, I would count more on him having my back than any of these political flakes and money men that own them, before anyone else. But you figure it out for yourse

As for me, I wrote this on my own and without support from Trump or anyone else. If I can help to get a real anti establishment bully baiter elected you can ask him to give my grandkids a ride in Air Force One, or his plane which is probably fancier. 

Finally, attached is a list of links I am reviewing and commenting on to confirm everything I have cited in this document and my main site http://theforce.space