Youth, Privilege, Preppies and the Kavanaugh Conundrum

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. There is no current statute of limitation for the offenses Kavanaugh is accused of in Maryland today, but there could have been depending on when they occurred in the past. Initially, it was suggested a simple way to depoliticize the battle over the nomination of political appointees or anyone for that matter would be for accusers to file a complaint with their local police, in the case of Brett Kavanaugh would have been the Maryland Police.

It is possible that in the course of investigations those that may have direct personal knowledge of the affairs and now have have daughters,
granddaughters or their male counterparts would realize they have to speak up if they want to effect real changes in society. The Kavanaugh nomination is moving to closure, at least as to whether or not he will be elevated to the Supreme Court, and it appears certain that depending on the outcome of the midterms and 2020 elections, he could be in for a continuing rough ride.

However there is a far greater lesson from the entire affair, and that is our own personal behavior. Kavanaugh's and Blasey Ford's year books as well as their personal conduct among their peers, even though it was 36 years ago provide an important lesson in todays hyper partisan and wired world. What you do at any time in your life, as a young person, teen or adult can be dredged up and used to manipulate and threaten you.

The Heads of Christine Blasey-Ford's and Brett Kavanaugh's schools among others warned parents in 1990 that "excessive drinking and sexual license are common" at unsupervised weekend parties and may cause numerous problems.

All the lawyers involved in the Kavanaugh nomination understood accusations have to be proven which is why the one side that lacked corroborating evidence and the other side that was afraid there might be some preferred to replace a court of law with the court of public opinion.  Their example confirms none of us need rely on the courts any longer, saving us billions in legal fees.  All we have to do now is get a soapbox.

"Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” - Martin Luther King Jr..


The Holton-Arms yearbooks were erased from the web. They were recovered in the link.  Hard copies surely can be found, but even the small number of marginally redacted pages in the link give an idea of the way some girls from the wealthy, all girls enclave spent at least some of their extracurricular activities.

Several quotes from pages the yearbooks point to their interest in boys, partying and excessive drinking, although not all girls would be involved.
The idea of an all girls school is that the girls can focus strictly on their educational pursuits without having to compete with boys in a school setting. This separation does not adequately prepare them for the challenges of dealing with boys in a sexually charged and alcohol and drug fueled party environment outside the protective walls of Holton-Arms.

The thousands of
postings of images and videos of spring break on YouTube show young women and men engaged in behavior that certainly will expose them to untoward situations. Anyone who has participated in these type of alcohol and drug infused events is well aware that people can get so drunk or stoned they don't remember anything about what has taken place. It's a problem, and I would have to guess is magnified with girls who are somewhat more sheltered than those with deal with it every day.  It has the potential to be dangerous no matter where it happens. When self control is gone its gone. 


Being in these situations does not excuse bad behavior, but it looks like telling our teens they should not binge drink and behave the way they are doing in the huge number of Spring Break posts on YouTube and documented in Holton-Arms' and Georgetown Prep's yearbooks does not work.  Did it ever work for us when we were that age no matter what economic strata of society we were in?

It is clear as parents we should be pointing out to our children the damage they can do to themselves, their friends, and their futures if they participate in these activities.  Hormones, libido, drugs and booze are an extremely damaging combination if you want to maintain full control of your life. If nothing else, the entire tale of the Kavanaugh appointment to the Supreme Court is instructive on the dangers
of mixing them together. Not only does it potentially expose them to loss of self respect, confidence, and a part of their life they can never recover, the chatter about it among their peers, now social media can destroy them forever.

Taking it one step further, when their behavior gets mixed up in their career path there are so many ways for their conduct to be dragged through the mud and politicized, permanent damage to their futures and those around them can occur. One unintended consequence of someone supporting Kavanaugh or
Christine Blasey Ford is the fallout from friends if they do. If they support Ford, there is a significant number of people that will brand them as liars and troublemakers for ruining a person's life. If they support Kavanaugh then the opposite side of the partisan divide will make their lives hell. It is a no win situation.

If there is any beneficial takeaway from this its simply to make notes of behavior that may end up being a problem and share the information with others.  Remember the Comey notes from his conversations with Trump.  The notes are self serving but they may be extremely valuable in the future to protect yourself.  Its unfortunate we live in that kind of world today, but doing so may make it extremely dangerous for scofflaws to behave badly, especially when enough of them get caught to make bad behavior impermissible.

When we look at it strictly from the perspective of
Christine Blasey Ford, something extremely unsettling allegedly happened to her. That damage is not easily repaired if it ever can be. Worse yet, it would appear she may have had a beer and was in harms way, and because of the state of the world, people may not be willing to defend her. Another problem is the fact that without corroborating evidence, she cannot press charges against her assailant due to lack of evidence and the passage of time. Even in Maryland where there is apparently no statute of limitations she still will need something better than hearsay evidence. Perhaps some people who were there will be willing to put the truth above their careers. 


Kavanaught YearbookKavanaugh's yearbook page is filled with cryptic messages that are personal to the circle of friends he had. Without someone who knows exactly what they mean decrypting them is anyone's guess. All kinds of speculation and interesting characters will emerge to decode them, for whatever reasons can be inferred about their motives.

In the world of information we live in now, clearly its better to keep this stuff to yourself or else be fully prepared to defend or disclaim it. The Holton-Arms and Georgetown Prep yearbooks are the much older equivalent of Facebook, except that Facebook and other social media are far more accessible and accessible by all kinds of bad actors, including employers, the government, people with an axe to grind, and on and on. Forget their lies about site security and privacy, your information is not and never will be secure. Don't use the sites for anything.

Kavanaugh's television interview with his wife on Fox, if nothing else shows skill in creating a hard to attack script leaving few openings for questions and overturning the story. There are however a lot of lingering questions that if ever answered fully could undermine the credibility of the judge and the party nominating the judge. Removal of a judge who lied is technically but not practically possible.

If the judge has been found to have lied at any time, or anyone in a position of power and influence for that matter, different steps have to be taken. Although removal may not happen, there are other options longer term.

Nothing is final in a world in which everyone's lives matter. Even if it comes out years later it is valuable from the perspective of permanently damaging trust in the people and institutions responsible. The damaged trust can be used to overturn the election of people supporting this conduct, and longer turn to undermine the process used to elect and protect these people in the first place.

When people in power and the institution they represent lose all credibility they have to be removed.  If they do not, we will end up in a situation of living in a wholly corrupt state. You see that time and again in the news in other countries in which the people are poor, disadvantaged, corralled like animals in cultures in which they are powerless. In the meantime the rich and powerful live completely separate lives and are protected by corrupt and spineless police and military forces who justify their behavior because they need the pay.


The following people and organizations raise questions about Kavanaugh, in addition to the allegations of participating in or being witness to questionable sexual conduct against women. If he is lying, or refusing to tell the truth about things then he should not sit on the bench. 

Being part of the close knit community at Georgetown Prep however does not automatically make Kavanaugh guilty of participating any more than the girls who detractors would like to accuse of being too drunk to remember. Its worth it to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and dig deeper

Kavanaugh's greatest sin may be rigid adherence to a particular philosophy others do not like and wanting to fit in, from school to the Republican administrations he served. Sometimes your loyal associations can tar you with the same brush.

Yale University - the DKE fraternity
DKE Brothers and sexual assault

Yale students found to be sexual assailants return to campus
Yale Women’s Center Board Members: Responding maturely to misogyny
The too old to prosecute excuse

Amnesty International - Human rights concerns and participation in the Bush Administration approval of the use of torture

ACLU - Originalist view of the Constitution, Roe v. Wade

Kavanaugh's role in George Bush's use of signing statements.  "George Bush raised nearly 1,400 constitutional objections to roughly 1,000 provisions of statutes he was nonetheless signing into law. Some of these signing statements complained that Congress’s requirements of executive branch reports could interfere with the President’s recommendations power, that Congress’s specifications of factors to be considered in administrative decision making could interfere with the President’s supervisory powers over the executive branch, and even that statutory protections for military lawyers giving their superiors independent legal advice could interfere with the President’s charge to take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

Kavanaugh's possession and review of stolen Miranda documents.

The extent of Presidential Power - the Nixon Tapes


Blasey Ford did not go to the police or FBI to investigate the matter, she went to a Democrat. She must be a masochist or really naive. It is clear how that is turning out.  The Democrats outed Ford even when she asked not to be and are now using her for their own political purposes. That's like being raped too. One more reason to never trust a politician. Any of them. If you are siding with one side because you don't like the other guys you are being as dumb as getting blotto drunk. The whole deal is a feeding frenzy. An additional problem is one of combining historical abuse with current day revenge.  The passage of time is not kind to support from friends.  Better to address problems when they occur, no matter how hurt or embarrassed you might feel. Drinking, even to excess, does not excuse abuse or a crime.

You also have to ask yourself if it was your son or daughter being accused, rightly or wrongly, would you want an automatic conviction in the court of partisan public opinion, or something more just? Somewhere in all of this there has to be a way of getting out the truth as respectfully as possible to lessen the damage done to the victims while also not damaging the accused if the accusation is inaccurate or wrong for any reason


A significant part of the problem of the treatment of women is religion. Women have throughout history been relegated by religions to second class status.

We allow religions to promote a view of women that they are less than men and accept the idea that God will punish us if we challenge the teachings.  Let's wait and see if God shows up to punish all of the perverts in the Catholic Church that are now being outed.  My bet is she, he, or it won't show up, won't strike them down with lightning bolts, plagues or floods and the Pope will cook up a cover story like a politician protecting his job. 

Religious leaders are subject to no exceptions because they profess platitudes about goodness, kindness, God's love.