Fair Use

I know you know everything, but I just thought I would talk to you for a bit just in case you have a lot on your plate right now and are not paying particular attention to what is going on here.  The world is going crazy about one of our brothers being elected to help run America.   Unfortunately a lot of our family does not like him because he said some not nice things about girls and members of our family who have different views on what they think you told them to believe in, which has created a lot of division among us.

I am not sure why you did it, but all of our family having different colors, shapes and sizes makes our world an interesting, diverse and a wonderful place to be alive in, but everyone has so many different ideas about you guys and what they should believe, there is a lot of confusion and fights about it, as I know you know.  

Since your kids have been fighting over this issue for pretty much all of recorded history, do you think you made a mistake by not telling everyone the same story, or did some of our brothers and sisters just mess that up and make up their own?

I still don’t get the idea that saying your daughters came from a man’s rib or that we must be obedient to men has helped us.  It has resulted in a lot of confusion.  I don’t feel inferior to my brothers, but a lot of them seem to think less of us because we are girls.  Mom and Dad, if it’s OK with you, I am just not going to think that way anymore.  It’s probably not your fault (I know it isn’t) and is just something we have to learn for ourselves.

You brought us up to be just like you, I know our brother Jesus said that a long time ago, and so I get that and I am just going to fix the things you left us to figure out on our own.  Thanks for teaching us to think for ourselves and to build on what you started up and have let evolve.

At one time it was not obvious to any of us that we were powerful enough like you to change the entire earth.  Because we did not know we could do it, we have nearly killed it and each other.  It is wonderful you gave us such immense power; I think it just caught most of us by surprise.  Now that we know we have the power to create and change life like that I want to make sure all of us kids know how to use it. 

One last thing I would like to tell you I finally figured out.  I remember when you said not to listen to the snake in the orchard and eat the apples from the knowledge of good and evil tree.  But gee Mom and Dad, they looked so delicious, and we wanted to be just like you guys.  It did not occur to us then that eating the apple did not make us smart like you, which we hoped for.

It was only when we began to stop thinking like kids that we figured out you were not saying that eating the fruit would make us know good and evil. Since you made everything, the fruit/result of us trying to judge everything you made as either good or evil created a real mess, and from that point on it was all downhill. 

Doing so trapped us in a place where we stopped trying to look at everything you made with an open mind and try to understand why you made it in the first place and what we could do with it in the future.  It got really tricky when one of us was called the devil, the evil one, or whatever.  Since everything came from you guys, I could never understand why you would want our little baby brothers and sisters to face such a scary idea.  Now I get it, but I had to look up one of your hints to make sure I did.

 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. - Romans 14:14

Now that I have that off my chest Mom and Dad, I feel better.  I know everything we live and move and have our being in has a purpose and counts.

Thanks Mom & Dad, I love you.  Your daughter Melissa.